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by Jerry B. Jenkins

  “Okay, Lord,” Conrad said.

  Jesus sat upon a throne on a platform before all the people. The sight of millions of people moving to the left and the right of Jesus made Lionel gasp. When Jesus told Lionel where to go, he obeyed and moved toward a smaller group. Most were headed to Jesus’ left, and people there looked frightened.

  “Worship the King of kings and Lord of lords!” Gabriel shouted, and everyone fell to their knees.

  “Jesus Christ is Lord!” Lionel said along with millions of others.

  Gabriel motioned for everyone to stand. “John the revelator wrote: ‘I saw under the altar the souls of all who had been martyred for the word of God and for being faithful in their witness.

  “ ‘They called loudly to the Lord and said, “O Sovereign Lord, holy and true, how long will it be before you judge the people who belong to this world for what they have done to us? When will you avenge our blood against these people?”

  “ ‘Then a white robe was given to each of them. And they were told to rest a little longer until the full number of the servants of Jesus had been martyred.’

  “People of the earth, hearken your ears to me! The time has been accomplished to avenge the blood of the martyrs against those living on the earth! For the Son of Man has come in the glory of his Father with his angels, and he will now reward each according to his works! As it is written, ‘ “At that time, when I restore the prosperity of Judah and Jerusalem,” says the Lord, “I will gather the armies of the world into the valley of Jehoshaphat. There I will judge them for harming my people, for scattering my inheritance among the nations, and for dividing up my land.

  “ ‘“They cast lots to decide which of my people would be their slaves. They traded young boys for prostitutes and little girls for enough wine to get drunk.” ’ ”

  A commotion rose from Jesus’ left, and the group fell down and wailed, “Jesus Christ is Lord! Jesus Christ is Lord!” A man dressed in black with long hair tried to stand. Z-Van!

  Calmly, the Lord spoke. “Lionel, come, you who are blessed by my Father, inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. For I was hungry, and you fed me. I was thirsty, and you gave me a drink. I was a stranger, and you invited me into your home. I was naked, and you gave me clothing. I was sick, and you cared for me. I was in prison, and you visited me.”

  “Lord, when did I see you hungry and feed you or thirsty and give you something to drink?” Lionel said. “Or see you as a stranger or see you in prison?”

  “I assure you, Lionel,” Jesus said, “when you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were doing it to me!”

  Lionel nodded. “Thank you.”

  Jesus walked to the edge of the platform. With emotion in his voice he said, “Away with you, you cursed ones, into the eternal fire prepared for the Devil and his demons! For I was hungry, and you didn’t feed me. I was thirsty, and you didn’t give me anything to drink. I was a stranger, and you didn’t invite me into your home. I was naked, and you gave me no clothing. I was sick and in prison, and you didn’t visit me.”

  Millions protested. “When did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked … ?” The noise of their pleadings reached a crescendo.

  Then Jesus said, “I assure you, when you refused to help the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were refusing to help me. And you will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous will go into eternal life.”

  After a time, Gabriel stepped forward and silenced the crowd. “Your time has come!”

  Jesus lifted a hand, and a huge hole opened in the earth to his left and swallowed the millions who had never received Jesus as their Savior and Lord. Then the earth closed again.

  Vicki was overcome with sadness at the destruction of the people. Jesus spoke to her softly. “I know your heart, Vicki. Now accept my peace. The peace I give isn’t like the peace the world gives. So don’t be troubled or afraid. Listen now as my servant comforts you.”

  For the next few minutes, Gabriel spoke, giving Scripture, explaining the unexplainable—the love of God, the grace of Christ. Jesus spoke as well, and after Gabriel told everyone to sit, he smiled and said in a loud voice, “Blessed and holy are those who share in the first resurrection. For them the second death holds no power, but they will be priests of God and of Christ and will reign with him a thousand years.

  “The mighty God, the Lord, has spoken; he has summoned all humanity from east to west! From Mount Zion, the perfection of beauty, God shines in glorious radiance. Our God approaches with the noise of thunder. Fire devours everything in his way, and a great storm rages around him. Heaven and earth will be his witnesses as he judges his people.

  Jesus stood. “Bring my faithful people to me—those who made a covenant with me by giving sacrifices.”

  From everywhere came the souls of those who had died in faith, the “believing dead,” as Tsion had called them. All these wore clean, white robes and gathered around Jesus’ throne. Vicki searched the faces for anyone she knew, but there were so many!

  Jesus began by honoring Old Testament saints, people Vicki had heard about when she was small and went to vacation Bible school. As Jesus called them forward, he embraced them and they knelt at his feet. “Well done, good and faithful servant,” Jesus said to each.

  Noah, Samuel, Ruth, Gideon, and many more approached Jesus. The ceremony must have gone on for days, Vicki realized, but Jesus had given everyone his strength and patience.

  When Abraham stepped forward, Jesus said, “By faith you obeyed when God called you to leave home and go to another land that God would give you as your inheritance. You went without knowing where you were going. And even when you reached the land God promised you, you lived there by faith—for you were like a foreigner, living in a tent. And so did Isaac and Jacob, to whom God gave the same promise. You did this because you were confidently looking forward to a city with eternal foundations, a city designed and built by God.”

  Abraham’s wife, Sarah, was right behind him and later Jacob and Joseph. Vicki was thrilled at the sight, but her heart ached to see her friends, those who had died during the Tribulation and those who had been taken from her in the Rapture.

  She took Judd’s hand and squeezed it gently. “Can’t wait to meet your parents,” she whispered.


  THE HONORING of Old Testament saints was complete, and Judd couldn’t believe it had been days since it had first begun. He didn’t feel tired, hungry, or anything other than worshipful toward Jesus. He thanked God again and again for letting him be a part of this.

  “You’re welcome, Judd,” Jesus said. “But the best is yet to come.”

  Judd had dreamed of talking with Old Testament heroes, but now Gabriel stood and said, “John the revelator wrote, ‘I saw the souls of those who had not worshiped the beast or his statue, nor accepted his mark on their forehead or their hands. They came to life again, and they reigned with Christ for a thousand years.’ ”

  This ceremony didn’t happen like the Old Testament saints. Somehow the Lord arranged it so that only people who knew a Tribulation saint saw that person getting their reward. One of the first Judd noticed was Bruce Barnes, the pastor who had helped him, Vicki, and Lionel understand the truth.

  Vicki stood and pointed at a white-robed man. “It’s Bruce!” Before Judd or Vicki could yell at him, Mark Eisman stepped forward. Tears streamed down Judd’s face as Mark received his reward. Then came Mark’s cousin John Preston. Then Perryn Madeleine, the young man who had been beheaded in France. Then Pete Davidson, the biker Judd had helped during the earthquake.

  Vicki wept as Natalie Bishop knelt in front of Jesus. The Lord honored her by mentioning that she had sacrificed her own life to save her friends. Natalie had worked inside the Global Community and had been eventually beheaded.

  Vicki could hardly contain her joy as Chaya Stein and her mother stepped forward. Mr. Stein was not far away from Vicki. He stood, praising
God, tears streaming.

  Hattie Durham appeared and embraced Jesus. When she knelt at his feet, Jesus placed a sparkling tiara on her head. “My daughter, you were martyred for your testimony of me in the face of the Antichrist and the False Prophet, and so you will bear this crown for eternity. Well done, good and faithful servant.”

  Phoenix barked when Ryan Daley, an original Young Trib Force member, approached. The dog ran up to Ryan and licked his face. Ryan knelt at Jesus’ feet. As Jesus gathered Ryan into his arms, the Lord reached out and gently patted Phoenix’s head.

  When Vicki looked again, Ryan had moved away, and Chloe Williams took his place. Behind her were Buck Williams and Tsion Ben-Judah. Caleb, the angel who had appeared to Vicki and the others in Wisconsin, stepped from behind the throne and embraced Chloe.

  Jesus said to Chloe, “You too suffered the guillotine for my name’s sake, speaking boldly for me to the end. Wear this crown for eternity.”

  To Buck, Jesus said, “You and your wife gave up a son for my sake, but he shall be returned to you, and you shall be recompensed a hundredfold. You will enjoy the love of the children of others during the millennial kingdom.”

  When Tsion Ben-Judah stepped forward, Jesus praised him for “your bold worldwide proclamation of me as the Messiah your people had for so long sought, the loss of your family—which shall be restored to you—your faithful preaching of my gospel to millions around the world, and your defense of Jerusalem until the moment of your death. Untold millions joined me in the kingdom because of your witness to the end.”

  Lionel set out to find Ryan Daley as soon as he saw him approach Jesus. He jumped up and tried to see over the throng, but suddenly the honoring of these martyrs and saints was over.

  Jesus stood at the front edge of the platform and spread his arms. “I will declare the decree. The Lord has said to me, ‘You are my Son. Today I have become your Father. Only ask, and I will give you the nations as your inheritance, the ends of the earth as your possession. You will break them with an iron rod and smash them like clay pots.’

  “Now then, you kings, act wisely! Be warned, you rulers of the earth! Serve the Lord with reverent fear, and rejoice with trembling. Submit to God’s royal Son, or he will become angry, and you will be destroyed in the midst of your pursuits—for his anger can flare up in an instant. But what joy for all who find protection in him!

  “I welcome you, one and all, to the kingdom I have prepared for you. Lionel, welcome.”

  “I praise you, Lord,” Lionel said.

  And then the noise of reunions began. People swarmed through the crowd looking for anyone to hug. Some grabbed strangers and embraced. Others who found friends or relatives leaped into the air, hugging each other tightly.

  Someone touched Lionel on the shoulder and he turned. A familiar face looked back at him, and for a moment Lionel didn’t know who it was. Finally he recognized the man and shouted, “Uncle André!”

  Lionel’s uncle smiled and turned his head shyly. “Bet you didn’t expect to see me here.”

  “B-b-but … Judd and I … we found your body,” Lionel stammered. “What happened?”

  “All that stuff you said—I took it to heart. Just before I died, I cried out to the Lord to save me, and he did. I’m glad you never gave up on me.”

  Judd fell to his knees as Bruce Barnes and Ryan Daley walked arm in arm toward him and Vicki. Phoenix trailed not far behind, his tail wagging and his body trembling with delight. In the background, Judd saw Dan and Nina Ben-Judah embracing their father and Mrs. Ben-Judah close by.

  Ryan knelt and hugged Judd. Then Vicki joined them, and they laughed and cried at the same time.

  The joy Judd felt was so real he couldn’t stop crying. He shook his head. “Ryan, I’m so sorry for—”

  “No!” Ryan exclaimed. “There is no sorrow here. You’ve been forgiven. I’ve been forgiven. We’ve all received God’s grace.”

  Bruce Barnes joined the little group. “We’ve been so proud of what you’ve done. There are many souls here because of your faithfulness to give the message.”

  “It’s because of you that we even found the message,” Judd said to Bruce.

  Bruce nodded and his eyes widened. “Excuse me. I see my wife and children.”

  Lionel pulled his uncle André into the group and introduced everyone. When Ryan saw Lionel, Judd thought Ryan would jump out of his skin. They hugged and danced and slapped high fives.

  Judd turned and looked toward the throne. Jesus watched, drinking in the excitement and fervor of the reunions. “Thank you,” Judd whispered.

  “You’re welcome, Judd,” Jesus said. “I delight in giving you the desires of your heart.” He looked slightly to his left. “There are others who wish to greet you.”

  Judd turned and saw his mother, father, brother, and sister. Beside them were people he had never seen before. He rushed to his mom and hugged her, then his dad.

  “I was on a plane—I took a credit card—,” Judd started but couldn’t finish.

  “It’s okay, Son,” his father said, hugging him tightly.

  Marc and Marcie beamed at Judd, then looked at Vicki. “Are you his wife?”

  “Yes,” Judd said. “Let me introduce you.”

  But before he could, Vicki let out a squeal.

  Vicki flew to her mother and father and embraced them. Then she hugged her little sister, Jeanni, and twirled her around. “Mom, Dad, I want you to meet Judd Thompson.”

  Mrs. Byrne smiled. “Thank you for watching out for our little girl.”

  Judd dipped his head. “She’s the joy of my life.” He looked at Mr. Byrne. “If I could have, I would have asked your permission before we were married.”

  “You have our blessing and our thanks,” Mr. Byrne said. “I couldn’t have picked a better son-in-law.”

  Vicki quickly introduced her family to Judd’s, and it felt like they had known each other all their lives.

  Later Vicki found Pete Davidson and Natalie Bishop, and she had a chance to talk more with Ryan Daley. She saw Darrion Stahley walking with her mother and father. Manny Aguilara and his sister, Anita. Josey Fogarty with her sons, Ben and Brad, and people she had known in high school who had disappeared.

  Chad Harris, the young man Vicki had met in Iowa, smiled and gave her a hug. Judd and Chad talked for a long time. Vicki spotted Cheryl Tifanne visiting her son, Ryan Victor, and spoke with her about her last months in Wisconsin. Vicki met Tom and Luke Gowin, two believers from South Carolina who had lost their lives. Judd seemed overjoyed to introduce a handsome young man named Pavel Rudja to Vicki. She later learned that Pavel had been in a wheelchair for most of his life.

  As families headed toward homes and living quarters, Judd talked about their future. He mentioned Vicki’s idea about taking in children with no families.

  Vicki stopped, noticing several children standing alone. A light caught her eye and she glanced at Jesus.

  “Let the little children come to me,” Jesus said. “Don’t stop them. For the Kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”

  “Am I supposed to—?”

  “I have already put this desire in your heart, Vicki,” Jesus said.

  Vicki walked up to a redheaded girl who was moving a finger through the sand. She couldn’t have been older than seven.

  “What’s your name?” Vicki asked.

  “Anne,” the girl said.

  “Where’s your family?”

  “I don’t have any. They’re gone.”

  Vicki looked at Judd and extended a hand to the girl. The three walked toward a boy sitting on a rock, and Vicki smiled at Anne.

  “You have a family now,” Vicki said.

  In that day the wolf and the lamb will live together;

  the leopard and the goat will be at peace.

  Calves and yearlings will be safe among lions,

  and a little child will lead them all.

  ISAIAH 11:6


Jerry B. Jenkins ( is the writer of the Left Behind series. He owns the Jerry B. Jenkins Christian Writers Guild, (, an organization dedicated to mentoring aspiring authors, as well as Jenkins Entertainment, a filmmaking company ( Former vice president of publishing for the Moody Bible Institute of Chicago, he also served many years as editor of Moody magazine and is now Moody’s writer-at-large.

  His writing has appeared in publications as varied as Time magazine, Reader’s Digest, Parade, Guideposts, in-flight magazines, and dozens of other periodicals. Jenkins’s biographies include books with Billy Graham, Hank Aaron, Bill Gaither, Luis Palau, Walter Payton, Orel Hershiser, and Nolan Ryan, among many others. His books appear regularly on the New York Times, USA Today, Wall Street Journal, and Publishers Weekly best-seller lists.

  He holds two honorary doctorates, one from Bethel College (Indiana) and one from Trinity International University. Jerry and his wife, Dianna, live in Colorado and have three grown sons and three grandchildren.

  Dr. Tim LaHaye (, who conceived the idea of fictionalizing an account of the Rapture and the Tribulation, is a noted author, minister, and nationally recognized speaker on Bible prophecy. He is the founder of both Tim LaHaye Ministries and The PreTrib Research Center.

  He also recently cofounded the Tim LaHaye School of Prophecy at Liberty University. Dr. LaHaye speaks at many of the major Bible prophecy conferences in the U.S. and Canada, where his prophecy books are very popular.

  Dr. LaHaye earned a doctor of ministry degree from Western Theological Seminary and an honorary doctor of literature degree from Liberty University. For twenty-five years he pastored one of the nation’s outstanding churches in San Diego, which grew to three locations. During that time he founded two accredited Christian high schools, a Christian school system of ten schools, and Christian Heritage College.


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