Need Me (Coopers Creek Book 4)

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Need Me (Coopers Creek Book 4) Page 17

by Bronwen Evans

  Her forehead wrinkled and her eyes grew larger. “What changed your mind?”

  He smiled. “The McIntyre triplets. I helped Anna feed them tonight. Everyone else was busy and there were a lot of births, so staffing was stretched thin. Anna called me, and I couldn’t say no.”

  Robert moved off Brooke, and she rolled to face him.

  “I feel like such a shit for not visiting them. I haven’t been a very good friend because I’ve been a complete ass,” he said. “I’m tired of letting fear hold me back from living a full life, Brooke. I’m not going to give in to it anymore. From now on, I’m going to treat the bad things in life the same way I do the mountain. I’ll keep finding the next hold and work my way past whatever obstacles lie in the way of happiness.”

  “I love the sound of that,” Brooke said.

  Running a hand over her side, he stared into her eyes. “Everything that’s happened has made me realize that I never truly grieved for Liam. I was so hell-bent on getting on with my life and honoring him by helping others that I forgot to let myself experience his loss. I just kept the pain locked up, but I didn’t deal with it. Can you be patient with me about kids?”

  She took a deep breath and he experienced a sinking sensation in his chest. “Only if you can be patient with me about marriage. My parents should never have married, they didn’t suit, but neither of them would face up to the fact. I think that is why they were so miserable. When I marry I want to do it only once. I have a few nerves to get over before I can commit but when I finally do, you’ll know it’s because I’m sure. I love you so much, Robert, but I need more time to get to know you better before we make that kind of commitment. We owe it to each other to take our time and do things right.”

  Robert pressed a kiss to her lips. “You’re so smart. Just one more reason I love you. I know I sprang the marriage thing on you, and I’m sorry about that. In case you haven’t figured it out, I’m not very good at relationships.”

  She poked his chest hard. “No, the women you were with were the ones who sucked at relationships, Robert. Not you. You need to realize that.”

  “I’m starting to.”

  “Good. And about that guy in the picture with Liam?”

  Robert made a face. “What about him?”

  “I’d have loved to have him drill me into the mattress just as much as I do this guy,” Brooke informed him with another jab of her forefinger. “He has the same adorable, sexy, sweet smile and I’ll bet he was just as good at accents. I think he was every bit as nice to look at as the man lying here with me right now. The only thing I don’t like about him is knowing that he went through something so terrible and that he had to do it all alone.”

  Gathering her close, Robert said, “You have no idea how much it means to me that you feel that way. I don’t know how your ex could be so blind and throw away his chance with you, but I’m glad he did. I’m sorry if he hurt you, but I’m not sorry that you’re mine now. I promise that I’ll never cheat on you or lie to you, Brooke.”

  Brooke snuggled against him and kissed his shoulder. “You don’t even need to say that for me to know it, but I still like hearing it. You’re the most honest person I’ve ever met. Well, except for Hoss, but he’s a little too honest sometimes.”

  Robert laughed. “Agreed. Where did Chase’s nickname come from? He keeps asking you, but you never answer him.”

  Brooke’s shoulders shook with laughter. “I can’t believe that he hasn’t figured that out yet. He loves the TV show Bonanza and Hoss is his favorite character.”

  Robert’s chuckle grew into a full belly laugh. Brooke shared in his mirth and they laughed until their stomachs ached and tears trickled from their eyes.

  As they calmed down, Brooke brushed his still-damp hair off his forehead and brushed her lips against his. “I love you.”

  “I love you, too.”

  She touched her fingertips to his lips. “Fly me around the world again like the superhero you are.”

  Robert kissed her fingers and rolled her over. “As you wish, milady.”


  Brooke had never been so happy. Her feelings for Robert grew deeper every day, and pretty soon she knew that if he asked her to be his wife again she’d say yes.

  They had visited Liam’s grave together and she’d helped Robert commission some large photos of them both for his walls. She was so proud of how he was dealing with his grief and he no longer avoided children or babies.

  The day that all the McIntyre triplets were discharged, the sweetest, most poignant homecoming party was thrown by their family and friends. Anna’s parents were staying with them for at least a month to help and they’d been instrumental in planning the surprise party.

  As soon as Chase and Anna had left for the hospital that July morning, Anna’s father, Evan had sent out a mass text giving everyone the all-clear. People had begun arriving shortly afterward. Three brand-new bassinets were lined up in the large living room, complete with baby quilts embroidered with each of the babies’ names.

  Anna’s mother, Sarah, had begun baking as soon as Anna and Chase had gotten in their car. The triplets’ medical staff was in on the surprise and would do their best to delay the babies’ release so that the final preparations could be put into place. All kinds of food dishes were brought by the participants and hilarity ensued as decorations were hung.

  Brooke watched Robert as he hung streamers from the dining room ceiling. She was glad that he was making so much progress regarding Liam’s loss. Being around babies and kids made him remember the happy times he and Liam shared. Plus he’d accepted the role of godfather to Kate and Ric’s baby.

  She loved hearing his stories about Liam and looking at the pictures of him and Robert together. It made her feel as though she knew the wonderful little boy she would’ve been proud to be a mother to.

  Robert would never be as boisterous as Chase or as assertive as Tyler and Ric. However, there was a new, quiet confidence about him that appealed to Brooke much more than those other traits ever would. She’d once had a Flash Gordon, but he’d lacked the substance that Brooke needed in her life.

  Seeing Robert laugh when Tucker dropped a whole roll of white crepe paper, Brooke thought that she much preferred superheroes like Superman. The ones who possessed humility and a genuine concern for their fellow man.

  The kind of man she could always count on to cheer her up by talking in a foreign accent after a bad day. The kind of guy who’d talked her into learning how to ride a horse and encouraged her to stick with climbing. And the sort of lover who gave her almost more excitement and passion than she could handle.

  She swore that Robert must’ve memorized the whole Kama Sutra with the way he sometimes twisted her up like a pretzel. Other times, their lovemaking was simple and sweet. Either way, the act of love was always thrilling with Robert, the most heroic man she knew.

  He just happened to wear rock-climbing gear instead of a tights and a cape. That suited Brooke just fine since she loved Robert’s glasses so much. Maybe it was because they framed the warmest, most beautiful eyes she’d ever seen on a man. Or maybe it was because they made him look like a hot professor.

  They’d discussed marriage and babies a few times, but they were both happy with the progression of their relationship. It was a lot like rock climbing, Brooke thought. Rushing might make them miss the strong handholds along the way to the summit.

  If they didn’t take their time and make sure that their footing was firm, they could slip and fall. No, trying to hurry would only bring disaster. It was much better to take it one step at a time and enjoy the view along the journey. Only by doing that would they achieve their goals and capture true happiness. In the meantime, she was perfectly happy to be patient and let things happen when the time was right.

  * * *

  It was the quietest homecoming party Robert had ever attended, but the most beautiful. He stood in front of the bassinets, watching the three babies sleep while low conv
ersation filled the house. He smiled as he heard Chase and his sister, Brenda, whisper-yelling at each other about something.

  A few weeks ago, she’d moved from LA to Cooper’s Creek to breathe life back into their grandparents’ empty farm. Unlike Chase, Brenda was abrasive, short-tempered, and fierce. Yet, Robert liked her, even sensed a kindred spirit with her in a way. There was pain lying beneath the surface.

  Underneath that tough exterior, he sensed a vulnerable woman who needed the same things that most people did. He suspected that the most important thing she craved was love, but she didn’t know how to articulate that need.

  Apparently, she and Chase’s argument had concluded because she appeared at Robert’s side. Robert hid a smile at the way she stared pensively at the babies.

  “Everyone goes crazy over babies, but I just don’t see why,” she whispered.

  Robert’s eyebrows climbed high on his forehead. “Oh?”

  “Yeah. They’re noisy, smelly, and need to be fed constantly. They just suck the life out of people.” She shrugged and tucked a lock of dark brown hair behind her ear. “Still, if anyone ever hurts one of them, I’ll kill them and enjoy doing it.” Her almost black eyes, so like Chase’s sparkled with dark humor when she looked at Robert.

  Robert laughed silently while she grinned and moved away. Brooke stepped into the space that Brenda had just vacated and he put his arm around her shoulders. “Aren’t they adorable?”

  “Yes, they are.”

  He noticed that she glanced at the gauge on Twinkle’s oxygen monitor. Super Nurse was always on the alert. When the time came, Robert knew that Brooke would be just as vigilant and loving with their children. Not that he was in a hurry, but he definitely saw things heading in that direction.

  Embracing Brooke, Robert felt a contentment he’d never known before. The woman in his arms was the cause of it and he thanked whatever higher power existed for her. She was everything he could want in a woman and she was exactly what he needed. She constantly inspired, encouraged, and supported him, and he made sure he provided her with all those things in return.

  “I can’t believe that Chase invited Simon to the party,” Brooke said. “Or that Tyler has been so calm about Simon moving back here unannounced.”

  Robert nodded. “Maybe they’re starting to see that people can atone for the wrong they’ve done in their lives. We all make mistakes, but it’s how we face up to them that count. I admire him for wanting to know his daughter.

  Simon just wants to be more involved in Hayley’s life and he can’t do that out on a ship in the middle of the ocean. He was smart to sneak in under the radar, so to speak. If Ty had gotten wind of Simon’s plans, he would’ve tried to prevent Simon from returning. That wouldn’t have been a good situation.”

  “You’re right. Simon’s a good father and he deserves a second chance,” Brooke said. “We all do. Even Brenda.”

  Robert chuckled at her sarcastic tone. “Now, now. Put your claws away, Kitty.”

  “I’m sorry, but I can hardly stand being in the same room with her. The only thing I like about her is the way she torments Tyler.”

  It seemed like Ty had a new nemesis in Chase’s sister, which made for some hilarious moments as Chase tried to calm the turbulent waters between them. Forgetting that, Robert said, “Well, Super Nurse, are you ready to go home?”

  “I am. To which home are we going?”

  “Well, I have to feed all the animals…”

  “And I have to feed Buster.”

  “Any further thoughts on moving in with me?”

  They’d already exchanged keys, but it seemed ridiculous to continue living in separate homes when they were together almost every night.

  She nodded sagely. “I’ve had some further thoughts on the matter.”

  “Did these thoughts lead to any conclusions?”

  “Well, I’ve consulted with Sir Buster on the matter, and we’ve concluded that he’d have plenty of company when we’re at work and some wide-open spaces to roam, so moving to your little farm would be acceptable,” Brooke replied.

  Robert fought back a triumphant yell. “You don’t say? I’m glad he approves of my humble abode.”

  As they said their goodbyes and headed off, they were excited about the prospect of moving to the next phase of their relationship. Living together seemed like a good, solid step up from the foothold they already rested on.

  They wanted their love to be the kind built on a strong foundation, the kind that would endure and see them through both good and bad times. It might not be exciting enough for some people, but for Brooke and Robert, it was just what they wanted and needed.

  Simon tried to relax at the party for the triplet’s homecoming. He’d only been invited because it was his day with Hayley. His muscles pulled tight and his stomach knotted. It wasn’t Tyler or the cold reception he was getting, what hurt was it reminded him he’d not been there when Hayley was born.

  He’d not been there for most of her life.

  He sipped from his beer bottle and tried to ignore the pain of guilt lodged deep in his chest.

  He needed a distraction and soon he found one. He couldn’t keep his eyes off Brenda. She was a Pit-bull in the disguise of a beautiful, sleek Husky. She bristled, and he was pretty sure she would bite, but he had wanted to run his hands over her, soothing the pain and anger that radiated from her, the minute she’d walked into Chase’s house. He understood the signs of a woman in the throes of self-hatred. He’d been there, done that, and survived the fall out—just.

  The fact Brenda was Chase’s sister made his instant attraction, and driving need to ease her pain, a very bad idea. His daughter, Hayley’s uncle and current guardian, was Chase’s best friend and Tyler would use and do anything to keep Simon away from his daughter.

  Fooling around with Chase’s sister would not be a smart move.

  And he’d do nothing to jeopardize his plan to get Hayley back in his life. She was his daughter and he had a lot of time and mistakes to make up for.

  So why were his feet making a beeline toward the sexy and gut wrenchingly desirable Brenda?

  The End

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  The Reluctant Wife Excerpt

  Read on for an excerpt from Bron’s The Reluctant Wife

  Winner RomCon Readers Crown

  Abby Taylor walked out on her irresistible husband three years ago. Now she has no choice but to return to Italy to ask him for a favor. To pay for her grandmother’s heart operation she needs his money, but it comes with strings attached.

  Conte Dante Lombardi has it all–an Italian villa, a successful family business, and a noble title. But he needs a child to carry on his legacy and time is running out. He also hopes to satisfy the desire Abby rouses in him. As Abby uncovers why he’s in such a hurry for a child, she falls in love with him again … just as she realizes it might be impossible to keep her end of the deal.

  * * *

  Abby had compl
etely deceived him. Dante had thought her naïveté would make her easy to manage. He'd quickly learned that Abby had more backbone than any woman he'd ever met. Her readiness to challenge him seemed to add to her allure. Now, again, here she was asserting her wishes, taking command...

  Abby licked her lips. "I don't owe you anything. And, as we're divorcing, I'm the last woman you should have a child with. Besides, I don't care what you do in your personal life."

  She lied. Her arms were folded across her stomach as if she were warding off a blow.

  "You care. You know I could always read your body as well as a blind man reads braille."

  Abby shook her head, the emphatic movement flinging her thick blond hair over one shoulder. Her eyes narrowed. "Can you read what I'm thinking now?"

  He searched Abby's drawn face, recognizing the marks of strain in the bluish shadows beneath her eyes and the set of her delicate jaw. She had the strength of fine bone china, and the fragility.

  "I know exactly what you're thinking." He tilted his head and tapped his chin with a finger. After a theatrical pause he spoke deliberately. "You wish you'd waited until the morning to meet with me. You're angry with yourself for still wanting me, and you're wondering whether one kiss from my lips can still make you come."

  He felt rather than saw her body tremble across the room, and heard her soft gasp.

  "Of all the arrogant, conceited..."

  "Most of all, you're remembering the first night you were in this room, how you let me seduce you, how I made love to you into the small hours of the morning."

  The hazel of her eyes glittered almost golden as he watched her fight tears. He tried to keep his heart unresponsive, but the beauty of her pale face, the dark circles under her eyes, and above all her stricken look of profound loss assailed his protective barrier.


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