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Page 6

by Yumoyori Wilson

  "Thank you," she whispered.

  I smiled, allowing myself to fall back asleep. We'd be back shortly and Magnor would help me balance out. Hopefully at Aslan, we wouldn't have any major issues.


  I opened my eyes, feeling much better than before. Silver eyes met mine; Magnor smiled down at me. I looked to my left to see Arielle back in her phoenix form. She stretched out her wings, which flickered with blue flames, in excitement as she hopped in place.

  "BRU-REE! BRU!" she cheered happily. Even though she was back to normal, I could still feel her relief at seeing me awake.

  "Hello," I greeted.

  Magnor sighed in relief, rising from his kneeling position.

  I looked around, realizing I was resting on the couch in the living room. Magnor must have been worried and worked on me right away. Normally he would bring me home and put me straight to bed.

  "You couldn't wait until you settled at Aslan to try that spell?" Magnor questioned, crossing his arms.

  I smirked. "Of course not. You already know how impatient Celestia and I are. Why wait?" I retorted proudly.

  He shook his head. "You two worry me," he replied.

  "We'll be just fine," I reassured him.

  He gave me a soft smile, nodding his head in approval before walking over and lifting me in his arms.

  "I can walk," I countered.

  "Sure," he replied sarcastically, making his way down the hall toward my room.

  I frowned, but didn't argue. I knew if I had tried to get up I'd merely faceplant to the floor, collide into furniture, or crash into Magnor for the 45th time. This was the safest option for everyone.

  "Bru-Bru-Bru," Arielle chirped, following us.

  We entered my room, Magnor walking over to my bed. Arielle swept ahead, landing on the bed and using her talons to pick up the thin blanket, moving it out of the way for Magnor to lay me down.

  "Thanks." I gave him a wide smile, feeling relieved that I could go to sleep. At least it was still early in the night and I'd be able to get enough rest before Celestia had to head to Aslan.

  "You’re welcome. You did an excellent job with Arielle. Looks like she can stay in that form for a while without draining you significantly. Will be a good advantage in battle," Magnor praised.

  "I'm glad. I tried really hard this time. The books you gave us helped tremendously. Thank you once again for the gifts and please tell Father and Mother thank you," I replied, wanting to make sure I showed my appreciation and thanks.

  This would be the last night I'd get to see Magnor for a while. I already missed our training sessions and his annoying taunts. I blinked back tears, feeling the heartache of missing the person who raised me and loved me for who I was.

  He sighed, sitting down on the edge of the bed and wiping away a tear that rolled down my cheek.

  "I'll miss you," I whispered, more tears rolling down my cheek.

  "It's not like you'll never see me again, Sia. You and Celestia can call me whenever. If I'm abroad, I'll inform you through a magic letter." He continued to wipe away my tears.

  I slowly sat up, outstretching my arms. He grinned and his expression softened, pulling me into a hug.

  We didn't share moments like this often. Magnor was strict and didn't like showing his soft side often, but whenever I was depressed or sick he always lowered those walls, making sure to comfort me.

  "I'll miss you too. You're going to do great and make lots of friends," he soothed.

  "Friends my foot. But I'll try just to make you happy," I replied.

  He chuckled, pulling back to gaze into my eyes. "No boys."

  "Oh c'mon. I'm twenty-four!" I countered.


  "What do you mean, so? What if I get put in an all guys dorm?" I argued.

  "Why would they put one girl in a dorm filled with guys?" he asked.

  "It's in the guide. It’s a random placement based on your team," I replied, recalling the summary notes Celestia had written for me to review. Sure, we shared the same body and it was better for me to do my own research, but her notes made it faster. She was the brains and I was the badass. But we could swap either way, if I wasn't being lazy of course.

  "You're not going to be put in a dorm of men. That's illogical," he huffed.

  I grinned. "Awww. You don't want us coming back with a man wrapped around our arm, asking for your blessing?" I joked.

  He had a sour expression on his face, which made me giggle.

  "No, I take it back. I'll bring two. One for me and one for Celestia," I continued.

  "I won't approve it," he grumbled, his silver orbs showed his displeasure regarding the topic.

  "Bru-ree?" Arielle asked, tilting her head.

  "You’re right, Arielle. I'll bring six guys! Three for me and three for Celestia. It would be perfect."

  "I'll just murder them all," he said under his breath.

  I gawked at him. Arielle dropped onto the bed and looked up at him in shock.



  "You should be sleeping. Go to sleep." He flicked my forehead.

  "Ow! Abuse." I rubbed the area.

  Arielle flew up to my forehead, rubbing her head against the spot Magnor flicked.

  I giggled before yawning.

  "You say abuse to everything. Now, rest up, both of you. Make sure you study hard and no boys." He stressed the last part.

  I pouted at him, lying back down. "Hmph. We'll see...but no murdering whoever my team is," I replied, closing my eyes.

  "Fine," he agreed, flicking the switch to turn the lights off. "Goodnight, Sia and Arielle. Be strong for Celestia and for me," he whispered.

  "Night you," I replied, beginning to fall asleep. I could hear the quiet sound of footsteps, followed by something soft pressed against my forehead.

  "I love you too, Sia. You and Celestia will always be like a daughter to me."

  My lips curled into a smile at Magnor's hushed words. I couldn't tell if it was a dream or reality, but I'd always remember them as I set off with Celestia on this new path to prove ourselves.


  That should be everything.

  I zipped up my pink luggage and extended the white handle. I'd slept really well last night. Magnor had explained what happened with Arielle and Sia and whipped up a serum to give me an extra magic boost.

  He was unsure of how things would go in Aslan since they changed their protocol regarding the entrance exam every year, but at least I'd be magically charged and ready to face whatever they had planned.

  All my essentials fit in my luggage and Magnor had given me cash and a specific card that would be used to purchase anything on campus. I was happy to be financially stable and to be able to get a few sets of clothes for training when I arrived. Too bad it didn't work for online shopping. I bet the school did that on purpose. Haters.

  My dual swords were secured in their black case and strapped on my back. I'd made sure they were sharpened and encased in their sheaths for easy access if there was a surprise attack upon arrival. I didn't know what to expect and wasn't going to take any chances.

  "Bru-REE." Arielle flapped her wings, flying into the room through the open window.

  I grinned, outstretching my arm so she could land. "Morning Arielle. You slept well?" I asked.

  She shook her feathers, and her flames began to die down, returning to their normal blue and pink softness. She was engulfed in white light, shrinking to her smaller size.

  "Bru," she replied, hopping off my arm and flying to land on my shoulder.

  I patted her head; my eyes lingered on the white and pink bracelet on my left wrist.

  I let go of the handle of my luggage to look at the black and pink bracelet on my right wrist, my gaze going back and forth between the two. Magnor had explained how to use them if I needed to switch with Sia.

  Since I was left-handed, Magnor instructed my bracelet should always stay on my left and Sia’s on the right
. If we needed to switch, I simply had to take off her bracelet and place it on my left wrist, initiating the switch. If she needed to switch back, she'd simply take her bracelet off and put it back on our right wrist. Easy enough.

  My body was filled with nerves as my anxiety grew with the simple thought of leaving my safe haven. I'd gotten so used to the comfort of this house, the calmness the garden and surrounding forest gave me, and the comforting peacefulness I shared with Magnor.

  It was exciting to be starting a new chapter in my life at the Academy, a place I always dreamed to attend, but thought with my status, I would never get the opportunity. I just had to convince myself that change was important when you had gotten too comfortable with life.

  I smoothed out my black leather pants, ignoring the clamminess of my hands and made sure the maroon dress shirt I wore didn't show too much cleavage. I inched up the gold zipper of my top and nodded to myself in approval.

  My hair was styled in a high bun, made to hide the purple and pink strands that continued to break through the dye job I'd done just a few days ago. I pray they have hair dye on campus or I'm going to stick out like a sore thumb.

  I'd used my magic to disguise my purple eye. I had almost turned it green to match my right eye, but realized that it had taken on a light pink color.

  I didn't bother asking Magnor about it. It could have been a side effect of Sia putting us into an unbalanced state. It should return to its bright green tone in a few days. Plus, I could use my magic to continue hiding my mismatched eyes until I felt comfortable.

  Magic also was useful for hiding my blessed lines, not wanting to draw any attention to myself, at least not till I had a secure spot at Aslan.

  I took a final look around my room, a small smile on my lips. This would be the last time I would see my cozy room for quite some time. I was confident I'd succeed in the entrance exam and start my studies at the Academy, so it probably would be a few months or maybe even years before I returned back home, depending on how the schedule went there.

  "Thanks for sheltering me and giving me a safe place to grow and learn more about myself," I whispered into the empty, hollow room. I gripped the handle of my luggage, ensuring Arielle was securely on my shoulder before leaving the room, closing the door for the last time.

  I headed down the hall, walking into the living room and taking an appreciative look around the welcoming home where I grew up. Again, I thanked the walls, knowing that the vines wrapped around the exterior walls would heed my words of gratitude.

  I walked out the house, making my way to the entrance where Magnor was waiting. Arielle flew off my shoulder; Magnor outstretched his arm and allowed Arielle to perch on it. She chirped away as if Magnor could understand phoenix. It appeared he did, seeing as he nodded his head, petting her lightly on the head. She looked satisfied, flying off his arm and landing on top of the mailbox, staring at us quietly.

  I walked over to where he stood, pulling my luggage behind me. I took a deep breath to keep my composure and looked into his silver eyes filled with kindness.

  "Thank you for everything you've done for me. Without you, I wouldn't be standing here. You took me in as your own, taught me knowing you'd receive nothing in return, and helped me get to this moment. I will always be grateful to you." I took a step back to bow deeply.

  I felt his hand land on my shoulder, making me rise up to meet his gaze.

  "You've grown into a magnificent woman, Celestia. Not only did you work hard to meet my standards and expectations, but your willingness to learn and enhance your skills never withered. You're the best student I've had the privilege of training." He pulled me into a hug; I laughed as tears pooled in my eyes, returning his embrace.

  "Better than my father?"

  "Your father was too stubborn. He was a pain to train for years. You're tolerable," Magnor admitted. We shared a laugh, staying in our warm embrace.

  "I'll miss you, Magnor," I confessed.

  "As will I...and you will always be like a daughter to me," he replied.

  I pulled back to stare up at him, a tear escaping my watery eyes.

  "I'll still call and come down to visit whenever I can. You won't be able to get rid of me that easily."

  He chuckled, blinking his silver eyes that looked glossy.

  "I would hope not. That would be too easy. At least I'll have some peace and quiet to make a new set of training plans for your return."

  I groaned, but had a small grin on my face. "Go ahead and plan your torturous training sessions. The next time you see me, I'll be stronger and finally able to avoid your one hundred death traps."

  "I don't have one hundred," he mumbled.

  I gave him a look, tilting my head.

  "Bru-ree?" Arielle added.

  "One hundred and twenty-nine," he grumbled.

  "At least I know you'll be well protected without me," I joked.

  He grinned, releasing me. "I'm not a legend for nothing," he replied.

  "That's your ego talking. You never know. Maybe one day I'll beat you." I winked.

  He chuckled. "I'll let you buy whatever you want with my credit card if that happens," he replied.

  I gave him a mischievous look. Challenge accepted.

  I took hold of my luggage, glancing over my shoulder to stare at my home one more time. I ignored the lump in my throat, trying hard not to cry again. Goodbye. Thank you for protecting me and giving some of the best memories I could have ever asked for.

  Magnor placed his hand on my shoulder, pulling me out of my thoughts. I turned to face him.

  "You know how to get to the school grounds, correct?" he asked.

  "Yup. Got my letter and map. Once I arrive at the gatekeeper and present my invite, it should be smooth sailing," I assured him.

  He nodded, glancing at Arielle who flew from the mailbox and back to my free shoulder. He gave her a final pat on the head and then gave me one. I gave him a grateful look.

  "Good luck, Celestia. Work hard, make some new friends, and achieve your goals."

  "I will, Master Magnor. May you remain safe until we return," I replied.

  "Bru-REE!" Arielle agreed, fluttering her wings.

  "Be off then. Keep in touch." He stepped aside, allowing me to walk out the entrance and away from his property.

  I took a few steps, before looking back to see his sad smile. One last time.

  I left my luggage where it was, running back to give him a final hug. He looked pleased, giving me a tight squeeze.

  "I love you," I whispered into his white shirt.

  "I love you more, Celestia. Now get going. You don't want to be late," he reminded.

  I nodded against his shoulder, taking one last whiff of his meadow scent and pulled away. We shared a smile; both of us knew this wouldn't be the last time we'd see each other.

  "Bye," I waved, running off to where my luggage sat.


  I paused mid-stride, looking back over my shoulder to see Magnor's glossy eyes.

  "No boys," he called out, a wide grin on his face while a tear rolled down his cheek.

  I giggled, letting my tears flow freely. "No promises! I'll make sure I bring home six of the finest men," I called out, giving him a final wave.

  He shook his head in amusement, waving back.

  I took a deep breath and began to walk away. This won't be the end. I'll make you proud, Master Magnor. I promise.

  "Is she finally leaving?"

  "Maybe Master Magnor finally got fed up with her and kicked her out."

  "It's about time. Jeez, she's been a waste of his training for years."

  "He could have spent that time with someone worthy of his teachings and skills."

  "I knew she wouldn't be strong enough for Master Magnor to keep her."

  I gripped the handle of my luggage, tuning out the whispers and gossip that followed me throughout my walk to the outskirts of Versa. I could have easily pulled out my music player that was tucked securely in my pocket, b
ut I wouldn't give them the satisfaction.

  I kept my head up high; Arielle had switched into her larger phoenix form and was perched confidently on my shoulder. They felt good about themselves and their assumptions now, but it would only be a matter of time before they discovered my acceptance to Aslan. I'd have the final laugh and they would look foolish for the years of talking shit.

  I entered the forest that led to the stone arched gate, taking my time to enjoy the calm of my surroundings. Once I reached the clearing, the tall gate was only a few feet away.

  I reached the entrance, walking over to the pillar that allowed us to summon the gatekeeper to gain access.

  I placed my left hand on it, closing my eyes and channeling a little dose of my magic.

  "Summonala," I chanted, using a soft voice.

  I opened my eyes to watch the bright gold light that emerged in front of the gate; a tall man stepped through the glowing portal.

  He wore a long cloak, his hood up which hid the majority of his dark brown locks. Upon closer inspection, there were a few grey strands, hinting at his age, but his six-four frame was built and made him look younger. He opened his gold eyes, nodding his head in greeting.

  "Identification," he requested with a rough, but firm voice.

  "My name is Celestia Rainbow, resident of Versa. I'm in need to journey to Aslan Academy. I have received an official invite," I declared with a confident look. I pulled my invite from the pocket section of my luggage, walking forward to present it to him.

  He raised an eyebrow at me, analyzing me carefully before taking the invite, opening the letter and reviewing it. The letter began to glow a light purple; the school logo glowed a dim gold. The gatekeeper's eyes grew wide, glancing back to look me up and down once more.

  "You can go forward," he replied, returning the letter to me.

  With his words of permission, the gate began to glow a light purple, the same color as my letter. I could feel the threads of magic begin to spin in a circle, and the stone gates opened slowly to reveal a large purple portal. While the portal continued to grow, gold streams became evident, matching the letter's colors.


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