Purity Baptist Church (Washington, D.C.), 86
Purple Heart (album), 158–60, 276, 285, 319–20n10
PWAs (People with AIDS movement), 12, 67–68, 198
Berkowitz’s GMWA, 67–68
Callen and, 12, 67–68, 91–93, 120–21, 125–26, 131, 151, 198–201
and CRI, 146, 151
and “Denver Principles,” 91
and drug deregulation issue, 230–31
and GMHC, 65, 67–68, 91
PWA Coalition (PWAC), 91, 93, 120–21, 125–26, 151, 198–201, 223, 226, 276
PWA Health Group, 133, 190
PWA San Francisco, 67
PWAC’s Newsline, 93, 121, 126, 134–35, 194, 198, 200–201, 320n12
PWA–New York, 68, 91
and self-empowerment, 92–93, 131, 132
quarantines, 60, 61, 121–22, 138–39, 153, 154
Queer Nation, 215
“queer theory,” 205
Quest (white feminist journal), 28
QW (NYC gay weekly), 254, 259
and ACT-UP, 189
and federal response to AIDS crisis, 153–54
Hemphill’s responses to, 39–40, 79–83, 141–42, 169–70, 212–16
and homophobia, 71, 101, 170, 171
and needle exchange programs for IV drug users, 138, 191, 213
and white gay liberation movement/gay political movement, 76, 79–83, 115–16, 141–42, 169–71, 212–16
Radical Fairies, 253
Rafiki, 28
Randolph Street Gallery (Washington, D.C.), 172
Rapoport Foundation, 196
Ray, Clifford and Louise, 122
Reagan, Nancy, 153
Reagan, Ronald/Reagan administration
AIDS crisis response, 14–15, 49–50, 83, 121, 140, 149, 153–55, 223
conservative agenda, 14–15, 49–50, 83, 153, 223
Koop report, 113, 153–54
and Rock Hudson, 121
social welfare cuts, 14–15, 49–50, 83
Reagon, Bernice Johnson, 165
Reed, Rex, 60
Reel Inn (Santa Monica restaurant), 245
Regency Baths (D.C. bathhouse), 81
Religious Right, 57, 58
RENAMO (Mozambique), 155
retinitis (CMV), 161
ribavirin, 53
Rickman, Herb, 60
Riggs, Marlon, 175, 180–82, 203–9, 235–37, 294–95
Anthem, 209
Black Is . . . Black Ain’t, 237, 294–95, 300
on black representations on mainstream television, 236
and Brother to Brother anthology, 180, 181–82
Color Adjustment, 236
Ethnic Notions (film), 180, 203–4, 205
illness and AIDS death, 294
and interracial gay relationships, 207, 209
Non, Je Ne Regrette Rien, 236–37
and racial identity/gay sexual identity, 181–82, 204–5, 209
Tongues Untied, 34, 175, 180, 204–9
Rist, Darrell Yates, 186–87
Robinson, Allan, 190–91
Robinson, Colin, 42, 115–16, 209
Robinson, Marty, 58
Robinson, Max, 175
Roby, Jasper, 17
Rodde Center (Washington, D.C.), 172
Roman, David, 327n3
Root-Bernstein, Robert, 317n14
Roots (TV miniseries), 236
Rosen, Mel, 62, 134
Rosett, Jane, 121, 160
Rubenstein, Arye, 161–62
Rubin, Gayle, 218
Russo, Vito, 156, 223–24
Rustin, Bayard, 207
Rutland, Jimmy, 203, 327n8
Sadownick, Doug, 250–51, 282, 283–85, 286, 287–89, 328n17
Safer Sex Committee (New York), 93
safe-sex guidelines
Callen and, 63–71, 93–96, 162–64, 201, 218–21, 231, 260–61
Callen’s call for “sexual alternatives,” 56–57, 65, 70
Callen’s tour of New York bathhouses, 93–97
and the Catholic Church, 184
and condoms, x, 69–70, 163–64, 219–21, 231, 260–61
GMHC, 63–64, 93, 219
and group-based sexuality, 251–53
How to Have Sex in an Epidemic (1983 pamphlet), 68–71, 90
Koop report, 153
lesbians and, 98, 260
oral sex, 219–20, 231, 260–61
Whitman-Walker clinic, 162–64
See also sexual practices, risky/dangerous
Saint (NYC disco), 60
Saint, Assotto, 36, 42, 110, 115, 178–79, 302
Salsa Soul Sisters/Third World Women, 28, 79
San Francisco AIDS Foundation, 50, 92–93
San Francisco Bay Times, 203
San Francisco Department of Public Health, 93
San Francisco General Hospital, 146
San Francisco Sentinel, 66
San Francisco’s city-level response to AIDS crisis, 93, 119, 146
closure of bathhouses, 93
community-based research (the CCC), 146, 147, 150
Sapphire Sapphos, 28, 30
saquinavir, 304
Schlafly, Phyllis, 154
Schomburg Center for Research in Black xii, Culture, 294, 309n6
Schulman, Sarah, 189
Sear Sound (Manhattan studio), 276, 278
Seitzman, Peter, 58, 70
Senior Action in a Gay Environment (SAGE), 224
Sergios, Paul A., 311n9
Sex/Love/Stories (Miller solo piece), 251
sexual liberation. See gay sexual liberation
sexual practices, risky/dangerous, 260–61
bathhouses, 6, 11, 48, 69–70, 93–97, 122
oral sex question, 219–20, 231, 260–61
and promiscuity, 49, 51, 56–59, 62–65, 126–27, 219
S/M, 47–48, 69–70
unprotected anal sex, 46, 69–70, 162–64, 220–21, 231, 324n3
See also safe-sex guidelines
sexual promiscuity, 49, 51, 56–59, 62–65, 219
Callen and Berkowitz’s 1982 New York Native article, 56–59
Callen on, 59, 62–65, 95, 126–27, 219
and gay sexual liberation, 56–59, 62–65, 95, 218–19
GMHC position on, 62–65
and group sex, 251–53
group-based sexuality, 251–53
and How to Have Sex in an Epidemic (1983), 68–71
Jurrist’s “In Defense of Promiscuity,” 58
Kramer on, 51, 58, 59, 63
post-AIDS panic, 251–53
schism in gay activist community over, 59, 62–65
Sonnabend’s moral disapproval, 51, 311n8
and Sonnabend’s multifactorial theory of AIDS, 13, 46, 51, 62, 97–101, 126–27, 311n10
shark-cartilege protocol, 272–73, 327n3
Shepard, Matthew, 193
Shilts, Randy, 188, 192, 256
Signifyin’ Works, 294
Silverman, Mervyn, 113
Simmons, Ron, 206, 292–93, 300, 325n13
and Brother to Brother anthology, 180, 181, 292
and D.C.’s black gay and lesbian community, 32, 40
and Hemphill’s AIDS, 291, 292–93, 300
and Hemphill’s funeral, 302–3
Riggs interview, 180, 181
Us Helping Us, 292–93, 300
Simone, Nina, 157, 204, 264
Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, 66
Smith, Barbara, 89, 204, 234, 269, 325n12
and Black/Out, 111
and Hemphill’s funeral, 302
and Hemphill’s work on Brother to Brother anthology, 168–69, 182
Home Girls, 77, 105
and Joe Beam, 76, 77, 115
and NCBLG, 17, 80, 111
sodomy laws, 122–24, 193, 223
Sonnabend, Joseph, 9–13, 45–51, 162
and ACT UP’s T&D, 195, 228
and AIDS in Africa, 314n11
and amfAR, 73, 96, 309n3,
312n17, 318n1, 323n14
and AZT controversy, 128, 130, 317n15
Callen and Berkowitz’s New York Native article, 47–51, 55–59
Callen as patient, 9–13, 46–47, 53, 127, 134–35, 230, 258
and CRI, 146, 151, 194–95, 197–98, 318n1
and Delaney’s study of Compound Q, 228
eccentricities, 10–11, 62, 73–74, 127
on heterosexuals and AIDS transmission, 65–66, 95–96, 314n11, 318n1
HIV theories, 97–101, 126–27, 317n14
interferon research, 9, 309n3, 317n15
and Mass, 64–65
medical practice, 9–13, 48, 62, 73–74, 127
medical training and career, 9–11, 53
moral disapproval of sexual promiscuity, 51, 311n8
multifactorial theory of STDs and immune system deficiency, 12–13, 46, 51, 62, 97–101, 126–27, 311n10
on PCP prophylactics, 53, 145, 148
and Rosen of GMHC, 62
Spectrum (D. C. organization), 139
Squires, Rachel, 165
St. Clare’s Hospital (New York), 124
St. Luke’s–Roosevelt Hospital Center (New York), 9, 151
St. Mark’s (NYC bathhouse), 11
St. Patrick’s Cathedral, ACT-UP demonstration at (1989), 187–88
St. Vincent’s Hospital (New York), 224, 249
Staley, Peter, 195
“Standing in the Gap” (Hemphill’s novel-in-progress), xii, 208, 241–44, 268, 296, 325n12
Stanford, Adrian, 321n14
Staples, Robert, 180
Station to Station (performance poetry group), 32–33, 40–41, 215
Stayin’ Alive (Berkowitz), 48
Steinem, Gloria, 67
Stoddard, Tom, 123–24, 223, 224–25
Stokes, W. Royal, 78
Stolin, Sam, 309n6
Stonewall Place in Sheridan Square (NYC), 184
Stonewall riots (1969), 6, 10, 81
Stormé (film), 42
Streisand, Barbra, 4, 221, 320n10
Strub, Sean, 127
Stud (San Francisco hangout), 157
Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), 16
Suede (lesbian singer), 327n8
Suggs, Donald, 177
Sullivan, Andrew, 188, 256
Sullivan, Louis, 190
Sun Ra, 78
suramin, 53, 133, 273
Surgeon General’s Report on AIDS (Koop report), 113, 153–54
Surviving AIDS (Callen) (1990), 130, 249
Surviving and Thriving with AIDS: Collected Wisdom (People with AIDS Coalition, 1988), 160–61, 164, 320n12
“People of Color and AIDS,” 160
“Women with AIDS,” 160
survivors of HIV/AIDS, long-term
Callen’s conversations with, 126, 132–33, 136–37, 164, 230, 277, 317n14
characteristics, 132–33, 137
mortality rates/median survival rates, 136–37, 229
Sweeney, Tim, 152–53, 196
Sweet Honey in the Rock (a capella ensemble), 165
syphilis, 6, 10, 173, 220
Tallmer, Abby, 11, 54, 73–74, 112, 199
Tarver, Chuck, 216
Tate, Garth, 30, 40–41
Taylor, Cecil, 78
Taylor, Elizabeth, 161
Temple University, 30, 167, 318n26
Testing the Limits Collective, 277
Thatcher, Margaret, 61
THC (marijuana) pills, 282
T-helper cells
and AZT, 129
and Hemphill’s poem “Vital Signs,” 267–68
and HIV theories, 128, 230
and naltrexone, 164
T-4 cells, 99, 226–27
T8 suppressor cells, 46, 48, 226–27
testing technology, 13
“Thinking Sex: Notes for a Radical Theory of the Politics of Sexuality” (Rubin), 218
“third gender” theory (Hay), 253
Third World AIDS Advisory Task Force (San Francisco), 191
This Bridge Called by Back (Moraga and Anzaldúa, eds.), 105
Thomas, Clarence, 15
Thurman, Wallace, 172
Time magazine, 199–200
Tinney, James S., 87, 89
Tongues Untied (film), 34, 175, 180, 204–9
Kennedy Center screening, 205–6, 209
PBS broadcasts, 206–7
Townsend, Cliff, 165, 202, 280, 327n8
Tracy, Liz, 189
Trax Recording (L.A.), 275, 276
Tucker, Sterling, 16
Turner, Dan, 67
Turner, Maurice T., 140
Tuskegee experiment (1932–72), 120, 138, 173
Union Temple (Washington, D.C.), 86
Unity (Philadelphia), 139, 215
University of Maryland, 26–28
University of Nebraska, 13
University of Oregon, 291
University of Pennsylvania Hospital, 300
University of the District of Columbia, 26–27
University of Toledo, 300
Us Helping Us, 85, 292–93, 300
U.S. Supreme Court
Bowers decision (1986), 122–24, 154
Webster decision (1989), 187
Valentino, Carl, 247–49, 278
Van Vechten, Carl, 30
Vilcek, Jan, 9
Village Voice, 57, 136, 158, 177, 311n9
Vitamin C treatments, 64
Voicescapes, 40, 106, 140–41
The Wages of Sin (Allen), 49–50
Walker, A’Lelia, 30
Wall Street Journal, 122
Wallace, Michelle, 294
Washington, D.C. race riots (1968), 15
Washington, D.C.’s black gay and lesbian community, 15–18, 28–42, 77–85, 139–41
artistic/creative community, 17, 28–42, 77–85, 112, 140–42, 215
D.C. Coalition, 16, 28, 29, 36, 41–42, 214–15
lesbians and feminist community, 28–29, 155, 174–75
See also Hemphill, Essex
Washington, D.C.’s city-level response to AIDS crisis, 83–89, 139–40, 175
Washington, Walter, 15
Washington AIDS Partnership, 293
Washington Blade, 27, 36, 41, 142
Washington Post, 34, 35, 37, 78, 88, 117, 141, 232–33
Washington Post Book World, 232–33
Washington Project for the Arts (WPA), 37
Washington Times, 88
Washington Urban League, 16
Waxman, Henry, 60, 150
“We Know Who We Are” (Callen and Berkowitz), 47–51, 55–59, 94–95
Webster v. Reproductive Health Services (1989), 187
Wellman, Joyce, 37
Welsing, Frances Cress, 180–81
West, Cornel, 294
Western blot test, 121
Western Regional Conference on AIDS and Ethnic Minorities (1986), 191
WHAM! (Women’s Health Action Mobilization), 187
White, Edmund, 6, 70
White, Ryan, 149
Whitman-Walker Health clinic (Washington, D.C.), 83–84, 85, 86, 139–40, 141, 162–64, 216
Whitmore, George, 223
Wildmon, Donald E., 206–7
Will, George, 75–76
Williams, Cynthia Lou, 30
Williams, Tennessee, 6
Williamson, Cris, 276, 281
Wilson, Cassandra, 78
Wilson, Phill, 233–34, 302
Wilson, Willie, 86
Wingate, J. Terry, 86
Wittke, Christopher, 160
Wolfe, Maxine, 189–90
Wollstonecraft, Mary, 102
women and AIDS
African American women, x
and the CDC, 85, 189
and CRI’s clinical drug trials, 152
HIV/AIDS infections/ transmission, 66, 98, 137
IV drug users, 137
Women in the Life (publication), 32
Woods, Donald, 36, 173, 209, 302
Word I
s Out (film), 52
World Health Organization (WHO), 256
WPFW (D.C. radio station), 33, 117–18
You Can Heal Your Life (Hay), 132
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