Needing You_A Friends to Lovers Romance_Book 2

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Needing You_A Friends to Lovers Romance_Book 2 Page 3

by Alexis Winter

  The ladies cut up fresh fruit and prepared drinks. Laura stopped chopping and looked over at Bridgette “So, how are things going with you two?” Before she could answer she reached over and placed her hands on Bridgette’s, “I don’t mean to pry but you seem happy.”

  Bridgette smiled and turned to Laura, “No prying at all. I am the happiest I’ve ever been Laura. You and Jens did a hell of a job raising that son of yours, just so you know.” The ladies were both laughing when the the front door opened again and the sound of Luke’s older brother Sean and his family came spilling into the house.

  “Hello? Anyone home?” Sean, his wife and their one year old son had come over to join the family at Luke’s request.

  “We weren’t expecting you! How wonderful!” Laura and Jens jumped up and smothered the family in hugs, especially baby Westin. To say they were obsesses was a bit of an understatement. Bridgette could feel her apprehension melting away as she watched them pour over Westin. He giggled and cooed as they kissed and tickled him, both of them overcome with love and joy.

  “Luke text me and said he was coming to town so I figured we could order some pizza and have a good old family game night!” He put his arm around his brother and everyone cheered at the idea.

  They ordered pizza from their favorite local place and set about playing some games which included several rounds of Uno, a very intense session of Battle Ship and one rowdy game of bullshit once Westin went down for the night. They had just started winding down and brewing some decaf to accompany dessert when Luke suggested they work on a puzzle as a family. “Luke that’s a great idea! Your mother actually just started on a new one. It’s one of those 5000 piece ones, you know how she loves a good challenge.”

  “Actually, I bought you a new one that I thought you might like. They say it’s one of the hardest ones out there, so naturally I had to get it for you. I figure if anyone can conquer it, it’s the Foster family.” Bridgette said as she smiled and held up the puzzle. “There’s no picture on the box because they don’t want to give any hints as to what it should look like.”

  The Foster family jumped at the chance to tackle the challenge. They tore into the puzzle first dividing the edge pieces from the center and then organizing them by color. They continued to make small talk and laugh as they made quick progress on the puzzle. “I can’t figure out what this is supposed to be?” Laura said as she put a few more pieces together.

  The grainy black and white photo was coming in to view. Luke’s sister-in-law Tricia gasped as she realized what the photo was. She looked up at Bridgette with a knowing look in her eyes and a huge grin on her face. Bridgette nodded slowly at her as a grin spread across her face.

  “Who needs more coffee?” Laura got up to refill her cup and anyone else’s when she glanced down at the table and the developing photo registered with her. Tears filled her eyes almost immediately, “Is that a sonogram photo?! Are you pregnant?” Laura couldn’t contain her excitement as she jumped up and down and squealed. Jens looked thoroughly confused as he looked at Laura and then back at the puzzle, turning it until he saw the tiny feet in the grainy photo.

  “Surprise!” Luke said as he wrapped his arms around his mom, who was now full on crying tears of joy. The family congratulated Luke and Bridgette and peppered them with a million questions.

  “Well, it’s been a long day and Bridgette needs her sleep so I think we’re going to head to bed.” Luke said as Bridgette choked back another big yawn. Sean and his family had left a short time ago and Luke could see Bridgette’s eyes getting heavy as she continued to answer questions about her pregnancy so far.

  Bridgette relaxed into Luke’s arms as they settled in to bed. “Well…I can honestly say I never thought I’d be sleeping in your childhood bed with you. This is kind of a childhood fantasy of mine.” She said as she lifted her chin up to kiss his neck. He groaned as he squeezed her a little tighter.

  “Well Miss Summers we can certainly arrange acting out any other fantasies you may have.” He rolled her onto her back, pinning her arms above her head as he began to nuzzle her neck. She giggled as she arched her back into his kisses. She felt exhausted but she couldn’t deny her body’s reaction to him, her nipples growing harder as his tongue darted out to lick her neck where he just nibbled.

  His assault didn’t last long though, Bridgette let out an audible sound of disappointment as Luke settled her back into his side and pulled her in for a kiss. “You need to sleep sweetheart, it’s been a long day and the doctor said you need to make sure you’re getting plenty of rest. I promise to make it up to you later.” He pulled her in for another kiss, this one slower and deeper.

  She melted into the kiss and slipped her hand behind his head tugging slightly on his hair. He laughed as he broke the kiss and laid back on his pillow. Bridgette settled into his side and draped her arm and leg over his body as he ran his fingertips over her bare arm and placed his other hand on her belly. He had started doing this as soon as he found out she was pregnant, as if he were protecting their unborn baby. “I told you my family would be happy, I hope it put your mind at ease. Now behave yourself and get some sleep like I told you. I’d hate to have my parents hear me punishing you.”

  She lifted her head a little to look up at him, “So bossy Mr. Foster.”

  He reached under the blanket and pinched her bottom, “You have no idea.”


  The next morning the entire family was back together at the Foster residence for brunch. As usual, Laura had gone above and beyond with several types of pastries, fresh fruit, waffles, eggs and a few types of breakfast meats. You would think the woman was cooking for a football team but I guess when you’re used to feeding three men all over six foot tall, it just came naturally to you.

  “Wow mom this all looks amazing! Tricia is going to make me hit the gym twice as hard this week to work this off, she says I’m getting that dad bod look.” The guys laughed as Sean puffed his stomach out and patted it, Tricia just rolled her eyes and brushed off his comments. “Laugh now buddy, you’ll see soon enough Luke when the Mrs. starts making you eat more vegetables and switches you over to lite beer. Speaking of, Bridgette when are you going to convince this player to put a ring on it?”

  Bridgette laughed nervously as her eyes darted to Luke’s, “Uh yeah easy there buddy one thing at a time. We’re just focused on making sure this little one comes into the world ok.” He said as he placed a hand softly on Bridgette’s stomach and launched into a question about the Cubs game, quickly changing the subject.

  Brunch had been a success, the food was delicious and the conversation hadn’t returned to anything uncomfortable or awkward. The family had retired back to the front room to relax and finish their coffee. Bridgette stood in the doorway and watched Luke play with his nephew Westin. It came so naturally to him, the way he could send that little boy into fits of laughter with just a noise or a smile was adorable to watch. She could feel her heart melting as she watched them together.

  “He’s a natural isn’t he?” Laura had walked up behind Bridgette startling her a bit. “I know you’re probably scared right now Bridgette but trust your heart. Luke has loved you for as long as I can remember. He’s waited his entire life to have this dream be a reality and now you’ve made him the happiest man on earth. I’m not saying you two need to go run off and get married tomorrow, take it slow and enjoy one another; but just know that his intentions and heart toward you are pure. He needs you Bridge.” Laura rubbed her hands over Bridgette’s upper arms giving them a quick squeeze before she headed past her into the room to sit next to her husband.

  Bridgette stayed in the doorway for a little while longer just observing this family that had so long been a part of her life. She felt so blessed having them in her life and she knew her baby would be as well. She hugged her belly as she let out a long sigh of contentment and whispered to herself, “They’re going to love you so much little baby.”

  Chapter 5

The goodbye’s seemed a little harder this time, the family made sure to demand weekly check-ins, they tried for daily but Luke and Bridgette talked them down to one a week. Luke looked over at Bridgette as she stared out the passenger window, “What’s on your mind sweetheart?”

  “I think we should move in together.” She turned to face him as she spoke.

  “Are you serious? Please don’t joke with me Bridge.”

  “I’m serious. I want our baby to have a family like yours. A home where there’s love and comfort and peace. My lease is up in two months so it couldn’t be better timing. We are practically together 24/7 anyway and I know I’ll be able to use a little help once I’m so round I can’t tie my own damn shoes.” She said with a smirk.

  Luke had a huge grin on his face, “That makes me so incredibly happy to hear! I have wanted to offer but I know you needed your space and time to work through everything and that is perfectly ok!”

  “Well since your condo is a three bedroom there’s plenty of space for all of us, would it be ok if we stay there? Pregnancy is stressful enough I don’t want to add to it by trying to find a new place. Plus the location is great for both of our jobs.”

  “Yes of course and whatever you want to change please do! I know there’s a nesting phase, I’ve been reading about that so I want you to feel as comfortable as possible. It’s your home too now.”

  Bridgette smiled and reached over to rub his arm, “You’ve been reading stuff about pregnancy? That’s really sweet babe. Are you sure it’s ok? I don’t want to be invading your space.”

  Luke rolled his eyes dramatically, “Bridgette if I could have asked you to move in the moment we first kissed I would have! I want to wake up to you every day and hold you every night. I want to come home to you and see your makeup and girly shit strewn all over my bathroom.” He grabbed her hand and lifted it to his lips to kiss. “And yes, I’ve been reading a lot about pregnancy, trust me I need all the help I can get! Turns out this birth thing is no joke.”

  They both laughed as Luke talked about some of the things he had learned through his reading. “You know this is very new to both of us so we can learn together. Just promise me you won’t bail when I turn into a giant hormonal whale that cries uncontrollably and eats weird ass food at 3 am.”

  “Not possible babe. You will be the most radiant and glowing pregnant woman I can promise you that. Besides, I can’t wait for your tits to get huge.” He leaned over and pinched her nipple through her blouse.

  Normally she would probably smack his hand away and jokingly give him shit for being a horny bastard; but she had gone a weekend without sex and with her pregnancy hormones, she felt like she could squeeze her thighs together and orgasm instantly. “Oh yeah?” She reached her hand over and ran it up his inner thigh not stopping until she reached his manhood.

  “Whoa baby slow down I’m driving!” Luke grabbed her hand before she could continue to rub him through his jeans.

  “Just keep your eyes on the road I’ll do all the work.” She leaned over the console and kissed his neck as her other hand worked to free itself from his grasp. “I promise I’ll make it good for you baby.” She slowly ran her tongue up his neck and bit his earlobe causing him to moan and grip the steering wheel so tight he thought he’d break it. She continued to kiss and and lick his neck as her free hand reached for his belt and began to undo it.

  “Sweetheart, no.” Luke grabbed her hand and stopped her from unbuckling his belt.

  “Just pull over then, I need to feel you Luke! I’m going crazy!”

  “It’s too dangerous baby but I promise I’ll make it up to you when we get home ok? I’ll make sure I use that little body of yours just the way you like it, leaving you satisfied.” She loved when he talked to her like that, it made her entire body breakout in goosebumps and her insides quiver with desire.

  It was like Luke new exactly what her body needed without her even having to tell him. She had never experienced the kind of physical connection with anyone else that she had with Luke. The way he read her body language and responded to her signals was beyond amazing. It was like he was inside her head, hearing her thoughts about how she wanted him to touch her or kiss her. She had always been rather shy about expressing her desires in the bedroom and Luke recognized that in her.

  He had started to work with her to get her to express some of her desires to him. He got off on hearing the words fall from her lips as she gasped under him. She had always had a desire to have the kind of relationship where she could express her innermost desires and not be judged but share in them with her partner. Desires to have Luke own her body and leave her completely wrecked with pleasure.

  The rest of the trip home had been heavy with sexual tension. Bridgette tried to distract herself with discussing baby names with Luke. She also brought a few manuscripts to work on which proved to be unsuccessful as she ended up reading the same paragraph over and over. She ended up giving up on the effort realizing they were almost home.

  Luke pulled into the underground parking of his condo and put the car in park. He quickly got out of the car and walked around to open Bridgette’s door, helping her out of the vehicle. He pulled her into his arms and slipped his hand around the back of her neck as his lips met hers. He didn’t hold back, his tongue delved into her mouth over and over again as his hips pressed into her. He slowly pulled his lips away from hers, “I want you to go up stairs, take your clothes off and get in our bed. I’ll bring the luggage up and meet you there in a few moments. I want you ready and waiting for me baby.” He kissed her on her forehead and sent her upstairs to get ready.

  Bridgette nervously rode the elevator upstairs, eager to obey Luke’s instructions. She ran a very quick shower as she stripped out of her clothes and washed off her body. The warm water felt wonderful cascading over her body. She had just toweled off when she heard the front door open. She quickly placed her towel on the drying rack and made her way over to the bed. She didn’t bother pulling back the covers, instead she laid across the bad in all her naked glory with her long dark curls scattered around her.

  She could hear Luke’s footsteps coming down the hall. By the time he had reached her had already unbuttoned his shirt. She watched as he opened the bedroom door and entered the room. A small grin spread across his face as she watched him drag his eyes up the length of her body. She rolled onto her hands and knees and crawled to the edge of the bed, darting her hand out to touch his exposed abdomen.

  “Give me just a minute baby,” he said as he grabbed her hand and once again brought it to his lips to kiss. He gave her a wink and turned to head into the bathroom. She could hear the shower running for a few short moments before he reemerged in front of her. He was fully naked, drops of water still beaded on his abs, running down toward his very rigid cock which he held in his hand. He pumped his hand up and down his shaft a few times as a small bead of pre-cum glistened on the top. He didn’t need to say a word, she knew exactly what he wanted.

  Bridgette placed her left hand on his waist as she placed her right on top of his own that was stroking himself. He removed his hand as she continued the back and forth motion and brought the tip of his cock to her lips, darting her tongue out to lick it. He gasped as her tongue snaked it’s way around the tip first before she brought him to her lips and then fully into her mouth. His groans filled the room as his eyes rolled back in his head and his hands slipped into her hair on either side of her face. As much as he wanted to empty himself down her throat he needed to be inside of her first.

  He pulled her lips off himself and tilted her chin up to look at him, “What do you want sweetheart?” He ran his thumb across her lower lip, “I want to hear you tell me exactly what you want.” Bridgette stared up at him with big eyes, she glanced down but he lifted her chin higher and told her to look at him. “Bridgette, I want you tell me how you want me to pleasure you.”

  Bridgette rose onto her knees and slipped her arms around his neck, she leaned in and planted a
soft kiss on his lips before whispering in his ear. “I want you to make me cum with your tongue and then I want to straddle you and make myself cum on your cock.”

  Luke pulled her back to his lips and kissed her passionately, hearing those words made him want her even more, if that was possible. He pushed her back onto the bed and then crawled up her body, trailing kisses from her mouth down to her breasts. He took a nipple in his mouth and bit softly causing her back to arch off the bed. He lavished one breast and then the other with his tongue, kissing and biting his way down her body. He placed a hand on either knee and pressed her thighs apart, exposing her most intimate parts to his view.

  He growled and licked his lips as leaned in to inhale her scent. He wasted no time in pleasuring her. His tongue danced across her clit, she moaned and gripped his hair as he switched between kissing her as if he were kissing her mouth and teasing her. Her breathing was becoming rapid as the intensity built. “Oh god! Yes, yes, yes” she repeated over and over again, “Luke, fuck! Ohhhh I’m going to cum!” Just as she was about to orgasm Luke slipped a finger inside of her, feeling her insides clench down as he pumped it into her continuing his assault with his tongue.

  Bridgette was trying to catch her breath as she came down from her explosive orgasm. Her breast rose and fell as she let out a low moan, “God that was incredible.” Luke crawled up her body and kissed her lips. She wrapped her arms around his neck again and deepened the kiss. “I think I want more.”

  Luke smiled into her kiss, “oh yeah? More what?”

  “I want you to do that again. Please?” She bit her bottom lip as she asked.

  “Gladly!” He said as he maneuvered back down her body and spread her thighs again, setting about devouring her once more.


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