The Dreamer, Her Angel and the Stars

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The Dreamer, Her Angel and the Stars Page 23

by Linda S. North

  She felt aroused thinking about Ariel's gorgeous breasts. She mentally shook herself, removed her sweater, and hung it on the back of the chair, leaving on her long-sleeve undershirt. She clicked off the lantern and slipped under the covers, keeping to her side. She rolled onto her back, very aware of Ariel a little more than a foot away.

  For a few minutes, all she heard was the crackle of the fire, until Ariel said, "You ever sleep up in the loft?"

  "Only a few times when I was a teenager when I had slumber parties here. It's dark up there because the ceiling is low. Mostly, we all camped out in sleeping bags around the fireplace."

  "Yeah? I bet this was an ideal place for slumber parties. No parents to disturb you when you became rowdy."

  "So right. It was out of the watchful eyes of Grandmother, and we always managed to get our hands on hard cider--not enough to get us rip-roaring drunk, but enough to get us high--and imagine we saw, or heard, the ghost of Molly McPherson pining away for her intended."

  "This cabin is haunted?" Surprise was evident in Ariel's voice, and Kiernan glanced toward her. Ariel pulled the covers higher and jumped when a gust of rainy wind hit the windows.

  Amused, Kiernan said in a teasing voice, "Why, Ariel, you mean to tell me your scientific and logical bent of mind believes in ghosties and thingies that go bump in the night?"

  "Truthfully, I don't know what to believe. Throughout the centuries, there have been too many accounts of supposed encounters with what are termed spirits for the phenomena to be dismissed as overactive imaginations at work. I think there are scientific explanations, but who's to say those explanations aren't within the realm of what we term the supernatural?"

  "I agree science doesn't have an explanation for everything."

  "Tell me about this ghost that supposedly haunts this place."

  "Over the past two centuries there have been reports of a ghostly apparition seen in the window." Kiernan riveted her eyes on the window to the left of the front door. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Ariel glance nervously in that direction. Kiernan continued, "They say Molly's intended was Joshua Daniels, and he joined the Confederacy and left to fight. After the war was over, she waited for his return. She would place a lighted candle in the window. He never returned, but she continued to burn a candle for ten years after the war, until she died of a broken heart. Broken hearts were the leading cause of death among young people back in those days, if you believe all the tales that come out of these mountains."

  "I thought it was 'Hatfield and McCoy' type feuds that killed you."

  "A few feuds went on in these parts, and bloodshed was involved."

  A distant flash of lightening drew a nervous glance from Ariel toward Molly's window. She focused her attention back to the fire, and then on Kiernan. "Have you ever seen this ghost?"

  "No. I've never seen or heard anything out of the ordinary. Two of the guards patrolling this area reported seeing what appeared to be candle light and a shadowy form in the window a couple of times. When they went to investigate, nothing was there. Maybe it was the moon's reflection in the window, or a light from somewhere else." Kiernan rolled on her side and faced Ariel, continuing in an exaggerated whisper, "Or--maybe it was Molly's ghost waiting for her long lost lover. Woooooo, Joshua, oh Joshua, wherefore art thou, Joshua?"

  Ariel giggled. She deepened her voice and accentuated her Southern accent. "My dear, Molly, I regret to tell you I done met me this here city gal over in Memphis, and I'm now plying my trade as a rumrunner on the Mississippi. You must forget about me."

  Kiernan drawled, "Why you lowdown polecat, taking up with some Jezebel. I hold you in lower regard than I do a mangy, flea-bitten cur of a Yankee Carpetbagger."

  "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn."

  Kiernan laughed, and Ariel joined her. Just when Kiernan thought she'd finished, Ariel commenced to laughing again, triggering Kiernan once more.

  A rumble of thunder rattled the windows, and Ariel jumped. "Geez!"

  "Whoa, I guess Molly's not amused."

  "Guess not."

  "You know, you're close to the truth when you said Joshua was a rumrunner. The Daniels had a long history of moonshining--well up until the 1960's. I can show you the location where they kept one of their stills."

  "I would like to see that. Anything left of the still?"

  "No. In fact, there were a few 'Hatfield and McCoy' feuds between the Daniels and Bearfoots over still locations, and scandals between the two families of the Romeo and Juliet variety."

  Ariel fluffed her pillow and regarded Kiernan. "This sounds like a great bedtime story. I'd like to hear more."

  Kiernan told her tale of the Daniels and Bearfoots. When she reached the conclusion, she heard a puff of breath from Ariel and saw she was asleep, exhaling quietly. The golden glow of the fire played shadows over Ariel's face, drawing Kiernan's attention to the enticing dark dot at the corner of her mouth. She gently touched it with her right forefinger, feeling the slight bump. Ariel twitched her lip, and Kiernan jerked her finger away. She wistfully whispered, "And they lived happily ever after."

  A JOSTLING MOVEMENT pulled Ariel from sleep. The warmth pressed against her back retreated, and there was more movement. She pulled herself partway up to see what was going on and heard Kiernan say, "Sorry to disturb you. The fire is going out. I need to put in more wood."

  Ariel snuggled once more under the covers and listened to the sounds of Kiernan tending to the fire. The covers moved as Kiernan slipped into bed protesting, "Brrr, it's cold."

  Ariel slid over to Kiernan, put an arm around her waist, and spooned against her back, feeling the solid warmth and inhaling a slightly smoky scent mixed with an earthier one that the primal part of her mind, now emerging as she descended into sleep, found alluring. Somewhere in the part of her that was still aware, she thought holding Kiernan felt so right, as if they belonged together.

  KIERNAN NESTLED INTO the inviting warmth against her back, reveling in the protective arm thrown around her, right below her breasts. She had a new feeling, of security and safety, with Ariel holding her like this. She had always been secure and safe in the knowledge she was self-sufficient and capable, depending on no one but herself.

  Suddenly, she sobered when she realized this new feeling was probably false. Ariel sought only warmth against the cold. But what was the harm in pretending, for tonight, that Ariel was indeed her protector? That her arms were the haven she needed when the haggling and dealing at the office left her drained and weary, and yes, feeling vulnerable.

  She snuggled against Ariel, feeling the full press of breasts and the soft breathing tickling her ear. Ariel nuzzled her neck and moaned. Kiernan froze when Ariel moved her hand in comforting circles on her stomach. She sucked in her breath, and a current of arousal infused her body. She was about to turn into that enticing embrace when Ariel let out a snore. Kiernan realized her bedmate wasn't conscious of her actions. If Kiernan rolled over and kissed her, she would get a response, but it wouldn't be right to take advantage of Ariel when her defenses were weakened by sleep.

  Instead, she put her hand over Ariel's to stop the seductive movement against her stomach. She willed her body to relax, gave a contented sigh, and fell into a deep and peaceful sleep, something she hadn't done in a long time.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  "EIGHT BALL IN the corner pocket," Ariel said with satisfaction as she bent to take the shot that would clinch her first win against Kiernan since they'd started playing pool together. She gently hit the cue ball and tipped the black ball into the pocket.

  She stood, raising her cue stick triumphantly in the air. "Yes! The new champion!"

  "Ha! Just a fluke. I was off my game tonight. Tomorrow night will be a different story."

  Ariel placed her cue stick back in the rack. "Face it O'Shay, I outplayed you tonight, and I'll do it tomorrow night, too."

  Placing her cue stick in the rack beside Ariel's, Kiernan said sourly, "Famous last words." />
  "You'll see." Ariel headed out the door of the recreation room, Kiernan behind her.

  When they came to the stairway, a strong tug on the back of Ariel's sweatshirt stopped her forward movement.

  "Last one up is a rotten egg!" Kiernan sprinted past and up the stairs.

  Ariel recovered, speedily taking the stairs two at a time, and almost pulling even with Kiernan who beat her by half a stride.

  A winded Kiernan leaned over to catch her breath.

  Ariel wasn't as winded as Kiernan and protested, "No fair. You had a head start."

  Kiernan straightened and said, "Of course I did. It's called a handicap. Your legs are longer than mine, so I get a step before you do to even the odds of winning."

  "More like six steps," Ariel said, as they headed down the hall toward their suites. She stopped in front of her door and said, "Good night. I'll see you tomorrow when you get home."

  "Sweet dreams."

  "You, too."

  Ariel watched Kiernan head toward her suite before opening the door to her own and entering. She showered, slipped on a dark red velour robe, and went to her sitting room to find she had received no voice messages on the telecom, but the mailbox light blinked, indicating e-mail. She opened the mailbox and skimmed over the list of messages. When she saw a message from Georgia Tech's Aerospace department, she held her breath for an instant. With nervous anticipation she opened the correspondence. She would read it instead of having the computer do it for her. She scanned the contents and said a triumphant, "Yes!"

  Rising from her chair, she hurried over to the door of Kiernan's suite, rapped sharply against the wood, and waited impatiently. She wondered if Kiernan was asleep. She barely got the thought out when the door opened.


  "I'm a Ramblin' Wreck from Georgia Tech!" Ariel couldn't keep the excitement out of her voice.

  Kiernan blinked as if confused. Then she grinned and said, "And a hell of an engineer."

  "Yes, yes!" Ariel bounced on her toes a couple of times.

  "I knew they would accept you. Was there any doubt?"

  "You never know. They might have met their maximum enrollment in the program." Ariel then noticed Kiernan wore a blue terrycloth robe, and the end of her hair was damp. "I'm sorry. I didn't interrupt your bath--or anything?"

  "Not at all. I just finished my shower when I heard you knock. Come on in."

  "It's late and I better let you get your sleep."

  "Nonsense. After news like that, we have to celebrate. And I know how to do it." Kiernan gave her a leer.

  Ariel froze. "Er--how?"

  "Ice cream."

  "Huh?" She was a bit disappointed Kiernan wasn't suggesting her first thought.

  "Yes, ice cream. I happen to know there's a freezer full because today was grocery shopping day, and I requested it added to the list. So, come on, let's go." Kiernan motioned with her head toward the front door of her suite.

  "Shouldn't we get dressed first?"

  "Why? No one will be up and about in the main part of the house this time of night."

  "All right, then, lead the way."

  She followed Kiernan into the dimly lit hallway and down the stairs to the kitchen. The night-lights were on throughout the house to prevent mishaps. When they entered the kitchen, Kiernan ordered the computer to turn the light above the table to medium. "Why don't you get the bowls and spoons, and I'll get the ice cream," Kiernan said. She headed toward the stainless steel refrigerator and opened the freezer side.

  Ariel retrieved the bowls, dipper, and spoons, set them on the kitchen table, and then took a seat.

  Kiernan called over her shoulder, "Vanilla, chocolate almond, butter pecan, orange sherbet, or lime sherbet?"

  "Butter pecan."

  At the table Kiernan removed the lid. "I'm having it too." She scooped a chunk into one of the bowls. "Say when."

  Three scoops later, Ariel said, "When."

  Kiernan slid the bowl over and scooped out some for herself, then took the chair across from Ariel.

  Ariel placed a spoon full of the rich cream in her mouth, letting it melt and slide down her throat. "Mmm. This is good."

  "Valley Shire uses all natural ingredients. That's why their ice cream is the best." Kiernan dipped her spoon in for more. As she was bringing the spoon up to her mouth, the dollop of ice cream slipped off and fell into her robe opening right below her neck. "Arghh!" She hastily put her hand up in an attempt to stop the ice cream from slipping down her front, but missed. Her robe opened and exposed her breasts.

  Ariel stopped the spoon's path to her mouth. Kiernan closed her robe, stood, and hurried over to the counter to grab a towelette. Keeping her back to Ariel, she wet the towelette to clean herself, grumbling as she did so.

  Ariel had managed to catch an eyeful of creamy breasts with stiffened nipples, the latter, no doubt, caused by the cold ice cream. A vivid flash of memory flooded her mind of the feel of those enticing peaks between her teeth as she flicked her tongue across them. She licked her lips. Her mouthed watered and there was a mild twinge of her vagina. She crossed her legs in an involuntary response, and shifted in her seat, hoping to stymie the surges in her nether region.

  Despite the circumstances of that night, Ariel remained conflicted. A certain amount of embarrassment filled her when she recalled her motivations and her actions during their encounter. On the other hand, she took a guilty pleasure in remembering aspects of their sexual interaction. Kiernan now figured prominently in her more erotic dreams, as well as in her waking fantasies. She'd lost the mortification she had first experienced when pleasuring herself, and now she imagined it was Kiernan's fingers bringing her to orgasm.

  She attributed this to a shift in her feelings for Kiernan. She liked her--a lot. The shift from hate to liking made her more aware of Kiernan's physical attributes. Of course, she tried to be discreet when checking her out. For instance, when they played pool, she was sometimes on the same side of the table as Kiernan and couldn't help but notice her nice posterior when she leaned over to make a shot. She was sure Kiernan caught her a few times, if she could judge by Kiernan's slight smile. One like she received when caught ogling Kiernan's legs on the way to the spaceport for Ariel's tour of Celeste.

  It wasn't only Kiernan's physical appeal that attracted her. The more time Ariel spent around her, the more she discovered appealing things about Kiernan's personality. She wasn't only a flat surface of dark and shadow as Ariel had previously thought. She was multi-faceted and reflected both color and light, as well as shadow.

  Ariel discovered Kiernan had a generous heart when she informed her she was adding her name as co-donor to her charity contribution list. Ariel had asked what charities these were, expecting only a handful. Kiernan provided her with a printout of over one hundred charities she supported, stunning Ariel. The dollar amount given to each charity stunned her even more.

  Kiernan had a great sense of humor and Ariel liked the banter they traded. Ariel sensed Kiernan honestly cared about her plans for attending school and working for Stellardyne. They had yet to sit down and have a serious discussion concerning raising a child. Would Kiernan listen to wiser heads on child rearing: Ariel's mother for instance? She thought that was a good possibility considering Kiernan's history of directing Stellardyne to make it the most profitable business in the solar system. Kiernan didn't learn her business acumen overnight and probably listened to and took advice from those who were successful in running their own companies.

  The Kiernan whom Ariel was getting to know didn't mesh with the Kiernan who had hurt her mother, leaving Ariel confused. She battled back and forth over that. Maybe Mysha was right. Maybe someone else set her mother up, perhaps due to jealousy. No, it was too much of a coincidence that Kiernan wanted to marry her on the heels of Ariel's refusal. She was convinced her mother was framed, and further, her mother believed Kiernan had done it to force Ariel into accepting the proposal. Had she not gone to Kiernan and made the deal to
marry her, Kiernan surely would have approached her.

  Kiernan's reputation was ruthless when it came to obtaining what she wanted in a business deal. As much as she liked her, Ariel wasn't ready to trust her. But it was becoming harder for her to hide her attraction. She dare not act on the attraction and succumb to a sexual relationship, knowing herself well enough to recognize that might lead to an emotional involvement where she was likely to end up seriously hurt.

  Kiernan slipped back into her chair. "I guess I need to tie a napkin around my neck."

  "Or a bib," Ariel said teasingly.

  "You know, come to think of it, I think we have a few lobster bibs around somewhere. Grandmother passed them out on those occasions she served lobster to the important clients she entertained."

  "Those plastic ones with the pictures of the lobsters on them, like they have at some of the seafood restaurants?"

  "Certainly not. I've seen those tacky things, and I would die of embarrassment if I had to wear one. You never know whether the paparazzi are lurking around to take your picture. It would be my luck to wear one and end up plastered all over the media."

  "Oh, no, you can't have that happen. Why, it would ruin your image, and Stellardyne would go out of business," Ariel said while trying to keep a serious face.

  "How astute of you." Kiernan paused. "You know, I'll have to arrange a time for you to come to work with me, so I can give you the grand tour of Stellardyne."

  "I'd like that." Ariel wondered why Kiernan hadn't invited her earlier. She would love to see the engineering end and the top-secret test lab located on the Stellardyne property.

  "I think around Christmas would be a good time. Meetings slack off, and I'll have time to show you around."

  "Do I get the VIP treatment?"

  "No. You get the VSIP treatment."


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