Perfect Risk (Mason Creek Book 1)

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Perfect Risk (Mason Creek Book 1) Page 18

by C. A. Harms

  “Hello sweetheart.” Beth leaned in and offered me a gentle hug, avoiding my sore arm and bandaged shoulder. “How are you feeling today?”

  “Good, thank you.” Better now that I had someone other than myself or Gus to talk to. The days that Wyatt was on shift at the station and then afterward had several side jobs to finish up where long, long days.

  “We brought you lunch.” Mabel held up a bag from Wren’s cafe and instantly my mouth began to water. “Wyatt said their cheddar soup and club sandwich were you favorites.”

  Mabel and Beth walked to the kitchen and I ensured that the front door was latched before following them. The conversation was easy, the two of them already treated me like family and it warmed my heart. Almost as if I’d always been a part of Wyatt’s life and I loved how easy things were with them.

  “I found this at this when I went to Dallas and I couldn’t resist.” Mabel offered me a small bag and I already knew without looking that it was something for the baby. Reaching inside I pulled out a pale green onesie with black lettering.

  The words, my daddy is a police officer, messing with me could be a dangerous choice, written on the front with handcuffs hanging off the r of the word officer. It was adorable, and could be unisex, if matched with the right things.

  “How cute.” My little one already had a good abundance of clothes building up. I’ll admit I’ve found myself shopping online while being stuck at home and baby clothes are almost impossible to resist.

  “I thought that it could be good for a boy or girl.” Mabel smiled. “I had to stop myself at just one because quite frankly I could have dropped an entire year’s worth of pay in that one place. There were so many different options.”

  “Well, I think this is perfect, thank you.”

  The three of us sat down at the table and shared lunch together, laughing and talking about Wyatt and Will when they were babies. I knew when the time came I wanted to know what we were having but Wyatt had this bright idea of waiting so we could be surprised. We’d battle it out and most likely I would win, but I’ll admit part of me wants to give him this one.

  The excitement in his eyes when he talks about the baby is memorizing, the join his eyes, the way he smiles, made me love him so much more. I never thought that was possible.

  After the two of them left and I cleaned everything up, I went to the bedroom and climbed in bed. Gus wasted no time climbing up beside me and I allowed him too, because Wyatt wasn’t there to fill the space. When he was he made Gus sleep in his own bed at the foot of ours and I felt terrible about it. Prior to me moving in Gus occupied the space I now have.

  In no time at all, I faded away and Gus too was snoring at my side.

  Chapter Forty-One


  * * *

  “If I ask her now, I feel like she’ll think I’m doing it because she’s pregnant.” Anna stared at me as if she was thinking over my words. “You know she will.”

  “Maybe you’re right.” My heart felt like it sank. I wanted to marry Sadie, hell I knew I wanted to spend my life with her after the first time she looked up at me with those beautiful chocolate eyes of hers and smile. It was like something shifted inside of me and I was sank.

  “So what do I do now, wait?”

  “Or you could just be honest and tell her that you’ve been thinking about it for weeks.”

  Anna knew Sadie better than anyone, I understood that there were things I’d never understand and things that only the two of them could share. Which is the exact reason why I stopped by the salon to talk to her. I’d been holding onto a ring for weeks now, trying to decide if asking Sadie to marry me would the one thing that had her running for the mountains. Then after her accident and the news that we were going to be parents I wondered if she’d fear that was the reason being my proposal. The truth is baby or no baby I’d wanted her as my wife.

  “I think I would have married her after our first date.” And that was the truth.

  “Then tell her that,” Anna reached out and patted my arm. “She loves you, and she’s happier than I have ever seen her before. She was never content in LA, I know she always tried to convince us all that things were great but Sadie is too easy to read. Being away from Mason Creek was never what she truly wanted, she just felt like to find herself she had to leave. I always knew she’d come back and when she did, when she ran in to you that day outside of Java something flipped inside of her. I sat back and watched, waited knowing already that even though she fought it she still felt something for you, even if it was hidden beneath all that hurt. You were her first love Wyatt, and the timing may have been off back then but I honestly believe without a single doubt in my mind that you’ve been her only love. So go get the girl, and stop worrying so much about her dying no or thinking the worst. Because being with you, loving you, it’s easy for her, and it’s what she wants. Don’t doubt it, embrace it.”

  Anna turned away from me and walked back to her station leaving me alone with the words I hadn’t expected her to share. Anna is always sassy and to be honest I rarely know when the woman is being serious. But just then she floored me with the advice I’d needed more than anything else.

  Pulling up in the driveway I gathered my thermos and cooler from the passenger seat and walked toward the back door. Gus waited for me just inside and began jumping up on me for attention.

  “He just went out fifteen minutes ago,” Sadie’s voice echoed down the hallway.

  Taking off my shoes and coat, I moved down the hall and found Sadie standing near the kitchen sink. The smell of something cooking filtrated my senses and my stomach growled. This was the life I wanted, coming home to find my girl looking comfortable in our home. Our kids playing in the living room with Gus standing guard.

  “Something smells good.” Rounding the island in the middle of the kitchen I placed my hand on the small of her back. Turning her face toward me I kissed her lips and hugged her from her good side. I know that the stitches have healed, and the ache in her arm and shoulder has subsided but I still can’t stop myself from being gentle with her.

  “I’ve had a roast in the oven all afternoon, it should be just about ready.”

  “I could have picked something up.” I’d sent my mother and Aunt over here earlier today to bring her lunch and to check on her. I knew she’d be okay but being pinned up in the house day after day was getting to her. She’d be going back to work soon, but I was still terrified to loosen the reins. At least inside, curled up in bed or on the couch I knew she was safe.

  I’ve relived the night of her accident every day since it happened and the idea of losing her, it crippled me.

  “I can cook dinner Wyatt.” Turning her body to face me she reached up and wrapped her arms around my shoulders. Her cast made it difficult to hold on to me the way I knew she wanted to. “And I can do other things too.” Pressing the front of her body to mine I slid my arms completely around her and took the kiss she was offering.

  Backing her up, she bumped against the side of the refrigerator and I gripped her hips lifting her up. Immediately her legs encircled my waist and I began walking toward our bedroom. Kicking the door shut behind me I lowered her to the mattress and carefully covered her body with my own. Careful not to put too much weight on her I moaned when she began to rub me through my jeans.

  “I’m not gonna break Wyatt,” she whispered near my ear before biting and sucking on my earlobe. “Stop treating me like glass.”

  Quickly we both began removing the items that separated us and when all the was left was my boxers I took a moment to appreciate the gorgeous woman that lay beneath me willing and ready to give herself to me.

  I’d never been so desperate for anyone before in my life. Like I needed her to breath, she was my lifeline.

  “Please.” She looked up at me through lust filled eyes.

  Pushing down my boxers I kicked them off and then positioned myself, slowly sliding inside of her. Sadie’s back arched and I leaned in to cover
her nipple, sucking and driving her even more. She began to move against me taking what she needed. She was incredible for so many different reasons but times like these, they were when I was able to see her vulnerable and needy for me.

  Without waiting any longer I began to move, slow and purposefully. Her eyes rolling back, her lips parting. Her body already reacting as she began to tighten around me. Incredible, the way we knew what the other was needing without being told. Driving into her, she gripped my shoulder and my name fell from her lips as she ignited, taking my breath away.

  Chasing my own release and moved, matching her own thrusts and within seconds I spiraled out of control, my entire body shivering with pleasure.

  Together we both breath heavy, me still hovering above her, her eyes closed, her chest moving rapidly while trying to slow her breathing. This woman was the better part of me, she made me feel like there was nothing I couldn’t do or be. I was my best when I was with Sadie, I felt unstoppable.

  With dinner finished and the dishes down we lay on the couch watching television. The room was dark, with only the flashing of the television lighting the area. I was tucked into the corner, her body resting between my legs, her back pressed to my chest. I had long ago stopped watching what was playing and instead, I watched her. The reflection of the screen dancing over the lenses of her glasses that she wore at night. Her hair piled on top of her head in a messy bun and no presence of makeup on her face.

  She was the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen.

  “Marry me,” the words fell from my lips before I had the chance to second guess myself.

  I saw the way her forehead wrinkled as she turned to look up at me. She held my gaze, saying nothing and I was unable to read what it was that was rolling around in her mind.

  “Not because we’re having a baby, not because I feel like it’s something we should do, but because I can’t imagine my life without you be my side. Because I’m so in love with you that having you as my wife is all I can think about and because I’d be the luckiest man to have you share my last name.”

  “Wyatt,” the way she whispered my name still gave me no insight on her thoughts and the idea that she was just about to tell me no sent me into a tailspin. I moved my body out from behind hers, making sure to not shift her around too much.

  Then I knelt down beside her where I could now see her clearly.

  “Say something, baby.” Part of me wanted to grab ahold of her and hold her close, because I was scared I was freaking her out but I remained where I was. Her eyes looked glossy as the television flashed from scene to scene.

  “People will think—”

  “I only care what you think,” nothing else mattered. “We know what we are, you know that I love you and that there is nothing that I wouldn’t do for you. So whatever others think means nothing to me, only you.”

  She nodded but still said nothing.

  I stood and hurried to the bedroom, searching for the ring I’d hide in the back of my closet weeks ago. Quickly returning to the living room I took a chance and asked her once more. Getting down on my knees in front of her I took her hand in mine, and slid as close to her as I could get.

  “Marry me.” I held out the now opened ring box and she looked down, her eyes growing wide in amazement. “There isn’t anything I want more than to see you walking down the aisle toward me and hearing the words you can now kiss your bride. Marry me, Sadie.”

  “Yes.” One word that changed my life forever.

  I was just a small town guy, but I felt like I was the king of the world. Sadie Michaels was the love of my life and I knew this was just our beginning. She’d given me everything I could have ever dreamed of and now I would do all I could to ensure she had all her dreams come true.

  Next in Mason Creek Series

  Perfect Song by Lauren Runow


  You can’t help who you fall in love with, even when he’s fifteen years older and from the hometown you swore you’d never go back to. Life has a weird way of pointing you in the right direction when you least expect it. Tucker is my healer, my savior, but when he needs help will he let me be the same for him?


  Will (Wyatt’s Younger Brother)

  * * *

  I sat in the corner, holding a bottle of beer in my hand unable to hold back the happiness I felt for my brother. He’d found the perfect girl and she was now his wife. I couldn’t help thinking of my father, and how proud he’d be of my brother.

  I’d been a mess since his death, telling myself every day I’d wake up tomorrow and I’d fight to be a better man. But then another day would came and I’d fall into the same pattern of fucking things up and feeling like shit knowing that I’d once again disappointed my father.

  Wyatt was the good son, the one with his head on straight. He was determined and trustworthy and I was the mess. I’d always felt like I was the one to let my parents down, always getting in to trouble, letting my wants override everything else. I was selfish.

  “They look so happy,” I shifted in my chair and looked to my right, not realizing until then that I wasn’t alone. A cute blond sat near me, staring out to the dance floor where my brother spun his new bride around the dance floor. She had that look in her eyes that all women get when there at weddings. The lovesick, dreamy look.

  I recognized her as the girl that worked at the shop with Sadie, but for the life of me I couldn’t remember her name.

  “I need another drink,” she stood quickly and moved away from the table before I had the chance to respond. I watched her walk away feeling my body react instantly to the sway of her hips and the way her tight dress formed to her body. She was thin, but had the perfect curves hips and her ass, damn it was calling out to me.

  I stood, my feet moving in the direction she’d gone and the thought of me creating yet another mess flashed in my mind.

  I’ll be a better man tomorrow.

  Because tonight she was all I could focus on.

  Stepping up beside her I watched her as she waited for the bartender to hand her a drink. Immediately bringing it to her lips she took a healthy swallow and then looked over at me, her lips curving into an alluring smile. “Do you need another?”

  “I’m good, thanks,” but I’d be even better if she moved a little closer. I hadn’t even touched this beauty yet and my entire body felt like it was on fire.

  “I tend to say and do a lot of things I shouldn’t when I’ve been drinking.” She confessed and I held her gaze hoping I’d be one of those things she did.

  There were a few people waiting behind us to get up to the bar so I reached out and took her hand leading her away from the bar. The space was darkened, and hidden by the sheer fabric’s hanging from the rafters that decorated the hall where the reception was taking place. I hadn’t planned it that way but found it was secluded and fitting for the thoughts rolling around in my mind.

  “I’m Miley by the way,” she lifted her drink again and took a sip, starting at me still.


  “I know,” she lowered her drink. “You’re Wyatt’s brother. I’ve seen you around the shop a few times and the pictures that Sadie has in the has too.” I let her talk, loving what the sound of her voice was doing to me. “I’m still sorta new in town and don’t have many friends. Wow, that sounds pathetic,” she lifted her hand and pressed her fingers to her lips. “What I meant was a that I haven’t met that many people, well besides Tate but I’m always afraid of what I might say in front of her that I shouldn’t. Next thing I know I’ll have my words become the next headline in her newest article and that could be the kiss of death in a small town. I can see it now…new girl in town admits that she’s only ever been with one man and it was a disaster.”

  Suddenly Miley’s eyes widen in shock and she looked embarrassed. “See, right there,” she throws her hand up in the air and I took the glass from her other, placing it on the table at our side.

  “One man huh?”
I said in a low tone and watched as her gaze fell to my lips and she licked her own. When she nodded I took a step toward her, closing the distance between us. “How was it such a disaster?”

  I grip her hip and pull her body to mine, her chest now pressed to mine.

  “I’m socially stunted and unless I am drinking I’m a mute.” Her honesty was refreshing. “He never wanted to take me anywhere so when he found a more appealing candidate, he dropped me on my ass.”

  “The guy must be an idiot.”

  “Or a genius,” she mumbled. “I am awkward and that’s a turn off, I know.”

  “Do I seem turned off?” I pushed against her and her lips parted. “I can assure you that I’m most definitely intrigued.”

  “Because I’m tipsy.”

  “Because you’re beautiful,” Miley pressed her lips together, staring at me as if she didn’t believe what I’d just told her. “It’s his loss,” and may gain.

  I moved in closer and the second my lips touched hers I felt like I’d been jolted by an electric shock. Miley wrapped her arms around my neck, rubbing her body against mine in a way that had I not been holding on to her so tight I would have buckled to the floor. The sound of her moaning as I slid my tongue over hers made me so hard it was painful.

  Backing her up to the wall, I shifted my hips, rubbing through our close and applying pressure to the exact spot I was aiming for. Miley gasped and I did it again, imagining what it would be like if I’d had her out of her dress.

  The sound of my name hit me and I turned to find my brother standing just outside of the darkened corner I’d managed to get Miley into. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?”

  “What does it look like I’m doing,” well that was before I was interrupted.


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