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Jayden Page 3

by J J Loraine

  He hasn’t forgotten about me! In fact, I’m so heavy on his mind that I’ve made him forget about other important things in his life.

  I can’t help but blush, as I sit alone in my dark room. It suddenly doesn’t feel so empty anymore. I feel warm and filled with hope again.

  I just want to see him again. I know the city where his training camp is being held, it’s not so far. Can I come see you? I can take a greyhound. I miss you already, I text back.

  I feel so much more comfortable texting than talking. I feel ready to say things I would never have the courage to say to someone’s face.

  There’s a pause before those three dots pop back up on the bottom of the screen. My pulse quickens at just the thought of Jayden thinking about me.

  There’s a strict ‘no spouse’ rule, especially for rookies :(, he responds.

  My heart drops a little, but I don’t give up. There’s no pause this time. The three dots jump right back up on the bottom of my screen. He’s not done with me yet.

  I’m going to talk with my agent. I’m sure he can set you up at a nearby hotel. When you’re settled, I can sneak out and we can meet. I don’t care about the consequences. I just need to be with you again.

  I sigh and hold my phone close to my heart.

  I’ll do whatever he asks of me.

  How do I contact your agent? I ask.

  He’ll get a hold of you, Jayden replies.

  I think of what to say next. My heart feels so full right now. This forbidden love that we’ve been thrust into is exhilarating. I wish there were no obstacles for us to face, but the fact that Jayden will bulldoze through anything standing between us makes me feel more wanted and cared for than I ever have before.

  Before I think of a response, I get another text from Jayden. It’s a picture.

  I open it up. He’s taken a selfie of himself, shirtless, lying on his hotel bed.

  I start to drool.

  He’s absolutely RIPPED. His tight skin clings to his bulging muscles. His chest is wide and hard and his shoulder are so broad that they almost don’t fit in the frame. He’s smirking up at the camera; at me.

  I want to respond, but my hands become immediately busy. I hold my phone steady with one hand and start rubbing between my legs with the other.

  I manage to type in a simply message as I pleasure myself.

  You’re so hot, I say.

  Put the phone between your legs... make sure it’s on vibrate, he says.

  I don’t even think twice. I slip my phone under my nightgown.

  It’s cold at first, but I quickly heat up when it starts to vibrate.

  He’s calling me.

  I know I’m not supposed to answer, but I feel such an urge to hear his voice. I struggle between pulling my phone away and answering, or keeping it close.

  I finally give in to the pleasure and relax as waves of ecstasy pulse up from my loins.

  I gyrate around the phone. Thinking of Jayden. His hot body floats around in my mind. I imagine his tongue in place of the phone. My thighs quiver and I fill up my empty room with louder and louder sighs.

  It doesn’t take long before I reach the second biggest orgasm of my life. It ranks just behind the one I had last night.

  Jayden’s call ends, but I get a quick burst of short vibrations from a series of texts. I keep the phone between my legs until it goes quiet, and then I pull it back out, and read the message he sent me.









  I sigh, completely satisfied, and melt into my bed.

  I fall asleep and dream of Jayden.

  I’m coming, baby.



  “It’s all set up,” Xander says, discreetly, as we walk back to my room.

  “Where’s she staying?” I ask, giddily.

  “At a hotel just around the corner... listen, you have to be careful. I know you have feelings for this girl. Believe me, I’m going through the same thing right now, but if you get caught, you could sabotage your whole career. You’re on pace for a record-breaking first contract. I wouldn’t want to see you get any less than you deserve...”

  “I’ll leave that to you,” I say, patting him on the back. “I trust you; now you just have to trust me. I need to do this. I can’t concentrate otherwise. I won’t be able to concentrate until I’ve been with Annie again. How bad will it look if I get to the first day of real training camp and haven’t memorized the playbook yet? That’s where we’re headed. My head is full with thoughts of her right now... there’s no room for anything else. I need to make room, and the only way to do that is to be close to her.”

  Xander just sighs. “Alright. Well, it’s all set up. She should be in tonight. I’ll text you when she’s settled and you can make your little prison break. I’ll try my best to keep the hounds off your trail.”

  We both have a chuckle.

  He drops me off at my room and we shar a firm, respectful handshake before parting ways.

  I’m alone again.

  I try to study my playbook, to pass the time, but it’s no use.

  My manhood has gone wild at the prospect of meeting up with Annie tonight. My new dilemma becomes whether or not I should rub one out beforehand. I decide against it. If I start now, I won’t be able to stop. She sent me a sexy picture of herself on my burner phone. I struggle not to look at it every 10 seconds.

  When I can’t take it anymore, I decide to go out for a walk. I can’t be alone right now. I grab my playbook, so it looks like I’m just on my way to study, and I head out of my room.

  I walk down the halls and take the stairs down to the main floor.

  I’ve already worked out today, but I’m not tired. I have a spring in my step. I’m ready to give Annie my all.

  I see a couple of my teammates and I stop and have a quick chat before I head out of the front doors.

  There are lines of fans waiting outside for autographs. I do my best to take all the pictures and sign all the autographs. It’s mostly kids and their parents, but there are also clearly some gold-diggers here. There are a few, in particular, who are very persistent. They don’t leave after I’ve signed their hats and posters. They just stick around. I can feel their eyes on me.

  If it wasn’t for Annie, I might have entertained them. They’re all conventionally attractive enough – tall, skinny, with long, toned legs and big fake breasts – but that’s not what I want.

  All I want is Annie’s dynamite curves; her thick thighs; her juicy lips; her huge natural breasts and her big plump ass.

  I have to consciously keep myself from drooling as I think of Annie’s amazing, voluptuous body.

  I can’t help it. I need to be alone again. I need to relieve myself. At worst, I’ll just last longer tonight.

  I excuse myself to the fans and head off in the opposite direction of the hotel. The crowd closes around the entrance, blocking it off.

  I’ll have to go around back to get back in.

  I make my way around the block, only to see the hotel where Annie should be staying at.

  I stop in my tracks and gaze up at the building.

  I wonder if she’s here yet?

  I consider risking it all and going to her in broad daylight.

  I stare at the building in a lustful daze, until I’m interrupted by a woman’s voice from behind.

  “Excuse me, sorry. Jayden?”

  I turn around. It’s one of the gold-diggers from out-front of the hotel.

  I smile politely. You’re never supposed to be rude to fans, no matter if you disagree with their intentions or not.

  She smiles back and giggles and presses her arms against her breasts so that they pop forward, almost out of her shirt. She jumps up and down and they jiggle.

  They don’t look as soft as Annie’s. They look fake.

  “I’m your biggest fan. Thank you so much for signing my
hat earlier. Can I get a selfie?”

  She takes out her phone and puts it in camera mode and then raises it up above us.

  She presses her cheeks against mine and smiles.

  I purse my lips, but try my best not to look annoyed. I don’t want to go viral looking salty over a giddy fan.

  “Ok, three, two, one,” she says. Before she clicks the photo button though, she looks away from the camera and plants a big kiss on my cheek.

  I hear the click of the camera as her lips latch onto my stubble.

  I can’t help but roll my eyes.

  The woman stays close on my arm as she checks the photo.

  “Thank you so much,” she says, keeping her phone out. “It must get lonely, being alone with all those guys at training camp.”

  I just shrug. “It’s not all bad.”

  She smirks and runs her hand up my arms. “I can help make it a little better,” she whispers, salaciously.

  I pull away.

  “Sorry,” I say, firmly. “I have to go.”

  I turn and march off, leaving the woman in my dust.

  Instead of going back to my hotel, though, I make a sharp turn and make a run for the back door of Annie’s hotel.

  I can’t it any longer. I need her, NOW.



  All of my excitement has suddenly vanished.

  There’s no mistaking what I just saw through my hotel window.

  That woman kissed Jayden. Did he give her his number too?

  I suddenly feel so completely out of place. I feel like a groupie.

  I’m not. I could care less about football or fame.

  Is Jayden just playing with me? Does he have a whole harem of girls waiting on his every need?

  All of my insecurities start to bubble up inside of me again. I suddenly realize how relaxed and confident I’ve felt these past few days. Maybe for the first time in my life, I was sure of something... but know I don’t know if I can be sure of anything.

  I seriously consider leaving. I was flown in on a private jet, but I’ll take the greyhound home if I have to. I don’t want to feel used... yet I can’t help but want Jayden to use me up.

  I haven’t unpacked my bag yet. I didn’t know how long I was going to stay here. I barely have enough clothes for the week.

  What do I do?

  I daydreamed about seeing him again my whole trip here, and now it almost seems like a nightmare. What I saw didn’t even look that bad. That woman could have just as easily been a fan. She didn’t have to be a groupie. I know it’s my own insecurities driving me wild, yet I can’t help it.

  That woman was so pretty. Even from up in my room, I could see her long, elegant legs shimmering in the sunlight. Her big breasts were squeezed tightly; she was showing a whole lot of cleavage. Jayden definitely looked.

  I don’t want to be the jealous type of girlfriend, but I can’t help but feel so small and powerless. All of my insecurities are jumping around inside of me, pulling me back down into my familiar lonely darkness. I try to fight them.

  Jayden’s special. I don’t want to be alone anymore. I want to be with him... but can I trust him?

  I sit on the edge of my bed and think. I feel like there’s a battle raging inside of me.

  Am I even good enough for him?

  I’ve never thought so before, why would I now?

  If he was too good for me when he was just a good high school football player, what makes me think we’re any closer now that he’s on the verge of becoming a superstar?

  I suddenly feel foolish for straying so far out of my league.

  I don’t deserve even half of the confidence that Lucy has...

  Suddenly, I hear a knock at my door. I momentarily break out of my moment of self-pity.

  I cautiously make my way over to the door and peak out the peephole.

  Jayden’s beautiful face stares back.

  “Jayden...?” I whisper, almost to myself.

  I open the door.

  He steps forward and kisses me.

  His lips are so full of love and intimacy that all of my insecurities and doubts immediately dissolve into thin air. I melt into him all over again. He wraps his big, strong arms around me and I collapse completely into him.

  I hear the door shut behind us.

  His huge hands sink into my thick ass as he picks me up and carries me over to the bed.

  He tosses me onto the mattress and immediately starts to get undressed.

  I want to confront him. I want to ask him about his true intentions with me, but I’m a girl of few words. There’s only one thing I can ask him as he lifts his skin tight shirt off, revealing the mouth-watering body of a modern-day Adonis.

  “Do you love me?” I ask sheepishly.

  His intense eyes stare deep into my soul.

  “More than anything in the world,” he says, without hesitation.

  I sit up on the bed and he kneels down before me. He pinches my chin and plants a soft, intimate kiss on my quivering lips.

  “I’ve always loved you,” he whispers.

  “I love you too,” I whisper back, breathlessly.

  Jayden kisses me again, and then begins to work his way down my neck. I rip off my shirt for him and he paints my breasts with his tongue. I sigh and shake as he sucks my nipples and shoves his coarse, stubble-laden face into my chest.

  His passionate, wet mouth then slowly makes its way down past my belly-button. His beefy fingers wrap around the edges of my pants and with one powerful swoop he rips them off around my ankles.

  He kisses up my bared legs until he gets to my panties and then he takes them in his teeth and rips them off too.

  I’m soaking for him. He sniffs in my scent and then shoves his face in-between my legs.

  I go wild.

  I grab hold of his hair as I flail wildly in unmeasured pleasure. His tongue swirls with great purpose and his thick fingers make their way inside of me.

  “Oh, Jayden. You feel so good,” I whimper, hardly able to speak through my heavy heaves of carnal ecstasy.

  “You taste delicious,” he mumbles, as he kisses and sucks and licks below.

  It doesn’t take long for me to explode in a wonderous climax. I cry out so loud that I worry that I might blow our cover.

  Jayden doesn’t seem to care. He’s not done with me yet.

  He rises to his feet and rips off his own pants. His huge manhood pops free. I sit up., eager to return the favor.

  I take as much of him in my mouth as I can handle. I wish I could fit more of him in, but he’s just too big.

  I choke and gargle and sweep my tongue as passionately as I can.

  Jayden moans and runs his beefy fingers through my hair.

  “You’re so big. I’m sorry I can’t take you in all the way,” I say, during a quick moment of respite.

  He just smiles down at me. “Don’t worry. You’ll have all our lives to practice.”

  He bends down to me and we kiss again, and then he grabs me by the hips and tosses me further up the bed. He crawls on top of me and I’m fully engulfed by his hulking body.

  When he slips inside of me, I’m finally sure that I’ve made the right choice.

  We’re a perfect fit. I don’t ever want to wait for anyone else.

  I’ve found my forever-man.




  This had been the best year of my life.

  I signed the biggest first-contract in the history of the league; I’ve had one of the best rookie seasons of all time, and I’ve had the love of my life on my arm the whole way through it.

  I snuck out countless more times throughout training camp to be with Annie. We never got caught. With the question of her love off my mind, I was able to study and train to the best of my abilities.

  She’s made great friends with my sister, Lily. The two of them, along with my agent, Xander, travel to all my home games together.

  I’ve never been h

  The only bit of drama we’ve experienced was completely my own fault. I felt so foolish when I found out that the girl my older brother, Hunter, was transfixed on during my draft party, wasn’t the same one who tried to seduce me in the break room. I’ve since met Grace, as well as her twin sister Lucy, and learned to love them both. They’re going to be part of the family, after all.

  I’ve apologised profusely to them all a thousand times, but I still feel like I owe them. Annie also feels a little silly that she never pointed out that Grace had a twin sister, especially since the two sisters are her two best friends.

  To make up for it, we help Lily and Xander plan a big party at their estate – it’s where Hunter proposes to Grace.

  Lily and Xander had already gotten engaged during one of my games. Annie and I are the only ones left without wedding plans.

  I change that quickly enough.

  After my season ends, I take Annie on a trip across the world. We travel in style; she deserves it.

  When we get home, I secretly rent out the banquet hall where my draft party was held. I have Xander bring her and then he has her follow a trail of rose pedals that lead to the breakroom where our long-lost love was rekindled.

  I’m there, waiting on one knee.

  She says yes and we consummate our love right there. We haven’t been able to take our hands off of each other since we got together.

  I give her the most luxurious wedding money can buy, and a few months later, she gives me the most priceless, wonderful gift that any wife can give her husband: a child!

  She’s pregnant, and with twins! A baby boy and girl will soon bless our lives. I work extra hard to set a good example for my children. I want to let them know that no matter how wealthy you are, you can always do better by following your heart.

  It’s how I got my football career; it’s how I got Annie; it’s how I found love and success... it’s how I finally got my happily-ever-after.

  Other Titles by J.J. Loraine

  Hunter: My Curves for Him (The Cage Family’s Fortune Book 1)



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