Escaping Me

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by Cat Mason

  Escaping Me

  (Shaft on Tour Book One)

  By: Cat Mason

  Copyright © 2013 Amy Cox writing as Cat Mason

  E-book publication December 2013

  Cover Design: Picture from Shutterstock, designing done by the unnamed Graphic Goddess

  All Rights Reserved. This work may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, photographic) in part or whole without expressed writted consent from Amy Cox a.k.a. Cat Mason. This is a work of Fiction. All characters, organizations, and events are either products of the author’s imagination or are used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual events, or persons living or deceased is completely coincidental.

  For the Original Shaft Groupies.

  The Shaft belongs to you always <3.


  Daisy’s fall

  How did this happen to me? Just months ago I was in a loving, committed relationship with a man who I believed adored me. Nothing was standing in our way of being married and having the white picket fence, babies and all the happiness I could stand. Now I sit here on the edge of a bed in a shitty tour bus crying into my hands while a dozen little white sticks lie all over the floor laughing at me proving that I am a total fuck up.

  The diamond on my hand does nothing but make me angry as it glistens, wet with my tears. I’ve screwed everything up. I let myself believe for a while that I could have a happy ever after. I let myself think that I was worthy of something as precious as love. Instead, I have ruined at least four lives in the ashes of my monumental lapse of rational thinking.

  I always think things through. Daisy Shayne never jumps without looking where she would land. I had a plan. I mean literally, I write the shit down and check it off as I complete it. I was nothing if not meticulous in my calculating of my life this far.

  My parents planned nothing. I watched them constantly bailing water from the boat, borrowing from Peter to pay Paul and getting nowhere in life because of not having a plan. Well I had a plan damn it! Now as I look at my list all I want to do is jump from my boat and let myself drown. It would be so much easier than to face what is coming when those bus doors open and my life comes to an end. There is no hiding this. There is no fixing the situation. It’s going to destroy everyone involved, including myself in the process…

  Wait! I am getting too far ahead of myself. You need for me to start from the beginning to get the full picture here. You need to know everything and then you will understand.

  Chapter One

  Shafted from the Start

  “Daisy! If you don’t hurry up we’ll be late!” His voice booms through the bathroom door as I hurry to finish my make-up. We are supposed to be at some bar in fifteen minutes yet here I am making us late. Landon is taking me to meet his half-brother, Grayson tonight and the rest of the band before the tour starts.

  Grayson Cole is the lead guitarist and writes all the songs for the band, Shaft. Landon isn’t close with his younger brother. Therefore, I’m trying to hide how excited I am to meet them. In the whole year we have been together he hasn’t let me get anywhere near his brother. I’ve never understood it. He swears it’s just history, but I’ve always wondered.

  According to their mother, they take after their fathers, making them polar opposites. With the band pushing for broke to make it big, they are never around. Though, I have heard enough of their music to know they have great songs. Well I’ll be seeing the Shaft up close and personal tonight. I can only imagine what they are like with a name like that.

  Tossing my lip gloss on the counter, I turn opening the door to meet a very aggravated Landon. Even annoyed he is gorgeous. His blue eyes glare at me out from under his shaggy brown hair that has drooped over his forehead and I giggle. “I’m sorry. Let’s go.”

  Landon’s eyes roam over me until he meets my eyes. “Is that all you’re wearing?” He asks in disbelief as he eyes my outfit with a frown.

  “What’s wrong with it?” I ask looking at my jean skirt and black tank top and compare it with his jeans and polo. “We’re going to a club to hear a band.” I add then walk over and slip into my pink wedge heels.

  “Whatever Daisy, come on we don’t have time for you to change anyway. I’m just glad I told you we had to be there an hour earlier than we really do.” He says as I follow him down the stairs and out to the car. As he starts the engine he turns and takes my hand. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to be such an ass, I’m just nervous about tonight. I never thought Grayson would allow me to be involved in his career or whatever it is he’s doing with his life.” He sighs then kisses my hand where my engagement ring rests. “Are you sure you’re alright with going on tour with us for six months?”

  I nod. “I want to be wherever you are Landon. I think it will be good for us, we’ll have lots of time together.” I reply as he leans in and meets my lips. Nodding, he pulls away from me and backs out of the driveway.

  Landon is jittery the entire ride to the bar and I can’t help but giggle to myself. I have never seen him like this. He’s always so calm and composed. Landon is stable and perfect for my plan. My life plan. My numbers are getting checked off and by this time next year I will be Mrs. Daisy Cole. Everything will work out because I have the list. My parents had no plan for their lives. We struggled more often than not. I made my list at sixteen and followed it to the letter determined to have better. Finishing high school as the valedictorian, getting my college degree, and all ready to start teaching English at the local high school in the fall were all part of my life plan. The tour is sort of a last hoorah and my chance to spend time with Landon all summer.

  Pulling down the visor, I check my dark blonde hair in the mirror. After checking my make-up one last time I flip the visor back up as Landon turns off the car. “Okay, this is it. I’ll get us a table then I’ll go find Tad, he’s the manager for the band. I’ll be taking care of everything the guys need and whatever else Tad says has to get done.” He says, and I think it’s mostly coaching himself.

  I grab his hand, “Babe, quit being so nervous! Your brother obviously wants you here. Calm down and let’s go hear the band.”

  “Okay. Then we go back to my place to recheck everything. We leave tomorrow on the bus.”

  I nod, “Relax. We’ve taken care of everything. Let’s go have some fun.” I say reassuring him as I stroke his cheek with my hand and he nuzzles my palm.

  “I love you so much Daisy.” Landon says sweetly and I smile.

  “I love you too. Now let’s go.”

  The bar is a dingy hole in the wall. Landon opens the door for me as the smoke pours out hitting us both in the face. “Holy shit!” He huffs as he ushers me inside, tucking me under his arm. We walk over to the corner where he plunks me down in the booth. “You sit tight. I’ll go find the guys.” He kisses me sweetly before walking toward a tall man leaning against the wall. The guy is enormous so I assume Landon has to know him because with the guy being nearly seven foot tall, he is far from friendly looking. Tall guy grins at Landon then points down the hall. Left sitting, I watch as they both disappear from view to what I guess is a back room.

  “Don’t have a drink yet Sugar?”

  The raspy voice makes my head jerk up, and I am face to face with sex and sin in black boots. The guy standing in front of me is just around the same height as Landon but his hair is jet black and spiked up all over. He’s in dark jeans that hug his waist and thighs with a tucked in black dress shirt that the sleeves have been cut off of exposing arms that are covered in detailed tattooed sleeves. My eyes drift all the way to his boots and back up to his face which has rendered me speechless. His eyes are deep steel gray and I watch as he worries his lip ring with his teeth. God, that is sexy. Wait! Daisy down girl,
you’re taken, very much so. Though this guy here is hot he is not Landon.

  Sex and sin slides into the booth next to me and wraps his arm around my neck. “So Sugar what do they call you?” He asks. His voice is so delicious it makes me tremble.

  Regaining my composure, I scoot away from his touch doing my best to glare at him, “My name is Daisy and I’m here with someone.” I say, but it lacks conviction.

  “Are you now Daisy?” He says arching a pierced brow as he looks around. “I don’t see anyone with you Wildflower. You shouldn’t be left alone in here, someone could come along and pluck your petals.” He purrs wickedly, scooting closer to me, placing his hand on my thigh. My eyes dart down to his hand and then back up to his face, where he is grinning. His hand slides farther up my leg, his fingers brushing under my skirt, igniting my skin. I can’t make my body move even if I wanted to.

  “Grayson!” I hear Landon shout from the other side of the room. I freeze as the realization sweeps over me. Oh my God! This can’t be…

  Turning away from me, he jumps up from the table and greets Landon with some kind of uncomfortable looking hug. I think my heart stops. “Bro! Glad you’re comin’ along to help us out on tour.”

  “I see you’ve met Daisy Shayne, my fiancé.” Landon says smiling at me.

  Grayson’s eyes widen as he looks at me, “This is your…” He sputters, clearly uncomfortable with the situation.

  I smile at them both, “Yeah, we’ve met.” I say smugly as I push the hem of my skirt back down and stand next to Landon. Leaning down he kisses me on the cheek.

  “You’re coming on the bus with us?” Grayson says, meeting my eyes only making me arch my eyebrow at him.

  “You said it wouldn’t be a problem to bring my girl, Gray.” Landon says looking back and forth between us. “I figured she can be an extra pair of hands.” He says and Grayson smiles wickedly at me, making me blush.

  Grayson shakes his head, “It isn’t. Nope, no problem at all. I gotta get ready to play the set. You two grab a seat enjoy the show.” He says before he walks away toward the hallway I saw Landon go down earlier shaking his head.

  Landon gestures for me to sit and then folds into the booth seat next to me, curling me into him. “So how did it go back there?” I ask as I watch some guys setting up some wires and instruments.

  “Tad introduced me to Aiden, the drummer. He seems cool. Then, there’s his brother Hunter. Hunter is the vocal and bass player.” He says which shocks me with a voice like Grayson has I thought he would be the one holding the mic. “They’re pretty laid back for the most part so this should be a great gig. Plus…” He says sweetly, “I get to take you along with me.”

  I nod as I start to talk myself up for this. The next six months are going to be great. I will spend all my time with Landon and get to have a wild spring and summer before settling into my life. I add one more thing to my list as Landon’s lips meet mine, something very important. Not sure how I’ll manage to keep my distance in the cramped quarters of a tour bus. Somehow though, I will stay as far away from Grayson Cole as humanly possible. I already know if I get too close to him he will draw me in. My entire body is tingling just at the thought of him touching me again.

  Girls screaming from the other side of the bar make me pull away and my eyes scan the room. I watch as Grayson followed by two guys that I assume are Hunter and Aiden walk up on the stage. Aiden is rough looking, but hot in nothing but low slung ripped jeans and these grey shit-kicker boots. His dark buzzed hair matching the stubble along his jaw. He has gauges in his ears and I can see some black detailed ink that looks like some sort of gothic version of angel’s wings trailing down his neck and back disappearing into the waistband of his jeans.

  Hunter looks a lot like his brother but his hair is shaggy and looks like he just rolled out of bed. His arms are covered in bright vivid colors. I really want to line all three of them up so I can stare at every single inch of ink. I’ve never told Landon how much I love tattoos. He would never mark his body, but secretly the permanent marks of artistic expression say so much more to me than words. It’s like the person is sharing something very private when they show a piece. I would be inked from head to toe if I wasn’t deathly afraid of needles. I mentally plan to admire the ink adorning these guys for the entire tour. I mean the best of both worlds and all right? I’m with Landon this summer traveling the country all while enjoying a really hot view for months.

  Hunter grabs the mic and roars into it snapping me out of my daydream, “Who’s ready for the Shaft tonight?” He yells and girls scream out as they rush the stage. “Alright! That’s what I like to fuckin’ hear.” He says grabbing his crotch with his free hand. “We aren’t gonna be gentle with you. You’ll take everything hard and fast and love every second of it.” He laughs, grinding his hips as a pair of bright red panties land on stage at his feet. Scooping down he grabs them and shoves them in his front pocket. “You can collect these from me in the back after the show honey.” Then he turns cueing Aiden who starts beating his sticks above his head, counting out the beat.

  Grayson shreds into a riff. I am mesmerized by the way his fingers strum, caressing the frets as he moves along the neck of the guitar. He closes his eyes losing himself as his teeth clamp around that lip ring making me nearly squirm in my seat. Hunter comes in on bass, and then his voice surrounds us as he sings. My eyes don’t leave Grayson as I watch him totally in his own world with every chord he plays. He is making the guitar tell a story, I swear if I didn’t know any better I would say it was the one singing and not Hunter. The notes and chords surround me, I feel it wrap around me like an eager lover. It feels unbelievably dirty, me sitting here next to my fiancé as I watch his brother allowing the thoughts of his hands on me a few moments ago to linger in my mind.

  Landon is focused on Hunter and then looks over at who I figure is Tad standing next to the big guy by the hallway, their eyes on the band. Grayson’s eyes open meeting mine as the song ends then flowing seamlessly into another, and just like that I’m caught in his haze. Staring at him as if time stopped and it is just the two of us, everyone else fades away. I am snapped out of my lust just as quickly when he winks. Letting me know that he caught me staring, he smiles a lazy smile. As he grinds his crotch into the body of his guitar, the bulge in his pants, letting me know he’s hard. The bastard is eating this up and right now I hate him for it.

  Rolling my eyes at him I nudge Landon and he pulls me to the dance floor. As Hunter’s voice moves from song to song and the music floods my system I let it consume me. I wrap an arm around Landon’s neck and move against him, aligning our bodies as best I can… considering our nearly half foot height difference. Pulling me tightly against him, he thrusts a knee between my thighs moving my body exactly where he wants it as his mouth trails along my neck. “Daisy, when we get home…” He starts but I crush my mouth to his, silencing him.

  I tug on his hair and thrust my tongue into his mouth, making him groan. Landon’s hands dive into my hair, fisting and pulling the strands making my body ache for him. “Take me Landon.” I whisper against his lips. He looks wide eyed at me for a second, then around as if he expects a bed to pop on the floor out of thin air. I nip at his lip and tug, “Back room…” I murmur. Without another word, he grabs my arm tugging me behind him, making me giggle.

  As we walk past the two guys Landon stops, “Henry…don’t let anyone past this door unless the building is on fire yeah?” I can’t help but laugh at Henry’s amused expression as Landon drags me past them without waiting for an answer. I glance at Tad who looks like has sucked on a lemon or something. His sour ass scowl looks like he would rather be anywhere but here. Gold Star for you manager asshole, I think to myself.

  Landon busts through the door, slamming it behind him as he fumbles with the knob. “Fuck! Daisy there’s no lock!”

  “Then you better hurry, they’ll take a break soon.” I say pulling him to me, slamming my mouth to his. I shove him to the sofa
that looks like it is older than I am as I shimmy my panties down my legs.

  “Jeez Daisy this is a bad idea…”He says but with no conviction.

  I climb into his lap and his hands instantly go to my thighs, sliding my skirt up to my waist as he goes. I yank at his jeans, freeing him as our mouths clash. The bass thumping against the walls around us only drives me harder. Landon barely gets a second to breathe before I slam down hard on him. “Shit!” I cry out against his mouth.

  “Son of a bitch baby, you have to be quiet.” He moans as he buries his face in my neck.

  I grip his thighs as he attacks my chest through my tank top. Tilting my head back I moan as Landon arches his hips, meeting me thrust for thrust. Every move we make matching the beat of the music, only sending me higher as I try to keep tempo. Sliding his hand down he circles where our bodies meet sending me over the edge. “Landon!” I cry out loudly making his whole body tense then he fills me with his release. I collapse against him both of our chest heaving for breath.

  After a few minutes he kisses my lips sweetly, “Let’s get sorted and get back out there.”

  Just as I reach for my panties on the floor the door flies open and Aiden and Hunter walk in flopping on the chairs. When did the music stop playing? I turn to walk out of the door way and run into a chest. A sexy as sin black covered chest. Grayson. His arm wraps around my waist steadying me. “Where are ya off to in such a hurry Wildflower?” He asks meeting my eyes.

  “B-b-bathroom.” I stutter. My nervousness makes him laugh, the vibrations sending chills throughout my body.

  “I’ll take her bro, you look…comfy.” Grayson says with a knowing smirk and my face instantly turns red. I glare at Landon to do something but he makes no move to get up. Did I fuck him into paralysis?

  Closing the door behind us, Grayson wraps his arm around my waist and walks me back up the hall way. Stopping outside the bathroom door, he pins me to the wall and smiles down at me. “So, Daisy… Why didn’t you tell me who you belonged to before?” He asks, his face an inch from mine. “You being my brother’s could cause a problem.”


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