My Shifter Showmance: Shifting Reality, Book 1

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My Shifter Showmance: Shifting Reality, Book 1 Page 4

by R. G. Alexander

  Looking around the room, she knew she could have worn jeans and a T-shirt and no one would notice. Not with Naomi Blaze in the room. She wasn’t the sharpest pencil in the box, but she knew how to draw attention to herself.

  Stan the Slayer was certainly smitten. The two were huddled close together, as thick as thieves. Maybe he couldn’t help himself. She was in the tightest red leather mini dress Margo had ever seen outside of a music video. Men were the same no matter how nicely they cleaned up, she supposed. And for all his gentlemanly behavior, Stan was just a man.

  Margo glanced over at Julie who was speaking animatedly to the Hollister couple sitting directly across from them. Julie, Margo knew, was trying to pretend she didn’t notice Liam standing in the far corner, watching her every move. Joseph and Chi were nowhere to be found, something Margo found incredibly interesting, though no one else seemed to notice. Everyone was paired or pairing up, except for her. Flying to Scotland hadn’t changed a thing. She took a sip of wine, attempting to focus on the conversation.

  “The housekeeper? We haven’t seen a housekeeper. Of course Bryan has been too busy playing with his equipment to notice if, say, his new wife was walking around their romantic bedroom suite in nothing but a lacey white thong. Isn’t that right, honey?”

  Bryan ducked his head, his expression embarrassed as everyone caught his wife’s not so subtle comments. “Kasey Lynn, please. We can talk about that later.” He glanced over at Julie. “Did you say the housekeeper was a ghost? You actually saw her without infrared?”

  Margo choked on her wine as, before Julie could answer, a handsome shirtless man in a kilt appeared on his knees beside Kasey Lynn’s chair. He was pale, so pale she could see through him to the wall. “Ach, he doesna appreciate ye, lass. I ken it. If ye wore such a thong for me, I wouldna leave you so unsatisfied.”

  Kasey Lynn’s eyes were wide. “A full manifestation.” A manifestation that was licking his lips and caressing her arm suggestively. “He’s communicating. Did you hear that? Bryan, honey, get the camera.”

  Margo heard it. And so did Bryan. Only he wasn’t reaching for his camera. “Hey! Get away from my wife.”

  The roguish ghost winked. “Sure, lad? I can pose with this beauty for as long as ya like. T’would be no hardship.”

  Kasey blushed, and Margo didn’t blame her. The way the handsome man was looking at her, well, she could feel the heat from across the table.


  The specter disappeared at the low command. Bryan pulled Kasey’s chair closer to his as a new figure appeared in the doorway of the dining room. Another illusion? Margo wasn’t sure how they’d managed these kinds of special effects in the first place. Mirrors? A projector hidden in the chandelier? That couldn’t have been real.

  The figure stepped closer, and she sighed with relief, taking another fortifying sip of her wine. This one was solid, and she recognized him from the webisodes. Taller than the others, dark auburn hair to his shoulders, neatly trimmed red beard and piercing ice blue eyes. All that, combined with an expression eternally set in grumpy stone, told her who he was. Mac. Supposedly the owner of this castle…and a vampire.

  He came to stand at the head of the table, looking over the group with resignation. Margo almost laughed. Even his disapproval was sexy. He didn’t look like the average movie idol vampire, yet somehow, his was a perfect casting. There was just something about him. He had an alluring stillness, magnetically aloof and unconsciously sexual.

  His long, dark coat, the high collared, perfectly tailored suit, though obviously expensive and modern made, gave Margo the sense that he’d walked in from another time. Or off a film set.

  “Welcome to my home. I trust you’ve found your accommodations acceptable.”

  The murmurs of enthusiastic approval had him dipping his head in acknowledgment.

  “Not very authentic, what with all the remodeling. But I am fond of the modern conveniences myself, so I suppose you can be forgiven.”

  Margo raised her eyebrows at Stan’s condescending tone. Mac’s expression didn’t change, but his eyes darkened. “Mr. Ayer. I appreciate your leniency. I do have a few rooms below that I’ve left untouched. If you find yourself craving a more…immersing experience.”

  “Threatening to throw people in the dungeon already? And I thought this party wasn’t going to get kinky.” Saint walked in, and the four women at the table, Margo included, all released a sigh of appreciation. The supposed demon-human hybrid with a talent for machinery and an eternally distracted air looked like a Lost Boy. She understood his charm. Women wanted to be his Wendy. Torn between the need to mother him, and the desire to steal his seeming innocence.

  His dark hair flopping carelessly over one eye as his thumbs flew across the small keyboard of his Blackberry. He wore a hooded sweatshirt and jeans, as though he couldn’t be bothered with formality, but it didn’t conceal his broad shoulders, the thick muscles straining against the fabric. He was fascinating. And Margo knew she wasn’t the only one who felt that way.

  “Did I miss anything?” Joseph Lopez skidded into the room, bumping into Saint, who looked up with an expression that made Margo shiver. Had his eyes just flashed red for a moment? It must have been a trick of the light. Joseph backed up. “Sorry about that, sir.”

  Saint shrugged and went back to gazing at his device, pulling out a nearby chair with his leg and dropping into it with a relaxed air. “Never apologize for being bad. You’ll set a precedent no one here wants to live up to.”

  Joseph took the chair between Stan and Bryan, evading Margo’s questioning glance as he settled in. He looked like he’d been in a fight. His shirt was half undone, brown hair mussed, lips swollen. And was that a hickey on his neck? So a fight…or the mother of all make out sessions.

  Margo knew Chi came in without looking behind her, just from watching Joseph’s expression. It turned passionate, carnal. She looked down at her glass. She needed a refill.

  No. What she needed was Thomas. All the players had arrived, the cameras were on. Everyone was in place except him. One empty seat, right beside her. She looked around. Where was that bottle of wine?

  “Thomas, about time you showed. I’m so hungry your guests were starting to look edible.” Saint barely lifted his head, but the table reacted to his words as if they were gunshots.

  The star they had come to see had arrived, not with fanfare, but stealth. Margo whipped around in her chair, sloshing a few drops of red wine onto her fingers.

  The men at the table stood, and the women preened, but Margo just stared in dumbfounded silence. She’d watched him so often she could sculpt him blindfolded, but in person…there was just no comparison.

  He was leaning against the doorway as though he’d been there for a few minutes before Saint had said anything. Dirty blond hair curled at the collar of his white, long-sleeved shirt, emphasizing his golden skin. His green eyes were surrounded by long dark lashes, his dimpled smile just as wicked as she remembered. And he was looking directly at her.

  Margo’s heart began to race, her chest tightening until it was hard to catch her breath. Thomas inhaled sharply, his eyes narrowing as he studied her reaction. “Sorry I’m late. I hope you’re all as hungry as I am.”

  He sat and, as if on cue, servants who looked as though they shopped at Goths-R-Us came out with platters piled high with some of her favorite dishes. It smelled heavenly. Thomas leaned closer to reach across her for a roll. He smelled even better.

  “This may be an unusual question, but I’m still not quite sure what we’re supposed to be doing here. I didn’t see any rules.” Julie took a breath as if she’d just climbed a mountain, and Margo smiled supportively.

  Thomas slid his arm around Margo’s shoulder, leaning back in his chair to meet Julie’s gaze. “There aren’t too many. Anyone who can last all seven days is a winner.”

  His head tilted as he turned toward Joseph, Bryan and Kasey Lynn. “I was going to add a rule or two about fraternizing
with the crew.” He ignored Chi’s gasp and Liam’s growl, and his other hand reached for Margo’s wine-dampened fingers, lifting them to his lips. He sucked the wine from her fingers as everyone watched before speaking again, leaving Margo blushing and breathless. “But I can already see how pointless that would be. Not to mention hypocritical.”

  Joseph’s brow furrowed. “What happens if we all stay?”

  “Then you all win, much to the dismay of my pocketbook. However, I don’t foresee that being a problem.” Mac ran his finger along the rim of his crystal wineglass. “Thomas is trying to prove something by inviting you here. That our kind can cohabitate openly with yours. More to the point, that you won’t run screaming when you finally believe that all of this, that we, are real.”

  “Something like that.” Thomas’s fingers began to play with Margo’s hair, and she shifted in her seat, her body reacting to his so strongly she had the urge to get up and leave the room. Or drape herself across his chest and beg him to touch her.

  Thomas stiffened beside her, as though he’d heard her thoughts. His arm left her shoulder and he focused on his plate of food with renewed interest. Oookay. Margo put food on her plate, knowing it was just for show. There was no way she’d be able to swallow past the giant lump in her throat.

  “We believe. Right before you came in we were talking to a ghost, weren’t we, hon?”

  “Don’t remind me, Kasey Lynn,” Bryan grumbled, obviously still smarting from the spirit’s flirtation with his wife. “I’ve been waiting years to see a full manifestation and the first thing he does is flirt with my wife. And I didn’t even get a picture.” He looked over at Thomas. “Just to clarify. We won’t have to eat any bull or moose penis, right? Because I’m all for challenges and scares, and I have no problem believing in ghosts or vampires, but I won’t eat another creature’s Mr. Bill. That’s just not right.”

  Beside her, Julie choked on a scallop at Bryan’s comment, but before Margo could pat her on the back, Liam was there. She hid a smile, turning her head as the big man cooed over her friend. Her gaze clashed with forest green eyes filled with laughter and desire. She lowered her voice. “Quite an interesting group you’ve put together, Mr. Lyons. So perfect you’d think it was scripted.”

  “If I’d been able to script it, Ms. Sheffield,” he whispered in her ear, his hot breath making her shiver. “There wouldn’t be this many people in the room with us. Damn, you smell good.”

  She leaned away from him before he could bury his nose in her neck and reached for a buttery sliver of crab, slipping it between her lips with a sigh. Maybe she could eat after all, this was delicious. Anything to keep from embarrassing herself in front of the others.

  Through the rest of the meal Margo couldn’t help but notice that Naomi Blaze didn’t have the same modesty problem. The way she leaned forward when she spoke to Thomas, her dress so revealing Margo wouldn’t be surprised if a stray nipple popped out by accident. And Thomas, the scoundrel, was flirting back. If he had such a good sense of smell, surely he could sniff out the silicone in those too-perfect-to-be-real beauties.

  She would have been jealous if she hadn’t been sure that it was his hand she was engaged in a slap fight with beneath the table. Between fending off the tantalizing slide of his palm along her thigh, and watching all the sexuality laden interactions between Joseph and Chi, sweet Julie and Liam, and Naomi and well, everyone, Margo was strung tight as a wire.

  “We have a request for formal introductions from Bludlust200.” Saint, who hadn’t spoken through the entire meal, looked toward Thomas with a questioning glance.

  Thomas nodded toward the diners. “Sorry. I’ve been remiss in my duties. We have your names and short bios about each of you on the site, but no specifics. Please, everyone, introduce yourselves.”

  Kasey Lynn lifted her hand and smiled at the camera. “I’m Kasey Lynn Hollister and this is my husband Bryan. We met at a science fiction convention six months ago, and we were married two months later. Both of us work as IT support and in our spare time—” she shrugged adorably, “—we search for irrefutable proof of paranormal phenomena.”

  Bryan leaned over to kiss Kasey Lynn, and Chi pointed at Joseph, who shrugged. “Joseph Lopez. I’m an architect, the only brother to seven older sisters, and a fan of the show.” He licked his lips. “I also have a thing for women who bite.”

  Margo noticed Thomas glaring at Joseph, and had to wonder again if he and Chi had a history together. “Moving on,” their host growled.

  Stan wiped his mouth carefully with his napkin, pushing back his chair to stand before them, bowing formally. “Stanley Lawrence Ayer. I deal in antiques, and it is no secret I am a skeptic of the paranormal world. Spectral illusions notwithstanding, I have yet to see anything to change my mind on that score. However, I look forward to your efforts.”

  Margo shook her head. He’d seemed like a good guy on the plane. Since they’d arrived, his demeanor had sharpened in a way that made her uncomfortable. With half her attention, she listened to Naomi use her introduction to give out her personal website address and offer up the information that she wasn’t wearing any underwear. Her friend Julie softly introduced herself, offering nothing more than her age and occupation—ebook author.

  “What kind of books?”

  Mac chuckled, the rich sound startling in that it was so out of character. “Liam, I thought you volunteered to be the cameraman. They don’t usually speak while filming.”

  Saint leaned back in his chair, tilting it at an impossibly angle, though he didn’t fall. “This isn’t a usual show. Bludlust200 is one of us, and he’s saying he didn’t mean that kind of introduction. He wants our kind. I’ll do the honors.” He looked over the group. “Demons have certain gifts. I can see things you don’t want me to. Dark fantasies, doubts and fears. Whatever I would need to tempt you into sin.” He smirked. “Thanks, Dad. For example, I know that Kasey Lynn and Bryan have more in common than a desire to see spirits and a love of science fiction. Kasey has fantasies of kissing other women, and being a part of a ménage with two bisexual men.” Saint grinned evilly. “Bryan has that same desire. And I don’t mean watching two girls kiss.”

  Bryan blustered, but Saint wasn’t finished. “Joseph has a thing for Thomas’s cousin Chi, and he wasn’t lying, a fetish about biting…though he also isn’t averse to a little bondage as well. Good man.” He pointed his Blackberry at Naomi. “By the way, I want the name of your plastic surgeon, Naomi. Or should I call you Nathan? That kind of work takes talent. And Liam, Julie is too shy to tell us that she writes paranormal erotica, and she has a particular fondness for werewolves, so you’re a shoe in.”

  The table went wild. Naomi threw her glass on the floor and stomped out of the room with a shockingly deep voiced, “Fuck you, all!” Kasey Lynn looked at her husband oddly as he babbled incoherent denials beside her, and Joseph was definitely blushing.

  Stan sent a challenging look down the table. “You haven’t said a word about either myself, or Ms. Sheffield.”

  Margo held her breath as the two men stared silently at each other for long, tense minutes. Finally, Saint broke the silence. “Well, Slayer. You’re right, I haven’t. And I don’t think I’m going to just yet. Your secrets are different, but equally fascinating. I’m not ready to spill the beans. Not tonight.”

  Stan nodded and excused himself, as did the Hollisters. Julie looked like she was about to cry, but shook her head when first Margo, then Liam, tried to follow her out of the room.

  “Your social skills are really improving, Saint, old boy. You should be proud.” Mac patted the dark-haired demon on the shoulder and stood to leave himself.

  “What?” Saint followed him out. “What did I do?”

  “And then there were four,” Margo muttered as she quickly finished her glass of wine. She’d be an alcoholic before this trip was over. What had Saint meant? He didn’t want to tell the others she was only here because they wanted to work with her production office? />
  “I could have told you about Bryan, but Naomi Blaze a man? Totally didn’t see that one coming.” Joseph stood, looking at Thomas warily. “I also had no idea that Chi was your cousin, Mr. Lyons. If I’d known—”

  “You’d what?” Thomas smiled, appearing fascinated. “Ask my permission?” He chuckled. “I’m a bit overprotective, I admit, but females of the feline shifter persuasion can more than take care of themselves, as I’m sure you’re already discovering. I’m not worried about my cousin. I only hope you survive the visit.”

  “Funny, cousin.” Chi grabbed Joseph’s hand and pulled him out of the room. Margo saw the enraptured smile on his face and knew he would be fine.

  “And then there were two.” Thomas’s voice had dropped to that purr that drove her crazy.

  She was in so much trouble.

  Chapter Five

  She was alone with Thomas Lyons. Her feminine instincts told her danger wasn’t far behind. Margo stood and put on her most professional smile. Without the others nearby, perhaps she could discuss the contract, maybe pack her things in time to share a bus ride with Naomi/Nathan. Even that was preferable to humiliating herself by losing her composure in front of this man. Especially in front of the cameras.

  “None of that, now, Margo. Not between you and I.”

  That was all the warning she got before she was spun around and lifted in the air to settle, breathless, straddling his lap. “Mr. Lyons, I think we should talk about—”

  “Hush.” Thomas curled his fingers into her hair, pulling her down to meet his searching lips before she could get another word out. Margo’s last thought was, Oh hell, before the kiss scrambled her brain.

  He growled, the pressure of his lips opening hers as he sought entrance. God, his taste. And the way he was kissing her, exactly the way she’d always imagined he would. Greedily, hungrily…perfectly.

  Her sex pressed against his thickening erection, and through their clothes she could feel the heat of him. He was blazing. She slid her tongue across his fangs. His body jerked in reaction, and she did it again, loving the fact that she could make him respond to her. Make him as crazy as he was making her from one simple kiss. Who was she trying to fool? She’d been crazy for him since the moment she’d seen the first video. Her fingers dug into the muscles of his arms, wishing she could touch his bare skin, desperate for more contact. Closer. Harder. More.


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