Sassy Ever After: Sassy Faerie Princess (Kindle Worlds Novella)

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Sassy Ever After: Sassy Faerie Princess (Kindle Worlds Novella) Page 1

by Nicole Austin

  Text copyright ©2018 by the Author.

  This work was made possible by a special license through the Kindle Worlds publishing program and has not necessarily been reviewed by LATIN GODDESS PRESS INC.. All characters, scenes, events, plots and related elements appearing in the original Sassy Ever After remain the exclusive copyrighted and/or trademarked property of LATIN GODDESS PRESS INC., or their affiliates or licensors.

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  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  An excerpt from Merry Christmas, Kitten

  About the Author

  Other Books by Nicole Austin

  Sassy Faerie Princess

  Nicole Austin

  Princess Serena has been labeled as trouble because of her unconventional ideas. She isn’t content with the frivolous activities and promiscuity rampant in Fae. No, Serena craves adventure, longs to explore parallel dimensions and discover all the magnificent wonders of the universe. But what she aches for more than anything else is to be swept away by a pair of alpha males, fall in love, and form a monogamous bond.

  Only two things hold her back—the queen’s rules prohibiting faeries from traveling through the portals, and the dark elven guards who ensure compliance.

  News of the faerie court’s plans to seal the portals for eternity means she has to act fast or be trapped in Fae forever. And there would be no chance of others ever seeing or believing in the faefolk. Without belief…

  The brave faerie knows the legend well and is not about to let her kind cease to exist.

  Trevor Richardson and Brady Prophet have everything they could possibly want. Careers they love, a great house, each other, and a golden retriever named Flirt. Yet Brady feels something is missing. He wants a woman to share with Trevor. The crazy chick who breaks into their house and charms their dog wasn’t quite what he had in mind. She’s even better.

  Now if the unlikely trio can find a way to survive the jealous queen’s wrath, they just might have a shot at a fairy-tale ending.

  Published by Nicole Austin

  Cover by Nicole Austin

  Edited by Wizards in Publishing LLC

  Copyright © 2018 Nicole Austin

  All rights reserved. Except as permitted under the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the author.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

  This e-book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This e-book may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person you share it with. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then you should return it to the author and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  Chapter One

  Lying on a narrow branch high within the lush tree line, Serena dangled a half-empty bottle of dandelion wine from her fingertips. She swung her legs back and forth, making the entire limb sway, lulling herself into a dreamy state.

  A sour knot had formed in her stomach with the realization all of Fae had forgotten her birthday, again, but she figured once one surpassed the two-century mark there wasn’t much point in celebrating each individual year. To do so would be rather redundant. Still, it would have been nice for at least one faerie to have acknowledged the milestone of her two hundred twenty-ninth birthday.

  Directing a frustrated sigh upward she blew a puff of air at her long brown hair to get it out of her eyes. All right, so maybe being lonely was her own fault since she hadn’t formed any close connections with the other faeries. Then there was the whole illegitimacy issue she didn’t like to think about. Add in her being labeled as trouble due to her rather unconventional ideas, and it meant she spent a lot of time alone.

  She found life in Fae to be stagnant and altogether boring. While other faeries seemed content to fill their days with laziness and frivolous activities, Serena dreamed of more. Much more. Exciting adventures exploring parallel dimensions and discovering all the magnificent wonders of the universe. But what she wanted more than anything else, longed for with all her heart, was to be swept away by a dashing hero and fall in love.

  Faeries were rather promiscuous in nature, flitting from one lover to the next with each shifting of the breeze. Not her. Sure, she’d had her share of sexual encounters, but they left her cold and empty. Hollow. Serena craved something permanent. A monogamous bond. A grand affair of the heart.

  Hey, it could happen.

  She refused to stop believing.

  After taking another swig of the potent wine, she nestled the bottle between some branches and closed her eyes. If she was going to dream of the impossible, she might as well dream big. Her favorite fantasy of settling down into a loving ménage relationship filled her head.

  Serena pictured herself sandwiched between two hunky alpha males. Now that would be paradise, having all her desires fulfilled by two sexy lads who loved her to the point of distraction. The three of them would spend their days in each other’s arms making passionate love.

  “Yeah, right,” she snorted. As if she’d ever find herself in the middle of a committed ménage. Dream on. Faeries didn’t do commitment, not that there were any faeries she wanted anyway.

  Opening her eyes, her bleary gaze wandered over the beautiful land. Colorful fields of wildflowers complimented lush green grasses and thick forests were complimented by colorful fields of wildflowers. A white mist rolled over the ground in random waves, charging the atmosphere with magic. A truly wonderful place to be, but, sadly, the only one she’d ever known.

  Serena hungered to visit the places her elders told fascinating stories of around the campfires. Lands the faeries were now forbidden to visit. Foreign places of wonder as different from Fae as night from day. She burned to meet the inhabitants of the other realms. Wild werewolves who hunted in packs by the light of the moon. Humans who rode in motorized carriages traveling to jobs where they slaved their days away for a paycheck, whatever that may be.

  Shrill muttering reached her ears, and she glanced over her shoulder to observe the flamboyant approach of one very annoying faerie, Brynn—the ever-present thorn in her side. She stifled a weary groan. Brynn had a disturbing flair for the dramatic. He flitted about with rapid sweeps of his wings similar to a hummingbird. The hasty beating seemed to be a habit of his nervous personality.

  She was in no mood to deal with the pesky faerie or his tedious theatrics. Especially not when she saw two of him. And both were upside down.

  But perhaps he’d remembered her special day and brought a present along. That idea intrigued her.

  “There you are. I’ve been looking all over Fae for you,” Brynn whined. His weary tone implied great suffering.

  “You j
ust weren’t looking in the right places.” Serena was proud she hadn’t slurred her words…much.

  He shot her a reproachful glare, blue eyes cold and chockfull of recriminations. He was a beautiful male with a nice physique, but he didn’t do a thing for her. He acted too feminine for her taste, and the way he complained whenever he didn’t get his way turned her off. Plus, Brynn lacked any spirit of adventure or sense of wonder. He was more liable to rat her out to her mother than go exploring with Serena.

  It seemed like every time she became curious enough to investigate something different or set off on a daring escapade for a little excitement, Brynn would be there poking his nose in her business. She couldn’t count the number of times his interference had landed her before the faerie court to be reprimanded.

  The one time she’d attempted to have sex with him out of sheer boredom had been beyond ridiculous. Serena had ended up insulting him with her uncontrollable laughter, sparked by his fumbled attempts at seduction. She’d laughed so hard when he’d gotten tangled in his tights that tears rolled down her cheeks and she doubled over, clutching her stomach. Brynn hadn’t seen the humor in a situation that still had the power to bring a smile to her face.

  “How much wine have you had tonight?” His expression reflected stern disapproval.

  Serena shook her head. “Not enough, ’cause I’m still in Fae.”

  And you’re still here, added a devilish voice in her head.

  Brynn gasped. “Why would you want to be anywhere else?”

  She stared, gaping at him. The dolt had no sense. How any faerie could feel content with being stuck in their simple little world confounded Serena. There was so much out there just waiting to be discovered.

  “You’re joking, right?”

  “Of course not.” A frown thinned out his pale lips. “We have the best of everything right here.”

  She shook her head again. Brynn was clueless. “We don’t have merfolk splashing along a rocky shoreline, unicorns prancing in the forest, phoenixes rising through gray clouds, or trolls lurking under dark bridges.”

  His bland expression made it clear he had no interest in such wonders, but she continued anyway. “We don’t have vampires, shape-shifters, witches, wizards, centaurs, leprechaun, or even dragons.” She harrumphed in frustration. What Serena wouldn’t give to soar high in the sky with a huge dragon. Or better yet, have it breathe fire on particularly annoying faeries.

  She squinted at Brynn, considering the idea.

  He stared back at her with the bland affect she despised, then he snickered. “Go visit the elven guardians if you must associate with strange creatures.”

  She fisted her hands at her sides. The jerk was so infuriating and narrow-minded. “I’ve heard tell none of the other realms believe in faefolk anymore. Can’t you feel it? We’ve become nothing more than an old myth passed down from one generation to the next.” Her voice rose along with her anger. “Doesn’t it bother you that we’ve been forgotten, written off as simple folktales told to the wee ones? Doesn’t it make you sad?”

  Her tone turned incredulous. “Our minds and hearts once were open to the magic and mysteries of other lands where we were welcomed with open arms. Now we remain here in Fae, isolated and alone.”

  Serena sighed deeply as an overwhelming wave of melancholy crashed through her. “Come on. Being forgotten has to bother you.”

  Brynn remained silent for a moment before replying. “Serena, you have to trust in the wisdom of our queen. There must be good reasons faefolk no longer travel to the other realms.”

  Good reasons…feck.

  The queen’s reasons served her own vain purposes. Faerie were no longer free to roam because the queen had fallen in love with an unfaithful human who’d been intimidated by her powers. A weak man who had not returned her love and, instead, chose another human as his mate. That’s why they were all stuck in Fae now.

  “Queen Marina’s broken heart and fears have sent the faefolk into obscurity.”

  It was a bold statement of a truth few acknowledged. Her truth since Serena was the product of that failed love. Still, Brynn didn’t get it. He’d been brainwashed into believing only sorrow and pain would be found in the other realms.

  “Never mind,” she told him. Any attempt to make him understand was a waste of breath. “Why were you looking for me?” She tried to keep the hopeful note out of her voice but wasn’t sure she’d succeeded.

  “The faerie court’s planning a meeting to discuss sealing the portals for all time. There’s some concern unsavory creatures could use them to take over our lands.”

  She reclined statue-still on the branch, all thoughts of her birthday zipping away.

  Seal the portals?

  They’d all be trapped here, doomed to this dreary existence forever. There would be no chance of others ever seeing the faefolk. No longer would there be any lingering belief in their kind. Without belief…

  “Brynn, please tell me you’re not serious,” she implored. “It would be a death sentence for our kind. There are so few who believe in us now.” They all knew the legend, having heard it told and retold through the ages. For the faeries continued existence, someone must believe.

  He dismissed the grave argument with a limp flick of his wrist. “Oh, please. That’s just an old spooky story told to frighten the young. We have survived for decades without others knowing for certain we’re real. It doesn’t matter if anyone believes.”

  Serena slapped her hands over her face, covering her eyes. This wasn’t happening. She’d have to find a way to stop them. A way to convince the court that sealing the portals would be a fatal mistake.

  Without uncovering her eyes, she chased the bearer of bad news away. “I have to think. Go find someone else to irritate for a while, Brynn.”

  A sense of relief settled over her as she peeked from between her fingers, watching Brynn flittering away, irritated and shaking his head. Good! Maybe he’d leave her in peace while she figured out what to do. She’d find a way to keep her dreams alive. Form a plan and set it in motion.

  If she couldn’t convince the queen or court, maybe she would be able to find the hidden portals and escape before they were sealed. Then she could witness all the magnificent delights waiting to be beheld instead of wasting away in this tiresome realm. All by herself, she’d make sure others believed, thus ensuring the survival of their species.

  Maybe she’d even find the love her heart believed waited somewhere out there. A love which would provide the contentment she lacked and fill the empty space in her chest.

  Closing her eyes once again, she imagined a place where she’d be free to follow her dreams. Flying through the sky on the back of a fabulous winged creature or floating along the ocean currents on a shimmering flippered sea animal.

  She snatched up the bottle of wine. Tipping it back, Serena took a long swallow for courage and to chase away her fears.

  She pictured two very different men, one dark and the other light, making love to her with abandon, sparking a burning desire within her soul. Lying between two large masculine bodies corded with thick muscle, feeling two mouths and tongues devour every inch of her skin, four big hands teasing each nerve ending to glorious sensitivity, and two big cocks filling her to overflowing.

  Shivers raced through her body as she imagined her two dream lovers pleasuring each other while she watched. Muscles flexing as deep groans filled the air, making her even hungrier for both men.

  She would writhe in ecstasy and scream with a delicious thrill unlike anything she’d ever known. Her two alphas would be tender and kind, but also strong and primal lovers. They would shower her with affection and be willing to lay down their lives for her like the courageous knights of medieval times. Her lads would take her on adventures and encourage her explorations.

  The now empty bottle slipped from her lax fingers, and Serena turned her head to watch its descent through the thick branches until she could no longer view its progress. With the bo
ttle’s final crash to the ground, she turned her attention to the night sky.

  Thick white fog may obscure the land of Fae below but the skies shone a rich, clear amethyst with the moon’s somewhat blurry profile shedding a soft silvery glow into the darkness.

  The moon!

  Why hadn’t she thought of him before? Perhaps there was still hope.

  The elders told tales of Moon granting wishes to deserving faeries. Of course, one must be careful when wishing to Moon, she’d been warned. The wish must be specific in detail lest what you receive not be what was truly sought. The wisher’s intentions must also be pure and her heart true.

  She’d had many conversations with the wise old man in the moon over the centuries. They had established a friendship. At times he took on the role of father figure. He often assisted with one decision or another, talking through the many possibilities, but she’d never before proposed a wish to him.

  Maybe, just maybe, she’d wish herself into another realm where her lovers waited. Then she wouldn’t have to find the portals or break any of the queen’s stupid rules.

  Hmm, it was an interesting idea. What could it hurt to make a wish? And it was quite feasible that if she believed strongly enough, her wish could come true. At least Moon was someone she trusted not to belittle her dreams or make her feel foolish, even if her request was somewhat radical. All she had to do was fly up there and talk to him.

  Doing so should be an easy thing, simply flutter the wings and go. Yeah, easy if she could get her wings moving in any sort of coordinated manner. It took several moments of intense concentration to get the blasted things to cooperate.

  Now, for the takeoff. A wee push with the toes and off she went…

  Plummeting straight toward the ground.

  Where was her faerie godmother when she needed the cantankerous old bitch?

  Serena landed hard on her ass. Thank goodness Brynn had not witnessed her fall. He’d be rolling on the ground, laughing his fool head off. A faerie who couldn’t fly…ridiculous.


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