Side Chic 3 (The Ratchetness Continues)

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Side Chic 3 (The Ratchetness Continues) Page 14

by West, La'Tonya

  “Hello.” She said into the phone. “Why you ain’t answer when I called you? Is Reggie there already?”

  “Nah, I was on the phone with Tre.”

  “Hmph…I bet. No wonder you ain’t answer.” She giggled.

  “Child, hush.” I laughed knowing exactly what she was getting at.

  “Evan and I are on our way over to visit you and the two little divas.” She told me. “We are right down the street. We should be there in less than five minutes.”

  “Okay…I’ll unlock the door for y’all so you can just come on in when you get here.”


  We hung up and I peeped at the girls to make sure they weren’t messing with anything that they shouldn’t be. They were sitting on the floor playing with their toys. I started dusting everything. A few minutes later, the door opened and in walked Nisey and Evan. He was walking now. He was the cutest little thing.

  “Awwww…look at Auntie Lala’s little man.” I squealed rushing over to him. I gave him a big hug and kissed him on his cheek.

  Nisey kissed the girls and then took a seat on the sofa. I took a seat across from her on the loveseat. “Soooo…are you ready for your weekend with your boo?”

  “Yeah…I am.” I said unconvincingly.

  She looked at me skeptically. “But…I have a feeling there’s a but by the way that you said that.”

  I tucked my legs beneath me and the long colorful skirt that I was wearing. I ran my fingers through my hair. I was trying to decide whether or not I should tell her why I wasn’t turning flips about Reggie’s visit.

  “Ummm…I am not getting any younger chic. Spit it out.” Nisey pried. “You know that I can tell when there’s something that you are not telling me. Does it have anything to do with Tre?”



  I took a deep breath. “It’s really silly and I probably shouldn’t even allow it to bother me because Reggie is such a sweet guy. I mean he goes all out to put a smile on my face. You know that.”

  “Yeah I do.” She nodded her head. “Now stop stalling Lala and tell me.”

  “It’s the sex, Nisey.” I blurted feeling like a weight had been lifted off of my shoulders. I’d been wanting to tell her but I thought that she’d say I was being silly and that was only a minor thing and that I shouldn’t be hung up on the sex when he was so good to me in every other way.

  “What do you mean?” She had wrinkles in her brow.

  “He can’t seem to perform. He can’t keep it hard long enough to do anything. We’ve attempted a few times and each time…it’s over before it starts.”

  “I am not following you. Are you saying that he cums too quickly or that you don’t even make it to that point.”

  “We don’t even make it to that point.” I explained. “I don’t know what the problem is. Do you think that it could be that I just don’t turn him on?”

  “I doubt if that’s it. Have you ever ran into that problem with anyone else?”

  “No.” I replied quickly. “But every man is different.”

  She leaned back on the sofa. “Well try some sex games or tell him to try some Viagra.” I couldn’t help but laugh at my friend. “What?”

  “Girl, I can’t just suggest that he take some pills to keep his thang hard.” I continued to laugh.

  “Sure you can…you have needs. Tell him he can either take the pills or you will be filling up your tank and going back to Boykins so that Tre can handle what he can’t.” I laughed until I cried. We sat there and talked until I got a call from Reggie telling me that he was only thirty minutes away. Nisey had agreed to watch the girls for the night to give Reggie and I some alone time. I helped her get the kids situated in the car and then gave her their diaper bags.

  “Enjoy your night, honey.” She called to me out the window as she was pulling off. “And if he can’t get it up. Pull your little friend out of the nightstand and show him how it’s done.”

  “Girl, you are a fool. Take your crazy butt home. I will call you later.”

  After Nisey and the kids left. I went in the house and took a quick shower and put on a long spaghetti strap dress. I pulled my hair back and pinned it up in a bun. When I was done, I went back downstairs and lit a few lavender scented candles to make the house smell nice. I turned on some soft jazz and then went into the kitchen and poured myself a glass of wine. On my way back into the living room, the doorbell rang.

  I went to the door and peeped out the peephole even though I already knew who it was. I wanted to be sure before I snatched the door open. I saw Reggie standing on the other side of the door holding one hand behind his back. I unlocked the door and opened it.

  “Hey you.” He kissed me giving me a one arm hug. The other one was still behind his back.

  “Hello.” I smiled. He smelled really good and looked just as good. He was dressed in a pair of black slacks, with a long sleeved black/grey button up and a pair of grey Tims. “You look really nice.”

  “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome. Come on in.” I moved out of the way so that he could come in.

  He took his hand from behind his back and produced a beautiful bouquet of flowers. “These are for you gorgeous.”

  “Thank you.” I blushed taking the flowers from his hand. I stood on my tips and gave him another peck on the lips. “These are really nice.”

  “I’m glad that you like them.” He came in and I closed the door behind him.

  “You can go in the living room and have a seat if you want. I have to find a vase to put these in.” I told him. “Would you like something to drink?”

  “As a matter of fact, I would. Can I have a glass of what you are sipping on?”

  “Sure.” He followed me into the kitchen and I sat my glass of wine and the flowers down on the counter. First I washed my hands and poured him a glass of wine and then I found a vase for my flowers and put them in it.

  “Where are the girls?” He asked.

  “Nisey has them.”

  “Are they coming back tonight?”

  “Nah, she’s bringing them back some time tomorrow.”

  “Oh okay.”

  Reggie and I went into the living room and talked for a while. Then we ordered some Chinese and watched a movie. When the movie was over, we took a shower together. In the shower, he pulled me into his arms. He kissed me passionately, he kissed a trail down my neck and to my breasts. I was trying to get into the act but I couldn’t because all I could think was we’d been down this road so many times before only for me to end up being disappointed. I decided to take matters into my own hands and try to prevent that from happening tonight. I pushed him back against the wall of the shower gently and kneeled down in front of him. I looked at him flaccid penis and frowned at the fact that he wasn’t even slightly erect. I took him inside of my mouth and started to put down some of my superb head game. After a minute or two I realized that nothing was happening. I tried stroking him with my hand while sucking his balls. That didn’t help either. I looked up at him frustrated. His eyes were squeezed shut, like he was praying for his penis to spring to life.

  “Is it me?” I asked standing up and looking at him.

  His eyes popped open. “Huh?” He must’ve been concentrating really hard because he hadn’t heard a word that I’d said.

  I repeated myself. “I said is it me?”

  “No baby, it’s not you.” He looked slightly embarrassed and I instantly felt bad for not being more understanding and patient. “I don’t know what it is, Lala. I’ve never had this problem before.” He let out a sigh. “I’m sorry baby.”

  “It’s alright.”

  “I’m going to go to the doctor next week and see if it’s something medical.”

  “Okay baby. Let’s just finish taking our bath and go to bed.” I smiled up at him.

  “That sounds like a plan.” He said kissing me on my forehead.


  A month had passed sin
ce everything that had happened at Ms. Lizzie’s and since Kisha’s accident. Things with Tre and I were back on track but they weren’t like before. Things with Nelle and I weren’t that great either. She continued to pluck my nerves every day. I almost didn’t want to work with her any longer. I can’t say that it was anything that that she was doing any differently that was getting on my nerves. She was the same as she’d always been. I think the problem was me. My jealousy of her had finally started to get the best of me. It was plain and simple…I wanted her husband. Not forever but for one night. I know it sounded fucked up but this thing that I had for Corey was getting worst and worst. Every time that we were in the same room I wanted to rip all of his clothes off.

  I’d just fixed Simya a bowl of oatmeal and was sitting down to feed her so that she wouldn’t get it everywhere, when the phone rang. I rushed over and picked it up off of the counter and looked at the screen to see who it was. It was Mello. He’d been calling every day that week sometimes twice or three times a day. I hadn’t answered any of his calls since he’d been locked up. I figured that if I answered so that he could say whatever it was that he wanted to say. He would quit calling. I pressed send and then followed the steps that the automated system told me to. A few seconds later he came on the line.

  “Hello.” Hearing his voice caused my heart rate to speed up.

  “Hey.” I sat down at the table and began feeding Simya.

  “It’s about time that you decide to answer my phone call. I’ve been calling you ever since I’ve been in here.” He went on like I didn’t know how long he’d been calling. “Is this how you treat a nigga when he gets locked away?”

  “It’s how I treat one who got locked away for beating my ass.” I replied spooning more oatmeal into Simya’s mouth. “What is so important that you have been blowing my phone up constantly?”

  “I wanted to let you know that I am seeing a therapist. I talk to him twice a week. He’s helping me to deal with my issues. I figured that I’d use this time wisely and try to get my shit together.”

  “That’s good.” I rolled my eyes not believing a word of what he was saying.

  “I know you don’t believe me and you think that I am just spitting a bunch of bullshit to you but I’m serious.” He continued. “I’m sorry for the shit that I’ve taken you and my daughter through. I realize just how fucked up it was. You didn’t deserve that shit.”

  Tears formed in my eyes as I got up and walked over to the sink and put Simya’s bowl in. “Nah, I didn’t.” I grabbed a paper towel and walked back over to the baby and cleaned her up.

  “I’m sorry Mina.” I didn’t say anything. “I just wanted you to know that.”

  “I have to go to work.” I said and then hung up without giving him a chance to say anything more. I dropped my phone into my pocketbook so that I wouldn’t forget it.

  I gave Simya her sippy cup before going into the bathroom to check my hair and makeup. I looked in the mirror and saw that everything was in place. Please with what I saw I turned off the bathroom light and then went back down the hall. I grabbed Simya’s diaper bag, my pocketbook, and the keys and grabbed her and left for work. On my way to work, I stopped by my mama’s house and dropped the baby off. She nearly talked a hole in my head causing me to have to rush once I left and I still ended up being a few minutes late.

  When I got to the salon, my first client was already there waiting for me. I apologized to her for her having to wait. I rushed to get set up and then got started on her. Nelle was doing Corey’s mama, Ms. Carey’s hair.

  “How have you been, Mina?” She asked smiling revealing a mouth full of dentures. The crazy chic that Corey had been messing around with had knocked her real teeth out. “You look really pretty today.”

  “Thank you.” I replied returning the smile. “I’ve been doing pretty good. How about you?”

  “I’ve been doing good child. I can’t complain, I’m here.”

  “I know that’s right.”

  “How are things going with you and your new boyfriend?” She asked being nosey, which was no surprise at all.

  “We’re doing alright.”

  Mia burst out laughing and everyone looked over in her direction. “What’s so funny?” Ms. Carey asked. I was curious to know too.

  She looked around at everyone. “Oh my bad, something funny just crossed my mind. That’s all.”

  A few hours passed and everyone had gotten busy. Customers were pouring in. The bell over the door rang and Corey walked in carrying a bag from Apple Bee’s.

  “Hello, ladies.” He spoke to everyone.

  He walked over to Nelle and gave her a kiss. “Hey sexy.”

  “Hey baby.” She smiled showing all thirty-two. “What are you doing here?”

  “I came to see my wife. Is that a problem?” He handed her the Apple Bee’s bag. “This is for you.”

  “Awww…you are so sweet.” She cooed and giving him a peck on the lips.

  I rolled my eyes up in my head and slammed the comb that I had in my hand down on the counter. I couldn’t stand to watch the show that they were putting on any longer. “I’ll be back Zita.” I told my client, I grabbed my pocketbook and went out back. I took the half of blunt out of my pocketbook and put some fire to the end of it. Just as I took the first toke the back door swung open and Mia walked outside. My hand went up over my chest. “Girl, you scared the shit out of me.” Without warning she shoved me hard causing me to fall back into the side of the building. The half of blunt fell to the ground. “What in the fuck?” I looked at her confused, wondering what in the hell was her problem. I saw anger dancing in her big brown eyes.

  “Bitches like you kill me!” She spat. I opened my mouth to speak but she held up her hand. “Shut the fuck up! I’m talking…you listen. I can’t stand people like you! I don’t give a fuck if we are family. I have been watching your sneaky ass and at first I thought that my mind was playing tricks on me but I saw you again today. I see how you watch Corey whenever he comes into a room. How you flirt on the low and how you really can’t stand Nelle’s ass but you put up with her because you are afraid to say how you really feel. You are a sneaky ass coward! You may think that you have everybody fooled but baby girl guess again. I am on to your ass!”

  “I-I don’t want Corey!”

  “Y-you do!” She accused. “I can see that shit as plain as day. You are so jealous of him and Nelle that you can’t even hide that shit anymore. Haven’t you always heard to keep your eye on the quiet motherfuckas? I am the quiet one out of the bunch, the one who sits back and watch what’s going on around me while everybody else is talking and not paying attention. You ain’t shit, Mina. You already fucking behind one of your cousins but that ain’t good enough for you. You want Corey too.”

  “No.” I lied wishing that I could just disappear.

  “No my ass. You can lie all you want but the next time that I catch your triflin ass eyeballing Corey. I am going to point that shit out to Nelle.” She got close up in my face. “And please don’t let me catch your ass trying no fly shit with Ron. If you think Mello tore your ass up, that ain’t nothing compared to what I am going to do to your ass. Everybody was worried about Tre doing you foul. Shit they need to be worried about your triflin’ ass doing him foul. You are one of those hoes who will never be satisfied with what you have because you will always want what the next bitch has. You need to get your shit together because if you don’t somebody is going to fuck you up. You claimed that you wanted a good man the whole time that you were with Mello and he was whooping your ass. I am starting to think that shit was a lie. You liked the idea of having a good man. You deserve a fucked up nigga like Mello because you are a fucked up bitch!”

  The door opened up and Nelle stuck her head outside. “Is everything okay out here?”

  “Yeah.” Mia replied giving me a nasty look before walking past Nelle and going back inside.

  “What is wrong with her?” Nelle looked at me.

shrugged my shoulders. “I don’t know.”

  Nelle didn’t look convinced but she didn’t say anything else. Instead she said. “Well Zita is waiting on you.”

  “I’ll be in there in a second.” I replied.

  “Okay.” She closed the door and went back inside.

  I bent down and picked up the half of blunt that I’d dropped. I lit it back up and finished smoking it. I needed it for my nerves. When I went back inside, Mia and I made eyes contact and she rolled her eyes hard. I looked away and focused my attention on Zita’s hair. The rest of the day I avoided Mia. I had a feeling that I may had fucked up.


  I’d been feeling really bad over the past few weeks about what was going on with Reggie. I decided that I was going to try and be more patient with him. Maybe after a while whatever was going on with him would get better. I tried to look at the bright side of things. We could take this time and get to know each other better. A relationship wasn’t all about sex. Other than the problems that we were having in the bedroom, our relationship was perfect.

  When we’d last talked on the phone Reggie had sounded really down so I invited him to come visit for the weekend. I’d decided to prepare his favorite meal, sit him down and let him know that I was really feeling him a lot and that we would get through this issue together and that there was no rush. I was damn near thirty, there was no sense in me acting as if I wasn’t used to sex. Sex had been the reason for all of the recent chaos in my life. It was time to start making some more mature choices and focusing on the more important things in life. Having someone who really cared for me and my children was what was most important.

  Reggie arrived at my house on Friday evening, looking as fine as ever. “Hey baby.” He greeted me giving me a peck on the cheek. I couldn’t hug him because I was holding Laila. “Hey lil mama.” He spoke to Laila and gave her a peck on her cheek as well. I giggled at how cute he was with the girls. “Where’s Lola?”

  “Taking a nap.”


  “Come on in.” He followed me inside.


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