Journal of a Lifetime (Journals of Love)

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Journal of a Lifetime (Journals of Love) Page 9

by Wolfe, Lisa M.

  Steve returned and brought her thoughts back to the present. “He’s doing fine,” he said. “My dad’s there and they think he’ll be able to go home in the morning. Are you ready to head back?” He didn’t want the night to end, but knew they both had an early morning tomorrow.

  “Sure.” She placed her hand on his. “Thank you for tonight,” she smiled. “I really had a great time with you.”

  “Me too.” This time it was he who leaned in to kiss Lindsey on the cheek.

  The walk up the mountain was the perfect end to the evening for the two of them. It was cool weather, so it was easy to keep a good pace. The moon gave them a little light to follow the road. Since they were the only two out walking, they held hands and walked close as if they had been friends for years.

  When they returned to the resort, Steve asked to walk her to her room. She no longer had the hesitation that she did yesterday, and happily agreed. He pulled her into a giant hug when they arrived at her door.

  She knew that he wanted to kiss her and could have pulled back slightly to let it happen, but she wanted to wait until tomorrow when they’d be at the Banff Springs resort. Everything else was following the journal, and after her talk with Steve senior today, she knew that would be the best place to pursue this relationship. She also had decided to tell Steve about their connected past, and she still needed to find a way to celebrate his birthday.

  “Thank you for everything today, Lindsey,” he said as he held her at arm’s length. “It was nice to have you there with me.”

  “I was happy to be there. Don’t worry. Your grandfather is going to be fine.”

  He pulled her back in for one more hug. She didn’t have to reach up too high to wrap her arms around his neck. “Goodnight, Lin. I’ll see you tomorrow.” He turned to walk away.

  “Sleep well, Steve. And pleasant dreams,” she said, and blew him a kiss.

  Lindsey set herself up a hot Jacuzzi bath, soaking, and letting all her thoughts settle into her mind. A lot had happened in one day.

  She had the beginnings of love. A love that seemed destined to continue through the generations. She had seen beautiful sights of the lake and the Hoo Doos, she’d been threatened, seen an old man faint, and been to the hospital.

  She started to write these events in her journal and then stopped.

  She knew she wouldn’t forget them. Now she understood why her Nana’s journal seemed to be missing some entries. It was. Nana had met a man and fallen in love, but didn’t want to tell anyone about it. Lindsey also wondered if this was what had Helen so worked up. She couldn’t wait to ask her about it.

  The warm water started to cool and Lindsey realized just how tired she was. She slipped into the resort’s complimentary robe and slippers—Her mom would be proud that she covered her feet—and climbed into bed. Once again, after saying her prayers, she was fast asleep and dreaming of Steve within minutes.


  DREAMS OF CONVERSATIONS with Steve, combined with the comfortable resort bed, passed the night quickly. Morning arrived way too early for Lindsey. Still, she felt well rested and was looking forward to the day.

  She happily jumped out of bed when she heard the knock on the door for room service and then quickly got dressed while she ate.

  Steve’s morning started out quite the same. His dreams had been full of visions of Lindsey. He had already memorized every bit of her face, including the small brown mole next to her right ear. He lay in bed an extra minute to enjoy the anticipation he felt toward seeing her today, until Don charged into his room and bellowed at him to get up.

  “Come on. We’ve barely got enough time to get there before the tourists will be ready to leave!” Don yelled.

  “I’m up. Calm down. It’ll just take me a minute to get dressed.” Steve was used to skipping breakfast. It didn’t always make him happy, but it was part of the job sometimes.

  They quickly ran down the stairs and settled themselves into the bus.

  “What’s going on with you lately?”

  “What do you mean?” Don grumbled back.

  “I don’t know. You seem angry about something.” The two had been friends their whole lives and had always talked their troubles out. Don could easily clam up though, and Steve knew it was best not to push him. He figured when Don was ready, he’d talk about what was on his mind.

  “Nothing. Don’t worry about it,” Don said.

  The rest of the five minute ride was in silence. Both men settled their thoughts around the fact that as they got older, their relationship would be different. It couldn’t remain the fun and games that it used to be. Steve’s feelings for Lindsey had progressed so quickly in such a short time that he even began to envision a wife and a family.

  “Oh, by the way. Happy birthday,” Don said as he threw a small package over his shoulder at Steve. It was a CD of a collection from the sixties. Don knew Steve had been listening to songs from that era lately.

  “This is great. Thanks partner,” Steve said, perusing the song selections on the back of the disc.

  Don drove the bus into the lot of the resort. Both men saw Lindsey waiting outside the doors at the same time, looking ready for a day of activity in her khakis and white sweater. Steve smiled as soon as he saw her.

  Don observed Steve’s reaction in his rearview.

  As soon as Don parked and opened the door, Steve was down the steps and at Lindsey’s side. “Good morning,” he said.

  “Happy birthday!” Lindsey said as she opened up her arms for a hug. “How is your morning?”

  “It’s early, but we’re ready for a great day. You’re going to love Yoho National Park and Takakkaw Falls. I can’t wait to show them to you.”

  “I know. I checked out the brochures you gave us and everything looks so beautiful.” Her eyes showed her excitement.

  “Is my lady ready then?” Steve bowed and held out his arm for her.

  “Yes, let’s proceed,” she teased. She laughed silently to herself at Steve’s attire for the day. His colors today had him looking like a red crayon.

  The other travelers filed on the bus behind Lindsey. Once everyone was seated, Steve began his tour guide bit.

  “Yoho National Park is located on the western slope of the Rockies. It contains towering rock walls and the magnificent Takakkaw waterfalls. In fact, the word ‘takakkaw’ means ‘magnificent’ in Cree. ‘Yoho’ is an expression of awe and wonder. I’ve often wondered if that’s where the drink Yoo-hoo got its name.” His attempt at humor didn’t illicit more than a smile from the tired group.

  “We will be crossing the continental divide on our way. The continental divide separates the rivers that flow east into the Atlantic Ocean and west into the Pacific Ocean.” Still no response from the travelers.

  “Anyway, our first stop will be the visitor’s center. They have an incredible fossil collection that is worth a look. Then, we’ll pass by the old railway tunnels on our way to Takakkaw Falls. At 1200 feet, it is one of the highest Canadian waterfalls. We’ll be taking a small hike to the falls and then returning to the bus so we can show you the Natural Bridge.”

  The passengers were staring out the windows.

  “This bridge was created by nature and the impressive rock structure arches over the Kicking Horse River. Many of you might know of the Kicking Horse for its white water rafting.”

  Lindsey was following along in Nana’s journal. Nana had made various notes about the wildlife in the area which seemed to be of great importance to her. The note referred to the numerous bison in the area and the goats that she saw.

  “We’ll finish up our tour with Emerald Lake and Lake O’Hara. The Lake House will be our stop for lunch.” Steve seemed to be on a roll this morning and had a lot of information to tell them. “Are there any questions?”

  Once again the overweight gentleman, dressed in a bright Hawaiian patterned shirt, asked about the food. “Do you have a menu for the restaurant?”

  Steve laughed. “I’m s
orry sir, I don’t. But I assure you the seafood is delicious and the restaurant has other common staples to choose from.” Steve winked at Lindsey.

  They arrived at the park and once again Lindsey was flanked on both sides by Steve and Don. “Would the lady like an escort today?” Don asked, trying to be funny, but the look in his eyes sent a shiver up Lindsey’s spine.

  The three walked through the visitor’s center and took a small hike down one of the nature trails. She was thankful this hike to the falls was a short one. She was trying to find a polite way to excuse Don, but all of her thoughts on that disappeared when the falls came into view.

  The falls were almost overpowering. When she heard the sound of the water and realized the strength that existed, she was humbled yet again. She sat down on an old tree stump next to the trail.

  Nature had a way of reminding her that humans weren’t the end all-be all. Michigan had its share of wonders including the Great Lakes, but she was in a perpetual state of awe on this trip. The land spoke to her soul. She was startled to realize that she truly felt at home here.

  She looked around for Steve.

  Steve and Don had left to help some of the other passengers up the small trail. When Steve saw her motion toward him, he excused himself and rushed over to her. “You okay?” he asked with concern.

  “You know what? I’m more than okay,” she smiled. “I love it here.”

  “Many people have said that. These falls are a wonder.”

  “No. Not just that. Here, in Canada. I feel so welcome and at home … ” her voice trailed off. She didn’t know how to explain it to him.

  “I’m happy to hear that,” Steve admitted. “There’s something I’ve wanted to talk with you about.”

  Don saw the shift in their conversation from a few yards away. “Hey, partner!” he yelled.

  Steve turned around to look at him.

  “We should round everyone up and get on our way. It looks like we might get a storm today,” Don said, pointing toward the sky.

  Steve turned back around toward Lindsey. “He doesn’t have the best timing lately. I apologize for that. Can we finish this later?”

  “Of course.”

  She watched as Steve ran off to gather the other passengers. She hoped he was going to ask her to stay, but knew in her mind that it was way too soon for that. Her heart had a different hope however.

  For all of Don’s faults, he apparently could tell the weather with great accuracy. They took the rest of the tour in the comfort of the dry bus, but the wonders of the bridge and the lakes weren’t lost on Lindsey. Nature had a way of carving out just what she needed. And, what impressed Lindsey was that Nature didn’t care how long it took to get something perfect. Years and years were put into forming these wonders. It took time, effort and patience.

  Much like anything worthwhile, Lindsey thought, looking at Steve. Any relationship would take time and effort too. It was a matter of wanting it badly enough.

  “Here we are at the Lake House for lunch,” Steve told them. “You have about an hour and a half to eat and then we’ll be on our way to Lake Louise and The Spring’s Hotel.”

  As usual, Lindsey waited for the other passengers to get off the bus.

  “Are you hungry?” Steve asked her.

  “Starving, but I’d like to walk around for a little first. If that’s okay with you?”

  That was more than okay with Steve. He was anxious to spend as much time with her as he could.

  Fortunately for both of them, Martha and Joyce had cornered Don and convinced him to dine with them, flattering him into thinking that he was doing them a favor by joining them. Martha waved and winked at Lindsey before she turned around to enter the restaurant. Relief washed over Lindsey’s face.

  Steve took her hand and they set out for a stroll. “I still wanted to talk with you about something,” he said.

  “I know you do, but there’s something I need to tell you first.” Lindsey turned to him. “I still haven’t told you the reason why I came on this trip, and I feel it’s time.”

  Steve swallowed. He wasn’t sure he wanted to know, especially if it were going to change things between the two of them.

  “After my Nana passed away, I went through her attic to clean up things. I found her old travel journal inside one of her purses buried deep in a box.” She looked up to see if Steve had caught on yet.

  He appeared to have the idea that what she was about to say would have tremendous impact. He hesitated to say anything for fear that she would stop talking.

  “My Nana took a trip here fourteen years ago, and this journal,” she showed it to him, “is her record of all that occurred here.” Or at least all that she thought had occurred here. It seemed to Lindsey that the unwritten information was more important than what was written down.

  “I had been missing her so much, I decided in the moment that recreating her trip would bring me closer to her. I had no idea that what I would find would be so great and perhaps … change the course of my life.”

  Steve began slowly. “So, the only reason you came here was to recreate the travels that your Nana took?”

  “Yes.” Lindsey was worried that Steve wouldn’t accept the idea as readily as she had.

  He grabbed her into a bear hug and lifted her feet up off the ground. “That is the best idea I’ve heard in a long time!” he exclaimed. “You are so brave and creative to come all the way here to do this.” He set her down and returned to his famous bow. “I am humbled in your presence, my lady, and ever bewildered by your genius.”

  And I’m relieved that your reason didn’t involve getting over an ex-boyfriend, he thought to himself.

  Lindsey laughed, “I certainly don’t think of it that way. I really just wanted to re-connect with Nana.”

  “I know, but still. I am impressed. I think that you will never cease to amaze me, Lin.” Steve used the nickname that only those closest to her used. He took her hand in his. “Is that all that you wanted to tell me?” he asked, relieved now that he knew the source of her mouthing his every word during the bus tour.

  “For now,” she said. “What about you? You wanted to talk with me?”

  Steve took a deep breath and exhaled. “I wanted to ask you if we could continue to get to know each other after you leave. These three days don’t allow us enough time, yet I feel closer to you than to anyone I’ve ever known.” It scared him, but he knew if he wasn’t honest with her, or himself, that he’d risk losing her altogether.

  She looked down at her feet, then up at him through half open eyes. “I’d like that,” she said flirtatiously. Then she opened her eyes wide. “But first, will you feed me? Please?”

  He laughed when he heard her stomach rumble in response. “Of course. Let’s go.” He took her hand and started running her back to the restaurant.

  Their mood was so lighthearted when they entered the dining room that the other tourists would have to be frigid not to notice. Don noticed right away.

  “Why are your cheeks red, Don?” Martha asked him. “Do you have a food allergy, or something?”

  “No. I’m fine. Just feeling a little flush. I think I’ll get some fresh air,” he said as he stood. “Please excuse me.”

  Martha and Joyce knew exactly what was bothering him. They snickered and smiled and waved over to Lindsey. Lindsey wasn’t paying any attention however, all her focus on Steve.

  Lindsey and Steve ate lunch together alone at a small table in the corner. They whispered and laughed just like young lovers. Neither of the two ever wanted this feeling to end.

  “So, what were you like as a young boy?” Lindsey asked him.

  “Very rough and tumble. Not so much into team sports. I liked to do my own thing. Anything outdoors was much more appealing to me, and I spent a lot of time at Don’s family’s farm.”

  Lindsey smiled. “I can see that. I can picture you riding horses and climbing trees. Always dirty and scraped up,” she laughed.

  “What w
ere you like?” he asked. He took a bite of his turkey sandwich.

  “I was a tomboy. I climbed trees, played baseball, and rode bikes with all the boys. I don’t think they saw me as a girl until way into high school,” she added with a laugh.

  “I wouldn’t have thought that,” Steve admitted. “You seem so womanly now.” What a lame choice of words, he thought to himself. He decided to stay quiet in case anything else he said might offend her.

  She saw his hesitation. “It’s OK, Steve. That was many years ago. The good thing is, I still have a little bit of it left in me, and I’m not afraid to get dirty or to do adventurous things.”

  He nodded his head. He thought that was a good quality in a woman. He’d never been able to see himself with a woman who was only concerned with fashion and makeup. He knew that he needed a best friend as well as a life partner.

  “So, what about college?” she asked him, enjoying this moment to learn about him.

  “College was a little tough for me. It was difficult to be in a classroom for hours at a time when all I wanted was to be outside riding, or practicing my passion of roping steer. I did the best I could and finished my business degree, but it took a lot to get me to attend classes.”

  Lindsey admired his ability to know himself so well, even back then at a young age.

  “Roping steer?” she asked.

  “I couldn’t get enough of it. It was the challenge and then the power I felt once I caught one. It wasn’t about controlling the calf, but about controlling my performance and making it faster and better every time.”

  Lindsey raised her eyebrows in response. She hadn’t known anyone into roping, not that it was a popular pastime in Michigan.

  “The best time of year for me then was the Calgary Stampede. I’d enter each contest of bareback riding, saddle-bronc riding, bull riding, calf roping, and steer wrestling. It had been my dream to win big money and buy a ranch of my own one day, but I could never do it in the time needed. The closest I came was third place.”

  She saw the disappointment in his face. “Did you ever try again?”

  “It’s been a few years, but I’ve started practicing when I get some free time. I have a ways to go, but one day … ” he paused. “I don’t know. I guess it sounds crazy when I say it out loud, but I just know that I’m going to win.”


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