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Fournicopia Page 4

by Delilah Devlin

  Beau lifted his chin to point toward the pretty bartender with the blue streak in her hair. “Marti looks happy.”

  Jackson grunted. “That’s because she is.”

  “What’s the matter with you?”

  “A little problem regarding expectations.”

  Beau grinned, white teeth flashing. “We set the bar too high?”

  Jackson rolled his eyes then sat forward. A sure sign he wanted to talk about his pre-marital issues. “She’s looking for new adventures.”

  Mondo cleared his throat.

  Jackson gave Mondo a searing glare. “I am not takin’ her to La Forge.”

  Mondo flashed a quick grin. “Bring her to watch. No more. She might be inspired.”

  Jackson sighed. “It’s not like things aren’t great, but sometimes she gets this look in her eyes. Like she’s remembering it.”

  Soft chuckles circled the table. Gus knew none of them was likely to ever forget the lengths they’d gone to help Marti check off every naughty item on her sexual bucket list.

  Jackson cleared his throat. “If I bring her there, would you guys make sure she doesn’t get into any trouble?”

  Mondo’s smile stretched. “Amigo, we’ll make sure she doesn’t get into any more trouble than she can handle.”

  “Not the answer I wanted. But we’re not here to talk about my love life.” Jackson’s head swiveled toward Gus. “I hear you’ve got a new girlfriend.”

  “She’s not my girlfriend.” Gus bit back the rest of what he’d wanted to say. Not yet, anyway. He worried he might have blown it last Friday, breaking too many rules for her to want to bother with his ass again.

  Mondo chuckled. “I think things went very well.”

  Gus raked a hand through his short-cropped hair. “I think I blew it. I took over.”

  “You topped from the bottom?” Mondo shrugged. “There are no hard-and-fast rules when it’s one-on-one and personal, Gus. You followed your instincts.”

  “She couldn’t get away fast enough.”

  “You surprised her. Now she needs to think about what happened. Process. And she did tell you to be there again tomorrow night. So you didn’t blow it.”

  “About that…” Gus grimaced. “What do you think she’s gonna do?”

  “My guess is she will punish you as a way to take back control and remind you who’s in charge.”

  “Punish me?” Gus’s cheeks heated. Partly embarrassed, and partly because he remembered how deliciously tender his ass had felt for days after their last session.

  “If you want her, let her lead. Tomorrow night anyway. She’s new to this as well and has to learn what she can allow and still remain comfortable. Stay herself. It can be unnerving when a Dominant steps outside the protocols and rules.”

  Gus sighed. “That’s what I don’t get. Why does she need rules? Why can’t she let whatever’s gonna happen just…well, happen?”

  “I can’t answer that for her. Perhaps she needs to be in control and follow the script she’s been taught because it makes her feel safe.”

  Gus didn’t like the thought of Aislinn ever being afraid with a man. But he could understand if she had reservations about being with him, given his size and his proven inability not to use his strength to his advantage.

  “Let her be in charge,” Mondo said, his voice softening. “Let her push you. You might learn something about yourself too.”

  “What if she wants to take this into the main salon?”

  Some of his worry must have crept into his voice. The men began to laugh, softly at first, then louder, elbowing each other and slapping the table.

  “Glad my little problem’s so entertainin’,” he muttered.

  “Just the picture of it,” Craig said, wiping tears from his eyes. “You’re so damn big… Bent over for her to spank your ass. Gotta say, man, I’d pay for admission.”

  Gus’s belly did a roll. Tomorrow night, he didn’t have a chance in hell of holding on to his dignity. And by his friends howling laughter, they’d all be there with bells on to witness his humiliation.

  A drink was slid in front of him, and he glanced up to meet Marti’s amused blue gaze.

  “Someone mention you have a girlfriend?”

  “Yeah. Only she’s not. Yet.”

  Marti gave him a wink. “Sweetie, you don’t have a worry in the world. Soon as she gets a look at you nekkid she’ll realize she’s one lucky girl.”

  “Hey,” Jackson said, his eyebrows lowering in mock-dismay. “You sayin’ Gus has somethin’ the rest of us don’t?”

  Marti flung back her head and laughed. “Baby, don’t be jealous. You’ve got plenty to keep me happy. All you boys do. I’m just sayin’ Gus is particularly blessed.”

  Gus was never so glad for the dim lighting hiding his blush. The more he thought about seeing Aislinn at the club the next night, the more restless he got. He pushed his beer toward Jackson. “I don’t need another. I have somethin’ I have to do.”

  “Somethin’ that involves a certain little redhead?”

  Gus didn’t mind the teasing note in his buddy’s voice, didn’t mind the knowing smirks aimed his way from around the table. He rose, gave himself a quick adjustment because he was hard just thinking about her, and left, chuckles following him out the door.

  Gus pulled into a space on the street outside the building where Aislinn lived. He knew this because he’d looked her up in the system. The building was an old hotel, refurbed for apartment dwellers. Not far off of Beale, it was within walking distance of the trolley line, prime real estate for middle-to-well-to-do singles.

  Maybe he was making a mistake, but the conversation he’d endured at the tavern had him so worked up he had to see her. Now.

  Would she think he was as sick as her stalker following her here? Seeing her before their appointed date at the club?

  He hoped like hell she’d be okay with it, because he wasn’t turning back. Every day since he’d met her, he’d driven by her doughnut shop, hoping for a glimpse, but too aware he might be crossing a line if he stopped. She’d been firm about seeing him on Friday.

  Night after night, he’d lain in his bed wondering what he’d done so wrong that she felt the need to regroup. Hadn’t she felt the strong connection too? Or was he fooling himself?

  He glanced to the seat beside him and the flowers peeking out from their tissue paper wrapping. Then, taking a deep breath, he grabbed them, let himself out of the car and hurried inside before he changed his mind.

  It wasn’t until he’d rung her doorbell and heard her voice calling through the door that he had second and third thoughts about his plan.

  The door swung open. Something inside him sighed. A calm he hadn’t felt in a week wrapped around him. She was lovely, dressed in a soft blue T-shirt and frayed jeans. Her brown eyes widened, landing first on the flowers he held up like a shield.

  “Hi.” Hi? That’s the best he could manage?

  Her lips pursed then settled into a small smile. She leaned against the doorframe. “Hi, yourself? Why are you here?”

  Gus shifted on his feet, uncomfortable beneath her steady stare. “I know you wanted to wait until tomorrow…”

  “I’m glad you couldn’t wait,” she said softly. She backed away and swung her arm toward the living room behind her. “Won’t you come in?”

  Stepping inside, he gave the place a quick glance, surprised it looked so damn normal.

  “Yeah, no St. Andrew’s Cross in the living room.”

  “Have it in the bedroom?”

  She laughed. “I don’t own one at all.” She eyed the flowers again. “Are those for me or do you need them for protection?”

  Gus felt his cheeks redden and shoved them toward her. “The lady at the counter said every girl likes roses.”

  She reached for them and pulled them toward her chest. “Well, this girl does. They’re beautiful.” Her head dipped and she inhaled.

  Just like he’d thought, the pretty peachy-pink bloom
s looked just right against her pale skin.

  “They smell wonderful. I’ll get a vase. Why don’t you have a seat while I get these into some water?”

  While she went into the kitchen area which opened off the living room, he took another good look around. The area was large and airy and uncluttered, so he didn’t feel so much like a lumbering giant.

  “Nice place,” he murmured, taking in the dark brown sofa and chairs, beige carpet topping an oak floor and sturdy walnut tables.

  “Thanks. I like it simple.” She came back with the roses standing in a clear crystal vase, which she placed on a side table. She settled at one end of the long sofa then patted the seat beside her. “Come sit.”

  The command held none of her Domme firmness, but nonetheless, he quickly sat beside her.

  Gus cleared his throat. “Have you had dinner?”

  “I made myself something after I came home from work. Have you eaten?”

  He shook his head. “No, but I’m good.”

  Her lips pursed in disapproval. “Someone as big as you shouldn’t skip a meal.”

  “I didn’t come over for you to make me dinner.”

  “Then why did you come?”

  Gus looked at the hands clutching his knees and blew out a deep breath. “I couldn’t stay away.” He shot her a glance. “If I’m goin’ too fast, just tell me and I’ll go.”

  Her slow smile lit up her face. “Someone told me there aren’t any real rules. So, no, you’re not going too fast.”

  Relieved, he let out an exaggerated sigh. “It’s funny. We’ve seen each other naked, but I don’t have a clue how to talk to you.”

  “How about I make this easier?” She scooted closer and raised one hand to touch his face.

  When she tipped up her chin, he leaned toward her and kissed her. It started sweet. And that’s really all he meant to do, but the hand he wasn’t watching touched his thigh. She trailed her fingers upward, met the hardening ridge of his cock and lingered.

  Not breaking the kiss, he cupped her hand and held it against him, tightening his grip to encourage her to explore. “It’s all yours,” he whispered against her mouth before sinking into a deeper kind of kiss.

  Tongues met and dueled. Lips suctioned. Before he knew it, she eased over his lap, and he held her still atop his erection, glorying in the feel of her weight wriggling on top of him.

  This time, she rose for air. “Think you’d like that bed under my back?”

  “Might be less dangerous.”

  Her mouth stretched, but that didn’t stop the kiss that followed. He lunged up from the couch, his arms beneath her back and knees. “Point,” he said, then sucked her bottom lip between his teeth.

  Aislinn laughed and pointed toward an open doorway. “Through there,” she said, gasping when he nibbled her chin.

  Watching out of the corner of his eye, he continued to kiss her, his heartbeat escalating to a steady, insistent throbbing in his ears.

  When he was inside the bedroom, he strode straight for the bed and lowered her, not letting her go until he had her under him.

  “Might be easier without all these clothes,” she whispered.

  He reared up, stripped his shirt over his head and quickly unbuckled his belt.

  She scrambled backward, lifting her top, shoving down her jeans, taking her panties with them. When she was nude, it took her pointed stare at his crotch to get him to hurry through the finish, but not before he pulled a condom from his pocket.

  Nude at last, they lay on their sides, hands gliding over hot skin, breaths catching then gusting. She took the packet from him, ripped it open and rolled it down his length. “This one fits.”

  Impatient to touch and taste her sweet skin, he palmed a breast, rasped the tip with his thumb, then scooted down to take it in his mouth. Sucking hard, he let his hand wander farther down, touching her taut abdomen, circling a fingertip in her bellybutton before he scraped downward again and sank his fingers between her thighs.

  Aislinn slid her thigh over his, giving him access. “And here I thought I was the only one wondering how we’d keep the conversation going.”

  “I think better when I’m busy.” He scooted down again, kissing his way to her pussy then burrowing his tongue to find her clit while he sank two fingers into her wet cunt. “God, I love the feel of you, Aislinn. It’s like hot fucking silk.”

  She dug her fingers into his scalp and rolled to her back.

  He followed, not relenting, flicking his tongue, his mouth suckling on the swelling knot. “Couldn’t stop thinkin’ about the taste of you.”

  A laugh shook her. “Not the thing I’d have guessed you’d remember most.”

  “Why not? You’re so wet. Smell so goddamn hot.”

  “Hot has a smell?”

  He snorted. “It does now.” Withdrawing, he clamped three fingers together and pushed them inside.

  She moaned. “You’ve got big damn fingers, Officer Taggert.”

  “Is that a complaint?”

  “Hell, no, but I’d like something even bigger.”

  “Promised myself I’d eat you ’til you came.” He pulled free and crawled up her body.

  Her arms encircled his shoulders as he came down on top of her. “Always make promises you can’t keep?”

  “Only when the woman’s this fuckin’ sexy.”

  Aislinn pushed at his chest. He rose on his hands and glanced down between their bodies.

  She widened her legs, dug her heels into the mattress then reached between them to grip his cock with both hands. “I couldn’t forget how big you are, how well you fill me, Gus.” She placed the fat, blunt head at her opening then raised her glance to lock with his. “Come inside me, now.”

  Gus pushed forward, gritting his teeth to keep from slamming deep. Her pussy was soaked, but she was still tight, still too little to take him without a little work on his part.

  Braced on one hand, he cupped her bottom and began to pulse, gently driving into her. His cockhead pushed, breaching her opening, which clenched around him.

  Her bottom danced on his palm. Her hips circled to help him screw inside, curving to meet his strokes. “I swear, the pressure’s all I need to go,” she groaned.

  “Then do it.”

  She shook her head. “I want this to last.”

  “We can do it again. Swear you won’t wear it out.”

  He sank deeper, then withdrew, sank again, deeper still. His head dipped and he captured her lips. Her mouth suctioned his, pulling his tongue inside where she suckled it like he hoped she would his cock one day soon. His motions grew stronger. His hips pumped harder, driving toward her core.

  With her hips bumping against his, her juicy cunt relaxing, letting him stroke deep, he began to fuck her in earnest.

  Breathless, she fell back, her hands reaching to grip his ass and pull him closer.

  Gus gave a swirl of his hips, watched her mouth open around a long, painful gasp, and knew he’d found her sweet spot. He swirled again then pumped in shallower motions, rubbing it again and again until her legs wrapped around him and her body arched beneath him. Her cry when she came was a strangled scream.

  Although his cock burned like fire, Gus pulled free and scooted down the bed.

  Aislinn lay gasping, palming her own breasts for comfort.

  He spread her folds and pulled up to expose her clit. Engorged, it popped free of its hood, and he plied it with his tongue, giving it flicks then soothing laps. Slick and red, her clit distended like a small cherry. He plucked it with his fingers, squeezing it then pulling on it, in motions not unlike when he jerked himself off, the slick tugs pushing her over the edge again, this time for him to watch.

  She snapped her eyes open, staring down at him. Her thighs trembled, hips trying to buck, but he held her down with a hand pressing against her lower abdomen.

  “Gus! Oh, Jesus…Gus!”

  He let go of her clit and gave her soothing strokes of his tongue, knowing her little pleasur
e center was ultra-sensitive now from her hissing breaths. When she grew still and relaxed, her thighs splayed wide, he came back up, resting on his side as he fondled her breasts, massaging them one by one, before gliding his hand down her belly and thighs.

  “What was that?” she asked, licking at sweat.

  “Something Mondo showed me.”

  “Clever, wicked man.” She rolled her head toward him and blinked sleepy eyes. “He was my mentor.”

  “So I heard.”

  “That doesn’t bother you? He’s your friend.”

  “I’ve shared a lot with my friends.”

  “Have they fucked your women?”

  He squeezed a breast then cuddled closer to her side. “I’m not jealous, if that’s what you’re thinkin’. If you belonged to Mondo, then that would be something else entirely. As I see it, he taught you what you needed to know. About yourself. Sometimes learning about your limits means havin’ to get intimate.”

  “That’s very mature of you.”

  Gus pushed a lock of hair behind her ear. “Doesn’t mean I still don’t want to kick his ass, but I’m here, Aislinn. I want to be here.”

  She tucked a hand beneath her cheek. “Think you can find something to eat while I take a little nap?”

  “I wear you out?” he asked, one side of his mouth kicking up.

  “Just a little.”

  “Sweetheart, there’s nothing little about it.”

  When next she woke, Aislinn smelled bacon frying.

  Her stomach rumbled. And even though she’d already had dinner, sex with Gus had reawakened her appetite. She winced as she climbed out of bed, her clit still swollen from his manipulations. Not that she was complaining. If she’d thought her first Gus-induced orgasm was off the charts, she’d just slammed through the ceiling. The fact he’d not sought his own release when he’d noticed she was tired impressed her too. He might seem to be all animal when he was aroused, but once again, he’d proven there was more going on behind his good-ol’-boy facade.


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