Murphy: Cowboy Deceived: The Kavanagh Brothers Book 6

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Murphy: Cowboy Deceived: The Kavanagh Brothers Book 6 Page 6

by Ball, Kathleen

  Lord, I need Your help. I’ve always trusted my father, and he never steered me wrong. But I’ve never known Murphy to lie either. I felt like such a fool when I learned that Murphy never came back for me, and I can’t shake the feeling. Please open my heart so I can see the truth. And Lord protect MJ through this. Sometimes adults seem to make a mess of everything. Amen.

  Despite her faith, praying didn’t give her the relief she expected. God would only do so much, and the rest was up to her. She would end up having to forgive someone, her father or Murphy. God would help her and guide her. She would need as much help as He would give her.

  The shadows were long, and she watched as they changed with the wind. When they had talked before they got married, Murphy had said he was fine living on the farm. Now she wasn’t so sure. She worried her lip. She leaned forward, thinking she saw something, but then nothing was there. She stood there, not moving except to take a step back. She watched and watched and her patience paid off. There was a man out there trying to get into the barn. Terror filled her as she ran to Murphy’s room.

  He was a light sleeper she had barely walked into his room before he opened his eyes and instantly set up. “What is it? What’s wrong?”

  “Grab your guns there’s somebody outside trying to get into the barn. I grabbed the rifle over the mantel.” She turned and took off at a run.

  “You stay here. I’ll go outside.”

  “Don’t fight me on this, Murphy. I am going,” she whispered before she opened the front door.

  Once outside, Murphy immediately took the lead. The barn door was open and blowing in the wind. He peered inside but saw nothing. “You stay here I’ll be right back.”

  She was right behind Murphy as he entered the barn. She could tell by the stiffening of his neck he knew she didn’t obey him. Maybe he didn’t know how handy she was with a rifle. The door slammed, and the loud noise made her jump.

  Murphy put his finger to his nose, indicating they needed to be quiet. He inched toward the door and tried to open it. He put his gun back into his holster and tried to open it with both hands.

  “Are we locked in?” she whispered.

  “It sure seems that way.” Murphy frowned as he cast his gaze around the barn. He took his pistol back out and then he checked each stall. “We’re alone in here.”

  She shook her head. “I don’t understand what’s going on? Why would someone do this? Oh no, what about MJ?” Her heart thumped madly against her chest. Her little boy was in the house alone. “Don’t just stand there do something,” she hissed.

  “I’m thinking.” He looked as though he was trying to hold his anger inside. He went to each wall and pushed and then, kicked. “Who built this thing? I’ve never seen a barn so sturdy.”

  They both turn their heads at the sound of a horse racing by. Brooke thought she was going to be sick. Bile rose into her throat. She swallowed it back down; getting sick wouldn’t help. “It looks like we either dig under the barn or we climb up to the hayloft, push as much hay as we can to the ground and then jump.”

  “Both are worthy ideas but I think I have one that will be easier.” He took a long coil of rope hanging on the barn wall. Then he climbed up into the hayloft, tying one end of the rope to the beam closest to the opening of the barn. He threw the rope down and nodded. “It reaches the ground. I will climb down and then open the door for you.”

  Wide-eyed, she nodded. What if he fell? She didn’t have a good feeling about this whole thing. She barely could see him leap away from the opening, and it was less than a minute before he opened the door. He took her hand and they ran to the house. Once again, he was in the lead as they went in.

  Her heart seemed to stop when she peered into MJ’s room. His bed was empty, and his covers were on the floor in a pile. She put her hand to her chest and tried to take deep breaths as she walked into the room and looked all around. She glanced up and she knew the fright she saw in Murphy's eyes probably mirrored her own.

  “Why would anyone take MJ? I will search the rest of the house.” She frantically ran from room to room until she got to the room that was her father’s the one that Murphy was now using. The furniture had been moved.

  “Looks like they were looking for something.”

  Her hands trembled. “They?”

  He pulled her back against him. “I shouldn’t have said they. I see no sign there was more than one. What in tarnation could someone be looking for?”

  She walked forward out of Murphy’s embrace and sank onto the end of the bed, shaking her head. She looked all around trying to identify if there was anything else out of place, but she didn’t know what she was looking for. “I do not understand. Did my father have something hidden?” Despair overcame her, and a sob slipped out. “Oh, Murphy, we need to get MJ back. I need my little boy, my baby home with me.” Tears streamed down her face.

  Murphy laid a hand on her shoulder. “We will find him.”

  Brooke quickly wiped her tears away and stood up. “I need to get dressed, and we’ll need supplies. I’m hoping we can track whoever took MJ.”

  “I’ll meet you out front with the horses saddled.”

  She slowly nodded and then he left. Was she dreaming? This had to be a horrible nightmare. This can’t be happening. She looked around the room again, but there was nothing. Taking a deep breath, she let it out and raced to get dressed. Her hands shook, but she was finally ready.

  Please Lord, help us find MJ.

  “I found their trail,” Murphy said grimly, stepping through the door. “We can walk the horses until the sun is up.”

  “Murphy, we need to ride and get MJ back as quickly as possible.” Her heart hurt more and more, and her sense of panic wanted to take over.

  “We need to do it the right way, the safe way.” Murphy reached out and entwined his fingers with hers. He held the reins for both horses, and they walked. He comforted her by holding her hand. Together they could do this. But he was right. They needed to keep their wits about them.

  Dawn was upon them finally. It seemed like an eternity waiting for the sun to show. Murphy helped her mount her horse.

  “Are those britches you’re wearing under your dress?” He shook his head.

  Brooke stiffened. “You disapprove?”

  He mounted up on his horse. “No, I think it’s smart.” He took the lead, following the trail.

  * * *

  The kidnapper didn’t hide his tracks. They were headed south of town. Was he leading them to his house? Murphy could tell they weren’t very far ahead. He stopped and twisted to look at Brooke. “You sure you don’t know who took him?”

  “No, but the Dooley family lives close. Guy Dooley wanted to marry me, but he wouldn’t…” Her eyes widened.

  “Ready your gun, they aren’t far.”

  She gave him a quick nod, and he turned back around. He needed to be sure MJ didn’t get hurt. Between the trees, he saw a house. He jumped down and then helped Brooke down. They left the horses behind as they crept toward the house. He had his rifle and plenty of ammunition.

  MJ’s voice could be heard asking all kinds of questions. It was good to know he hadn’t been harmed, and he didn’t seem scared. They drew closer, and Murphy saw a young man with long stringy hair sitting on one of the steps to the house. He sure looked glum. Before he knew it, Brooke took the lead.

  She stepped into the yard and stalked toward the house. “Guy, what do you think you’re doing? Why would you take MJ? Do you have any idea how upset I’ve been?” She kneeled, and MJ ran into her arms.

  “I see you brought your new man,” said Guy in a bitter voice. “You were promised to me! Your pa and I made a fair trade, but he never paid up. He was supposed to see that we married. Now you have some man living with you. It don’t look good, Brooke.”

  “What did you give my father?”

  “A map to a gold mine. I won it in a card game.” Guy lifted his chin.

  Murphy took a step toward Guy, but stop
ped when the other man tensed. “Have either of you ever seen the mine?”

  Guy stood and straightened his shoulders. “No, but it was put in the pot as being worth twenty dollars.”

  “Guy, there probably isn’t a mine.”

  “Don’t care.” He shrugged. “I was promised Brooke by her pa, and I plan to collect. I knew she’d come after her son.”

  “She can’t marry you,” Murphy bit out. “She’s already married to me. Sorry, but her father lied to you.”

  Guy threw his hat on the ground. “I don’t believe you! You two haven’t gone into town together, and the preacher ain’t been at your place!”

  Murphy’s stomach churned that the man knew so much about them.

  “You’ve been watching us?” Brooke stood, anger and disgust etched into her expression. “I don’t care what you thought! How dare you steal my child! What was your plan if I refused to marry you? What if we didn’t see your trail and never ended up at your house?” She pushed MJ behind her and leaned forward, her lips curled into a snarl. “You stay away from me, you hear me?”

  Guy’s neck turned crimson and then his face became the same color. “I want the map!”

  Murphy growled. “You didn’t copy it before you gave it to her father?”

  Guy stared at the ground. “I didn’t think of that. I didn’t find it in your house.”

  Brooke shook her head. “No, and you won’t because I don’t believe there is a map. But you left me a monumental mess to clean!” She lifted her hand and pointed a finger at Guy. “I meant it. You stay away.”

  The screen door opened, and an elderly woman stepped out, her face twisted in rage. She grabbed Guy’s ear. “Out causing trouble, were you? I will whoop you again.”

  Guy cried out in pain as she dragged him into the house.

  After only a moment, the woman stepped back outside. “I’m so sorry he made trouble for you, Brooke. Guy doesn’t use the brain God gave him. If you don’t report him to the sheriff, I’d be obliged.” The woman looked to be on the verge of a breakdown. “I’ll see to it he stays away from you and yours.”

  Brooke walked to the woman and took her hand. “There is no need to worry about that. Guy made a poor trade with my father.”

  Her eyes glittered. “What was the trade?”

  “Me for a treasure map.”

  Mrs. Dooley shook her head. “A terrible trade indeed. Everyone’s been waiting for your husband to finally come to his senses and come back for you.” She opened the door and walked inside.

  Brooke put her hands on her hips and stared at the house. “When you didn’t come back, my pa told everyone my husband had died in the war.” She narrowed her eyes. “I wonder who else knew you were alive…”

  Aside from his whole family? Murphy shrugged. “I have no idea. MJ, do you want to ride with me?”

  “Yes, Murphy!” MJ raced to the waiting horses.

  Chapter Eight

  The lump in her throat had been stuck there ever since she had seen Mrs. Dooley. Murphy seemed to take it all in stride and thank goodness MJ didn’t ask questions. What was she supposed to do? Did she even have a choice? Everyone seemed to know her husband had finally come back.


  They’d need to talk to MJ before… He might have heard what she and Murphy had said to Guy Dooley as it was. He might be peppering Murphy with questions at that moment. Her entire body tensed. She should go find them. But her feet seemed unable to carry her as a sense of doubt flooded her heart.

  Maybe she should have gone after Murphy when she found out he was alive. She should have demanded he help raise MJ or help with the farm. Shame had kept her away. He’d left them, rejected her and gone on living the life he’d had before the war.

  She’d loved him with her whole heart. He had meant everything to her and when she thought him dead; she wanted to die too, but she had MJ who needed her. If Murphy had cared even a tiny bit, he would have checked on her. When her father told her Murphy was really alive and he just never came home to her, she had built a wall around her heart. Only MJ could get in.

  She hadn’t realized it was happening, but the walls had been slowly coming down. No, she needed to build them back up again or she would be hurt.

  She thought again of Guy’s mother telling her everyone had been waiting for Murphy to come back. Her pa had been courting the Widow Dooley. Perhaps that was how she’d known. Maybe no one else knew. Brooke suppressed a groan. Mrs. Dooley wasn’t known for her discretion.

  She worried her lip until it bled. All she wanted was to run and run. But a mother couldn’t do that. She put her finger to her mouth, and her lip wasn’t bleeding anymore. But there was still so much emotion roiling inside her, and she finally acknowledged it as rage. But with the rage came a sense of clarity. Murphy’d had no reason to lie. And he had appeared shocked when she had walked into Tom Faber’s office. He’d been shaken, not expecting to see her. All at once she realized her father must have lied to both her and Murphy. It was the only explanation for why he was saying he’d thought her dead.

  Why? What could have driven him to ruin her life and take away her chance at happiness? She walked toward the kitchen and spotted the mess in his room. She needed to put that to rights. It helped, pushing the furniture back to where it belonged. I’ll never know why Pa betrayed me like that. Hearing a noise, she glanced up and Murphy stood in the doorway watching her. The pain and the betrayal in his eyes were there for her to see. Instead of welcoming him home, she’d tried to get him to leave.

  With a cry of anguish, she flew into his arms and sobbed against his chest. She cried about her father’s lies. She cried for the long lonely nights. She cried for the other children they should have had, and she cried because he’d thought her dead. So much wasted time. MJ would have had a father almost from the beginning. Forgiveness wouldn’t come easy, but she’d work on it. It had been up to God to decide who should be forgiven, and now she realized she needed to forgive herself first, because she had hardened her heart against her husband.

  Murphy held her tight and rocked her back and forth as she sobbed. Then she saw MJ watching them, and she pulled away. “I need to tell MJ.”

  Murphy drew her back into his arms. “I just told him.”

  Her heart stopped as her world tilted. “You told him?

  “He’s happy about it.”

  It was understandable MJ was happy. Now he had a pa to show to his friends and a good man to look up to. But she had wanted to be the one to tell him, and she had to stem a sense of disappointment.

  “My father lied about everything,” she admitted. She felt broken, and she hadn’t a clue how to put herself back together.

  “I know, and we’ll talk about it later tonight. You must be reeling.” He drew away and gazed at her face, and then he leaned forward and kissed her cheek.

  She left the warmth of his arms in search of her son. MJ was her primary concern. She sat on the sofa and pulled him up next to her. “Is there anything you wanted to ask me? You must have questions.”

  His eyes were wide, and his expression was serious. “I’m glad I have a pa. Why aren’t you happy, Mama? Pa was gone a long time, but he told me he’s here to stay. Could you try to be nice to him?”

  His hopeful look would be her undoing one of these days. “Yes, I will be nice to your father. I want you to be happy.” Part of her warned that she shouldn’t make promises she might not be able to keep. It was all too new.

  “It’s not hard to be nice. He’s not grouchy like Grandpa was.” MJ nodded his head.

  She glanced at Murphy. “You have a point. He’s not grouchy. He has nice manners too.”

  “He’s fun, and he likes me. I look just like him.” MJ puffed out his chest.

  “Yes, you have from the minute you were born. I always thought you looked like your father.” She heaved a sigh. “We have to have a few rules.”


  “Your pa is not a toy or a dog to play with. You are to
listen to him. He’s a good man who will do everything he can to keep you safe.” She glanced at Murphy and found him grinning at her. “If I have already told you no to something, don’t try to talk your pa into saying yes. That would make me very sad.”

  Without answering, MJ jumped off the sofa. “Come on, Pa, I want to show you a turtle I know!” He ran out the door.

  Murphy chuckled. “You might have to repeat the dog thing.” He gave her a long piercing look before he followed MJ.

  It would be wonderful if words made a happy family. Her mind and her heart were warring against each other. It made everything confusing, and she didn’t want to make a big mistake. Even though he hadn’t abandoned her, they’d still been apart a long time. She would be nice to Murphy as she had promised. But she had questions. Did he still plan to add on to the house? There was already enough room for them. Would he still be here come harvest time?

  She gave herself a mental shake. Her emotions had been high and she hadn’t slept, and exhaustion was beginning to take its toll. Quickly, she walked to the kitchen and made two sandwiches, then set them on the table covered with a towel. After she was certain Murphy and MJ would have everything they needed for the noon meal, she climbed the stairs and practically fell into bed.

  * * *

  Everything was brighter now that MJ knew the truth. They went and saw the turtle, and then MJ decided he was hungry. As they walked back to the house, MJ kept glancing at him and smiling. “I’m glad you’re here, Pa.”

  Murphy kneeled and took his son in his arms. “Me too, son.” His eyes grew moist. He’d missed so much, but he had now. He stood, and MJ yawned. “I know, I’m tired too.”

  “How come it took so long to get to the Dooley place but not long to get home?”


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