A Constant Attraction (Attraction #2)

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A Constant Attraction (Attraction #2) Page 11

by A. J. Walters

  Every millimetre I move closer, I witness the rise and fall of her chest getting more and more rapid. There are is a gentle buzz of chatter around us, circling the room and yet they are all unaware of what we are doing. As she sits to the right of me, I slip a finger inside the soft material of her panties. Adjusting herself in her seat, she slides down and slightly forward to make it easier for me, so I can stroke and tease her. It's at the moment of contact that she stops breathing and waits with baited breath for me to slid in to her. I don't want to hold back on pleasing her, so at the same time as I push one and then two fingers into her, she releases a breath and whimper of pleasure. She is hot, slick and feels amazing. Clasping around my fingers, she begins to work herself against them, almost massaging them to escalate the internal joyride she is experiencing. The thrill I am getting from hearing and touching her, is effecting me, so it's only now I realise how well controlled she was when she did this to herself. Isabel's sexual gratification is building, so turning to her I kiss her full on the lips as I push into her as far as I possibly can. She moans deep and hard into my mouth. I push in and out, offering all that I can give under the circumstances. She grasps at my wrist under the table. Fucking hell, I am starting to think that it is seriously getting hot in here as Isabel begins to pulsate against my fingers.

  The enthralling combination of the music reaching its crescendo and Isabel riding through her orgasm with me doing this, is enough to render anyone unconscious.


  Looking out of the window, the view I have of the grounds is spectacular. The sun glistens and gleams on the water of the lake, as two swans take flight. We've never actually taken a walk around there, maybe that is something we can do before we leave today. The realisation hits me with full force. I am feeling a bit peculiar this morning knowing that it is going to be our last one together, here. When I think back to that first meeting, I can see how far we have come. So much has happened in such a short space of time, you're probably thinking too much, too fast. However, when you put this into perspective, the both of us are edging closer to mid-life, we have got to grab life by the balls and make the most of every single second. The crap has been dealt with, it's gone forever. We have got to look forward to what will be. I sigh sinking one of my hands into the pockets of the warm dressing gown I have wrapped around me, while holding a steaming mug of coffee in the other. Behind me I can hear Marc showering, as my mind drifts off for a couple of moments, reflecting on what has been.

  Last night, after getting back from the restaurant, we just sat cuddled up together watching Die Hard on the television. I know it doesn't sound exactly romantic, but it is one of our favourite action films and seeing a dirty, sweaty Bruce Willis isn't all that bad. If I am honest, it was really lovely to be able to do that. Marc gently caressed my arm, as I had my head buried into his chest. Listening to every beat of his heart is the best feeling ever, especially as I know that he is sharing that heart with me. I have to giggle to myself. We both freely admit that we have seen the film at least a dozen times between us and yet Marc was still shouting at the T.V.

  I hadn't noticed that the noise from the shower had ceased until I feel a pair of bare, wet, strong arms take a hold of me. Enveloping them around my waist, Marc rests his chin upon my shoulder as water drips from his hair. I know that he is only wearing a white cotton towel, as I focus in on the reflection in the glass. I close my eyes for a moment and then cover his hands with mine. His are so big in comparison...everything about him is big. Hey! Now, now. I know exactly where your mind has gone, so please retrieve it out of the gutter!

  I am talking about his lifestyle, his work, the way he has been living...the money. I'm almost afraid to think about how much he has.

  “Stop over thinking things Isabel, it's all going to be okay.” His breath as he speaks, drifts across the exposed skin of my neck, making me shiver slightly and then kissing me on that exact same spot, the roughness of his stubble prickles me.

  “I know, I know. I don't want to wake up tomorrow, for all of this to have been one magical dream.”

  “It hasn't been. I am very happy to either pinch or tickle you to prove it.”

  I immediately flinch, as he knows how ticklish I am. “Don't even think about it Sanders. My reflexes are sharp and my elbow isn't that far away from your Crown Jewels.”

  He starts to jiggle up and down as he laughs. “Crown Jewels? Is that what you British call them?”

  “Well they are priceless to the both of us.” I laugh along with him as he turns me about in his arms. Standing upright, I come level with his chin and so the way he looks down at me, takes my breath away. Sneakily, I kiss him on his chest and he then pulls me in closer. Wrapping my free arm about him, I skim my fingers up and down, along the length of his spine. The musky scent of shower lotion helps for me to relax into him.

  “What time do we have to pick Joseph up?” I don't miss the fact that he says “We”.

  “I told Rose that we could meet up for lunch in the town again and then they were going to run us to the train station in Cambridge.”

  “Well you know that those plans are changing straight away. I'll drive you both back home...and no argument.”

  Ooo! He can be obstinate sometimes, but it's just what I need. I have to get out of the habit of doing all of the thinking, all of the arranging. I can be such a headache and weighty on the shoulders, so to have another person do some of that for me, it will be a relief.

  “I don't want to cause any friction between you and the grandparents, so me turning up out of the blue may just do that. Why don't we share a taxi into town. We'll drop you off at the pub, while I go and collect the car from Cambridge. I'll have some lunch with Jovani, that gives you guys time, then I'll come and pick you up. It's a beautiful day, maybe we can go for one last walk around Clare Country Park, before heading back. Please don't say no to this Isabel, I want and need to spend as much time with you as possible. It also seems like the perfect opportunity to meet Joseph, in a relaxing atmosphere.”

  I am certainly not going to put up a fight or argument with that and so agree to it all.

  I shower while Marc dresses and then he assists me in gathering my belongings together to pack in my case. I can't help be feel emotional, bereaved in a way, that this week is coming to an end. A single tear mournfully makes its way down my cheek.

  “Hey! Stop that now. We should be celebrating. This is the beginning of a wonderful future together and I cannot wait to be introduced to your sons. I know I am not their father and I don't want to be that to them, knowing theirs and your feelings about it. However, I do want to be there as a best friend and confidante if they need me. More importantly though, I am there for you Isabel, forever”

  I inwardly do a little jig, as my stomach does yet another celebratory somersault.

  Well, wouldn't you?


  I cannot believe I have come to the end of this magical journey with Isabel, Marc and yes, even Emelie. Who'd have thought it? Certainly not me and quite possibly not everyone else around me either! Twelve months ago, I was just starting to settle nicely back into life, after what had been quite a turbulent few years. My two gorgeous sons were and still are, doing incredibly well in school and college. Then low and behold, in July of that same year, 2013, I decided to escape for a weekend away on my own. It was the first time I had done it...From that a new part of me was born.

  I have to firstly thank my two incredible boys. I know I have said it before, but I will say it again, if it wasn't for your patience and love, I wouldn't have been able to do this. I am so immensely proud of the both of you and I know you have wonderful futures ahead of you. I love you...Gosh, I'm crying now!

  Secondly dad. I know you won't have read the book (blushes), but I hope you like that mum was a part of it. The memories of past will always be remembered. Love you. My gorgeous and amazing BFF and soul sister, Bev. You have been a tremendous force for me and the boys, I love you.<
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  A huge thank you has to go out to yet again, my little bro, John Walters. You are so incredibly talented, having wowed me and the readers with your drawing for the front cover. I hope that others recognise this talent and snap you up for more work. Love to you, Becks and the children.

  A shout out also to Jen Freligh, one the best media assistants and friend I could ask for. Paul Martin and Self-Publishing Showcase, your loyal support has helped me no end. Thank you's go out to...Kaprii Dolphin and Lorraine Lilly Wickson, you girls have been awesome! Colleagues and friends at work, you know who you are. E A Stanbridge for your medical knowledge. David Gandy, Henry Cavill and Tara Lynn for being wonderful muses!

  Finally, a big, BIG thank you to you the readers, bloggers and supporters of indie authors. The feedback I have had has been overwhelming. I hope to see you again with my next book.

  Love you all. xxx




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