Down and Dirty: A Single Dad Bad Boy Romance (Small Town Bad Boys Book 3)

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Down and Dirty: A Single Dad Bad Boy Romance (Small Town Bad Boys Book 3) Page 14

by Annette Fields

  I nodded as relief washed over me and I took another drag. He was telling the truth. I could see it in his face.

  "That's all I needed to hear, man."

  Eddie's smile returned, along with a laugh of relief as we clapped each other's backs.

  "Hey, can I take a whack at this shitbag?" he asked, nodding toward Antigua's carcass down under my feet.

  "Ask the lady. He's hers," I said, gesturing toward the phone on the ground.

  "Go ahead, Eddie!" Natalie said through the speaker. "Give him a good one for me."

  For having seen plenty of violence in my day, I still had to look away when Eddie delivered swift, hard kicks to Antigua's face.

  His meaty head bounced back and forth like a basketball. The first kick sent teeth flying in every direction. By the third, his face was unrecognizable through the blood and he had surely broken his jaw.

  "Alright," I said with a final drag on my cigarette. "I'm getting bored with you being alive."

  I dropped the still-burning butt, which landed on Antigua's back and quickly burnt a hole through the silk kimono.

  He let out an unintelligible moan and shifted under my foot. I stepped off of his body and took careful aim with my gun.


  I shot him in the center of his back. It would damage internal organs and kill him soon but not quite yet.

  I walked around the pool of blood and knelt at his head. His eyes wide, bloodshot and in shock, stared at me with deep-seated fear. His mind was still there. He saw me.

  A flash of gold at his throat caught my eye and I yanked the necklace off to examine it.

  It was definitely pure gold and antique, knowing his taste. The chain was thick, ornate and stamped with intricate designs. At the end of the chain sat a teardrop diamond pendant, stained only by the blood from its former owner but otherwise flawless.

  Clutching the necklace in my fist, I leaned down close to Antigua’s ear.

  “This will make the perfect gift for my wife. She’ll always remember the day she was freed from you. How you lost everything and we won.”

  His ragged breathing grew lighter and shallower. I watched as the life slowly left his eyes, making sure I was the last thing he saw.

  When his breath grew so faint that I could no longer hear it, I held a hand in front of his mouth. No air touched my skin.

  "He's gone, babe," I said into the phone. "He'll never hurt you or anyone again."

  "Thank you, my love," she whispered into the speaker. I could only imagine what she was feeling in that moment. And I couldn't be happier being the one to carry out justice for her.

  "Anything for you," I replied.

  We said our goodbyes and I ended the phone call, nodding at one of the police officers who brought over a sheet to cover the body with.


  I turned to see Dante, one of my soldiers, running toward me. "We found them," he said panting. "The girls. But they're not letting anyone get close. They think it's a trap."

  "Where are they?" I demanded.

  I followed him to the opposite end of the complex, at least three full-sized warehouses away from where we found Antigua.

  Just the size of his place, how far we had to walk indicated how much power and control he had.

  Not anymore.

  "We moved a bunch of these pallets," Dante said, pointing them out. "Looks like a bunch of elephant tusks or some shit. But we found a basement door in the floor."

  Jesus christ.

  The door stood wide open with only a dim light shining from the dark depths within. Rickety, wooden stairs led down to what looked like a bomb shelter.

  A dark, dank, concrete room with a low ceiling. A place where no human deserved to live unless they were criminally insane.

  When I looked down, a half dozen pair of eyes looked back up at me.

  They were all different colors and shapes but all were framed by thin, unwashed faces. All the women looked at me the same way Natalie did when I first saw her, with defiance and distrust.

  "Antigua is dead," I announced to them. "No one is going to hurt any of you anymore. We have police and medical staff here to help you. You can trust us."

  "Liar!" spat an Asian woman who seemed to be the chosen leader among them. "This is just another one of his sick games."

  Dante and I exchanged a look. We didn't want to force these women out but we might need to. They wouldn't budge unless they saw the truth for themselves.

  A sudden idea struck me. Natalie! I could call her and have her talk to them.

  "I can prove that we're trustworthy," I said, pulling my phone from my pocket.

  "Wait, what's that in your hand?" asked another woman.

  I forgot that I was still holding Antigua's necklace in my fist. The sunlight caught the diamond at just the right angle to reflect onto the women's faces down below. A drop of blood slid down the polished, brilliant surface and landed at my feet.

  And I realized that was all the proof I needed.

  "This is Antigua's necklace," I said, holding it up like a trophy. "I killed him. I watched the life drain from his eyes.”

  "It's true, I recognize it!" shouted one of the women. I recognized her as being one of two sitting next to Antigua earlier. "Is he really dead?"

  "This is his blood that's on it," I replied. "His body is under a sheet right now."

  The eyes turned to the Asian woman, who continued to look at me skeptically but I saw the glimmer of hope in them as well.

  "I'm giving this necklace to Natalie," I said. "The one who was able to escape."

  "Oh God, Natalie!" the Asian woman cried and clapped her hand over her mouth. "You mean she's alive?"

  "Alive and well," I told her. "And now safe. Like all of you."

  The Asian woman's expression softened as she took a few tentative steps up the rickety stairs. I held my hand out to her for support and she took it, tears forming in her large brown eyes as she looked at me.

  "It's okay, girls," she said to the others. "We're going home."

  Dante and I helped the rest of them out of the basement just as more ambulances were arriving.

  Antigua's body remained sprawled out at the foot of his gaudy throne. The sight of it elicited cheers and cries of delight from the women as they walked past to be seen by the paramedics.

  More detectives and investigators arrived at the scene as well in several vans. Some inspected the illegal and stolen artifacts while others took photos and collected evidence.

  As I watched the scene unfold before, I leaned against one of the vans and slid the necklace into my pocket. My work was done, and not just for the day.

  For good.

  A brotherly jab came to my left shoulder as Liam leaned up against the car next to me.

  "Well done, my man," he said. "This is a huge fucking operation we busted, all thanks to you."

  "Nah," I said. "Eddie's the real hero. He risked his life leading us here. It all would have been for nothing if it weren't for him."

  "That's true," Liam agreed watching law enforcement agents crawl around the scene like ants. "So what's next for you?"

  "I'm done, man," I said with a shake of my head.

  "Oh?" he cocked an eyebrow.

  "This was my last day as a low-life dirty thug. I'm out of this game. I got a family to raise."

  "Not that I don't believe you but," Liam narrowed his eyes. "What about your business? You're the boss that just broke up Antigua's massive empire. That's got to mean something."

  "It does but it's not important to me anymore," I replied. "Ivan will take over for me in Cloverville. Eddie can do what he wants with the remnants of the empire. But for me? It's time for me to be there for my woman and my kid."

  Or kids, possibly.

  "Well happy retirement, I suppose," Liam said with a smirk. "Wish I could've retired at twenty-seven. What are you gonna do in your downtime?"

  "Not sure yet," I said, gliding my fingers along the gold chain in my pocket. "Bu
t I'll find something to do."



  "When's Daddy coming home?"

  "Soon, sweetheart. He'll be here soon."

  "But when?!"

  Ari was extra cranky and I had no idea how to soothe her. Her eyelids drooped heavily as she fought to stay awake, combined with her eagerness for Sol's return made her whiny and temperamental for the last several hours.

  "I'm not sure, sweetie," I admitted. "But he will."

  God damn it, Sol. Where are you? You said before the sun sets. We got off the phone hours ago.

  All three of us could only pace the house as we waited. At first, we were overjoyed. I told Netta that everything went perfectly as soon as I got off the phone with Sol, and the kid-friendly version of the same news to Ari.

  We danced and celebrated the victory in the living room. When Ari laid down for a nap, Netta and I couldn't stop gabbing to each other how wonderful that not only was Sol alive, the mission was an absolute success.

  But as the hours ticked by and dusk gave way to nightfall with no word, our joy stripped away and turned into worry.

  "Have you tried calling him?" Netta asked.

  "I don't know if I should," I said as I bit my lip. "What if it's not safe?"

  She nodded in agreement, her lips pressed into a thin, tense line.

  We ran through all kinds of scenarios in hushed whispers. What if one of Antigua's men assaulted him? What if he was in hiding for protection?

  I couldn't stand to let my imagination wander without feeling sick to my stomach. I knew what kind of sick torture Antigua was capable of. His trusted soldiers could do the exact same things.

  That wouldn't happen to Sol, I told myself. He's too smart to get captured and too strong to get held down.

  We had no vehicle and no contact information for any of his associates. Calling 911 would likely get him and his business partners in trouble. All we could do was wait.

  It was after midnight when the deadbolt slid out of its lock in the front door. All three of us were camped out in the living room to wait for him. Ari dead asleep, Netta drifted off while watching TV with the volume on low, and me trying to read a book.

  I jumped off the couch like I got bit in the ass when the door moved. My first instinct was to grab a weapon so I snatched a fireplace poker and raised it in front of me.

  When Sol's handsome face filled my vision, the poker clattered to the floor as relief overwhelmed me.

  The five steps it took for me to reach him felt like I was wading through the thickest mud.

  But when my arms finally wrapped around his broad shoulders, everything was right again.

  At the first familiar touch of his warmth and solidness, my body melted. I collapsed completely into him, all my strength gone. I could be weak now. No one on earth could hurt either of us. We won.

  His forearms pressed into the curve of my lower back as our lips finally found each other. His stubble scratched my cheeks from the friction and the pressure but I didn't care. My man was home at last and I could feel him. Taste him. He tasted like home and love.

  I pulled away just to give him a frustrated jab on the shoulder.

  "What took you so long?" I demanded, my voice just above a whisper. "We've been waiting around for hours!"

  "Police reports and transferring of assets. Boring shit, but I had to get it done, babe."

  I cocked an eyebrow. "What do you mean by transferring assets?"


  Ari looked sleepily over the couch and her eyes grew wide at who she saw. Our adults-only talk would have to wait.

  "Hey, baby girl!"

  Sol's grin grew as wide as his face as he knelt down and held his arms out. Ari ran to him with a gleeful cry and he scooped her up and spun her around.

  "I missed you, Daddy."

  "I missed you too, honey." He planted fat, smacking kisses on each of her cheeks. "Were you good for Natalie and Netta?"

  "Yes, but we waited so long! I was getting angry!"

  "I know, sweetie," he said, not bothering to hide the laughter in his voice. "It won't happen anymore, though. I promise."

  "Better not!"

  Her pout was both adorable and lethal, but it didn't hide the yawn she tried to hold back or how her eyelids fluttered from fatigue.

  "It is way past your bedtime!" Sol kissed her again as he headed toward her bedroom. "I'll tuck you in and we'll head home tomorrow."

  Netta slept through the most dramatic part of the reunion but got her hugs in right after he put Ari to bed. She grumbled about lack of sleep and being inconvenienced on the way back to her bedroom, but the smile on her face was as clear as day. She was just as happy as all of us to have him back.

  But finally, we were alone.

  "So what's this about transferring assets?" I asked the moment he closed our bedroom door.

  He turned to me slowly, peeling off his shirt and bulletproof vest in a way that was downright seductive.

  "I'm giving up the thug life," he said, giving me a serious look. "No more of this criminal shit. My priority is you and our babies."

  My jaw dropped.

  "You serious?"

  "As serious as I am about making you my wife officially once I get you a ring."

  He reached out and caressed my hips and belly as he placed a long, sensual kiss on my mouth that made all my insides flutter. His words, his touch, everything he did carried so much weight to me. They wrapped around my heart and set it free at the same time.

  "Do you feel any different?" he asked, tracing his fingers across my lower abdomen.

  I giggled. "It's too soon to tell. Probably hasn't even happened yet."

  He grinned.

  "Well, we just have to try again to make sure, don't we?"

  My gasp escaped into his mouth as he caught me in a passionate kiss again. As my hands searched under his clothes for his warm, firm body, I realized this was it.

  This was the rest of my life.

  Being passionately loved and cared for by this man and the family that we made. The family that I never had before.

  He suddenly pulled away before we could get too hot and heavy.

  "I have something for you."

  From his pants pocket, he produced a long, golden metal chain. It was at least an inch thick, stamped with intricate designs, and carried a large teardrop diamond pendant at the end. I recognized it immediately.

  "Antigua's necklace," I gasped with wide eyes.

  "Your necklace now."

  Sol unhooked the clasps and refastened them around my neck. It felt heavy and far too ornate that what I'd usually wear, but it filled me with pride.

  The necklace was undoubtedly an ancient heirloom that belonged to royalty and in that moment I felt like an absolute queen.

  I survived this man and had this trophy to prove it.

  "I want to fuck you wearing this," Sol said in a low, lusty growl. "What better way to honor that fucker's memory."

  "I couldn't agree more, my love."

  Our next kiss was a tight clutch of teeth and nails as we hurriedly tore each other's clothing off. Fueled by pure passion and filthy, hungry need, this moment sang a different tune than our last one together but felt just as meaningful.

  When we made love to conceive our child, we did so thinking it could be our last day together. But this could be our last night together too, even if he was out of the game for good. That night taught me to cherish and savor every moment of love and life.

  I was done waiting for a tomorrow that might not be a world of pain or might never come. Going forward, I would live my life one sweet moment at a time.

  Starting with this one.

  The metal felt cool against my skin as Sol lifted my shirt over my head and freed my breasts from their lacy prison.

  "Oh my God," he rasped, stepping back to look at me completely naked except for the gold, ornamental chain around my neck.

  "You're stunning, Natalie." He moved in
to capture my mouth again with fierce, possessive kisses. "You're a queen. A goddess."

  "All because of you," I whispered back, digging into the hard muscles of his back before I reached his waistband and tore apart his belt buckle and clasp on his pants.


  He paused to cup my chin, tilting my face up to look at him. His lips hovered inches away from mine as his lusty gaze burned into me.

  "You're an amazing human being even without me." He caressed my neck and cheek as his forehead pressed to mine. "That's why you're the only person I trusted to raise my kids if I weren't here."

  "But you are here," I replied. "And you're mine."

  Trembling slightly, my hands caressed over the coarse hair of his thick, powerful thighs. His eyes rolled back and he moaned as I massaged his heavy balls, teasing him by staying away from the massive cock that pointed straight at me.

  "You've got me by the balls, so I'd say you're right about that," he smirked.

  His mouth returned to mine with enough pressure to crush me. Heat surged through me and my knees buckled, drunk with desire but he was right there.

  He lifted me off the floor, supporting me under my thighs with his powerful hands and carried me effortlessly to the bed.

  He laid me down on the mattress but kept his grip on my thighs as he knelt at the edge of the bed, his lips never losing contact with my skin.

  My wetness spread around from my pussy to my inner thighs from his rigid shaft rubbing the tender flesh and teasing my entrance.

  The necklace shifted and bounced on my chest, making delicate metallic sounds as I writhed under his grasp. There was something so incredibly erotic about wearing a huge, expensive piece of jewelry while fucking the man who killed its previous owner.

  I really did feel like a queen.

  And Sol worshiped my body like one.

  He trailed searing hot kisses over my skin, sending my nerve endings into overdrive with sensation. His lips never missed a curve or a crevice.

  When his mouth sealed over my entire vulva, my hips bucked so hard and I had to bite my fist to keep from screaming.

  He smiled as he pulled away, gently tugging my labia as he did so.


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