My Lady Valentine (Rogues and Rakehells Mystery Book 4)

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My Lady Valentine (Rogues and Rakehells Mystery Book 4) Page 3

by Lindsay Downs

From atop the grand staircase Jessica studied the crowd of ladies, but more importantly the gentlemen as she was hunting down one in particular, Lord Matthew. Not finding him, Jessica did see, at the far end of the ballroom, a friend. Justin, Earl of Rosewood, surrounded by several young ladies. Even from the distance between her and him, she could easily see panic in his eyes. He had to be rescued.

  Following her parents to a divan set along the wall, she tapped her father’s arm.

  “At the far corner is Lord Justin who needs to be saved from those money-hungry chits. Would you please approach him, saying I desire an introduction?” Jessica begged.

  “No, better still, it would be more appropriate to inform him the Countess of Banworth seeks a presentation. I know several of those featherheaded mommas, and that should send them scattering,” the countess uttered.

  “Certainly. I shan’t be but a few minutes,” her father said, then Jessica watched him disappear into the crowd.

  Settled on the divan, beside her mother, Jessica continued to look for Matthew. She hoped he’d not taken it upon himself to search out Macey without her or at least without some form of help. Feeling a gentle tap on her shoulder, Jessica craned her head around and smiled at seeing Matthew.

  “You had me worried, m’ lord. I feared you might have gone to hunt down the person I saw this afternoon.”

  “Never. If I had, I would have made sure you were aware of my attempt. This is something we need to do together with the permission of the earl. Speaking of such, where did Lord Carson dash off to?”

  “At the behest of Lady Jessica, he went to rescue Lord Justin so I may be introduced to him,” the countess stated.

  “Yes, he was being assailed by several young ladies, most likely after his money and not his heart,” Jessica added.

  “I’ve heard the same from several friends. Mayhap he should have someone assist him in finding the perfect lady,” Matthew suggested.

  Or at least show him how to survive balls and other such events, Jessica thought. Bianca. She would be the perfect person to recommend a lady for Justin.

  Turning her head to the right, Jessica saw her father with Justin striding toward them, a look of relief in the young man’s eyes. Maintaining her seat, Jessica nodded to his bow as they already knew each other.

  “Lady Laura, Countess of Banworth, may I present Lord Justin, Earl of Rosewood,” Jessica’s father announced.

  No sooner had the introduction been completed than Jessica heard the opening notes of a waltz. Much to her pleasure, Matthew stepped around, nodded to Justin, and then turned to her.

  “M’ lady, I believe this is our dance.”

  “That may be so, Lord Matthew. However, I will be keeping a very close watch over you to make sure you behave. And as I see Her Grace is here, expect her to do the same,” Laura declared.

  “Fear not, m’ lady, for I shall strive to be but the perfect gentleman,” Matthew stated.

  Accepting his hand, Jessica stood and allowed him to guide her to the dance floor. Once in his arms, a feeling she enjoyed, she let him lead her around the floor. Much to Jessica’s amazement, even in the corners, he maintained the proper distance.

  As the evening progressed, true to his word, Matthew partnered with Jessica in only one other waltz. The one after the buffet. She did pair with Justin in a country dance and a minuet.

  By the time her parents were ready to depart the ball, Jessica was glad no plans had been set with Matthew for the next afternoon. Letting him escort her to the Banworth carriage, she turned to him.

  “If you’re free in the afternoon, would you care to come for tea? This way we can start discussing how best to hunt down Macey,” Jessica suggested softly.

  “It would be my pleasure. Would two of the clock meet with your approval?”

  “Most certainly.”

  She then let Matthew help her into the carriage and settle against the squabs. At her parents’ townhouse she waited for her father to assist her down then followed them inside. Relieved of her heavy cape, she bid them good night and made her way up to her suite.

  “Evening, m’ lady. How was the ball?”

  “Wonderful. Lord Matthew is coming over tomorrow afternoon so I will sleep in until at least noon. Make sure I’m awake by then. I’ll wear the brown day dress,” she directed to Sally.

  “Yes, m’ lady. Now let’s get you out of your gown and into your night rail.”

  As she drifted off to sleep Jessica wondered what Matthew was doing.

  Chapter Four

  After a modestly fitful night’s sleep with dreams of Jessica laying naked in bed beside him and chasing Richard Macey through the slums of London, Matthew was glad to awaken.

  Dressed in a dark-brown jacket along with buckskin britches and boots, Matthew made his way down to the small family dining room. Walking in, he was met by his father already eating.

  “Good morning, m’ lord.”

  “And to you, Son. I see you plan on taking that beast of a horse out for a ride later. I can’t tell you how pleased I am as Jones complained Jupiter keeps causing trouble by kicking at his stall walls.”

  Matt knew his horse needed daily exercise otherwise the animal would show his dark side. If the weather hadn’t been so bad for the past two days, then Jones wouldn’t have had anything to complain about.

  “I’m going to take him over to Rotten Row for a good run but shouldn’t be gone long. Lady Jessica has requested my presence later, after luncheon.”

  “Let me guess, the topic of discussion won’t be this evening but how best to find Richard Macey? To help set your mind at ease, while you were swirling Lady Jessica around the dance floor last eve I sent word to several contacts. I haven’t heard back from them and to be honest, don’t expect to until later in the day.”

  Setting his plate up for breakfast, Matt joined his father at the table and started to eat. As he continued to have his first meal of the day, Matt silently hoped his father’s people, none of whom he knew, would be able to locate the man.

  “Son, do you believe Lady Jessica suspects you will be offering for her this eve?”

  “I’m not sure. Even the duke and duchess promised not to mention anything to her.”


  “I do have one question. The ball we’re attending tonight, was it planned as this was the same one you and the countess attended the evening you offered for her?”

  “If you’re talking about the Chandler ball it’s the only one worth attending this eve, as it was years ago. I nor Her Ladyship made mention of it as we thought it didn’t matter. The fact you will have Lady Jessica on your arm wearing the Winsome ring will be statement enough,” Richard explained.

  “And as Lady Jessica will be on your arm and introduced as your betrothed, expect a crush of well-wishers. As The Tattler will be posting your impending wedding tomorrow, you will have to be at her side, for support, starting early and continuing into the late afternoon. That way, those not attending the ball will be able to offer their congratulations. The following day, with Lady Jessica and her parents in train, we’ll be retreating to our estate for our annual Valentine Eve ball. And before you ask, Son, your friends and their wives have been invited and accepted to a one,” his mother declared from the doorway which brought both men to their feet.

  Matt grinned. Not only would he get a good gallop out of Jupiter shortly but also when they retired to the estate. He glanced over to his mother noting a scowl on her face which didn’t bode well, he suspected for him. So, he decided to change the topic of conversation.

  M’ lady, would you allow me to set up a plate for you?”

  “Thank you, once you remove that grin. You will not be riding that beast of yours but will accompany Lady Jessica with Lady Roper, as chaperone, in their carriage. Lord Roper will be with His Lordship and I,” his mother declared.

  He could tell from the sharp tone of her voice any argument on his part would be met with deaf ears. Matt nodded then stepped over to t
he sidetable and put together a plate for her. That done, he placed it in front of his mother, earning a delicate pat on his hand which disarmed him. He retook his chair.

  The rest of the meal passed in silence which Matt appreciated since he had no thoughts on how to get his horse to the estate. Not only was Jones modestly fearful of Jupiter, but none of the grooms would ride the beast. Once, in the past while recovering from a non-riding injury he’d had Jupiter tied, on a long lead, to the back of the carriage with disastrous results. The horse refused to cooperate and had to be handled for the next two days until he reached London.

  Then he had a thought. “M’ lady, perchance did you invite Justin, Earl of Rosewood to the Valentine ball?”

  “No, might I inquire as to why you wish him to attend?” his mother said.

  “As you know he used to be Lord Nash’s groom and besides him, Justin was the only one who could handle Apollo. I’m sure he can easily ride Jupiter,” Matt said, in answering his mother’s question.

  “Yes, and as the newest earl he should be searching out a suitable young lady to take as his wife,” Richard, Matt’s father added.

  “Then consider it done. I have an invitation already written up. Once I finish, I’ll hand it over, and you may deliver it. That way you can ask if he’s willing to handle your beast,” his mother, Mercy, said.

  Nodding at her suggestion, Matt continued to finish his breakfast then waited for his mother. He followed her up to the countess’ parlor and was given the missive.

  “If you don’t mind, I’ll give it to him on my way back from Rotten Row if he’s not there. However, I’m sure he’ll be there looking over the horse flesh,” Matt stated.

  “Don’t you mean the young ladies?” Mercy teased.

  “I seriously doubt that. Last night at the ball Lord Carson, under the direction of Lady Jessica, had to rescue Justin from several overeager young ladies. He then proceeded to spend the rest of the evening with the earl, countess, or Lady Jessica and myself. Something tells me he’s not sure what to do or how to act around them. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I must be off.”

  After giving his mother a kiss on the proffered cheek, Matt marched down and out to the mews. Walking into the stables, he stepped up to the stall holding Jupiter.

  “Ready to go for a good run?” Matt said, patting the nose of his horse.

  “Yes, he is, and make sure you get all the fidgets out of him. I can’t have him destroying the stall walls,” Jones declared.

  “Don’t worry, I will, and in a few days he’ll be gone when we return to the estate. At least there he will be able to run around and kick up his heels, so to speak.”

  “Good,and it can’t be soon enough. I still don’t understand why you insist on bringing him here.”

  “He lets me ride without interruptions from the curious. All he has to do is lay his ears against his head and bare his teeth and they scurry away,” Matt explained.

  Accepting a nod of understanding from Jones, Matt turned his attention back to Jupiter. In minutes he swung into the saddle and headed out for the park. If he was lucky, he’d meet Justin, thus saving a trip to the Rosewood townhouse.

  Riding into Hyde Park, Matt avoided the carriage loop and went straight over to Rotten Row. Seeing only a few gentlemen riders out, he smiled. At least today he wouldn’t get a dressing down for galloping as usually happened to him, especially on the warmer days during the Season.

  From a distance, he studied them. What caught Matt’s attention was a highly skilled rider on a pure black horse. From the speed the beast was traveling toward him, Matt suspected it was an Irish hunter. But, besides himself and Nash, he wondered who it might be considering how quickly the animal and rider were closing the distance to him.

  In moments his question was fully answered when his friend reined up beside him.

  “M’ lord, morning, and a fine one it is to ride,” Justin declared.

  “Yes, it is. Fine piece of horse flesh you’ve got there. Is he new?”

  “He is. Trying him out as Lord Nash won’t sell or give me Apollo. Of course, I don’t blame the marquis as his beast is truly marvelous. This one is Mercury, Apollo’s half-brother.”

  Between knowing Justin could handle Apollo and now Mercury, Matt knew he’d made the correct decision in asking Justin to take Jupiter to the estate. But would his friend be able to or would he prefer his possible new horse.

  “If you end up purchasing the animal, where will you stable him, here or your estate?” Matt said, hoping for the correct answer.

  “The country, as he’s too much horse for here. Seems when on him I scare the ladies. All Lord Nash and I need to do is come to a fair price then I’ll send him down. Turns out one of the grooms I have, can handle him with ease. Might I inquire why?”

  “Let me start by giving you this. It’s an invitation from the countess to attend a small house party at our estate and the annual Valentine Eve Ball. Before you say no, between Nash, Tony, and I and their wives, we’ll keep you safe from the tigress’ out to ensnare you.”

  “If that is the case, then please inform the countess I will be pleased to attend. However, that’s not the only reason, is it?” Justin stated.

  “No, it isn’t. Normally, I ride Jupiter to and from the country. This time Her Ladyship has directed me to escort Lady Jessica and her mother to the estate. I’ve tried tying my beast to the back of the carriage, but it didn’t work, not to mention none of His Lordship’s grooms will get near my horse. Knowing your experience with Apollo, and now Mercury, I believe you two would be a good pairing,” Matt explained.

  What Matt had noticed but not mentioned was that Jupiter hadn’t laid his ears back or bared his teeth to either Justin or the beast he was riding. Not that Matt suspected it would make any difference as the man was fearless.

  “Certainly, I will take him for you. Give me a chance to feel him go as I’ve seen you run him but, as we both know it’s not the same thing. When do you wish me to collect him?”

  “Would the day after tomorrow be convenient? You can send your carriage ahead or follow us, whichever you prefer?”

  “No, that would be perfect. We’ll join your party as it will be easier for everyone.”

  “Good.” Matt stopped and looked down Rotten Row, “Now, shall we see who has the fastest horse? Down and back.”

  “Most definitely as I suspect it will be a tie.”

  Bringing Jupiter to a halt Matt turned to Justin who wore a wide smile.

  “I don’t think the race could have been any closer. I believe you won by the scantest of margins, but someday I want a rematch,” Matt declared.

  “Agreed. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to return home and set things into motion for my early, albeit grateful departure. Will you be at the Chandler Ball?”

  “Yes, Lady Jessica and I will be attending.”

  With a hand shake, Matt started back to his townhouse. Riding into the stableyard he dismounted, led Jupiter into the stall, and took care of him. Marching into the townhouse through the kitchen, Matt made his way upstairs.

  Matt knocked on the doorframe of his father’s office then stepped in.

  “Did you have a good ride, Son?”

  “I did. Have your spies been able to find Macey?”

  “Just as you entered I finished reading the last of the reports. None of them were able to turn up even a hint he was ever here. If he was, he’s now vanished. Are you sure Lady Jessica saw him?”

  “Yes, she spent enough time with the man and with his limp he would be easy to spot,” Matt responded.

  “Then, if that’s the case, I suspect he might have known she’d seen him and left out of London as quickly as possible. Of course, we then have no idea where he could be hiding out.”

  “When I meet with Lady Jessica later I’ll mention to the earl to have extra grooms and footmen along when they come this evening,” Matt told his father.

  “Good, and I’ll send the duke a note having him do the same

  “Thank you. Now I must speak with mother before luncheon.”

  Strolling down the corridor to his mother’s parlor, Matt glanced in on the possibility she might be resting. On seeing she was reading, he gently wrapped a knuckle on the door then waited to be welcomed in.

  “Come in, Son. From the grin you’re wearing, you must have met with Lord Justin?”

  “Yes, I did, Mother, and he’s pleased to accept the invitation. He will be taking Jupiter to the estate and along with his carriage will be joining us for the trip.”


  “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I wish to clean up as the luncheon gong should be sounding shortly.”

  Accepting her head bob, Matt went up to his suite only to see packing had already started for the journey.

  “Welcome back, m’ lord. There’s fresh, warm water in the pitcher,” Seth said, helping Matt out of his jacket.

  “Thank you. I’ll wear it this afternoon, and as my shirt is clean no need to get a fresh one out.”

  “Very good, m’ lord. Have you thought about which jacket you wish for this evening?”

  “I’ll wear the deep burgundy one along with the ruby-colored vest and black trousers,” Matt stated, then went to wash his hands and face.

  With that done and back in the jacket he stepped from his suite just as the gong sounded. Making his way downstairs, Matt met up with his parents and followed them down to the dining room.

  After a pleasant meal Matt retired to the family sitting room and read until it was time to leave for his meeting with Jessica.

  Chapter Five

  Jessica knew disappointment showed in her expression on learning Richard Macey was nowhere to be found. No matter how much Matthew tried to verbally, as intimate touching wasn’t allowed with her mother glaring on, console her it didn’t help. As she watched his carriage leave the courtyard, under extra guards, Jessica turned to her mother.

  “Did I imagine seeing Macey or was that truly him?”

  “Daughter, you must go with what your eyes saw and heart feels.”

  “I know, Mother. At least Lord Matthew believes me, and that’s all that matters.”


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