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Forget-Me-Not Page 5

by Kelly, Sahara

  His navel was sensitive, she assumed, since some experimentation in that area produced ripples and a shiver. When she ringed it with her tongue, the moan was distinct. She filed that information away for future reference.

  John's hips were shifting, an invitation to her to explore further, to investigate the hard length she could already feel touching her body. Never one to refuse an invitation, Valli continued onward, finally reaching the place she knew was probably thrumming with anticipation.

  And my goodness, what a treasure it was--solid and thick enough to be almost scary. She sighed, a quick whiff of air, fascinated at the responses she could sense in his body. When she took him into her hand, John bit back a gasp.

  "Oh honey--yeah..."

  Valli bit back a snicker. Grab a man by his best friend and he was yours! Settling herself comfortably, Valli began to experiment, to learn what gave John pleasure. Obviously her touch worked, so she touched him some more, this time moving her hand over his length, feeling the ridges and veins so close to the silky skin and the solid muscle lying beneath the surface. He was big, no doubt about it, but it was the sort of size that intrigued rather than threatened.

  Valli was intrigued.

  A tiny drop of liquid glimmered and Valli leaned over, licking it away with her tongue. John groaned, a drawn out sound of delight and more than a little ecstasy.

  She did it again, slower this time, running her tongue not only over the smooth tip, but around the edges as well. Right beneath the center was a place that made John whimper and clutch the linens beside him.

  It wasn't enough--for either of them.

  One of John's hands moved to her head as Valli opened her mouth wide and took him in. She couldn't manage it all, but what she could do was apparently enough.

  Slicking her lips over his silky steel length, she pleasured him, artlessly letting her tongue go where it would, delving around him as much as possible and clinging to him as she moved her head back then plunged down again.

  John's fingers trembled in her hair, a shudder that penetrated her scalp and made it pretty clear she was doing the right thing.

  She giggled in her mind. Of course, any man would probably say this was the right thing. It hadn't always been the right thing for her, however. Valli hadn't rushed to do this to any of the men she'd dated. It was something that held limited appeal for her--until now. Until John.

  Perhaps it was the freedom she felt with him--the knowledge that, for all intents and purposes, John was a virgin. There were no other blowjobs he could compare this one to--no standards to live up to, no need to worry about whether she was doing it in a way that worked for him.

  Enthusiastically, Valli continued to enjoy herself. She gently let one hand drift deep between his legs, noting his flinch, then his sigh of pleasure as she fondled the delicate sacs she found there. His thighs parted wide, allowing her access to whatever she wanted to touch, a gesture of confidence that moved her and spurred her on.

  She could feel his heat, smell his musky male scent, drown in his responses.

  She did something she'd not done before--dipped her head and gently kissed the tender skin and even going so far as to ease her mouth around him.

  A strangled sound emerged from John's throat and his grip on her hair tightened.

  "Don't--I can't--"

  Valli paused, uncertain, trying to decide if she should continue or what. "Am I hurting you?"

  "God no." The words exploded into the quiet room. "But I want to come inside you, Valli. Not like this. Not the first time."

  She couldn't argue with him. The harsh edge to his voice told her how close he was to shattering. "Okay."

  Slithering away from him with a sigh, Valli noticed his arm reaching to the bedside table and the foil packets he'd tossed there at some point, probably when she was still rocking and rolling from the after effects of her orgasm.

  "I'm clean as a whistle, honey. I have the test results to prove it, so this isn't about not trusting you. It's about not wanting to risk a pregnancy. It's about enjoying you every way I can without either of us regretting it afterwards."

  Valli nodded, watching in fascination as John rapidly sheathed himself. Something else he clearly remembered with no problem. "You've done this before." She looked up and met his gaze.

  "Probably." He stared back at her, his eyes catching what little light there was. "But never with you. You're my first, Valli. The first I can remember and will remember. Always."

  Valli moved then, straddling him as he lay on the bed, his gaze on her face. "Come inside me, John." She surprised herself with her words. Talking was something else she hadn't really gotten into when in bed. It seemed that John was overcoming a lot of her inhibitions, relaxing her, letting her take the lead and call the shots.

  It was a heady feeling, this control she knew she had. Being a man's first wasn't something she took lightly, even though in time he'd probably remember all the others. And there must have been others. His moves were too comfortable, he was too familiar with a woman's body. He was no virgin physically.

  But mentally? Yes. She was indeed going to be his first.

  She let him slide his hands over her waist to her hips and position her above him. She was slick and wet, and within moments he was urging her body down--down--until she was filled with him.

  Valli couldn't help the gasp of pleasure. John's penetration stretched her, a wonderful tension that heated the blood thrumming through her body. She took him all with ease, deep, but not so deep that it was uncomfortable for her.

  John sighed too as she enveloped him, then held her still with strong hands for a few seconds. "God. There can't be anything better than this moment." He took a deep breath, as if savoring all the sensations they were sharing and experiencing. "You feel like--like something I have no words to describe."

  "Yeah. Same goes, John."

  She didn't expect anything from this; she'd come once and had learned that was pretty much it for her body. So she was amazed to find that when John tilted her hips a little, moved his thighs to spread hers wide and began to move beneath her, she was getting aroused all over again.

  His hands, his body against her sensitive flesh--the way he held her and loved her started the slow burn deep within her and robbed her of breath.

  God knew how he kept his own control, but he did, refusing to quicken the pace and come, just waiting for her to catch up. Already sensitive, her skin was alive to every movement, every lingering caress. Her inner walls shuddered as he lifted and fell, grazing her each time, just enough to heighten the sensation.

  The room spun a little as Valli's mind whirled and she surrendered to his skill. She found her own rhythm and rode in concert with John, two bodies pleasuring each other, pushing each other beyond anything have imagined.

  Her thigh muscles tightened as the burn grew hotter and the fire soared from where they were joined up into her throat. "John--" Did she scream his name or whisper it? She had no clue, she was lost--blindly following the path to orgasm and feeling John grow even harder inside her.

  "Yes, Valli--let go--"

  His fingers dug hard into her hips as he thrust upward, burying himself in her as deep as he could go. She thrust back, melding herself to his body, grinding against him as the fire within her burst into flame.

  She erupted, streaks of lightning soaring along her spine, sending her brain spinning off into a place where there was only exquisite release. Vaguely aware of John, she heard a rough sound and then felt his rigid stillness beneath her as he came too.

  Rippling shudders tore through him, stimulating her own spasms and prolonging the moment for what seemed like an eternity. He emptied himself into Valli, long seconds of release that felt so much more than just an orgasm to her as she held on to his forearms and pressed his hands even deeper into her flesh.

  He cried out softly as it eased, a plaintive sound of sadness and joy. She felt the same way. Joy that couldn't be measured and sadness that it was so tran
sitory and must end.

  Eventually, tired limbs collapsed, bodies tumbled apart and Valli lay panting, trying to pull the bits and pieces of her being back into some semblance of a whole person.

  Groaning, John slid from the bed, used the bathroom, then returned, snuggling himself next to Valli and pulling the covers over them both.

  She eagerly cuddled into his warmth, hearing his heart beneath her ear as she rested her head on his chest. "John..." She paused, feeling she should say something. But the words weren't there. She settled for moving her head and dropping a soft kiss on his skin.

  "I know." His hands stroked her as she fell asleep in his arms.

  Chapter Five

  John woke her twice more during the night.

  He seemed unable to keep his hands off her silky skin--even asleep, he knew he was wrapped around her like a blanket. She fit the nooks and crannies of his body, felt right in his arms and when he touched her, she'd stir a little and turn to him, unconsciously seeking his warmth.

  The first time he wakened, she was curled beside him, one thigh resting on his legs. Her fragrance seeped into his nostrils and he was between her thighs before he realized it. He roused her with slow lazy strokes of his tongue, learning her body anew, delving into her warmth and bringing a cry of completion to her lips as she lay restlessly beneath him, hips thrusting to meet his mouth.

  He slept with the taste of her dancing across his tongue and woke again several hours later, still sensing the spicy tang of her sex. It was enough to harden him to a full and rigid erection, and although he did pause to wonder if she could take him again, he was driven by a greater need and sheathing himself before he could find the words to ask.

  His movements had roused Valli and when he moved over her, she was ready, eager to accept him, lifting her legs to wrap them around his waist. There was nothing gentle this time, the desperate urge overpowered them both, driving them hard and fast into a frenzied mating of flesh that left them both sweating and exhausted.

  John had no idea if this was how he liked to make love. To claim a woman over and over again and never really be satisfied with her. To want everything from her only to find it wasn't enough.

  All he knew was that this night, this time in bed with Valli, was turning him inside out with desire. That if he could have waved a magic wand and extended these hours into eternity, he would have done so without a second thought.

  As they curled back into each other in the early hours, Valli sighed deeply. "You are amazing."

  "So are you." He rubbed her head with his chin, then lifted her hand to his lips, dropping a kiss on the knuckles. "So are you."

  Neither were surprised to see bright sunshine when they stirred, two weary heads on the same pillow, two tousled and sated lovers blinking blearily at the morning light.

  For a moment, they stayed still, just sharing the pleasure of waking after a night that had surpassed their expectations. Then Valli spoke.

  "John. Wow." She ran her fingers over his arm. "Wow."

  "That's good, yes?"

  He felt her lips curve into a smile. "Hell yes. That's--magnificent."

  In spite of himself, John grinned at the ceiling. Apparently his amnesia hadn't ripped away his ability to bring a lover pleasure. Although in all fairness, Valli had been largely responsible for what had happened between them. He didn't know for sure, but he sensed that she'd brought out whatever passionate skills he possessed.

  "John?" She had shifted her head and was watching him. "I have an idea."

  "Oh?" John stretched a little, letting his toes run over her foot.

  "I have a couple of websites and some pages on the Internet. They're set up so my fans can keep track of concerts, new songs, whatever."

  "Okay." He nodded.

  "How would you feel if I put your photo up there? Along with a request for information? Something like 'do you know this man?' And a number underneath it. It can go to my music company's office maybe. I'll have Charlie handle it."

  John pursed his lips and thought about it. "You know that the administrators here have circulated a photo of me through all the usual channels."

  "I know. You told me."

  "And that there wasn't one missing persons report out there, Valli."

  "You told me that too."

  "So--is there anything to gain from it, other than making work for your staff?"

  Valli laughed. "John, the Internet isn't what you'd call usual channels, you know."

  John had been given chance to get online. He'd sat down in front of a very pretty laptop. He'd stared at it, clicked a few keys, tried to dig up something familiar and failed dismally. He was aware of what the Internet was, but damned if he could make any kind of personal connection--either with it or to it.

  He shrugged. "I suppose not. I'll take your word for it, since I haven't figured the whole thing out yet. Something inside me is saying I don't like having my picture taken, and if it was anyone else but you--aww shit. If you think it stands a chance, then why not?"

  "Great." Valli sat up and leaned over to the bedside table, picking up her cell phone. "Just gimme a smile, handsome."

  John blinked as Valli pointed her cell phone in his direction, squinted at the screen, pushed a button or two and then took his picture.

  "Lemme see..." He lifted up on one elbow as she flopped back down beside him, grinning at the phone.

  "Mmm. Here." She held it toward him. "You look delectable, John. Good enough to eat. I have a feeling there are going to be a lot of women saying yes I know him, when what they mean is yes, I'd like to know him."

  John stared at the image. He was lying in sunlight, one hand behind his head, and a smile on his face that to his mind screamed sexually satisfied male. He winced. "Do you want to try another one?"

  Valli shook her head, her thumbs moving rapidly over the keys. "Nope. This is the one. I'm just sending it to Charlie now..." Her voice trailed off as she focused on her task.

  John turned and looked at the clock. His brain was beginning to function again and although his body yearned to linger, he knew he'd have to leave for his own room soon. This morning was his regular session with Dr. Felix. And Dr. Lin would probably want an update too.

  He sighed. "Valli, I hate to say this--you have no idea how much I hate to say this--but--"

  "You have to go." She finished his sentence for him, her mouth downcast as she put her phone aside. "I know. I understand."

  Her arms made a liar out of her. She clung to him for a moment, all warmth and womanly softness. "I wish you didn't have to go. I wish you could spend all day here with me. But I know you can't. I'm glad we had--did...this."

  She kissed him, a lightning fast touch of her lips to his, then pulled away, slithering off the bed. "I need a shower. I can't watch you walk out of here without getting all silly and trying to stop you, so I'm going to go take it now, okay?"

  John wasn't sure if there were tears in her eyes or not. He simply nodded. "I'll be back tonight, you know. Count on it."

  Her vivid smile flashed at him. "I sure hope so."

  John watched her white bottom as she went into the bathroom, sighing as the door closed and killed the gorgeous view. She was a one-of-a-kind woman. He knew that without question. As he dressed, he tried to extract one tiny memory from his brain, one little thought about any women he might have known before.

  There was nothing.

  But the space wasn't empty any more. It was filled with Valli.


  The hot water felt wonderful beating down on Valli's body, easing muscles that were noticeably sore and soothing other places as well. She smiled as she soaped herself, loving the tingle of the tender flesh between her thighs. She was a well-used woman this morning and damned happy to be that way.

  What lay ahead? Only time would tell. But she knew one thing--John had changed her in some mysterious way. He'd shown her what sort of emotions she was capable of when in bed with the right man. Up until this morning, she ha
dn't realized that her casually disinterested attitude to sex wasn't really a problem at all. It was the men she'd dated. They hadn't been the right one.

  She washed her hair, took care of all the routine stuff and turned off the water absently, her thoughts on John and their night together. Steam had coated the mirror over the sink and she swiped a facecloth over it before reaching for her toothbrush.

  Needless to say, it was an enormous surprise to find a woman's reflection smiling at her in the glass.

  "You!" Valli recognized the face. And the wild tie-dyed dress.

  She spun around, heart thudding as her gaze met an empty bathroom. Slowly she turned back, knowing--yet nervous of--what she might see. The reflection was still there. And Valli wasn't running a fever. "You're not real. You weren't real then and you're not real now."

  Janis's smile widened. "Reality is way overrated. It's a dream to some. Fact to others. Depends on what you're smokin'."

  "And you talk in frickin' riddles." Valli closed her eyes. "I really hate that." She opened them again. Of course it didn't work to banish the apparition, but it was worth a shot.

  "Hey just wanted to give you a little cheer, kid. You found the man. Shared the music." Her amused gaze wandered over Valli's naked body. "And a few other things, I'd guess. Was he any good?"

  Valli lifted her chin and did her best to ignore the color creeping into her cheeks. "That's none of your business."

  "Yeah yeah, okay. I always was a buttinski. I'm here only to pass the word you're done." She stepped closer and Valli felt the brush of air on her arm as the woman raised her hand and touched Valli's shoulder. Or looked like she was touching Valli's shoulder. There wasn't anything there, but her eyes said it was happening.

  "Done? What do you mean done?"

  "I guess you'd say that the key got put in the door last night." A husky giggle followed. "God, sounds filthy, doesn't it?" She blinked and continued, "Where it'll lead the two of you, I ain't got a clue so don't bother asking. But you've started to put things right. People will live who would otherwise have died if not for you. And your songs." She shifted a little, shimmering for a second or two. "I wasn't shitting you about your songs, kid. I really like 'em. I'd maybe have made an offer on a couple of 'em if you'd been around in my time."


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