The Omega's Mate:

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The Omega's Mate: Page 11

by E A Price

  Cain fidgeted remembering Kira’s disapproving glare. “So, won’t Kira be visiting pack members too?”

  “Doubtful, she’s a good Omega but she’s not very strong.”

  Cain stopped them and looked at her curiously. “And you?”

  Carly looked at him shyly. “I don’t want to sound conceited but yes, I’m quite a strong Omega. I got my powers when I was 5.”

  Cain marveled at his tiny mate; so small in body, and physically weak, yet so powerful in other ways. They were a perfect match.

  “You’re not mad, are you?” she asked softly.

  “No, just… impressed.”

  He leaned down, and just as he was about to sweep her up in his arms, a wolf whistle sliced through the air.

  Carly jumped back startled, to see one of Mal’s brothers leering at them. Apparently they were closer to the Tanner house than she realized.

  Cain growled and placed a protective arm around her.

  Carly called out to the male wolf. “Darryl Tanner, shouldn’t you be in School?”

  Darryl was jangling some keys, walking towards his dad’s truck. “Yeah, probably. Terri and the asshat are inside.” He saluted and grinned cheekily, before jumping in the truck and speeding away.

  Carly figured the asshat must be Mal. The Tanner boys are always sooooo charming.

  Cain snorted. “Friend of yours?”

  “No, pack mate of ours. Come on, let’s go see Terri.”


  Terri was feeling a lot better, and in spite of Mal’s fervent protestations that she was too ill to have guests, she eagerly invited Carly and Cain inside for a cup of tea. All coffee had been banned from the Tanner house since the smell made Terri nauseous.

  Terri was thrilled to meet Cain, and delighted for Carly. Mal barely noticed; he was too busy trying to entice his mate to sit down and rest. Terri was a little tired after another sleepless night, so Carly soothed her a little, and managed to lull her into a nap before they left. For which, a much harried Mal was very grateful.

  Cain was especially pleased with how Carly gushed about Terri’s pregnancy. His bear howled in joy; he couldn’t wait for them to have their own cub. Or pup, either way. He had visions of a few strapping bear sons, and a cute little she-wolf daughter. Yep, three sons to one daughter seemed about right. He and his boys could scare off any potential boyfriends together.

  Their next stop was to see Isaiah, the older wolf who Cain met at the hospital. Carly refused to walk to his house; she insisted they go by car.

  Isaiah was pleased of the company. They spent a few hours with him and stayed for lunch. Isaiah offered to cook, but Carly hurried him out of the kitchen. Soon enough, she’d thrown together some delicious omelets, filled with peppers and chorizo.

  Before they left, Carly eased Isaiah’s pain and told him he was welcome to visit her whenever he wanted. She warmed as Cain echoed that sentiment.

  Their third stop was with a young wolf called Casey Shaw. Carly had never been close to him, but surprisingly he had sought out her company recently, for a very unexpected reason. He’d always been a little too wild and promiscuous for her, but he was a pack member in need. They found him at his parent’s home. His mother was pregnant, and Casey was helping out as much as he could. If nothing else, Casey loved his family.

  Cain watched quietly as Carly expertly probed the young wolf. Casey was reticent to talk about what was bothering him, even more so in Cain’s presence, but through gentle coaxing, Carly soon discovered the truth. Casey had met his true mate, and she rejected him. The wolf was torn between fury and hurt; he wanted to roar and burst into tears.

  Cain’s heart went out to him. The brief time when he had worried Carly would reject him had been torturous. Carly tried her best to make him feel better, but she knew he wouldn’t be appeased until his mate accepted him. She prayed it would happen soon.

  After Casey, there were just a few more brief stops. A middle-aged wolf was stressing over paying for college for his three daughters. Rosalee’s mother, Violet, was worried over her relationship with one of the pack wolves, fearing that she was betraying her late true mate. Jolene, another pack mate, was upset after receiving threatening phone calls from her ex-husband. Carly made sure Adam knew about that.

  Finally, Carly made a phone call to Noa Lucas. Hans and Acksel’s younger sister was at college in Florida; training to be a vet. Noa was stressing over an upcoming test, but thankfully just talking to Carly helped.

  The day had been kind of draining, so Carly decided to take a nap. Since she was going to be asleep, and was too tired to have sex, he asked her four times just in case she changed her mind about that, he decided to do a bit of training.

  He gave her a thorough kiss goodbye, before setting off for the recreation centre. He was surprised at how much he had enjoyed spending the day with her. Being the Omega was tough, but also rewarding. She had to share in her pack mate’s pain, but she also got to share in the happiness and love. His bear was glorying in their mate; she was the most-amazing woman he’d ever met. He was one lucky son of a bear.

  Carly stretched out on the bed, reveling in the lingering scent of their lovemaking. Nerve endings tingled in awareness, remembering the thrilling touch of his skin on hers. Sleep was all but forgotten; maybe she should call him and ask him to come back…

  Carly shuddered suddenly. An odd feeling washed through her. It was anger, pure red hot anger. The level of malevolence was disturbing. Fear pricked at her. It was the same feeling she got right before that car almost ran her down…

  Her wolf whined as the feeling intensified. Carly tried to identify where it was coming from, but it was strange and erratic. Ugh, she felt queasy…

  Carly jumped as someone banged on her door.

  “Carly, it’s me and Melanie, open up!” yelled Kayleigh. She could be really loud when she wanted to be.

  The feeling disappeared as quickly as it had appeared. Carly shook her head; it was very odd. She tried to forget about it and went downstairs to see her friends.

  Chapter Fourteen

  25th January

  Carly rushed to the recreation centre as fast as she could. At her suggestion, she had spent the day working on her shop while Cain trained. He hadn’t wanted to leave her, but she insisted. She could kick herself sometimes.

  Instead of working, she’d spent the whole day mooning, and daydreaming about him. Her wolf had whimpered and, when that didn’t work snarled at Carly to find their mate. Up until they finally bonded, being apart was going to be torture. After a few hours, Carly finally gave in and shut the shop.

  Walking through the recreation centre she heard grunting, and pounding. She hurried to find her mate, wearing only a pair of shorts, hitting Hans and Don. More like pulverizing.

  Kayleigh and Melanie were also there. Melanie was looking a little green. It was one thing to watch Cain beat up a total stranger; it was another to see him doing the same to her mate.

  “Don’t hurt his sensitive areas! I need them intact!” shouted Melanie, covering her eyes.

  Kayleigh was rubbing her bottom lip; Carly could scent the witch’s obvious arousal. Judging by the hungry look on her face, it would be a miracle if Don could walk at all tomorrow.

  Carly watched as Cain gracefully dodged blows, and his muscles rippled. His skin glowed, and little beads of sweat rolled down his god-like body. She felt her own body heat rapidly, as her desire for her mate soared. Her panties moistened, and her too-tight skin tingled with excitement.

  All worries about the brutality of fighting left her. All she could see was her big, powerful mate, proving just how strong and potent he truly was. The primal urges to mate and breed swelled within her, as her wolf roared for their mate.

  Cain knocked Don and Hans to their asses before roaring. His beast joined him, thrilled at the outcome of the fight. Even if was just practice. Suddenly, he stilled and sniffed eagerly. He scented his mate. No, he scented his extremely aroused mate.

; His blackened eyes alighted on her as he growled hungrily. He worried that fighting would have turned her off, but apparently that wasn’t the case.

  He ignored, and walked past Hans and Don, whose mates were retrieving them from the ground. His focus was centered on the blossoming lust, the heaving chest and the flushed skin of his own mate.

  Cain swept her up in his arms into an almost bone-crushing embrace, enjoying the warmth of her mouth.

  “I missed you,” he rumbled.

  “Not half as much as I missed you,” Carly whispered.

  Cain’s chest shook as he chuckled. “Not possible, nobody could miss anybody as much as I missed you.”

  “I don’t know, I really, really missed you.”

  “Yeah but…”

  Carly rolled her eyes. “Okay stop! Seriously, it’s not a competition, let’s just say we both missed each other and leave it at that!”

  Cain pouted. “Fine; let me shower and change, I thought we could grab something to eat at the Diner.”

  “Or we could go home and I could make us something… we could eat in bed and feed each other…” Carly fluttered her eyelashes theatrically, before her eyes widened as she felt his erection pressing into her body. “I guess you like that idea.”

  Cain and his bear were practically panting. “Definitely.”

  Cain placed her on the ground and after a quick kiss on the top of her head, ran to the showers like a man possessed.

  Carly grinned as she watched Kayleigh and Melanie leading their mates away.

  Don picked up his clothes, wincing slightly. “I’m really exhausted darlin,' tonight you’re goin’ to have to do all the work.”

  Kayleigh cooed over his sweat glistened muscles. “I’m totally fine with that.”

  Melanie cast her mate worried glances. “He didn’t hurt you, did he?”

  Hans smirked. “Nowhere important sugar.”

  Carly laughed and said goodbye to them. Her wolf bounced up and down impatiently. Cary tried to make the beast relax. Soon enough they would be back at her house, in her bed, she just had to patient. Right now, Cain was probably in the shower, his hot naked body standing under the running water, steam pouring out…

  What the heck was she waiting for?


  Cain practically fell over trying to get out of his shorts and into the shower. He turned the water on full blast, hurrying to clean himself so he could get back to his mate. His sex was already painfully big, and he desperately wanted to be inside her.

  He stiffened before groaning lustily. His mate’s sumptuous scent invaded the confines of the cubicle. Her soft curves grazed him, as she squeezed past and stood in front of him.

  “Mind if I join you?”

  Without waiting, Carly brushed her hands down his torso, fingering the hard lines of his muscles. She wrapped her small hands around his engorged cock, stroking his silken length, delighting as he grew even bigger.

  Cain groaned, trying to control himself. The brief touch almost made him explode, but he wanted to hold back, he wanted to come inside her. He reached down and pulled her up his body; she dropped his manhood and dug her hands into his chest.

  He pushed her back against the tiled wall, the coolness tempering the hot lust pulsing through her. Carly squeezed her legs around his waist as he allowed the wall to take her weight. Reaching between them, he pushed a thick finger inside her waiting channel.

  Carly squealed in pleasure, her wolf prancing around vivaciously. She nipped his collar bone with blunt teeth. His bear roared, elated.

  Pulling his finger away, Cain fisted his manhood and pressed against her entrance. Carly held her breath in feverish anticipation, before he pulled her down his long member. She cried as the heavenly feeling of fullness swept through her.

  Cain began quickly thrusting in and out of her wet heat. She dug her claws into his skin, eliciting guttural moans from her mate. His flesh slapped heavily against hers as he pounded inside her, roughly rubbing her inner walls and glorying in the sight of her ample breasts bouncing up and down.

  Carly moaned as he swelled inside her, and she leaned her head against the wall, gasping as he frantically sunk inside her over and over. He knew he couldn’t last long, not this first time. He would make it up to her later, when he took her slowly, and languorously.

  With one last plunge he and his bear roared as he thickened, and then exploded in climax. Carly bucked against him, clutching and pulsating, as her release stole through her. She screamed as her wolf howled excitedly.

  Carly leaned her head against his hard chest, smiling contentedly. Life didn’t get any better than this.

  Chapter Fifteen

  26th January

  “I swear your darling mate almost gave me a heart attack when he turned up at my door. He had this crazy look in his eyes, I thought he was going to either rob me or make me join a crazy cult.”

  Carly was shopping with Esther; a black bear mated to a pack mate called Felicity. She was also one of the unfortunate people to suffer a visit from Cain, when he was trying to find Carly.

  “No offense,” added Esther, quickly.

  Carly snickered. “None taken, I promise you, he’s calmed down now… sort of.”

  “Hey, you don’t have to explain, bears can be pretty aggressive about their females. If wolves are possessive, bears are aggressive.”

  Esther worked at Charlie’s clothes store. She had the day off, and at a loose end called on Carly for company. Esther was finding it a little tricky to integrate into pack life. Esther used to belong to a bear clan, but after being treated horrifically, she left. Easing back into that kind of group again was proving a little problematic, not to mention getting used to the dynamics of obeying an Alpha.

  Bear clans had leaders who were appointed, and were actually subject to impeachment, if their clan members dared, but Alphas were born. They were more like benign dictators, but truthfully, not all of them were that benign. The only way to get rid of an Alpha, who didn’t want to go, was to challenge him to a death match. It wasn’t pretty.

  For Felicity’s sake, Esther was trying and had started seeking the company of the human and witch members of the pack, as well as Carly, the gentlest wolf.

  Esther was looking to buy a new pair of boots for Felicity. Felicity was a remorseless tomboy and hated shoe shopping. She had a few pairs of shoes, but in truth only wore one pair of boots, day in and day out. They were starting to fall apart, and Esther had a mind to replace them.

  Carly meanwhile was trying to find some new clothes for her mate. He didn’t seem to care, but all of his clothes were either worn or ripped, she wanted to get him something nice.

  They were at the outlet mall, not far from town. So far, Carly had been unable to find any clothes that would fit her mate; all the sizes were so average. The sales people almost laughed themselves silly when she told them the size she needed to buy.

  Esther wasn’t faring any better. All the boots she found were too girly, or had heels that were too high. As gorgeous as Felicity would look in them, Esther doubted she could get her mate to wear them.

  On the plus side, Esther had found a pair of half price sandals, blue pencil skirt and slinky nightgown for herself. Whilst Carly found a new, silky yellow underwear set. At least Cain would enjoy ripping that off her.

  “How about we give up, and get some low-fat frozen yogurt?” suggested Carly.

  “Sounds good, except let’s replace the yogurt with donuts, and throw in a large cup of coffee.”

  Carly beamed. “You read my mind.”

  They chatted as they made their way to the food court. Carly felt herself shiver, and her wolf snarled. A sliver of fear trickled through her. Were they being watched?

  The bizarre anger returned again. Carly spun round trying to find the source, trying to find out who had such dark feelings. Esther continued chatting; unaware anything was wrong. Carly shook her head; maybe she was imagining it…

  Esther started walking down the
stairs; Carly trotted to catch her. Just as she started down the steps, a strong push sent her flying. Carly screamed as she flailed. Esther turned, with a horrified look on her face; she gripped the hand rail and slung an arm around Carly.

  Carly trembled as Esther tried to calm her. A number of people crowded round, making sure Carly was okay. Thank god Esther was there; thank god Esther was a strong bear shifter!

  Her wolf yipped worriedly. Carly tried to scan the crowd, trying to find the owner of those sinister feelings. Whoever it was had already gone.

  Had they been the one to push her? Was she sure someone had pushed her? Maybe someone had just accidentally knocked her… She wished she could believe that.

  Carly tried to pull herself together as Esther gently led her to the food court to sit down. She needed at least half a dozen donuts. Pronto.


  27th January

  Carly, after the incident at the mall, was a little quieter than usual. Cain noticed, but she assured him she was okay. She wasn’t any less affectionate, so he let it drop, for now.

  She made Esther promise not to say anything about her near miss. Carly insisted it was just an unfortunate accident, and although Esther hadn’t been happy, she agreed not to say anything. Esther assumed Carly would tell her mate herself. She was wrong.

  Her wolf wanted to tell him everything, about the strange feelings, about the fall… but Carly just worried he would overreact. He had issues with her Alpha putting his hand on her shoulder; he wasn’t known for his reasonable reactions!

  Carly had found her mate. They were going to bond, and then they were going to live happily ever after. End of story. These little bumps were nothing, not even worth worrying about.

  Cain could see she was a little paler than usual, and worried she was getting sick. He wanted to stay home and look after her, but she told him he should go. She mumbled something about having a headache, and told him she was going to rest. Unhappily, Cain left to train, making her promise to call him if she felt herself getting sicker.

  Carly was a little shaky. Maybe it hadn’t been a good idea to send Cain away after all.


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