On the Sand [A Jarheads Novel]

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On the Sand [A Jarheads Novel] Page 14

by Sean Michael

  He chuckled, feeling loose and hot and hard and just about fucking perfect. “I'm good, but I don't know if I'm quite that good."

  "I have faith in you, Blue.” Rig smiled at him, looking good and happy, horny and sexy and his.

  Purring at that, Rock took Rig's mouth again, owning it. The hand working him tightened, Rig arching into him, crying out. He growled for Rig, holding his Rabbit tighter. Rig jerked against him, thumb sliding over the slit in his cock as those grey eyes went dark and wide. He let himself go, let Rig's pleasure push him over the edge. He shuddered as he came, spunk splashing over Rig's hand.

  His Rabbit was panting, cheek resting on his shoulder. “'s good, Blue."

  He stroked Rig's back, fingers sweeping. “Yeah."

  Rig brought that too-long, thin hand up, slowly licking it clean, moaning softly. “Well ... That was a good thank you for thinking of me. Now, I need to thank you for getting the right size.” He got a soft kiss. “And finding one so soft.” Another kiss. “And picking my favorite color beads."

  "Getting it wrapped."

  "Mm-hmm. And the soft part, you know how I love doeskin."

  He nodded. “Yeah, you could even thank me three times for that."

  "Maybe four. I'm feeling damned thankful."

  "How ‘bout we head to the bedroom and you can get to work on showing me just how thankful you are."

  Rig took his hand, those eyes sparkling, sunlight making the beads on that jacket shine. “Sounds like a plan, Blue."

  He nodded. It did.

  Presents weren't his strong suit, but every now and then he hit one out of the ballpark.

  Chapter Twenty Six

  Rig had been losing a lot of sleep, waking up earlier and earlier with the pain ripping through him, making him sweat and shake, teeth clenched against his cries, so he talked to Sammy and got a prescription for something to take when things got unbearable.

  He hadn't needed it until one late Friday night when he was exhausted, when the toilet bowl was full of blood and bile. Then he took the pill and took to bed.

  He didn't even crack an eyelid at dawn.

  Or eight a.m.

  In fact it was the shaking that woke him up at nine seventeen.

  "Damn it, Rig, don't you make me call the fucking ambulance."

  He blinked, shook his head. Fuck, his throat was dry. “What? Blue? What's wrong?"

  Rock's face was worried, real worried. “Fuck, Rig—you tell me. It's after nine and you were out hard."

  "Oh.” He reached out and pulled Rock close. “I'm okay. Christ. Sammy gave me something to help me sleep, is all. For the nights when I ... when I needed them. I'm okay."

  "Fuck.” Rock leaned heavily against him, face buried in his neck. “I thought you were in a fucking coma. Dick and me went to work out and I came home and you were still in the bed..."

  "Fuck, no. Just sleeping hard, Blue.” He wrapped around Rock, shaking a little now, Rock's fear scaring him. “I'm okay."

  Suddenly Rock was kissing him, mouth hard on his, tongue pushing in as those big hands moved over him. Rock wasn't trying to turn him on, Rock was checking to make sure he was all right. Rig opened wide, hands sliding over the strong shoulders, trying to soothe, trying to ease his Blue with all he had.

  A long shudder went through Rock and the kiss got harder, more intense as the touching morphed into hungry need. He held on tight, pulling on Rock's tongue, legs wrapping around the thick thighs.

  Rock moved against him, hands hard on his skin, tugging at his nipples, stroking across his belly. Oh. Fuck, he needed that ache to ease. He arched up, moaning, toes curling into the sheets. “Blue. My Blue..."

  The big guy spread his legs with insistent knees, two fingers sliding in to stretch him. “Need you,” growled Rock.

  "'m yours, Blue. Always have me.” He looked into those blueblue eyes, pushing down onto those fingers. “Won't leave you here, Jim. I swear it. I won't."

  His Blue just growled, fingers sliding away, cock pushing in.

  "Yes...” He stretched, reaching up for the headboard to brace himself, to give Blue what he needed. Rock's mouth closed over his again, tongue thrusting as hard as that cock, taking him. The motions were frantic, needy and desperate, bodies slamming together until Rig thought his bones were vibrating.

  Harder and harder Rock fucked him, one hand going around his prick and pulling roughly.

  "Oh. Oh, fuck. Rock!” He shuddered, eyes rolling as he came, heat spraying between them. Rock roared, coming with him, filling him with heat. As soon as he could move, he wrapped around Rock, holding on, mouth moving over Rock's skin.

  "Love you,” muttered Rock, hands holding him close, holding him hard.

  Rig nodded, snuggling close enough that he couldn't feel his own skin. “My Blue."

  Rock grunted, petting, the muscled body slowly relaxing. Soft kisses, gentle touches, low humming encouraged Rock to sink fully onto him, let it go, rest. Rig stroked Rock's nape, lips tracing the strong jaw. He would not leave his Blue. He couldn't. Rock needed him.

  A sloppy kiss landed on his neck and a few moments later Rock's snores filled the room.

  He held Rock for a long time, belly aching something fierce. Then, when he was sure Blue wouldn't wake up, Rig went to get started on his chores, putting the pills away in the back of the medicine cabinet.

  Chapter Twenty Seven

  Rock had to admit, Rig's second floor was pretty sweet. The couch was big enough for three to lie on and comfortable as fuck. The view was fucking magnificent. There was even a bar-sized fridge full of beer and a cupboard full of bar nuts and chips.

  A nice stereo system rounded out the deal and he'd brought up some AC/DC and was currently playing it at full blast. It made him feel twenty-one again, the music blaring, a bottle of beer in his hand, sun shining in brightly.

  Life was fucking good.

  Hands fell on his shoulders, thumbs rubbing hard circles, easing knots that Rock didn't even know he had. He groaned, letting his head drop forward.

  Dick's hands fell on his knees, slowly sliding up along his thighs. “Hey stud. How's it hanging?"

  He grinned. “Pretty dammed good."

  Rig's lips traced his ear. “You're looking good, Blue. Happy."

  He nodded. “I like the room, Rig. You did good."

  "Thanks. It works nice.” He could feel Rig's pleasure in that slow drawl, see Dick's approval in that wide smile.

  Dick's fingers trailed over to the button on his jeans, teasing it open, fingers dipping in to brush against the tip of his cock. “You hungry?” the kid asked, eyes shinning up at him.

  "Always,” he growled.

  Hands trailed down, Rig plucking his nipples, a soft moan tickling his ear. Dick freed his prick, fingers sliding over it, making him moan. He tilted his head back, searching out Rig's mouth. Rig gave him what he was looking for, tongue sliding deep, tasting him.

  Dick's tongue slid along his slit, fingers rolling his balls—the kid had learned everything he knew about blow-jobs from Rig, making him a master in his own right.

  Rig hummed into his lips, hand tilting his head so the kiss could deepen. He groaned into Rig's mouth, hips jerking as Dick's mouth slid around the head of his cock.

  "Mmm...” Rig moved around the couch, stripping off the pale t-shirt before snuggling close. Jesus, Rig looked like a ... Oh. Oh, that felt fucking good. “Smell good, Blue."

  "Taste good, too,” murmured Dick, pulling off his cock long enough to say it and then taking him in again, swallowing him slowly down.

  Rig chuckled, leaning down to nuzzle his pubes. “Mmm ... yeah."

  Oh, fuck. One of them down there was guaranteed to get him off in the best possible of ways—both of them? They were gonna send him to Goddammed fucking Nirvana.

  Rig started licking at Dick's lips where they wrapped around his cock, hands cupping his balls.

  "Fucking shit!” He growled, hips bucking, hands sliding into blond and brown hair. Dick's head
moved up, far enough that Rig took a deep, hard kiss, catching his cock between their hungry mouths. Their moans were echoed by his. They started taking turns, Rig, then Dick, then both together, sucking over the tip.

  "Gonna fucking kill me,” he growled, hands tightening on their heads.

  "Nope, just gonna fuck you.” Rig started tongue-fucking his slit.

  Rock groaned. Oh yeah, fucking dead. Dick pulled his jeans off and settled back between his legs, nuzzling against his ass. He spread his legs wider, letting the kid at his hole. Together his men drove him higher and higher, tongues and lips working him hard.

  He roared as he shot into Rig's mouth, ass clamping down around Dick's tongue. Rig swallowed him right down, then kept licking and nuzzling. Slut.

  Dick came up for air, grinning up at him as one of the kid's fingers slid into him. “You gonna let Rig fuck you? Gonna let me watch?"

  He growled. Yeah, he could do that. “You wanna give it to your old man, Rig?"

  Rig moaned, mouth tightening on his prick, one finger sliding down to join Dick's inside him. He jerked, prick starting to fill again. Kill him fucking dead.

  They fucked him together, fingers pushing deep and steady, Rig's mouth refusing to let him relax.

  It wasn't long before they had him hard and wanting. “More. Rig. You. Now."

  Nodding, Rig moved up between his legs, damn near shaking with it, cock head nudging his hole. “Oh, Blue..."

  The kid helped him tilt his hips. “Do it, Rig."

  His grade-A slut pushed inside, fucking him slow and steady, cock spreading him wide. He kept his eyes on Rig's, staring into serious, steady grey.

  "My Blue.” The words weren't even whispered, just breathed for him.

  "Yours,” he breathed back.

  Dick's hand slid between them, wrapping around his prick. Oh fuck. Lightning shot up his spine, his vision narrowing until all he saw was that fucking perfect grey.

  Together they brought him higher and higher, the heat building inside him. Then Rig leaned forward, whispering, “Love you” against his lips.

  He roared, world gone grey as pleasure overwhelmed him.

  Between them, Dick and Rig got him stretched on the couch, Dick behind him, Rig in his arms, a blanket thrown over top.

  It didn't get any better than this.

  Chapter Twenty Eight

  Rock was half dozing, half watching the nature special that was on the TV.

  Tiger sex.

  He shook his head. He didn't need to see that ever again. He turned off the TV, got up and went searching for Rig. Tigers weren't the only ones who could have sex. Rock followed the honky tonk music to the workshop, where his Rabbit was perched on an old bar stool, singing along, reading glasses perched on the top of his head. Bits and pieces of wood were scattered everywhere, the scent of Rig strong in here.

  "What'cha making?” he asked, moving to stand right behind Rig, arms looping around the thin waist.

  Rig leaned back into him immediately, kind of cuddling. “Oh, I'm mostly just playing. I'd like a coffee table upstairs that opens up for blankets and stuff, but I wasn't sure if it wouldn't be worth more just to go buy one, so I was making a little mock-up. You know, see if it would be more aggravation than it's worth. How was your show?"

  He snorted. “Tigers fucking."

  "Oh.” Rig arched an eyebrow, wrinkled that long, thin nose. “Ew."

  "Yeah, that's what I was thinking. And then I was thinking that there were too many folks having sex who weren't me. So I came to find you."

  Rig tilted back, chin lifting, grey eyes meeting his and sparkling. “I love the way your brain works, Rocketman."

  He snorted again and gave Rig a wink. “I didn't think it was my brain you loved."

  Those eyes warmed, wrinkling at the corners. “I need the whole package, Blue. Always have. Always will."

  He rumbled, hands moving over Rig's belly. “Well right now the whole package needs you."

  "Mmm ... I'm all yours.” Rig reached up, stretching under his touch, thighs parting.

  "My slut,” he murmured, hands sliding down, cupping Rig's cock through his jeans, hands sliding down to stroke over the inside of Rig's thighs.

  "Fuck, yes.” That long body responded to his touch like Rig was starving for it, prick firming. “That feels good."

  "I thought it might.” He latched on to Rig's neck, licking at the salty skin as he started to pull Rig off the stool and back toward the couch. Soft little sounds filled the air, Rig following easily, wood and tools and project forgotten. He sprawled out on the couch, pulling Rig down with him.

  Rig straddled his lap, arms wrapping around his neck. “Sexy motherfucker."

  "You know it.” He slid his hands beneath Rig's t-shirt, all but purring at the feeling of warm skin under his fingertips.

  "Yeah.” Rig leaned into his touches, mouth brushing over his cheeks, his jaw. “Fuck, you taste so good."

  "Pheromones. And I think it's got something to do with the stripes—camouflage works the same, I imagine."

  He winked and pulled Rig's shirt right off over his head before going for Rig's belt buckle.

  "Mmm ... pheromones. That's why you smell good.” Rig nipped right under his ear, the feeling sharp and bright. “Love bite."

  He laughed and half-roared, flipping them so he was on top. Rig grinned, pushing close, eyes dancing. “Ooooh! Alpha-male!"

  "You know it.” Rock leaned down at bit at Rig's neck. “Mine,” he growled.

  Rig squeaked, hips pushing up against him, rubbing hard. “Oh, shit. Blue."

  "Yeah, mine.” He licked at the mark he'd left and then left another next to it.

  "Yours.” The word was a gasp, Rig's head tilting, offering him more skin. He pulled off his own t-shirt and opened his jeans, getting off on Rig's response, getting hard. His teeth scraped along Rig's collarbone.

  "H ... hungry. Fuck.” Fingers wrapped around his head, holding on, Rig working his jeans down with the free hand.

  He just kept biting at Rig, teeth and tongue working his Rabbit's skin. He could feel Rig's prick like a fucking brand on his stomach, burning and wet at the tip.

  "Oh, God. Blue. Please. Fuck me. I need you.” Rig was wild, titties hard and peaked, undulating beneath him, body begging.

  "Anything you want.” He split Rig's legs, pushing against that sweet hole with his prick, spreading the leaking spunk along Rig's crack. He took a bite of Rig's un-ringed nipple, teeth closing over the little bit of hard flesh. Rig arched and pushed down on his cock, pulling him in and dancing on his prick. The sharp cries were echoing, the scent of fucking and wanting and them together strong. He started to thrust, taking Rig with long, slow movements. It felt so fucking good.

  Rig settled into the rhythm, hands hard and grasping on his skin. He moaned and growled, working hard, just taking Rig with everything he was.

  Pushing up, Rig bit his earlobe, moaning. “Yours. Oh, fuck. Yours."

  "You fucking know it,” he growled, wrapping a hand around Rig's prick.

  "Always have.” Rig jerked, ass squeezing his cock hard, milking him as spunk sprayed over his fingers. He roared, coming hard. Rig was humming, pliant and warm beneath him, completely satisfied. He settled, half on half beside Rig, feeling relaxed and good.

  Those fucking tigers had nothing on them.

  Chapter Twenty Nine

  "Man, those meds you gave me are making me sleep all the fucking time. I can't do this.” Rig twirled his watch around his wrist. Fuck, that was scary loose. “Sam, we have to try something else. Can you call me in something? I've got to run to the store tonight."

  He turned his chair toward the sunlight, tugging the sweater around him tighter and rubbing Miss Lucy's belly with his toes.

  "You sure you want to give up on them so soon, Alex? It's not even been a week, has it?"

  "It's been ten days, Sammy. I slept fifteen hours yesterday. The boys are going to notice.” Maybe.

  "Well maybe it would be
a good opportunity for you to tell them what's going on?"

  "Yeah. Yeah. How long are you keeping me on this shit?"

  "Have you noticed any changes besides the sleeping thing?"

  "No. I am still vomiting after every meal. It's not nausea, it just won't stay down.” He heard somebody coming down the hall, lowered his voice.

  "All right, let me call you in a script for that other one we were looking at—it shouldn't be as hard on you sleeping-wise."

  "Thanks, man. I'll run out and pick it up tonight. Same place as before.” Someone was lurking right outside his office door.

  "I'll call it in as soon as I get off the phone with you. I still think you need to reconsider not telling your guys."

  "Yeah. Yeah, I know. Night, Sam.” He hung up the phone, leaned and stretched. He couldn't do it.

  Not until he knew it wasn't cancer.

  And if it was cancer, then...


  It couldn't be.

  He couldn't look into Rock's eyes and say it.

  He couldn't.

  There was a knock on his door, Dick poking his head in. “Hey."

  "Hey Pretty. How goes?” He found Dick a grin.

  "Not bad. I've got to go for study group in a few minutes and I just wanted to say hey."

  "Busy, busy, busy.” School was kicking Dick's ass, but the kid was keeping up. “Keeping up with the other kids?"

  Dick shrugged. “I'm doing my best. Haven't failed yet.” He got a big smile and Dick came in. “That earns me at least a kiss, right?"

  "You know it.” He opened his arms up, welcoming Dick over. “It earns you whatever you need, Pretty."

  "I'm afraid I don't have time for more than a kiss.” Dick settled across his thighs, humming as their lips pressed together. “You look tired—you been busy at work?"

  "Yeah. Life's kicking my ass.” His arms wrapped around Dick's waist, fingers stroking the small of his Pretty's back.

  "I know the feeling.” Dick made a happy little humming noise, leaning in to kiss him again.

  "Mmm.” Now this was just fine. Just fine. He could spend a good, long amount of time doing this.

  Their mouths slid together, one kiss moving into another and another. There was no hurry in it, though, just a nice, easy loving. Dick finally broke away, leaning their foreheads together. “I have to go."


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