COWBOY ROMANCE: Avery (Western Contemporary Alpha Male Bride Romance) (The Steele Brothers Book 3)

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COWBOY ROMANCE: Avery (Western Contemporary Alpha Male Bride Romance) (The Steele Brothers Book 3) Page 6

by Amanda Boone

  She walked toward me with her own beer in her hands. “Can we talk?”

  I nodded. I’d already decided to forget about what she’d done. She’d thought she was helping. I couldn’t fault her too much.

  “I’m sorry. I wasn’t being a very good friend when I pushed you and Avery together.”

  “Not to me. But you were being good to Avery, I guess.”

  She shrugged. “I thought I was. Turns out that I just pushed him into another brooding mood. He’s pissed at me that now Devon knows. He didn’t want anyone else to know. Now he says he’s over Sara but people are going to look at him and feel sorry for him when they’re around each other.”

  “People being me and Devon?”

  A nod. “I think, more so, people being you.”

  I rolled my eyes. “He’s got no reason to care about what I think.”

  “I think I really messed up. He told me that he asked you out and you said no.”

  “Of course I said no. He loves someone else.”

  I smelled Avery behind me before I saw him. His cologne was ingrained in my brain since I couldn’t get it out of my sheets. Before I could even turn to face him, his hands were on my wrists, pulling me back into his chest.

  “I don’t love anyone else. Amanda, do you think you could give us a minute?”

  With my back pressed against Avery’s chest, I couldn’t help but remember how good he felt there before. I bit down on my lower lip, hard.

  “Listen to me, Maggie. I don’t love her. I’ve been thinking and I don’t know if I ever did. Not that that matters. This is all so fucked up. I just want to take you out on a date, and I’m having to argue that I don’t love anyone else.”

  I tried to spin around to face him, but he held my wrists firmly. “I was stupid before, Avery. I don’t even know you anymore.”

  He freed one of his hands to circle my waist and flatten it over my stomach. “You know more about me than any woman in this bar does.”

  My core tightened and I sucked in a ragged breath. Damn my body, but it reacted to him with a vengeance. “I don’t know how healthy it is to start dating because I know you’re kinky as hell.”

  Someone bumped into him, and it jostled him even closer to me. I felt his dick against my lower back and blushed when I realized it was hard. Avery’s hand on my stomach dropped an inch, and a little growl escaped him.

  “I want to feel your bare ass under my hand again, Maggie. There are so many positions I want to see you in. Although, over the bed is now my favorite.”

  We were on the edge of the dancefloor, next to the bar, and anyone could see us. Anyone could hear him. My face was bright red, but I was wet between my legs and my nipples were stone.

  “Go out with me, Maggie. I promise you that you’re the only one I’ll be thinking of. You’re the only one I’ve been able to think of.”

  Someone cheered from across the room, and I looked up to see Justin and Sara walk into the bar. She had a tan and her curves were on display in a tight dress. My stomach dropped to my toes and I pulled away from Avery.

  “I can’t do this.”


  I found a corner of the bar that was mostly empty and hid in it. The bartender kept coming to hand me new beers with a wink each time, but I just smiled and looked away. I was being a voyeuristic creep. I could see Sara from where I was sitting, and so far everyone was welcoming her back with open arms.

  She and Amanda hugged for a long time before separating and launching into an animated conversation. I couldn’t help but feel jealous. I didn’t have any close friends in Martinsville. Amanda was the closest thing I had to my friends from college. Now that Sara was back, I doubted I’d see much of her.

  From across the room I watched Avery step up to Justin and Sara. Devon tossed him a concerned look, but Avery just smiled and hugged both of them. I watched for any signs of Avery’s hug with Sara lingering, but it looked innocent.

  I had no justification for how upset I felt, besides the fact that some part of me did still like Avery. It didn’t make any sense. I’d barely spent any time with him, and most of it hadn’t been pleasant. I couldn’t stop seeing how earnest his eyes had been in the church bathroom, though. He’d made an effort for me.

  I shook my head and finished another beer. It was doing nothing to soothe my overheated body.

  I felt eyes on me and looked around to find Avery standing with Devon and Justin, staring right at me. Devon said something to him and he nodded across the room to me. The grin on Devon’s face was huge, and the way he clapped his brother on the back made me worry a bit. Avery started toward me, and I looked around for an escape.

  Feeling too weak to face him again so soon, I hopped over my barstool and tucked my small body between a couple of bigger guys and then moved along the wall until I got to the back of the bar. It was a coward’s move, but I told myself I could be ashamed of it later.

  “Ladies and gentleman, if I could have your attention. We’ll be starting the bull riding contest now. Justin Steele, you’re not allowed to participate for the sake of keeping it fair.”

  Everyone laughed and moved toward the middle of the bar, where the large inflated ring was sitting with the fake bull inside it.

  I wasn’t about to miss my chance at some fun. I’d been miserable enough. It was time to let loose. I moved to the front and smiled sweetly at the announcer. His eyes travelled down my body, from the lifted cleavage to the exposed stomach, and smirked.

  “We’ve got our first rider! Come on down, pretty lady.” He was a big guy with a smile that showed almost every single one of his teeth.

  I moved next to him and pulled my boots and socks off so I could climb into the ring.

  “Oh, we’ve got someone who’s done this before, huh? Well, baby, this isn’t going to be just any old ride. This competition is going to get rough. Think you can handle it?”

  I raised an eyebrow and nodded. “It’s how I prefer it.”

  The crowd laughed and he cheered. “Well, hell, lady, Do your thing. Are you taking the beer with you?”

  I hadn’t even realized I still had it in my hand. I shrugged. “Sure. Why not?”

  I climbed into the ring and bounced once before throwing my leg over the bull and settling on it. It was firm between my legs, and I leaned back to shake my hair out before gripping the handhold and taking a long swig of my beer. “Ready when you are.”

  He fanned himself. “We’ve got ourselves a hot one, boys. Let’s do this thing!”

  The crowd got louder as the music did and the bull started a slow gyration. I raised my bottle in the air and gripped the bull hard with my thighs as it moved. The first few moves were just ridiculous. More than anything, it just shook my chest. I glanced down and said a silent prayer that my shirt kept the girls covered.

  Amanda appeared at the front of the crowd and screamed for me. It made me feel better about the whole night, and I grinned at her before the bull jerked me in another direction.

  The announcer hadn’t been kidding. The bull bucked and twisted before shaking itself like crazy. It was a rough ride, and I felt like I was giving the bar more of a show than I had at the wet T-shirt contest. My hips jerked back and forth until it felt almost vulgar. My hair was flying all over the place, and I couldn’t help but laugh as the bull spun me in a circle a bunch of times.

  On one of the circles I caught a steamy visual of Avery at the edge of the ring. His hands were gripping the inflated border and his knuckles were white. His eyes were so dark they looked black, and I could see his nostrils flare when our gazes locked.

  My thighs tightened even more, and the next jerk against the bull had me closing my eyes as it rubbed me through my jeans. When I opened them, I felt like the temperature in the room had gone up ten degrees. I searched for Avery and found him in the same spot, leaning forward.

  I felt so sexy. I raised my bottle even higher and arched my back as I winked at him.

  “Get off the bull, Maggie!�

  I whipped my head around to meet his gaze again. “No! I’m going to win this thing!”

  Avery straightened. I could see the thick bulge of his cock through his jeans. “Get off the bull.”

  I tossed my head back and laughed, feeling free and crazy. My arm was getting tired, but I found I liked winning things and didn’t want to give up until I had to.

  Avery was suddenly in the ring with me, coming at me. “We’ve got unfinished business.”

  “I’d say!” Amanda shouted from her spot as she nodded toward Avery’s pants.

  The announcer came on. “Now, don’t judge the man too harshly. I dare say he ain’t the only one.”

  Avery shot them dirty looks and glared up at me. “Come here, Maggie.”

  I whipped around again and laughed. “I’m never coming down!”

  A rambunctious buck jerked me forward and I nearly lost my beer, but I managed to hold on still.

  Justin appeared beside Amanda. “We need to get this girl on the rodeo circuit!”

  Avery reached up and grabbed my waist. In a flash he had me on the inflated floor of the ring, underneath him. “You don’t listen to me at all.”

  I grinned up at him, slightly drunk. I patted his face roughly. “You say dumb things.”

  “I’m going to spank your ass raw later.” He leaned closer to me. “For now, I’m just going to kiss you, though.”

  Then, he did.


  Avery’s lips were hungry on mine, and he didn’t hesitate to slide his tongue past my lips. His beard was soft against my face and his hands were firm on my sides. He tasted like beer and breathe mints, and I couldn’t get enough.

  I wrapped my legs around his waist and nipped his lower lip with my teeth. I tilted my hips up, needing to feel him against my aching core.

  His hands crept up and were working on covering my breasts when a throat was cleared, loudly, over us. Avery broke away from my mouth and glared up. “Yes?”

  The announcer laughed. “We’ve got a competition to do, lovebirds. Your lady here might’ve just won it, but we’ve still got to let the others try.”

  I pushed hard on Avery’s shoulder and rolled him so that I was on top. I rotated my hips once before climbing off him and going back to my boots. I slid them on and then Amanda was on me.

  She wrapped her arms around me and squeezed. “Where’d you learn to ride like that?!”

  I shrugged. “Around.”

  The earth suddenly turned upside down, and I realized with a start that I was staring at Avery’s ass. He’d thrown me over his shoulder.

  I screamed and wrapped my arms around his legs, afraid he was going to drop me. “Put me down, Avery!”

  “Nope. Say goodbye to everyone, Maggie.”

  Justin’s face was suddenly next to me. It was slightly awkward because I’d never had a conversation with him before. I’d seen his son a few times in the library, but never Justin. “If you ever want to seriously consider bull riding, you give me a call.”

  “Get away from her, Justin. We’re leaving.”

  I dug my nails into Avery’s stomach when he bounced me. “Avery! I want to know if I won!”

  Amanda’s face appeared next. “I’ll text you and let you know. I take it this means you aren’t mad at me anymore.”

  Avery spun me around so he could face Amanda. “She forgives you. I forgive you. Everything is fucking perfect. We’re leaving now, though. Ya’ll have a good night.”

  I couldn’t help but laugh. I was beyond excited for whatever he had in mind. I just hoped we made it to a private area before it happened. “Hey, wait a minute.”

  He stopped walking. “What?”

  “Where’d my bottle go?”

  I heard laughter fading away as Avery rushed me out of there. His hand was on my ass, and it was taking some liberties. “Avery! You’re going to get us arrested!”

  He stopped short and my face bounced off his ass. “Hey, Jay.”

  I sucked in a big breath and twisted so I could look up. There was my brother, standing a few feet in front of us. “Hey, big brother.”

  Jay stared at Avery’s hand on my ass, but Avery didn’t move it. “What the fuck, man?”

  I twisted even more so I could wag my finger at him. “Don’t you yell at him, Jay. I’m grown and I can do whatever I want. If I want to have kinky sex with Avery, I’m going to!”

  Avery patted my butt. “Okay, Maggie. Jay doesn’t need to know the details.”

  “But he does need to know that he doesn’t have a say in this.”

  Jay shook his head. “I can’t believe you’re trying to bang my little sister, man.”

  Avery’s hand tightened on my ass. “She’s fine, Jay. She can take care of herself.”

  I nodded, or tried to. “I’m just having some fun. You got to have all of yours. Now let me have mine. I promise, if Avery hurts me, you can kick him in the nuts.”

  Jay threw his hands up. “Fine. Do whatever you want.”

  Avery didn’t wait. “See you around.”

  I relaxed against his back and grinned. “That went well.”

  Warm night air touched my skin and dirt fluttered up around my head as Avery raced away from the bar with me. His hand landed firmly on my ass with a resounding crack. “He can kick me in the nuts? Really? I like my nuts just fine where they are, thank you.”

  I squeaked and wiggled on him. “Where are we going?”

  “For a ride. Hang on.” He dropped me into his truck and then rushed around to his side.

  I buckled my seat belt and watched him as he started the truck and spun tires pulling out of the lot. “This is crazy.”

  He drove down a back road and then another. “I know.”

  “Everything I’ve been doing is crazy.”

  The truck slowed down to go over an old wooden bridge. “I know that, too.”

  “I don’t think I ever want to stop. Eventually I won’t be able to win wet T-shirt contests, but I don’t want to stop having fun.”

  He threw the truck in park behind a barn that looked like it was abandoned. His seat belt flew off and then he pushed the seat back as far as it would go before reaching over for me.

  I was still trying to get my seat belt off. My fingers were shaking from the wild energy bounding off Avery, so it was harder than it should have been.

  He finally jerked it off and then dragged me into his lap. “You’re fun when you’re having fun. Keep it up.”

  I reached between us and grabbed him through his pants. “You keep it up.”

  Avery’s hips roughly bucked into me. “That’s a problem I haven’t had lately.”

  I gasped when he yanked my camisole over my head. My bra quickly followed, and then his mouth was hot on my chest. He sucked my nipples roughly and then shoved his hands into my pants to rub me.

  I pushed his shirt up and then over his head before working at his buckle. “You’ve got to start wearing easier pants.”

  “You’ve got to stick with skirts or dresses.” He punctuated his sentence by lifting me up and forcing my jeans down my thighs.

  I helped him and then I was naked in his lap. I went back to opening his pants and then I pulled him out. His dick was as thick and perfect as I remembered. “Condom?”

  He let go of my ass for long enough to grab one from his pocket. “Hurry. I need to be in you.”

  I slid it down his length and then Avery was holding me up and forcing his way into my drenched core. Once he was all the way in me, I threw my head back and moaned. “Fuck, yes.”

  “Ride me, Maggie.” His hands got lost in my hair, and he buried his face against my shoulder.

  I did as he said, driving myself down on him again and again. When my legs shook too much and I was too close to orgasming to continue, Avery slammed his hips up to meet me.

  His hands twisted tight in my hair, and then they were all over me, touching, stroking, and tugging until I felt like he was everywhere all at once. Avery’s mouth t
railed hot kisses over my mouth and neck. “You feel too good.”

  I dug my nails into his chest, losing control. “I’m close.”

  He reached between us and rolled his thumb over my clit once, and then I was coming hard and fast. Avery came right after me, jerking me to his chest and holding me there until we could both breathe evenly again.

  When I could sit up, I did, and then I couldn’t help the grin on my face. “You were supposed to be bad this time.”

  He laughed. “Sorry. You’re too compelling.”

  I looked down at him and shrugged my shoulder. “I guess this works for me. I’ve been doing lots of fun things, and this is definitely fun.”

  “You mean you won’t kick me out this time?”

  I leaned down and pressed a kiss to his chest. “No. But only because we’re in your truck.”

  He opened his truck door and stepped out with me still in his arms and on his cock. He was hard again already and had a shit-eating grin on his face as he pressed me against the side of his truck. “And now?”

  I raked my nails down his back. “And now you get back to the fun.”

  The End.

  Get the prequel…

  Did you know there is a secret Prequel to the Steele Brothers stories? It’s called “Another Steele: Matt”. This prequel is not available anywhere on amazon, click here to find out how to get it…

  By the way, have you solved this book’s Riddle?

  Q: Give me food and I will live. Give me water and I will die. What am I?

  >>See answer

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