The Breeder

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The Breeder Page 5

by L G Nauck

  As she moved towards the middle of the arena, she felt her perplexity increase as she searched for her opponent. No one was picking out a weapon or approaching the center.

  Glancing around the stadium, everyone seemed to be waiting with bated breath. A quick look towards Kaleck made her know he was just as confused as she was.

  She turned and looked towards the moderator, but she seemed to be unconcerned. And perhaps a little bored. Which didn’t do too well for her self-esteem.

  A sound had her turning, just in time to see a blurry figure rush towards her. Alena quickly brought her arms up with a dagger in each hand as defense. She blinked when no impact came and instead, a tall female was standing in front of her, flashing sharp fangs in an arrogant smirk.

  A Metician? Well, there went the idea that they were only pairing similar species.

  Alena held her ground, staring the woman down as she waited for her to make a move. At the sound of a whistle, probably from the moderator, the Metician flashed her fangs again before turning and casually moving towards her starting point. From the way she moved, it seemed she was a fox or perhaps a feline type. Alena also noticed that she had no visible weapons. Which probably meant she was going to use her natural weapons.


  She would need to be creative for this fight. The fact that she had already been worn down from the previous battles did not make this any better. Perhaps they had gotten annoyed with how persistent she had been and hoped to kill her off. Or a more optimistic option was that they were impressed and wanted to test her. Either way, she was fighting a freaking Metician.

  Her mind quickly scanned through all the available information on Meticians that she had accumulated through the years. She knew each breed had particular strengths. Weaknesses she was not as well-versed in. That was because they were not broadcasted to the masses. She knew that all Meticians had increased strength and speed. This meant that she could not out-run or hope to fair well at close combat. Would her bow be affective? It seemed like the only option she currently had.

  She forced back the fear that threatened to consume her.

  This was an exciting opportunity to test her skills.

  She wouldn’t die.


  She crouched into position, her eyes doing a quick scan of the environment. She could try to get into the forested area again. The trees would provide her some more cover. Most of the battle would probably be dodging since she did not have Metician speed and she would need some obstacles in between her and her opponent. If she was able to get to a higher elevation, then she would be able to use her bow. That was, if she was quick enough and wasn’t spotted.

  She heard the announcer say something which made the crowd cheer wildly. Perhaps they were excited to see bloodshed. She didn’t dare look at Kaleck.

  She turned inward, focusing on each breath she made, her senses acute.

  Time seemed to slow down for her as she heard the countdown. She watched the Metician’s eyes dilate as she flexed her claws. She wouldn’t allow herself to think of how easily those claws could tear her apart.

  And then it started.

  Alena immediately leapt to the right, being able to move a second before her opponent crashed into the space she had been standing, sand exploding upward from the force. Alena grabbed one of the knives that was easily accessible and threw it towards the sand cloud, taking off towards the forest.

  She was pretty sure the knife hadn’t met its’ target and the Metician was probably already moving again. Alena made sure to run in a zig-zag pattern, making her movements unpredictable so she would have a greater chance of dodging the Metician. Sure, the Metician had speed, but if she couldn’t analyze Alena’s movements then she wouldn’t know where to focus her attack.

  All of a sudden, she felt something grab her ankle and she went flying through the air. The occurrence was so sudden that she barely had time to register enough to twist her body so she could land on her feet. Before she could touch the ground and kick off running again, the Metician was next to her, spinning in the air to bring her leg down on Alena’s back to send her crashing to the ground.

  Pain shot through her body as she came in contact with the ground, her back bending painfully from the impact. Luckily, it did not seem as if her back was broken, but she knew that was probably because the Metician was toying with her.

  She felt a presence next to her and forced herself to roll, narrowly dodging another kick. Alena grabbed another knife on her belt and threw it at her opponent followed by four more. She moved to stand, ignoring the pain as she launched herself at her opponent, pulling the sword out of its’ sheath to aim for her shoulder. Her goal was to distract her opponent long enough to where she could get a blow in. But the speed the Metician demonstrated was remarkable. She had batted away and dodged the knives with enough time to lift a hand and grab the sword that was an inch from her skin. Alena looked at the Metician who grinned at her as she easily held the sword in her hand. Alena knew she was strong but the natural strength of the Metician breed appeared to be on a whole other level. Could she even come relatively close to matching the strength? What were their weaknesses?

  She smashed her teeth together, pushing as hard as she could on the blade. She was satisfied to see it move an inch. However, that hope was quickly diminished when the sword was pulled from her hands and cast aside like dust in the wind.

  She tried to move away quickly but found her arm trapped in the Metician’s grip. She yelled out in pain as the Metician grabbed her wrist with the other hand and snapped her arm in two. The agony that surged through her was almost too much to bear.

  She didn’t have time to process the damage as she was pull down so her vulnerable stomach met the knee of the other female. Alena felt the breath escape her right before she was punched in the face and went flying again to land yards away, sand cascading around her.

  She couldn’t move. Alena felt like she was in a daze, separated from her aching body. Without her arm, she couldn’t shoot her bow. Without a weapon, her chances of winning were abysmal.

  She closed her eyes tightly, hearing the light footsteps of the Metician approach. To her opponent, she wasn’t even a challenge. She was taking her time because there was no threat. It was all a game of cat and mouse. Putting on a show for the crowd.

  Was this the end for her?

  Would she just be another example of why humans shouldn’t participate in the games?

  She closed her eyes, breathing out slowly before forcing her body to stand up. Although her legs were shaky, and she felt like her entire body was on fire, she forced herself to stand with dignity. If she were to lose, she would not go down lying on the ground. She would show that she at least had spirit.

  What appeared to be recognition appeared in the gaze of her opponent and perhaps a bit of respect? Or was it the pain that was making her delusional?

  She grinned, pulling out a long knife that was strapped to her thigh and holding it in front of her protectively.

  “Come at me.”

  She noticed the way the Metician’s eyes briefly widened in surprise before transitioning to a look of self-satisfaction. As if she knew this was the end and she would enjoy taking the last bit of life from Alena.

  At least she would be memorable. Hopefully. Somehow, she doubted songs would be written about her.

  Her opponent raised a hand, her deadly claws shining in the sun before she began to sprint towards Alena. Alena held her ground, focusing her energy on the knife in her hand and in her legs. Her eyes narrowed as she let out a cry, holding firm as they collided. She imagined energy being generated deep within her core. She imagined hard enough until she could practically feel it coursing through her, building up until she felt consumed with it. She pushed back against the Metician with all of her might. Suddenly, there was a bright blue light that blinded her as a huge force felt like it was wrenched from within her body.

  Was this what death felt like?

  There was a boom and the light disappeared as quickly as it had appeared. Alena blinked, disoriented and feeling sluggish. What happened? Alena tried to force herself to focus and began to see dust clear and the arena reappear. So, she was still alive. How?

  Alena groaned, feeling an awful pounding in her head. Where was her opponent? Weren’t they just in a deadlock? She blinked again as she realized she spotted a familiar image. Alena blinked sluggishly as she registered what she was seeing. But she must have hit her head hard because what she was seeing could not be true. Her Metician opponent was embedded in the wall on the other side of the arena, hundreds of feet away. She watched in shock as the Metician’s body seem to crumble as it fell to the ground, motionless.

  What had happened? Had she done that? Or had a bolt of lightning mysteriously hit them both? That would explain the light and sound. That wouldn’t explain why she was still conscious though.

  Everything moved quickly then. In an instant she was surrounded by what appeared to be castle guards, their bodies caging her in as they pushed her backwards. She stumbled as she tried to move with them, too in shock and sluggish to process what was happening.

  Alena blindly allowed them to push her out of the arena, too in shock to register what was occurring.

  Had she broken a rule? Was that why she was being taken away? Would she be put in jail? What had that light been?

  She wasn’t even sure what had occurred, so how was she supposed to explain it?

  Had she just beaten a Metician opponent? And what did that mean for her future? Did she have one?

  It was when her arm was grabbed, and she was forced to change directions that she noticed her arm didn’t hurt anymore. She stared in wonderment as she realized it was no longer broken. How had that happened?

  Everything seemed to be moving at a hyperactive pace as she was hustled to walk somewhere. The guards dragged her through the large castle gates and through the main palace doors. She had never been this close to the palace before. Which sent her into a mix of fear and awe.

  Nothing good could come of her being taken to the castle, could it?

  “I don’t understand,” she looked to the wolf Meticians on either side of her, but they didn’t respond, only kept their gazes forward as they pushed and pulled her along.

  She stumbled over her own feet as she was propelled through the palace. All she was able to comprehend was that the floor was gold and she was being whisked to some unknown area. She was discombobulated as they turned around a dozen corners and went up some stairs. Suddenly they stopped, and she found herself being pushed through another door, but this time, the guards stayed on the other side. Alena staggered into the room, barely catching herself before she fell to the floor.

  The sound of the door closing caught her attention as she spun around to see….no one. They had taken her to a room to be alone? If she was a prisoner, why was she left alone? Why was she in the palace instead of the dungeon? Alena turned, her mind in a jumbled mess as she took in her surroundings. She noticed a wide range of furniture, including a large bed that sat against one of the walls, covered in expensive sheets and pillows.

  She was in a bedchamber?

  “What is your name?”

  She spun around, a small cry of surprise leaving her as she realized she wasn’t the only one in the room.

  Her wide eyes settled on a large form who was currently pouring himself some wine from a decanter. Long fingers curled around the stem, claws clinking against the metal as it was brought up to pale lips. Her eyes raised themselves further to see silver eyes.

  My God.

  Was she standing in the room with the king?

  She felt as if she was going to fall to the ground. She knew it was him from the pictures scattered around the city honoring him as their protector. He was supposed to be the most powerful Metician in history. Well, at least, that was the message spread around town. Standing across from him made Alena believe it though. His power filled up the room to the point it was almost suffocating.

  “I don’t understand.” She said, knowing she probably sounded ignorant but had no idea the protocol in this situation. How had things changed so fast? What was she even supposed to do in this circumstance?

  She heard his deep chuckle reverberate throughout the room as he put the cup back on the table and began to stride towards her. She couldn’t stop herself from taking a step back as he moved so close that she could smell his musky scent.

  “I asked what your name is.”

  She swallowed in fear as she looked up into those cool, emotionless eyes. His expression made her feel as if her body was freezing over, unable to do anything except stare helplessly into those piercing eyes.

  “I am Alena, your highness.”

  “Alena,” he repeated, one of his hands coming up to brush lightly against her cheek causing her to shiver in response.

  “Well Alena, you are going to become my mate.”

  Chapter Five

  Alena stumbled backwards, her body snapping out of its’ frozen state as her brain struggled to comprehend what was happening. She had just been outside, fighting for her life, and now she was inside the palace with the king. In a bedchamber. And he said “mate”? What did that mean? Why was this happening? She wanted to leave. She wanted to go home.

  Her frightened eyes snapped to the Metician when she heard him inhale deeply. She felt her heart skip a beat as she saw his eyes flash red for a brief moment before returning to their normal silver.

  “You smell delicious. I cannot wait to dig into you. And we have the rest of eternity to enjoy each other.”

  What. What did he mean? What did all of this mean? Eternity? What did he want with her?

  She felt panic well up within her as her eyes desperately sought for an escape. As soon as her eyes processed the shape of a door, her feet were moving. She did not get far however as she was intercepted and ran right into the king’s arms.

  Alena gasped, twisting in his arms to try to break his grip, “Let me go! What do you want from me!?” She screamed, desperate to be away from here.

  She froze when she felt his breath next to her ear, his fangs dangerously close to her neck.

  “I am going to fuck you over and over again until I am satisfied.”

  Alena froze, her eyes wide as she stared at the wall in the distance.

  It was blood red.

  She did not understand any of this.

  “Why?” She whispered, her body felt as if it was paralyzed. Her mind ticked, moving slowly as it tried to process the events and convince herself this was not happening. That she heard him wrong.

  That this was a nightmare.

  The king pulled back so he could look at her, one of his clawed fingers lifting her chin so she was forced to look into his eyes. Alena numbly allowed her head to be lifted and was jolted when her eyes met those cool silver depths that seemed to hold so much glee. She felt the incredible strength in the other arm that was currently wrapped around her body and holding her in place. The vulnerable position she was currently in had her feeling nauseous with fear.

  “You see, my dear, you have a very special fate. And that fate is to bear me children and serve me. That is all you need to know. I grow tired of talking and would rather partake in a more pleasurable activity. It has been awhile, and I look forward to emptying myself inside of you.”

  She had to be dreaming. Has she been knocked out during the fight and this was a nightmare? Had she died and went to hell? What a cruel afterlife this was.

  She felt panic explode within her when the king picked her up and began to walk towards the bed. As soon as she was dropped onto the mattress, she immediately propelled herself off it and sprinted across the room. Her way was blocked by a chest once again and she reacted by throwing her fist towards where she knew his face would be. The Metician easily caught the fist in his much larger hand, squeezing it until she cried out in pain.

  “Although I enjoy the chase, I would submit befo
re my patience ends. We can play rough next time.”

  “I don’t want this!” She gritted out between clenched teeth, pushing off the ground with her leg to try to twist out of his grip. She felt a momentarily feeling of relief as she felt his hand let go of her fist. It was short lived though as hands reached out to grab her and throw her back onto the bed.

  She was unable to process her current position before she was being covered with a hard body.

  He was like a wall. A wall that was surrounding her space and blocking off her escape routes.

  Heat immediately surrounded her and her adrenaline exploded. She frantically thrust out her arms and legs, trying to throw him off her as she screamed for help.

  “No one will come for you, little one. You are mine.”


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