The Omega's Mate:

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The Omega's Mate: Page 6

by E A Price

Her second relationship had been a little better. He was a bobcat shifter called Dane. He had been a lot gentler than her previous boyfriend, but he disliked her attachment to the pack. He resented pack members calling her up in the middle of the night, when they needed help. He wanted Carly to leave the pack and be with him. She refused, and he dumped her.

  Most recently she had taken up with another pack member called Bryce. After Will, male pack members treated her like she had the plague. Bryce was the only pack member willing to give her the time of day. Sexually anyway. Thinking back, she was only with Bryce because no one else wanted her. At times, he scared her. Bryce didn’t want an emotional girlfriend. He didn’t want to be tender and caring. He wanted a partner willing to lie back and spread her legs for him, whenever he was in the mood. And to hell with whether she reached her pleasure or not.

  Carly was disconcerted when she discovered Bryce cheated on her with Carrie, but it was actually something of a relief. She doubted he would have reacted well if she had been the one to dump him.

  Now there was Cain… Her very own giant, lusty bear. Would she really be able to handle him? And would he be able to handle her?

  The bell over the door tinkled. “Sorry, we’re closed.”

  “Shall I come back later?”

  Carly shivered in awareness as the deep, rumbling voice swept over her. She rushed out of the kitchen to find her mate filling the door. Her wolf yapped like a pup. There was a half-smile on his rugged face that made her legs tremble. In spite of herself, seeing his tight jeans and stretched shirt struggling to contain his ropey muscles, her arousal quickened. She felt her panties moisten.

  She blushed as Cain sniffed the air. He grinned widely as he scented her heightened desire. If he had any doubts about his mate wanting him, they were soon dispelled. On a primal level, she longed for him. His beast was ecstatic.

  “No, it’s fine. I actually… umm, I actually wanted to see you.”

  Cain felt the wave of happiness. With breathtaking speed, he moved to stand in front of her. He sure could move quickly for such a big guy. She craned her neck to see his smiling face. His eyes flickered from black to brown, as he wavered between controlling and giving into his desires.

  Carly gulped. “I wanted to apologize…”

  Shock adorned his face as he spoke slowly. “You wanted to apologize to me?”

  “I overreacted… again, and I’m sorry.”

  Cain looked at his mate in awe, drinking in every beautiful detail. From her bewitching eyes to her plump round breasts, he could stare at her all day long, and it still wouldn’t be long enough.

  “You have nothing to be sorry about. Seems I keep doing stupid things, and then you apologize.”

  “That’s not true. I mean, I’m not saying you haven’t been stupid. The home invasion yesterday could hardly be considered a smart move, but I blew what you said way out of proportion. You weren’t saying you didn’t want me, right?” Carly held her breath in response.

  Cain saw the fear in her eyes; he felt a twinge in his heart as his bear growled sadly. He cursed the men she had been with before him. They’d left her apprehensive and unsure of herself. “Carly, I want you more than anything else in the world. You’re my mate. You’re mine.”

  Achingly slowly Carly reached her hand towards his face. He groaned as her small fingers stroked his hard, stubbly jaw. The briefest of touches sent electric shots through her body. Their animals roared in contentment.

  Cain’s desire rose to dizzying heights. He couldn’t hold back a moment longer. He had to have her, right then, right there, no more waiting. He had to drag her down to the ground, and plunge inside her wet heat. His bear mercilessly goaded him to take her. He shook as he tensed, forcing himself not to give into his urges.

  Carly’s eyes widened in nervous excitement. His lust was both terrifying and thrilling to her in equal measure. He made a move to kiss her, when the bell on the door clattered.

  “Oh, I’m sorry, am I interrupting?” Rosalee’s amused voice floated toward them.

  The she-wolf tried to calm her thunderous heartbeat, before sneaking a peek round Cain’s massive frame. He remained still, his dark eyes trained on her.

  “No, it’s fine,” squeaked Carly. “Cain this is Rosalee, my Alpha’s mate. Rosalee, this is Cain… my mate.”

  Cain buzzed at her acknowledgment of him before turning, and nodding at the female Alpha. She had a friendly smile, and Cain conceded she was attractive enough, but she was plain next to his Carly. God he had it bad.

  Rosalee winked and held out her hand. “Nice to meet you, mate of Carly.”

  “And you, mate of the Alpha.” He wrapped his paw round her delicate hand.

  Rosalee gripped him as tightly as possible, which to the bear wasn’t very. “To be clear, if you hurt her, there isn’t a member of the pack who wouldn’t want to string you up by your testicles.”

  “She’s kidding.” Carly looked between the two of them nervously.

  “Course I am,” said Rosalee brightly, before mouthing that she wasn’t.

  Cain nodded shortly, before dropping her hand. Surprisingly, his bear hadn’t even reacted to her threat. Normally the volatile beast would have been howling. Maybe because the slender female posed such little danger, or perhaps because if he truly hurt his mate, he’d be the first to punish himself.

  Rosalee set down her bag. “I came to work on the mural, but I can leave if you want?”

  Cain looked at her sourly. He wanted to yell at her to get lost so that he could get his hands on his little mate. But that might be rude.

  Carly shook her head. “No it’s fine, I was actually about to start painting the kitchen.”

  Rosalee ignored the death glares from Cain and set to work, unveiling a small part of the mural. Carly would have to wait until it was complete to see it all; besides she had to make a little adjustment, in light of recent developments.

  Carly turned to her mate. “I should really get on…”

  “Let me help,” Cain offered quickly. He placed a hand on her shoulder, and they each moaned imperceptibly.

  “Oh umm, that would be lovely.” Carly smiled shyly.

  “Then let’s get started.”


  Carly was surprised at Cain’s tolerance and interest in what they were doing. For the first hour, she wavered between choosing the shade of yellow she wanted for the kitchen. He never once became impatient or shouted at her, as she ummed and aahed her way to a decision. He was sweet and supportive.

  He listened courteously as she spoke about her plans for the shop. He even paid attention when she waffled about the different flavors of cupcake she was planning on selling. She was amazed at how willing he was to put up with her. Her wolf was wagging her tail for their wonderful mate.

  Cain couldn’t get enough of listening to his little mate. His bear stretched out and let her words wash over him as he growled with satisfaction. He loved the way she twitched her nose as she became animated about a subject. He could listen to the soothing lilt of her voice all day. God he’d even sit and listen to her read the freaking dictionary.

  He’d never been one for relationships. When he first started fighting, a fancy red wolf lawyer from Alexandria had been enamored with him. For a few months, she’d drive down every weekend to see him, and they’d spend the whole time in bed. Naively he’d considered her to be his girlfriend, but when he tried to ask questions of her life in Alexandria, she clammed up. When Cain drove to the city to see her as a surprise, he found she was married with two kids. Apparently she loved her husband, but he didn’t fulfill her sexual needs. So, she had taken up with Cain.

  It soon became clear to him that the type of women who approached him, the type who came to his fights, were hero-worshippers. If he didn’t win the fights, they wouldn’t be interested. He wasn’t foolish enough to think he was a handsome man. Women wanted him for his body, and the power he exuded in the fights. Until meeting his mate, that had been enough.
  But now he wanted so much more. He wanted to hear her sweet chatter and to share in every aspect of her life. He wanted to wake up every day with her beside him, and go to sleep with her curled into his arms. He wanted her stomach thickened with his young.

  When Carly did make up her mind on the color, lemon chiffon, they made short work of the first coat of paint. Well, mostly Cain did, Carly was a little slow in comparison to the big bear.

  Taking a break, they went to Pizza Moon for a late lunch. They sat and ate under the scrutinizing glares of Hans and Melanie; not to mention the curious looks of anyone else who wandered into the pizzeria.

  Carly blocked them out and focused on enjoying her mate’s company. When they returned to her shop, it was to find a note from Rosalee telling them she had to leave and would be back in a few hours. She signed it off by telling them not to do anything she wouldn’t do.

  At Cain’s insistence, Carly sat and watched while he painted the ceiling. He didn’t even need a stepladder. Carly admired the hard lines of his body, as his shirt crept up the waist of his low slung jeans. She was teased with inviting glimpses of his yummy, hard stomach.

  After they had started applying another coat of paint to the walls, Cain told her about growing up with his father. His mother left them when he was a baby, after finding her true mate; he had no idea where she was. His father worked for a logging company. Like most Kodiak bears, he did manual labor. It was unusual to find Kodiaks in office jobs.

  His father died when Cain was 19; from then on, Cain had taken various menial jobs, usually resorting in him being fired for his temper. He shook away his discomfiture, and admitted that three years ago, and after a string of bad jobs, he found himself homeless. Carly sent him a wave of encouragement. He told her how there had been an open audition for cage fighters. With nothing to lose, Cain decided to try. He grew up fighting and had a few moves.

  At the audition he destroyed his opponent, a wolf funnily enough. On seeing Carly’s look of displeasure, Cain skipped through that part of the story. It ended with him being given regular fights and a steady paycheck. Soon, he was a popular fighter, and people travelled from all over to watch his matches.

  Carly wasn’t sure how she felt about him fighting, so she kept her mouth shut.

  Carly spoke of her own life, not that there was much to tell. She grew up in the pack; her mom was an Omega, her dad was a Beta, and they abandoned her when she was a teenager, then she lived with Hans’ family… Cain growled intermittently as she glossed over the details.

  Talking about his childhood, he admitted his father had tried, but he never really got over the loss of his mother and had taken to drinking. Cain didn’t admit it in as many words, but Carly understood his father hadn’t been kind. The she-wolf pressed her hand against her mate’s heart, and he allowed the rage and shame he had for his father to ebb.

  Cain lifted her fingers to his lips and planted feathery kisses on them. Her sex fluttered as pleasurable tingles permeated her body.

  “Cain I…”

  He released her hand and his own journeyed down her shapely body. Alighting on her round ass, he pulled her up toward him. Instinctively her fingers curled into his shirt, and she wrapped her legs around his torso, as far as she could.

  Carly was surprised when he didn’t kiss her. Instead, he buried his head in her hair and scented her. She leaned her cheek against his hard shoulder and did the same, allowing his fresh earthy scent to wash through her. Boldly she kissed his neck. His tense muscles relaxed, and she began planting butterfly kisses over his neck and jaw.

  Cain stood still breathing deeply. He was becoming increasingly excited, but he forced his animal to calm as he gently held his mate. The last thing he wanted was to clasp her too tightly; if he weren't careful, he could seriously hurt her.

  Carly nipped his chin with blunt teeth, and he growled softly. Looking into his eyes she could see the blackness of his bear, she could see the want he had for her, but also the need to be loved by her. Her own eyes flicked to the green amber of her wolf. A bizarre, genetic throwback, found in a few wolf shifters.

  Cain gasped. She truly was remarkable. “Your eyes are beautiful.”

  Carly’s cheeks reddened. She was stood in the kitchen, in the arms of her bear mate smothering kisses on him, yet even a small compliment made her gooey inside and blush.

  “Everything about you is beautiful…” He breathed before licking her ear.

  “You’re beautiful too,” she murmured.

  Cain let out a rumbling laugh, making his magnificent chest shake. She felt the vibrations resonate through her small frame. “I think you may be delirious from desire.”

  Quickly he pressed his lips against hers. She opened her mouth in surprise, and he dipped his tongue in, reveling in her taste. His bear groaned at her gorgeous, sweet flavor. He wasn’t a very experienced kisser; he’d never really been interested in kissing before, but his enthusiasm for his mate more than made up for it.

  Carly moaned as she dug her fingers into his rock hard shoulders. He was like a warm, silken skinned, walking mountain! His kiss was intense and strong, yet surprisingly tender and loving. Just like him. Pleasure wantonly coursed through her, and she welcomed his feelings of lust and stirrings of love.

  Oh, so slowly and reluctantly he pulled away. They’d been locked in an embrace for ages, yet to them it felt like mere seconds. Any amount of time would never be enough.

  Carly’s wolf whimpered in satisfaction as she nuzzled his neck. “Thank you.”

  Again with the rumbling laugh. “You’re thanking me?”

  She licked her lips relishing his taste. “Yes, that was lovely.”

  Cain rubbed circles on her back. “Anytime beautiful.”

  She licked his neck and giggled. “I may hold you to that.”

  Carly couldn’t remember what she’d been worried about. How could she have ever thought that this herculean man was anything but perfect for her?

  The bell on the front door tinkled, and Carly stiffened in his arms. They scented the air. Rosalee. The female Alpha called out hello, and Carly squirmed in his arms, wanting to be released from his hold.

  Cain withheld the irritated growl burning to be free. He doubted Carly would be pleased if he did tell Rosalee to fuck off, so he held his tongue, barely…

  Grudgingly he dragged Carly down his body, enjoying the feel of her soft curves. She stifled a gasp as she pressed up against the bulge in his jeans. She knew he was big but damn! She quivered in both fear and anticipation.

  Carly gave him a shy smile before disappearing to talk to Rosalee. Cain tried to soothe his bear, whilst willing his erection to go down. His animal was furious at the interruption, but Cain was buzzing from their interlude.

  Yes, he wanted to mate and bond with her too, more than life itself! But he sensed hesitation in her, not least because of his actions over the past few days. So he was prepared to wait. She wasn’t like the other women he had been with; she didn’t want something fast and furious, she needed tenderness and love. It would be that much sweeter when she came to him and asked him to bond with her.

  He just hoped he could persuade his bear of that.

  Chapter Eight

  Cain picked up his room key from a smirking wolf shifter, working the desk at the Bed and Breakfast.

  “Have a good evening,” chuckled the wolf, before leering and winking.

  Cain grunted at the wolf and ambled up to his room. Things had cooled down after Rosalee arrived at the shop. At least Carly had cooled somewhat, Cain was still hard as steel for his little mate. He’d wanted to continue where they left off, but Carly hadn’t with her female Alpha so close by.

  Instead, Rosalee chatted about pack members while Carly listened amiably. In spite of Cain’s overt hints and general murderous glowers, Rosalee didn’t get the message that he wanted her to leave. Or if she did, she ignored him.

  They continued working for a couple more hours, until eventually Carly calle
d it a day. Rosalee finally tripped off and left them alone. Cain walked his mate out to her car; it was a Volkswagen beetle decorated like Herbie. God everything about her was cute. Carly gave him a chaste kiss goodnight, before he reluctantly watched her drive away.

  Every fiber of his being told him not to let her go, to keep hold of her and kiss the hell out of her. But again, he told himself that he must be patient. He and his bear fucking hated himself for it, but he was going to be patient no matter what.

  Cain wrinkled his nose in disgust as he approached his door. A pungent scent of cheap perfume assailed him. On opening the door, the smell intensified. Ah, shit.

  His heart almost stopped when he found Jules sprawled out on his bed. His bear snarled. She had to go now! She wore tiny red, lacy underwear under the shirt he insisted she keep the last time she turned up in his bed.

  Jules leered at him. “Hey, big guy. Surprise!”

  Cain ran his hands through his hair. “What are you doing here? How did you get in?”

  Fuck! Did other people know she was here? Did other people see her go in his room? Would they tell Carly?!

  Jules stroked her hands down her long legs. “I came to see you; I missed you.”

  “How did you get in here?” he asked quietly.

  “Easy! I told the wolf on the desk that I was you girlfriend, and I wanted to surprise you. I slipped him twenty bucks, and he gave me a key to your room.”

  Ah crap! That idiot on the front desk is probably part of Carly’s pack! “You need to leave now!”

  “Awww come on... I forgive you for the other night…”

  Cain’s jaw ticked with the effort of controlling his temper. “You’re not listening. You need to leave. Right now. You can’t be here.”

  Jules spluttered in confusion. “But I thought you wanted…”

  The bear was prowling in frustration. “I don’t. We can’t do this anymore. I’ve met my mate, and I don’t want her to see you here.”

  Jules rolled off the bed and bared her fangs. “So you’re just dumping me? Just like that?”

  Jeez… “I wouldn’t say dumping… it’s not like we were in a relationship. We had fun, but we can’t have fun anymore. I’m sorry.”


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