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Page 15

by Jennifer Leeland

  Jaimison turned, his arse resting on his ankles, and stared at Chantal. With purpose Chantal unbuttoned her gown and shrugged out of it. She stripped quietly with small, efficient movements. As she undressed, Jaimison’s attention was riveted on her, his cock high and a pearl of moisture squeezed from the tip.

  It stunned Sarah that Jaimison could have pleasured so many women and yet the one he wanted most he had held back for. Chantal beckoned to Jaimison and indicated that he should lie down in the center of the pentagram as the other women watched.

  He reclined on his back and put his arms over his head. Chantal straddled his face, her knees beside his ears, her hands on his wrists. “Lick me. Use that talented tongue on my waiting cunt.”

  Sarah noted that Jaimison’s stare was not on Chantal’s slick pussy or her generous breasts, but focused on her face. His voice was hoarse when he responded to her order. “Let me touch you.”

  For a moment Sarah thought Chantal would refuse. In a way Sarah believed Chantal was banishing her own demons that had arisen from her encounter with Lord Robert. With Jaimison she would be in control and she would make all the decisions.

  Chantal released Jaimison’s hands and started to shift away. Jaimison reached up, not to grab or control, but to tease and touch Chantal’s pussy. He dipped his fingers into her slick channel and Chantal hissed in a breath. When he finally used his tongue, she jerked against his face. Still he kept his hands gentle, stroking, touching. Even when his mouth was frantic against her, his hands were slow and light.

  The contrast was visually arousing and Sarah’s hands clenched. Part of her wished Perry were here to see the way Jaimison learned a woman, the way he studied her needs. But then that had never been what she wanted from Perry. She enjoyed his possession and adored his seduction.

  Chantal seemed to struggle, to fight against the release Jaimison offered. The tension and need became too much for Chantal and she scrambled away from him, her gasps the only sound in the large room. Jaimison did not move. He stroked his cock and held her stare. He said nothing but their silence seemed filled with meaning.

  “Edward,” Chantal whispered, so low that Sarah thought she was the only one who caught the word.

  “Mistress, let me serve you,” Jaimison answered.

  A fleeting expression of anguish crossed Chantal’s face then she rose to her feet. “Follow me.”

  Jaimison rolled onto his stomach and crawled after Chantal. She led him to a stone pillar at the pinnacle of one of the pentagram’s points and said, “Stand up.”

  Even Sarah gasped at the ease and grace of Jaimison’s tall form as he stood in front of Chantal. She pointed to the pillar. “Face out.”

  Jaimison obeyed her and Chantal disappeared for a moment in the dark recesses of the room, only to come back with a bolt of thick rope.

  Her voice was hard and strained. “On your knees and put your hands back.”

  He didn’t hesitate. Chantal adjusted his hands, tying his wrists together around the pillar. His ass was against the stone and his cock was huge as Chantal connected the rope around his wrists to tie his ankles together. When she was done she dropped the remaining rope and stood in front of him.

  His head was breast high and his cock brushed Chantal’s thigh. She gripped his hair and yanked his head back to meet her gaze. “You will fuck me to bring me to orgasm.”

  “Yes, Mistress. But may I—” He stopped and licked his lips, his gaze dropping to the floor.

  “Ask,” she ordered him.

  “Mistress, will you kiss me?” Though it was a request, there was a sensual demand behind it that made Sarah’s insides quiver and she was sure Chantal had to feel the same if not more.

  “Edward,” she whispered. “Are you sure of what you are about?”

  “Since the moment I saw you,” he answered softly.

  “Then let it be,” she said, and pressed her lips to his.

  When their mouths touched she lowered her body onto his, his cock sliding inside her, and they both groaned. The sexual energy in the air increased and the other women touched themselves as Chantal thrust against Jaimison.

  Their lips were fused and Chantal’s hands were buried in Jaimison’s hair as if she wanted to breathe for him. The connection that Jaimison had had with the other women seemed to pale in comparison. There was something…special between them that included an overwhelming passion Sarah understood all too well.

  Chantal never allowed the kiss to end as she jerked against him and screamed her release. Jaimison could not hold on and broke contact with her. “Mistress, I’m going to come. I’m going to—” His sentence ended in a heart-wrenching shout.

  “I want you to, Edward. I want your seed.” Chantal murmured the words but Sarah heard them and tears pricked her eyes.

  It hadn’t been fucking. Edward had done it all at Chantal’s command, a gift of submission that made Sarah’s heart break for him. For she could not believe that the woman who had been taken by Lord Robert the way Chantal had could love a man with tenderness.

  But when Chantal lifted her head and met Jaimison’s glassy stare, Sarah had to rethink her belief. There was adoration and need in Chantal’s face. It was quickly wiped away and the woman stepped back but Sarah had seen it and it gave her hope for him.

  “Now, Sarah. You must come into the circle. We will summon Wisteria now.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  At full speed Perry careened down the country roads. The pounding hooves sounded behind him and he noticed that a band of men on horseback followed. He flicked the reins, wishing he could go faster.

  Two men rode alongside him and crowed closer to Perry’s carriage. One of the riders raised a pistol, aimed and fired, which killed one of the horses, threatening to overturn the carriage. Perry jumped onto the back of his remaining horse and used his knife to slice through the reins. Then five more attacked him. Their pistol shots were wide of the mark but it was only a matter of time before one found its target.

  Perry zigzagged through the countryside, barely avoiding the bullets aimed in his direction. When his horse was finally killed, caught in the hail of gunfire, Perry was forced to transform. He jumped from his mount’s back as the poor animal dropped to the ground, and allowed his inner beast free.

  In his wolf form, he turned on his attackers, going by instinct rather than sense. With a roar he leaped toward one man and gutted him. Whirling to the next rider, Perry gripped the man’s foot and yanked him down, beheading him before he hit the dirt. The other three were less enthusiastic after that but they hounded him still. Perry fled into the trees, trying to lose his pursuers in the forest. He was more wolf than man when he reached the house of Chantal D’Insigny. It was dark by the time he arrived, the men having slowed him considerably.

  On the steps a small boy greeted him, holding a lantern as if he was expected. “You must follow me.”

  “There are men who pursue me. You will be hurt. Tell me the way.” Perry glanced back at the trees, the sound of the men’s shouts growing louder.

  The boy grinned. “I am not afraid. My mistress told me what to do. This way.” The boy darted toward the back of the house and was far ahead before Perry followed. The boy darted down a worn trail into a dark wooded area. Perry had to stay in wolf form to keep up as the child ran ahead, changing direction abruptly several times. He led Perry to a hidden opening in a massive rock face. “Through there. I must go now.”

  “Be careful,” he told the boy, and sprinted through the entrance to the gaping maw of darkness.

  A hairy fist slammed into his stomach and he lost his breath. He flung himself away from the dark figure and readied for a fight.

  Light blazed as Perry’s enemy lit a torch, illuminating the cavern. The other wolf crouched, his fur matted with blood and his claws sharp.

  “By the time you reach her she’ll be dead, another victim of the curse,” he said, and smiled even as hatred burned in his gaze.

  “Move aside, wolf. She is m
y mate and you will not come between us.” Perry focused on the man and noted that his eyes shone blue in the dim light.

  They circled each other and Perry sought a way to break from the strange wolf to find Sarah. His adversary had all the time in the world, since Perry was the one who would lose if he was forced to fight here.

  Suddenly, at the mouth of the cave, a new form appeared.

  “Ben!” Perry exclaimed.

  Ben’s focus was on the wolf that threatened Perry.

  “Simon, stop this.” Ben’s voice was filled with desperation.

  “You know him?” Perry asked Ben.

  “I know him.” Ben shot Perry a quick glance and nodded his head toward the interior of the cave. “Let me handle this.”

  “You will not stop me,” the wolf stated in a low, vicious tone. “I will kill you as well.”

  “No, you won’t.” Ben stood his ground. Perry had always thought of Ben as slight in build. His dark hair was shoulder-length and his features were rather too angular to be masculine. Something in his tone clued Perry in to one important aspect of his friend he’d missed.

  Ben was in love with the killer wolf.

  “You are not angry with Perry Arundale, Simon. He is not to blame for what happened between us.” Ben’s face was pinched with pain.

  Perry started to back away into the dark recess of the cave. As fascinating as the drama was between Ben and Simon, Sarah was in danger.

  Suddenly Simon moved like lightning and blocked Perry’s exit. Ben stepped between them, his dark-brown eyes filled with sadness. “Simon, no.”

  “Get out of my way,” Simon growled, and Perry tensed.

  “You loved me once. Listen to me now,” Ben said calmly.

  The words seemed to inflame Simon. “Love? What do you know of love? You’re a coward.”

  Ben winced but held Simon’s hostile gaze. “You know why.”

  Simon’s lips twisted. “Because you are not my mate.” He spat the words and stepped closer, his nose almost touching Ben’s. “You feared for your precious skin and left me.”

  “You know why.” Ben reached out to touch the wolf but recoiled when Simon snarled and snapped at his hand. “Why won’t you believe—”

  “You could have stayed if you’d wanted me.” Beneath the hatred in Simon’s voice there was a thread of hurt. “But I will not allow anyone else to have you. I’ll kill them all.”

  “Then you’ll doom us both.” Ben stared at Simon.

  Perry’s stomach clenched at the confrontation. So much pain and agony lay between them. Simon howled, his cry filled with the pain Perry sensed. As Simon brought his hand back, the wolf’s claws extended, Perry braced himself for the blow to Ben that would kill the smaller man and lead to a fight to the death.

  Ben did not move. He faced Simon’s rage, tears glistening in the torchlight. “Simon,” he whispered.

  Simon lowered his hand. In the blink of an eye he sprinted away from the cave as if demons from hell were on his heels.

  Ben whipped around and gripped Perry’s arm. “Hurry. Sarah does not understand what she is truly sacrificing. You must save her soul.”


  “Listen to me,” Ben demanded. “The author of this curse is a woman who hates love, hates happiness. She will rob Sarah of everything, not just her life. You must save her.”

  “What about you? Simon may come back.” Perry peered into the darkness.

  But Ben’s tired face said much. “No. He won’t come back.” There was so much heartbreak in his tone that Perry gripped the man’s shoulder.

  “I will return for you.” He turned and sprinted into the maw of the cave.

  As Sarah dropped to her knees, naked, terrified, she reminded herself that she was doing this for Perry. He deserved to be happy. He would be too late to save her and he would be released from the curse that had made him so miserable.

  Chantal gripped her chin and forced Sarah to look at her. “We do not have to do this.”

  “Yes, we do.” She glanced at Jaimison’s exhausted form, limp against the stone pillar. “Would you have him live in misery if you could end it for him? Would you allow his heart to be broken and alone when you had the power to stop it?” She met Chantal’s glare steadily. “I have seen what I have seen, mistress. To free Perry this is what I must do.”

  Chantal let her hand drop away and pressed her lips together. “Then let me say this. I am a D’Insigny. I do not trust the shade of my ancestor from hundreds of years ago. You should not trust her either.”

  Chantal and the other women joined hands and began to chant. It was low and insistent. The air around them changed. The torchlight flickered and shadows seemed to lengthen. A distant roar filled Sarah’s ears, like the sound of the ocean across miles.

  In front of Chantal a column of orange smoke hissed. A voice came from the depths, a deep, strong voice. “You have brought me a sacrifice.”

  “In return for the favor you promised,” Chantal said firmly.

  The laughter in response sounded maniacal. “I made no promise but death and blood.”

  Chantal’s gaze was steady. “You are bound by your words. We are all bound by blood.”

  “A test then,” the voice said. “To see if your gift is worthy.”

  Before Chantal could say another word, the smoke surrounded Sarah and her mind was not her own. It was as if she could see and hear everything but could say or do nothing. It owned her, this spirit.

  The spirit spoke to Chantal. “Bring me the blade.”

  “Why must you kill them?” Chantal asked. “That is not what we are taught.”

  “That is what my lover taught me.” The spirit hissed in a breath. “She stinks of his blood. Bring me the blade.”

  I will not fight you. Sarah relaxed her mind and allowed the spirit deeper inside.

  For a moment the spirit of Wisteria seemed to hesitate. You would sacrifice yourself for him? He is a beast, an animal of my own making to show the true colors of the men of DeFalk.

  And yet I sense how much you still love the man who took you.

  It will not stay my hand.

  What did you mean by a test?

  Let us see what this new DeFalk generation has to offer. The spirit laughed as she turned and allowed Sarah to see Perry emerging from the darkened cavern. He had come. He had come to rescue her. Her heart leaped with joy. And the joy was followed by abject fear.

  What would Wisteria do now?

  A woman, tall, beautiful and naked stopped Perry from rushing to his wife. “Wait.” He focused on her and she spoke firmly. “I am Chantal D’Insigny. If you are to save her you must listen.”

  “Be quick,” he snapped, and kept his gaze on Sarah.

  Chantal gripped Perry’s sleeve. “Listen to me. We have little time and you must do as I say.” Her intense stare held Perry still, even though every muscle in his body strained to break through the circle of clasped hands to reach his mate.

  Naked and on her knees, Sarah would have resembled a saint praying if it hadn’t been for the dark chanting and the pentagram on the floor. Fear streaked through him as he noticed the glint of candlelight reflecting from a wicked-looking blade at her knees.

  “She cannot die.” He switched his attention to Chantal. “Tell me,” he demanded.

  “You must go into the circle naked and weaponless. The curse was created by magic and the thing that Sarah challenges is powerful.” Her gaze slid to Sarah’s still form. “You must master her or it will take her.”

  He gritted his teeth. “What do you mean?”

  Chantal made an impatient sound. “Dominate her, own her, take her in the most primitive way a man can master a woman. How much clearer must I be?”

  Perry slowly let out his breath. “I understand.”

  Chantal’s grip on his arm tightened. “If you have no feelings for her, if you are motivated by lust, then it is better if you leave her to die. Her death will be swift and painless. If you step into that circ
le and there are no tender emotions involved in your possession of her, you will lose and she will be tormented for an eternity.” Her jaw clenched. “It is a test. One that your ancestors failed at the cost of a woman’s life.”

  He narrowed his eyes to glare at Chantal. Of course the woman didn’t know what he and Sarah had already endured. “Let me in.” He divested himself of his clothes quickly and strode toward the circle.

  For a moment he thought the group would hold fast against him but Chantal spoke two words in a language he didn’t know and a gap was made. Chantal shoved him into the circle and the gap closed on her words, “Blessed be.”

  Once inside he only saw his mate. She lifted her head and his stomach plummeted. Her eyes were black like onyx and filled with hate. Instinctively Perry understood that this entity was born of Wisteria’s hatred for the man who had repeatedly raped her. What kind of power would come from it?

  “Another sacrifice?” Sarah, or the thing inside Sarah, licked her lips.

  “No,” he said as he approached her. “I am Sarah’s mate.”

  Sarah’s head tilted. “I smelled your hideous mark. I feel her desperation to get rid of you. She does not want you. Get out.”

  An invisible force slammed into Perry’s chest and he was flung back. But the circle was surrounded by an equally impassable barrier, so his body bounced hard and he hit the floor. He couldn’t stop the impact of his face on the hard stone surface

  Slowly, painfully, he rose to his feet and strode with purpose toward his mate. He noted the flicker in the black, swirling depths of Sarah’s eyes and sensed a struggle beneath the surface. Since Sarah was still on her knees, Perry towered over her.

  To master her, he had to use the thing between them, her submissive nature and his dominance, to break the hold of the dark one inside her. “Arch your back, Sarah. Grasp your ankles with your hands. I want those tits offered up to me.”

  The flicker in her gaze increased, the lighter color of Sarah’s eyes flickering in her fight to come back. But the black stain held even as Sarah obeyed him. He couldn’t stop his appreciative reaction to her graceful pose as she did as he bade. Her nipples were hard points, a sign that the woman he loved was there.


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