J'adore New York: A Novel of Haute Couture and the Corner Office

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J'adore New York: A Novel of Haute Couture and the Corner Office Page 19

by Isabelle Laflèche

  “Why would it?”

  “What if something goes wrong with our relationship? It’s always a possibility, isn’t it? It would put me in a precarious position at the firm.”

  “Stop being so pessimistic.”

  “It’s not that simple. I still need to prove myself.”

  “Not for long. Come on, Cat, why do you think they transferred you here? To make you a partner. Why else?”

  “I hope you’re right.”

  “Case closed. I’m going to try this dress on.” She walks to the change rooms.

  “Wait, you didn’t tell me about your weekend with Charles.”

  “It was fantastic. You guys need to check into the Surf Lodge for a weekend. It’s the coolest place.”

  “So things are good between you two?”

  “They’re fantastic. He asked me to move in with him.”

  “And what did you say?”

  “No, of course.”


  “I told him that I need to think about it because I was considering moving to Europe.”

  “You said what?”

  “I followed your advice and created some mystery.”

  I stand in front of the change rooms, speechless. It’s the first time since I’ve known her that she’s followed any of my advice.

  “Wow, I’m shocked.”

  “And you know what? It worked. He’s been texting me non-stop saying he doesn’t want to lose me and is dying for me to move in. I have a feeling he’ll commit.”

  She walks out looking like a dream. “Lisa, you look amazing!”

  “I’m invited to a senior partner’s wedding. This is perfect.” She goes back to the change room and I to the subject of the bar exam.

  “Bonnie thinks that studying for the New York bar exam is a piece of cake. I’ve heard so many horror stories: apparently someone was taken out on a stretcher after hyperventilating in the Javits Center. And one of the summer associates even has a sign in his office that reads, ‘When Sartre said that hell was other people, he obviously hadn’t taken the NY bar exam.’”

  “Enough whining. If I passed it, so can you,” she scolds. “You were the one with better grades in law school, so stop worrying, okay?”

  “Okay, okay. If you followed some of my advice, I have no choice but to follow yours. After all, you’re the one on partnership track.”

  I pick up a bag of gummy bears from the boutique’s candy display; if I’m not satisfying my craving for fashion, at least I’ll be getting a sugar fix. It immediately lifts my spirits and helps me get past the whole exam drama. Like everyone else who has faced this daunting challenge, I need to hit the books.

  C’est la vie.

  A voicemail from Jeffrey is waiting for me when I get back.

  “Hi, sweetheart, it’s me, please call me back as soon as possible.” Assuming that the call is work-related, I return it right away.

  “That was a great weekend, wasn’t it?”

  “Amazing. Thank you so much for everything.”

  “The pleasure was all mine, Mademoiselle Lambert. And guess what? You’re officially on the Net.”

  “On the where?”

  “On the party blog I told you about, remember?” “What’s it called again? I hope the picture looks half-decent.”

  “It’s called partyworld. You’re the first person you see on the site next to the words Charlie Benson’s pool party. You look terrific.”

  Ah, merde. I nervously make my way to the blog to check. things out for myself.

  “Charlie really liked you. We can go back whenever we want.”

  “That’s sweet, but I don’t think I’ll be making it out there for a long while. I just found out I need to take the bar exam in a couple of weeks.”

  “What? What about the IPO?” His voice turns from tender to harsh.

  “I guess I’ll need some help in getting this done. Some of my colleagues can help out.”

  “That’s completely unacceptable, Catherine. I want you to be the person in charge. I trust you. I don’t want to babysit other lawyers from your firm,” he says, his voice getting even louder. “I’m going to call Scott and tell him that I need you on the IPO, not studying for some exam. It’s non-negotiable.”

  I know that Jeffrey wants me to lead the transaction, but why is he getting so hot under the collar over this? Other lawyers at my firm are more than capable of handling the file.

  “It’s required by the rules of practice. I don’t think you can make them change their minds.”

  “Oh yeah? Just watch me.”

  After I hang up, I stare out my window and get a bit nervous about Jeffery calling Scott. I hope this doesn’t make things even more complicated for me. I attempt to review a forty-page shareholders agreement for Bonnie but, given the state of my nerves, I have trouble focusing.

  I grab my yellow highlighter and start flipping the pages when Nathan walks into my office. For once, I actually welcome the distraction.

  “Hey, what’s that you’re looking at?”

  Merde. I absent-mindedly left the party blog on my screen and a large close-up of Rebecca swimming topless in Charlie’s pool is flashing on my computer.

  “Nothing. I was, um, doing some research on LexisNexis and accidentally came across this site.” I roll my chair over to my computer, trying to disguise my conspicuous non-work-related browsing.

  “Wow, who’s that?” he asks, mesmerized.

  “Well, um, I don’t really know her.”

  “What site is this?”

  “I’m really not that familiar with it. It’s some party blog. It’s by this guy who takes pictures at parties. People are so vain,” I say, trying to fake an air of disgust.

  A look of envy comes across Nathan’s face as he stares at the screen. He then takes over my mouse and clicks furiously away, ogling the photos.

  “Hey, isn’t that you?”

  “Hmm, I guess it is. I was at a party over the weekend.”

  “I’m impressed. Man, I’d sure love to have this guy’s life,” he muses after I pry his fingers off my mouse. He leaves my office and a few minutes later, I hear him shut his office door.

  “Nathan, there’s a call for you from the Securities Commission,” I can hear Maria saying on the intercom.

  “Take a message. I’m in the middle of an important file.”

  I chuckle to myself. He’s not working on anything, he’s browsing the blog.

  I go back to reviewing the shareholders agreement when Scott walks in.

  “Jeffrey Richardson just called. You told him about the bar exam?”

  “Um, I may have mentioned something, yes,” I mumble awkwardly.

  “He’s asked me to reconsider the firm’s decision of making you take the exam this summer because of his IPO.”

  Look innocent. Look innocent.


  “He told me that if you stop working on the file, he’ll take his business elsewhere after the deal is done.” Scott stares at me sternly with his arms crossed. “I talked it over with Bonnie. This is a major transaction and we don’t want to lose the business, so I told him that you won’t have any problems handling both. The exam really isn’t that difficult.”

  I nod with a fake smile as I hold back tears.

  Chapter 28

  “That was some party you attended, sweetie,” Rikash comments as he drops mail into my in-tray. “I’m just disappointed that there were no nude photographs of the bouncer. He has a nice backyard.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “Don’t kid yourself, everyone in the office has seen those Hamptons pictures.”


  “Nathan has showed them to everybody in the department and I’m surprised he hasn’t added them on our intranet. He seems fascinated by that blogger’s lifestyle. Must be feeling like he’s missing out on real life or something.”

  I drop into my chair, mortified. That means everyone here now knows that I’m seeing Jeffrey. This is
the last thing I need right now. Why am I always getting into trouble these days? Is someone trying to send me a message?

  “Don’t worry, Jeffrey isn’t on any of the pictures…Just you in that killer outfit I picked out.” He winks.

  Scott is next to drop by, with a “Great shot, Catherine. You should be in Page Six Magazine.”

  I want to crawl under my desk. Thank god I didn’t buy that see-through top at Barneys, I’d never live that down.

  “Thanks. I received a last-minute invitation I couldn’t refuse.”

  “No kidding.”

  A few minutes later, Bonnie storms into my office and slams the door. My office feels like it’s located at the foot of the Arc de Triomphe at the height of morning rush hour. If this traffic keeps up, I will either post a sign on my door that reads ON STRIKE or engage in the French driving manoeuvre of lifting my middle finger in the air while screaming, “Vas te faire…”

  “Women like you make the rest of us look bad. Catherine, you’re a professional and we expect you to carry yourself that way.”


  “All those pictures on the Net,” she snarls. “I can’t believe you would stoop that low. Don’t you know that it takes a lifetime to build a reputation and only a few minutes to ruin it?”

  “I do. But unlike some people around here, I don’t think I’ve done anything to tarnish my reputation.”

  “What are you trying to say, Catherine?” she shouts. Her face is now as red as her Valentino suit jacket.

  “Nothing other than what I just said.”

  “How dare you?” she hisses. “You think you know it all, don’t you? You have no idea what some of us have gone through. I’m not going to let some junior talk down to me, so you better watch your mouth, young lady. I certainly didn’t get where I am today by spending my weekends at degenerate parties in the Hamptons.”

  “I didn’t realize I couldn’t have a social life when I joined the firm.”

  “You should work on having an appropriate social life. You’re an ambassador of Edwards and White. You carry the firm’s reputation wherever you go, including to bordellos.”

  Bordellos? I’m blown away. Why would she be upset by my appearance on some party website? Is it out of genuine concern for my reputation or just plain jealousy?

  “There’s no easy way to the top, Catherine. Just remember that. And while we’re on the subject, you need to bring in some clients if you’re ever going to be considered for partnership. Spending your weekends at cheesy share houses isn’t where you’re going to drum up some lucrative business for the firm.”

  Easy way to the top? If this is easy, I’d hate to see the hard way. I decide against telling her that I was the guest of one of the firm’s most important clients but decide to defend my rain making record instead.

  “For your information, I’ve already brought in some business.”

  “Is that right? Who?”

  “The Reebok Sports Club.”

  She looks stunned by my response.

  “I didn’t see them in our client database.”

  “That’s because I haven’t added them yet. I’m working on something for one of their fitness directors.” To make it sound important, I decide to exaggerate the truth.

  “Pfff. Amateur stuff. You’re not even close to the big leagues, my dear,” she scoffs.

  Even though it isn’t what I want to hear, I know Bonnie is giving me valuable advice; bringing in clients is a necessary step toward partnership. I wonder whether Madame Paulette Dry Cleaners would count as new business. They’ve asked me to represent them on a small claims court matter since I’ve sent them many new customers.

  “One more thing,” she throws out at rapid-fire speed. “If you want to get ahead, you should get yourself a red suit.”

  “A red suit?”

  “Yes, all the powerful women on Capitol Hill wear red. It symbolizes power, passion, and prestige.”

  This is the first time someone has told me how I should dress and I’m seriously offended. I’m dying to tell her that she should browse corporette.com for help in selecting a less provocative work attire, but I bite my tongue and go with:

  “Yes, apparently red can bring out the fire in some people. I’ll think about it. Thanks.”

  Annoyed that Nathan would show my pictures to everyone in our group, I make my way to his office for a strongly worded chat. I barge into his office without knocking and recoil. He is perched above a small mirror with a fine line of white powder traced along its centre. As he turns toward me, I see a dusting of white on the tip of his nose.

  “God, um, sorry.”

  “Wait, Catherine, I can explain.”

  “No thanks.” I shut the door as quickly as I opened it.

  Chapter 29

  “Bonjour, ma chérie.”

  Ah, the familiar voice of home. I hadn’t taken the time to reach out to her recently, so I’m happy she takes the initiative to call.

  “Bonjour, Maman.”

  “How are you doing? I hope that they don’t have you working as hard these days.”

  “No, of course not.” Liar.

  “I hope you’re taking good care of yourself. Have you been eating properly?”

  I can’t bring myself to admit to her that I’ve been living on Gatorade, dosas, and bad coffee.

  “Mais oui. How about you? How are things back home?” Not that it’s apparent, but I really do hate lying to my mother.

  “Things are great. Christophe and I have been gardening and sailing every day. It’s been really wonderful.”

  Sailing every day? The only “fresh” air I’ll inhale for the next while is the lemon-scented spritzer in the ladies room.

  “Actually, I’m calling because we thought we’d surprise you and come to New York for a short visit. Christophe wants to visit his son—you remember, he’s attending summer classes at NYU.”

  Oh god, her timing couldn’t be worse. But how can I manage to tell her that?

  “Are you sure you want to come right now? It’s really not the best time of year to come to New York. The heat is really starting to get stifling. And I know how much you hate the muggy weather.”

  “It’s okay, I really don’t mind.”

  “I’d love to see you, but things are hectic with an important file right now and I may not be able to spend much time with you.”

  “Don’t worry. It’s New York. There are plenty of things to do. I’m dying to do some shopping.”

  Major panic attack. My mother coming to town means no time to study, a massive setback in my billables, and, more to the point, no Jeffrey. Given the ups and downs of my dating history, I haven’t told my mother about him. Why get her all excited too early in the process? More often than not, she’s ended up seeming more disappointed than I was when things didn’t work out with one of my boyfriends. I always thought it was best to wait until things were more serious. But given the amount of time Jeffrey and I have been spending together and that Jeffrey seems completely smitten, I decide to break the news.


  “Yes, ma chérie?”

  “I’ve been wanting to tell you. I’m seeing someone new. He’s really amazing.”

  She lets out a shriek that I’m sure dogs in Central Park were able to hear. “I’m so happy to hear that there is someone to watch out for my angel! You know how I get worried about you living alone in New York. What’s his name?”


  “Jeff-ree, what a beautiful name.” I can practically see her doing a romantic little dance to the syllables of his name. “I can’t wait to meet him.”

  Zut! I didn’t think this through; of course she wants to meet him. Not sure that he’ll feel the same way, though; girlfriends’ mothers can be scary. My mother is like an Impressionist painting: she’s really quite lovely but best appreciated at a distance.

  “I don’t know. He’s as busy as I am with work these days.”

  “Tell him your mother is com
ing to town. I’m sure that he’ll make the effort. We’ll be arriving next Friday.”

  “You already booked your flight?”

  “Mais oui, of course.”

  My fate is sealed; no work, no fun for a whole weekend. And plenty of extra hours to make up for it.

  “Okay, but I’m warning you, my apartment is very small.”

  “Pas de problème. We don’t take up much room. See you Friday.”

  I dialled the first five digits of his work number and hung up three times before I had the courage to actually call. Nothing like a visit from your mother to turn you into an awkward teenager again.

  “Jeffrey? Um, I hate to bother you with this but can we have dinner with my mother and her boyfriend sometime this weekend? They’re coming to town for a few days.”

  “Babe, you know how busy things are right now. I’ll do my best but can’t promise you anything.” Merde, this is really awkward. And I’ll have to explain this to my mother. Double merde.

  “I understand, let’s see how the week goes.”

  He senses my disappointment and quickly backtracks.

  “If I get out of the office early on Friday, I could have you over for dinner at my place—then I could cook for them.”


  “Yeah. You didn’t know that I’m a real cordon bleu, did you?”

  He’s charming and knows how to cook. Could this get any better? My mother will just die. My father never cooked a meal in his life; now she had found herself a boyfriend who owned a restaurant and prepared three course meals like Alain Ducasse. She also made a point of reminding me that I needed to find a man who could at least make a decent coq au vin. A home-cooked meal by my new boyfriend will put her over the moon.

  “My mother would be thrilled.”

  That following Friday afternoon turns out to be madness, as usual.

  “Rikash, how are we doing with that memo? I need it ASAP.”

  “Whoa. Hold your horses, dah-ling. What do you think I am, a real secretary? Read my lips: Re-lax.”

  “I need to send it out this afternoon.”

  “Why don’t you go for a walk around the block? I can’t concentrate when people breathe down my neck.”


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