Prophecy of the Seer

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Prophecy of the Seer Page 1

by K.N. Lee

  Prophecy of the Seer

  The Eura Chronicles Book Four

  K.N. Lee


  Ellowen World Info

  Realm: Kyril

  Realm: Alfheim

  Realm: Nostfar


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  An Excerpt from Throne of Deceit

  A Look at Mark of Chaos

  About the Author

  Also by K.N. Lee

  Copyright © 2019 by K.N. Lee

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.


  Ellowen World Info

  Realm: Kyril

  Realm: Alfheim

  Realm: Nostfar


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  An Excerpt from Throne of Deceit

  A Look at Mark of Chaos

  About the Author

  Also by K.N. Lee

  Ellowen World Info

  Realm: Eura

  Human, mermaid, and Mithrani territory

  Human Traits

  Focus—prominent trait; increased focus

  Evasion—the ability to confuse an opponent by making one’s image flicker and shift to another spot

  Split—the ability to split into two identical beings Reach

  Accuracy—increased precision when using a weapon

  Mermaid Traits

  Breath—prominent trait; the ability to breathe under water and bestow the power to do so to others temporarily

  Hypnosis—the ability to hypnotize others with their eyes

  Mithrani Traits

  Mock—the ability to manipulate the prominent trait of every race

  Bellen Traits

  Body to Mind—prominent trait; the ability to transfer physical energy to mental energy for magic usage

  Power wheels—the ability to create magic wheels for focusing power

  Realm: Kyril

  Tryan, fairy, and mermaid territory

  Tryan Traits

  Enchant—prominent trait; the ability to make weapons or items stronger and more powerful

  Creation—the ability to create objects from ordinary materials or invent new ones

  Blessed shield—a shield of energy that protects its user

  Vex—the ability to confuse an opponent temporarily

  Mind Telling—the ability to read the thoughts of others

  Fairy Traits

  Heal—prominent trait; the ability to heal wounds with energy power

  Enchant—the ability to make weapons or items stronger and more powerful

  Flight—the ability to fly

  Soothe—the ability to calm others, including animals

  Realm: Alfheim

  Silver Elf and mermaid territory

  Silver Elves

  Agility—prominent trait; the ability to climb and increased balance

  Focus—increased focus

  Accuracy—increased precision when using a weapon

  Stealth—the ability to go invisible

  Shift—the ability to change into an animal

  Realm: Nostfar

  Shadow Elf and mermaid territory

  Shadow Elf

  Dart—prominent trait; lightning-fast speed

  Rage—the ability to become more powerful when angry

  Camouflage—the ability to blend into their surroundings


  The world below was absent of color, utterly lifeless.

  This was what he’d come for—to destroy it all—to rebuild it in a way that was by his own design.

  Wexcyn lowered himself to the ground, landing lightly on the blackened dirt littered with ashes and remnants of the ancient trees that had once stood tall. The air was dense, foul with the smell of rot.

  With his gaze cast to the east, he watched a large, black mass continue its assault of the world below, slowly crawling across the sky. As it headed away, having left complete destruction behind, it continued to gain in mass and strength. Wexcyn observed as it collected more energy from the vegetation and creatures it consumed, and sucked away all life and color in its wake.

  He knelt to the ground, collecting a handful of dirt. It fell from between his fingers and began to blow away with the wind.

  Litha landed at his side, dressed in a steel-colored gown that proved iridescent even with the absence of the sun’s rays.

  “We will make it beautiful again,” the stunning Goddess to his left said, turning a perfect smile his way.

  He nodded, and breathed in the air. There was very little life force in the air now. It would take several thousands of years for anything to regrow.

  But, with his arsenal of followers, and the unlimited source of power flowing through his veins, Litha was right; they would make it beautiful again.

  They just needed to strip it bare, and start over.

  They both scanned the gray landscape when a bright light appeared before them.

  Static and golden dust filled the space the light emerged from, and a spinning circle opened, revealing a man the same height as Wexcyn, at nearly nine feet.

  No, as he stepped from the light, more emerged, radiating from his body, it became clear that this was no ordinary man.

  Dressed in golden armor, and with long bright red hair braided down his back, and with a golden circlet his piercing green eyes rested on Wexcyn.

  “Telryd,” Wexcyn said.

  Litha took a step back, and shot a glance at Wexcyn.

  Telryd’s gaze was cool, almost indifferent. But, when he spoke, the ground began to quake beneath their feet.

  “You dare to return,” Telryd said, glancing to the left.

  “Dare?” Wexcyn asked, lifting a brow. “Let us not forget it was I who gave my fair share of power to create this world, Brother.”

  Telryd’s brow twitched, but he showed no emotion. “We ceased to be brothers many, many moons ago.”

  “That may be,” Wexcyn said, with a shrug of his shoulder. “But, I still have a claim on this world.”

  Telryd regarded him in silence for a moment.

  “Interfering will only bring more chaos,” Litha said. “The scales will overturn, and we could lose this world entirely.”

  Telryd sho
t her a glare. “Do not dare to speak. You trespass. I can erase your entire being, just for stepping foot in my territory.”

  She pursed her lips, cheeks paling a bit as she did so. But, she remained silent, and took another step backward.

  Wexcyn sighed, and shook his head. “We don’t have to fight.”

  “You brought the fight to our home. And, though this world cannot feasibly handle all of our individual energies, we have made—” He paused, a slow smile coming to his lips. “Arrangements.”

  “Oh, yes,” Wexcyn said. “I know all about your arrangements. I assure you, the Chosen will not stand against the hordes of armies, creatures, and entities I have summoned.”

  Telryd looked down at the black ground and fallen skeletons of what were once trees, and animals. Stumps and charred logs were all that was left behind. “You have indeed outdone yourself with this abomination.”

  Wexcyn bowed, a slow grin coming to his face. “Why thank you for noticing.”

  Telryd lifted a brow, and nodded. “Yes, I have noticed. That’s why we have awakened the dragons.”

  Wexcyn clasped his hands before him. Dragons were one of the most powerful creatures in all of the five worlds. Their power stretched beyond the physical plane, having the ability to wage war on even the most toxic of energies. They could travel to different dimensions with ease, and call forth ancient magic straight from Aden.

  “That,” Wexcyn said, lifting a finger. “I have noticed. And, I have acquired one of your dragons for my cause.”

  He gave Telryd a wink.

  They locked gazes for a moment, and a slight flicker of humor entered Telryd’s eyes, making Wexcyn’s grin fade.

  Telryd nodded. “Yes,” he said, and summoned the collection of golden light that encased his body, preparing his exit. “If that’s what you truly believe. Best of luck to you.”

  With that, he vanished, sucked away into a portal back to the Overworld.

  Wexcyn stared at the empty space where his brother had been for a moment, before turning his eyes to the clouds above.

  “What did he mean by that?” Litha asked. “If that’s what you truly believe?”

  Wexcyn’s jaw tightened, and rage began to rise, heating his blood. He would not be outsmarted or outmatched by his younger sibling.

  “I’m certain we’ll find out.”


  Dear Spirits, help us.

  A surge of wind forced Lilae and Liam into a vortex with no exit. Her heart pounded in her chest, and the sharp edges of the wind seared across her cheeks as she braced herself.

  All would be changed.

  There was no going back from what she’d just done.

  Ocura Maga had given her a choice. She prayed to the Ancients, the Elders, and the Spirits that she hadn’t just made the wrong one.

  Darkness stretched all around, blotting out all light and sound. All Lilae could cling to was Liam’s hand, and he held her tightly as their bodies were transported far from the moon elf, and her tower of terror.

  Once they stopped, Lilae was almost too afraid to open her eyes. Her skin stung and waves of power rippled up and down her body.

  The world was still, silent. Lilae lifted her head to embrace what was to come, and steadied herself against the rising fog and wind that encircled her.

  To her surprise, Liam was there, standing before her with a look of absolute disbelief on his pale face.

  His glow had dimmed so much since they’d first met, but there was always that inner beauty and light that shone through no matter how bad things seemed to get. But, now, he looked at her with something entirely new.

  She pushed herself up to her feet and straightened her back.

  Ocura Maga had made her choose.

  The knot in her stomach indicated that she had not yet come to terms with what she’d done, and Liam’s expression gave little reassurance that her decision was the right one.

  “What is it?” Lilae dared to ask, slowly turning to follow his gaze.

  Again, she beheld the massive golden dragon who glowed with the radiance of the sun.

  “Runa,” Lilae repeated, remembering all that had just taken place.

  Runa heard her call, and slowly turned.

  A whimper escaped Lilae’s throat and tears burned her eyes as she saw what it was Liam had been staring at in awe.

  There, behind the dragon from the sacred talisman, was her family.

  Everyone she had left to love in the world.

  But, they weren’t as she remembered them.

  No, they were changed—transformed.

  Risa, tall and stoic, cast a proud smile Lilae’s way as she looked down at her body. She now wore gleaming armor, and held a sword enchanted with bright red light. Her hair was braided, like the old days, long, and the color of the sun.

  To her side, was Jaiza, who seemed a bit more in disbelief than their sister. She held before her, with a shaking hand, a glowing bow of gold. Armed, and in armor, she and Risa were what Lilae had always envisioned the goddess of Aden to look like.

  “Dear Spirits,” Lilae said, clasping a hand over her mouth. It was then that she realized that she too wore armor, with golden bracers with ancient symbols decorating the wrists with jewels.

  When she glanced back at Liam, armor began to rise from his feet, and to his neck. She took a step backward as his glow returned at full force and vibrancy.

  The glow was so intense that she held up a hand just to block its rays and protect her eyes.

  Liam held a sword of silver that glowed, and a shield that shared the same sunlight golden aura.

  She’d never seen him look so powerful and perfect since the day they met at the broken Barrier. She’d never forget that day, nor the one she now experienced.

  “What has happened?” Lilae asked, turning her attention back to the dragon who had just called her Master moments ago.

  Runa stepped by her side, and lowered her head, a large green eye directed her way. “You chose well,” she said. “You proved your devotion to Ellowen and your calling. Therefore, you have been given a great gift. The Ancients are on your side. The entire universe is on your side.”

  “Indeed,” Delia said, emerging from the fog. Her dark hair hung over the shoulders of a brilliant white gown that seemed to reflect all of the light in which Runa’s body emitted.

  “Delia,” Lilae said, relieved and overjoyed to see the only motherly figure she’d ever known.

  Delia smiled at her, tears twinkling in her blue eyes. “I never had any doubts that you would make the right choice. Through all of these years, I have cared for you, and watched you grow. I have also stepped back when it hurt me to do so—so that you could learn important lessons that would now assist you. Those lessons are now fully integrated, and prepared to show you the way to true greatness and power.”

  Lilae wiped tears from her cheeks. Seeing Delia made her heart soar to even greater heights. For once, the way seemed clear—for once, she felt at peace.

  “Your entire life has been about sacrifice—about selflessness. And, your time of suffering is at an end,” Delia said as she stepped closer. “A new dawn has arisen, Lilae—one where you and Liam will combine your unique powers with the other Chosen to bring balance back to this world.”

  “This is true,” Runa said, with a nod of her head. “There will be great challenges along the way. Some may be foretold, others may come as a surprise.”

  “No matter what comes for us, we are well-equipped to face them,” Delia added.

  “Yes, Elder,” Runa said, giving a slight bow of her head. “We can only hope the others chose as wisely as The Flame and The Storm.”

  Would Nani and Ayoki make the right decision for the good of Ellowen? She reasoned that Nani would have to choose between Rowe and her destiny—something she’d already done—and would not serve them well if she chose the same. Nonetheless, Nani knew the gravity of the situation, and would have to weigh the cost of a poor choice.

  Somehow, L
ilae could feel that Nani would do what was right. What she wasn’t sure of was whether Ayoki would choose Kenichi and the Grand Master over her true path.

  Knowing how difficult the decision was, Lilae felt a flutter of hope begin to rise within her heart.

  A moment of silence passed between them all, and Lilae couldn’t help the surge of sheer joy that rose in her chest, erasing all of the pain she’d kept hidden deep inside her belly and soul.

  “Very well,” Lilae said, licking her lips. “Once the others return, we continue our journey to Auroria.”

  Liam hugged her close. “To our destiny.”


  The dusty wind blew at Kavien’s face as he stood before the lineup of soldiers.

  Annoyed that he’d been torn away from important matters to deal with six cowards left him on edge. There were still many details that needed his attention, and he hadn’t slept well in what felt like ages.


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