Matthew's Mask [Lords of Hawksfell Manor 3] (Siren Publishing Menage Amour)

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Matthew's Mask [Lords of Hawksfell Manor 3] (Siren Publishing Menage Amour) Page 6

by Dennis, Josie

  “Yes, I know. It’s a release from your curse.”

  “There is that, but it’s different with you. I’ve only ever felt that with you and one other.”

  “One other?” She was stung by his admission but refused to let it show. “So I’m replaced so quickly, am I? Found another to ride your Hawk cock to pleasure?”

  “Now, Posy…”

  “Hmm. Maybe you and William can share my replacement.”

  “Stop that!” He grunted as he apparently tried to find the words to set her from him. “I’m making a muddle of this.”

  He kissed her lips, and after a brief moment of stiffness, she softened and leaned into him.

  He pulled back to smile down at her. “I felt it with you at the inn, Posy. And again in the library the other night.”

  “And with one other,” she said, staring at his lovely mouth. “Then whyever would you need me?”

  He touched her cheek, his fingers gentle. “Because he needs you.”

  She blinked. “He? Who?”

  “Me,” William said from behind.

  She craned her neck and saw him standing in the doorway.

  * * * *

  William stepped into the room and shut the door behind him. Matthew smiled at the footman’s starchy demeanor. He knew what hid behind it. Passion, yes. Affection for the girl currently cuddled in his arms. And, perhaps, friendship for him as well.

  “William!” Posy gasped. She pulled away from Matthew, and his arms felt very empty. “Oh, have you told the viscount what I like? How you feel when I suck your cock deep into my mouth?”

  “Posy, stop this,” Matthew said.

  “I won’t.” She turned to him. “What of you, Matthew? Did you tell him what my pussy tastes like? Well, he already knows.” She eyed William. “Don’t you, William?”

  “Yes, I do,” William said. His cheeks flushed, and Matthew felt his passions flare. “You are beyond sweet.”

  Her face crumpled, and she began to cry. “You really talked about me. You traded tales! Oh, I’m nothing more than a diversion for either one of you.”

  “You’re not,” Matthew said. “Neither you or William are a diversion for me.”

  She looked from one to the other, her tears streaming down her cheeks. “You are the earl’s brother, Matthew. You will have your life.”

  “Yes,” Matthew said. “But I want my life the way I want it.”

  “Spoken like a nobleman,” she said.

  “I’ve never acted like one or been treated like one,” he admitted.

  “Why not?” William asked.

  Matthew thought for a moment. He hadn’t shared anything beyond sexual with anyone before, but he was tempted in that moment to spill his guts about his bastard uncle’s treatment of him. Of how unworthy he’d always felt at Lindhurst. How he felt more affinity and affection for these two people than for any he’d ever known. How he felt like he could lower that mask of indifference he’d erected over the years of dealing with his uncle’s abuse.

  “It doesn’t matter, William,” he said. “We have to convince Posy of her worth.”

  “My worth?” Posy’s voice was small, her blatantly hungry expression gone now. In its place was raw doubt he longed to kiss away.

  “William, tell her,” he said.

  William’s face showed his discomfort, but he gave a nod. “Posy, love.”

  Matthew winced. That was not the word to use.

  “Love?” Posy cried.

  William held his hands in front of him. “I care about you, Posy. You know that. I’ve never been with anyone else at the manor.” He cleared his throat. “Other than the earl, but you yourself have given him—”

  “No, William,” Matthew cut in.

  William glanced at him. “What?”

  “Posy has never given herself to the earl.”

  He gaped at Posy. “Truly?”

  The hope on William’s face was like the sun peeping over the tall spired roof of Hawksfell Manor.

  “Tell him, Posy,” Matthew said.

  Posy bowed her head. “I’ve never been with the earl, William. I’ve only been with you and Matthew. Ever.”

  William stared hard at her then let out a sound Matthew had never heard before. It was half a cry and half a laugh. He grabbed Posy and twirled her in his arms until she was giggling. Matthew grinned and folded his arms, content to watch them have this moment. William kissed her, and Matthew’s mouth watered as Posy’s body molded to his. Tonight they’d both have her. He and William had talked around it, but there was no denying how fantastic they would be together. He couldn’t wait to share everything with the two of them.

  He stepped close to them as they embraced, and he wrapped his arms around William’s back. He dropped a kiss on his ear and William laughed. It was a low, husky sound that sent another shaft of want through him. His ass was firm against his cock, and he grew harder. Posy leaned back to stare up at him.

  “Matthew,” she whispered.

  He caught her startled gaze and looked deep into her sapphire-blue eyes. “Yes, Posy?”

  William dropped a kiss on her lips and smiled at her. “Yes, Posy?”

  She gaped at them both now. “And one other,” she said softly. “You meant William, didn’t you, Matthew?” She ran her hands over William’s chest then touched Matthew’s cheek. “You meant William?”

  Matthew grinned. “I did.”

  “Matthew and I have been together, Posy,” William said.

  Posy’s eyes grew hot and hungry again. “Truly?”

  What was going through her mind at the moment? By the eager contemplation on her lovely face he couldn’t wait to find out.

  “I’m on pins and needles, love,” Matthew said. “What do you think of what William just told you?”

  She smiled, and the expression was both cheeky and teasing. “I think I want to see that.”

  Matthew and William both laughed.

  Chapter 8

  Matthew found dinner excruciating. He’d had no choice but to leave his room before any of them could get any sort of satisfaction. Emotions crackled in the air, along with a heavy dose of desire. William and Posy were lovely together, and sharing kisses and caresses with them both left him half-hard in the dining room now.

  William’s dinner service only inflamed him. He looked incredibly handsome in his starched uniform, the fabric stretched across his broad shoulders and the line of his trousers showing off his long legs. The crotch of those trousers didn’t reveal anything, and Matthew envied him his control. William’s brown eyes caught his, and he had to use his napkin to hide his grin. William was obviously thinking about what was to come tonight once this blasted dinner was concluded, but he showed far more control than Matthew could manage.

  He saw a flash of blonde hair topped by a white cap out of the corner of his eye. Posy stood just outside the dining room, and he could see her delicate hands running over her apron. He knew how hot she’d been in his room, and he guessed her drawers were soaking wet by now. They hadn’t had time to divulge everything they would do to her later, and he was certain she was trembling with anticipation. The thought of that lush body of hers beneath that uniform, her perfect breasts and delectable pussy. His mouth watered, and he took a sip of wine.

  “Are you quite all right, Matthew?” Gabriel asked him.

  He smiled at his new brother, seated at the head of the table. “Yes, Gabriel. I’m just contemplating my coming evening.”

  “Never say you wish to play cards with the three of us,” Michael Crowley, Lady Hawksfell’s third cousin, quipped.

  The countess blushed. “Michael,” she gently admonished. There was a touch of heat in her voice that startled him.

  Matthew sat at the table across from Michael, who was beside the countess. The way his brother’s wife and Michael interacted it was clear that there was more than familial affection between them. His brother didn’t seem surprised or put out by this, however. In fact, Gabriel looked at both his wif
e and Michael with open affection and desire. He might not know his brother very well, but Matthew recognized the glint in those dark eyes like his own. Gabriel loved the two of them. Well, why the hell not? He himself wanted to fuck both William and Posy until he couldn’t stand. But to make a marriage of the arrangement? And an apparently happy one at that?

  Matthew grew quiet as the meal went on. He had no notion of what this liaison would bring over the coming weeks. He just knew he wanted the two of them like he’d never wanted any others. Not the groom who’d sucked him hard in the stables at Lindhurst. Not the serving girl in the nearby village who’d let him fuck her mouth, her pussy, her ass. After climax he didn’t feel anything but satisfaction and appreciation. No affection, no connection. With William and Posy, though…

  It was as if he’d been waiting to find these two people, but how could that be? He hadn’t known his father was really his uncle, or that his new brother would welcome him here at the manor. He sure as hell never expected to find the girl who touched him so completely last spring. As for William? He’d always thought the path to release didn’t matter. Any port in a storm and all that. But with William, there was that connection he’d felt with Posy at that damned inn. He had no idea what he could do about any of it. Hawks didn’t do forever. He felt the fine meal he’d consumed turn to lead in his belly.

  “What say you to a party, Matthew?” his brother asked.

  “What?” Matthew asked.

  “A party,” the countess said. “Gabriel never really enjoys the things, but Michael and I think a ball is in order. To welcome you into the family.”

  Matthew blinked. “Truly?”

  Gabriel shrugged and sipped at his wine. “My wife tells me I need to do my duty, and Michael concurs. Who am I to argue?”

  “How about a masked ball?” Michael asked. “Think of the fun, disguising ourselves and letting go of our inhibitions.”

  “You have inhibitions, Michael?” the earl asked with a cocked brow.

  Michael laughed as the countess blushed again. “Not a one.”

  “A masked ball could be fun, Gabriel,” the countess said.

  “I admit I’ve never fostered relationships with the nearby gentry. I leave it to my wife to make the invitations.”

  “When shall we have it?” she asked.

  “Two weeks hence?” Gabriel asked. “Is that all right with you, Matthew?”

  Matthew was still so stunned by the offer to officially welcome him that he could only nod. A masked ball. He was suddenly seized with a delicious idea. What was to stop him from inviting his two lovers to the festivities? No one would guess their identity, and he could flirt and dance with them as freely as if they were alone.

  “I think it’s a capital idea, Gabriel. Thank you.”

  Gabriel smiled at him, and Matthew felt another connection. This brother of his was coming to mean something to him, too. It was passing strange, and he excused himself from the table.

  What he needed was a hard ride to put all of this out of his mind. He’d watch Posy suck William’s beautiful cock, taking all of him into her luscious mouth as Matthew fingered his ass. William would tongue-fuck her until she screamed then. Wring every drop of juice out of her cunt as he held her smooth thighs wide open. Then Matthew would get Posy beneath him and fuck her until she came at least three times around his cock. Afterward, he’d collapse in exhaustion. That should silence his Hawk beast. And any troubling thoughts about family and connection and affection.

  If he felt more than release afterward, that was just something he’d have to hide behind his mask.

  * * * *

  Posy paced in her attic room, her body tingling. She would have both William and Matthew tonight, incredible as that prospect was. Matthew had loved William. How, exactly? Dinner service had called her and William from Matthew’s room before the men could divulge every delicious detail, and her active imagination struggled to fill in the details.

  They were both such beautiful men, so passionate and heated. Matthew, with his skilled tongue and stamina. William, with his strength and tenderness. She couldn’t believe they both wanted her let alone wanted to love her together!

  “Posy,” William whispered from the other side of her door.

  She could hear the excitement in his voice and nearly cried out in a combination of relief and frustration. She hurried to the door and pulled it open. “William.”

  He smiled down at her, the expression sweet and hot. He brought his mouth to hers, and his kiss was delicious against her tongue. “Come, love.”

  She didn’t fight the endearment. A small part of her heart longed for that warmth. “To Matthew’s room?”

  “Where else?”

  A shiver of anticipation went through her. “Anywhere.”

  He laughed softly and grabbed her hand, tugging her down the halls past closed doors and away from the eagle eye of Mrs. Holmes. By the time they arrived outside Matthew’s door she could scarcely breathe.

  William rapped softly on the door, and Matthew opened it immediately. Her men shared a smile—and a kiss!—and then they began to kiss and caress her as they had earlier. It was as if nothing had interrupted their encounter earlier this evening, and her body flushed hot as they stripped her of her uniform.

  “These stockings,” Matthew said, running his hands up her legs to tease the bare skin on her inner thighs. “So naughty.”

  “They’re quite plain,” she said, putting an innocent expression on her face.

  They both laughed. “You’re not fooling us, Posy,” William said.

  “We can smell your pussy,” Matthew said. He buried his face against her. “Mmm, sweet.”

  “I can’t wait.” William began to peel off his uniform. “Can you manage without your valet, Matthew?”

  Matthew grinned and disrobed quickly. Posy stood in her corset and stockings, her breasts heavy and her nipples tight. They now wore only their trousers, but she could see their cocks were rigid.

  “Oh, why don’t you take off your trousers?”

  “I don’t know about William, but my pants are the only thing keeping me from spreading your legs and fucking you right now.”

  She shivered as her juices began to flow. “Oh, please do.”

  Matthew winked at William, and some sort of silent communication passed between them. He worked the laces at the front of her corset, easing the pressure on her breasts.

  “My God, you’re gorgeous,” William said. “You never cease to surprise me.” He stepped close and palmed one breast. “Have you ever seen such beautiful breasts, Matthew?”

  “Never.” Matthew closed a hand over her other breasts and gave a squeeze. Her nipple pulled tighter still as he pinched it. “Lovely.”

  She began to rub her legs together to ease the ache in her pussy. “Touch me, please.”

  Matthew clicked his tongue. “Oh, no. We’ve been waiting to get you between us, love. We’re going to take our time tonight.”

  She looked from one to the other. Their eyes were hot and their cheeks were flushed. “You’ll kill me, do you know that?”

  “Hardly,” William said. He urged her toward the nearest wall and spread her legs once more. “You’ll love this, I promise.”

  Matthew nodded and brought his mouth to her breast. His tongue dragged across her flesh, and she bit her lip. He began to suckle, and she was grateful for the wall at her back. When William began to lick her other nipple, she clutched their heads to her. With her eyes squeezed shut, she reveled in what they did to her.

  It was amazing how different they were and yet how they each so easily drove her mad. William was tender, nibbling gently at her flesh as he murmured words of praise. Matthew sucked hard and nipped her almost to the point of pain as he grunted naughty words. She thought she could possibly come just from what they were both doing.

  “Oh, please,” she urged, unsure of precisely what she wanted.

  Their fingers teased her inner thighs again, coming so close to
her aching pussy she arched toward them. Her breath came fast, and she was wild between them now.

  “What do you need?” Matthew asked, bringing his thumb so close to her clit she moaned.

  “One of you, lick my pussy!” she cried.

  Matthew chuckled. “You heard our girl, William.”

  William said something she missed, but she didn’t care. The next moment he fell to his knees in front of her and buried his face in her cunt. His tongue was bold, his lips magic on her flesh, as he licked and sucked at her. Matthew pinched her nipples now, having gotten behind her somehow. His cock teased her bottom through the thin cloth of his trousers. She was grateful for the support of his hands as William grabbed her ass and lifted her up on her toes as his mouth went wild on her. He nibbled on her clit, and she felt her orgasm start. She trembled between them, so close she ached.

  “Yes, oh please,” she murmured. “Please, please, please.”

  Matthew bit her gently on her neck as William drove two fingers deep inside her. She broke. Wave after wave of pleasure crashed over her as they never ceased their torture.

  Slowly William eased her down onto her feet again. She felt boneless as she rode the aftershocks of the orgasm they gave her.

  “Perfect,” Matthew said. “God, I’m so hard I’m about to rip my trousers.”

  She turned in his arms and stroked his shaft. He hissed, closing his eyes as his cock grew harder still. Bringing her mouth to his, she kissed him. He drove his tongue into her mouth, and she sucked on it. She pulled away. “I’ll suck your cock, too, Matthew.”

  He groaned and set her from him. “William needs your attention, love.”

  She turned, clasping her hands in delight as she found William stark naked and ready for her. Without another thought, she dropped to her knees as he had earlier and engulfed his cock in her mouth. Cupping his rock-hard buttocks in her hands, she bobbed her head as she stroked him with her tongue and lips. William moaned, thrusting into her mouth. “Matthew!” he cried.

  She glanced up to find Matthew behind him now. His hand touched hers, and then he eased two fingers into William’s ass.


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