Escaping Me

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Escaping Me Page 10

by Cat Mason

  “I… I need to see it.” I mutter as I reach my hand out.

  “Here.” Gray says calmly as he hands the sketch.

  As my eyes roam over it I can’t keep from smiling. It’s a daisy. It stands tall except the end of the stem that will curl along my panty line. “It’s beautiful.” I whisper as a tear slips down my cheek.

  “No.” Gray whispers. “You are.” His thumb swipes away the tear as I nod.

  Lying back on the table, I gesture to Kyle that I am ready. Gently, he places the outline as Gray rubs circles on my wrists with his thumbs. Leaning down he kisses my lips gently. “Ready?” Gray asks then I hear Kyle switch on his gun. All I can do is nod as my body tenses.

  The first few sticks are really the worst though nothing is worse than the sound of the gun. That is the worst part I think. Like the drill at the dentist. Eventually, I am numb for the most part. My eyes don’t leave Gray’s face. He drifts from watching Kyle to me. Every time he looks at me he just smiles.

  “Why do you call me Wildflower?” I blurt without thinking.

  Gray shrugs. “Daisies are wildflowers. They can thrive even in the worst circumstances because they are stronger than the others. Probably even come out more beautiful for it. Roses are shady bitches. They look all pretty sure but have those thorns waiting to stick ya when you aren’t looking.”

  Closing my eyes, I let Gray’s words wash over me. I swear everything he says is a damn song lyric in the making. I am scared of what I feel for Gray already. It is nothing like what I thought I felt and still somewhat feel for Landon. It is so different. Part of me still loves Landon even though I know he isn’t mine anymore. He probably never even was. He said that he loved me but I know that he is conflicted, so am I.

  Gray thinks that I am so strong. Am I? Did I make the choice that I thought was best by giving Landon back his ring? Am I strong by wanting a plan that I made ten years ago; or is it my weaknesses clinging to the safety of familiarity?

  Things that Cam said argue inside my head with Gray’s words. Cam is right, there is no way that a member of Shaft would want to settle down right now. Though Gray says he is nothing like Hunter. I do know that to be true mostly anyway. I’ve seen Gray talk with the groupies but never doing anything like Cunter. Gray says that he wants me. Part of me is afraid that Gray is more like Hunter. Although I think Grayson is more like Aiden than he wants to admit. Aiden and Grayson are more balanced, more grounded than Hunter. At least that’s my opinion but even Aiden wouldn’t want to be tied to a ‘girlfriend’. He doesn’t put labels on what he has with Cam. Would Gray really want to settle down with the band getting bigger every day? I mean Cam is afraid Aiden doesn’t want to settle although I have doubts there too. Why would three guys about to become larger than life want to settle down during the biggest years of their lives? Since Landon and I are over maybe I should see where this goes? Or should I run while I have the chance?

  “Hey all done. Where’d you go?” Gray whispers into my ear.

  “Just thinking. Can I see?” I ask as he helps me off the table to the mirror.

  The stem starts along my pelvic bone, flirting with the edge of my panties moving up to end with the bloom curving around my navel. “The petals are gray?” I ask confused turning to Gray.

  Grayson smiles, “No, they’re steel. Strong. Able to withstand anything thrown at them.” Grabbing my hand, he pulls it to his lips kissing my palm. “Unable to be trampled or plucked, baby. Forever flawless, my Wildflower.” I stand, shocked into silence while Kyle applies the ointment then bandages me up. I slip my jeans back on but don’t button them so nothing rubs my sore flesh.

  “All paid and ready to go.” Gray announces as he drapes his hoodie over my shoulders.

  “You paid?” I ask in disbelief, “It’s my tattoo.”

  “It was my idea.” He says brushing his lips over mine softly.

  “Ready to head back to the bus?”

  I shake my head. “Mexico is nice this time of year.”

  “It is.” He agrees. Wrapping his arms around me he kisses my frowning lips. “Though we can’t avoid it forever. Hey, you’ve got me, Cam, Aiden… Hell even Henry and Cunter would kill Landon if they knew.”

  “That’s why they don’t.” I remind him. “I don’t want it to be all about me if things go to shit. It would cause too many problems. I don’t want the tour ruined, it’s too important. Let’s go before they leave us.” I kiss his lips reassuringly. After we thank Kyle again, we go in search of a cab to take us back to the bus.

  “So you goin’ to show it off?” Gray asks, stopping outside the cab door to kiss me.

  “You know it. What are we waiting for?” I tease as he jerks open the door.

  It is nearly four am by the time we make it back to the bus. Gray and I are completely wiped. My side is stinging, which is a lot better than the pain I expected to feel. All I want is my bed with Gray wrapped around me for twelve hours or more. The sight I walk in on has me nearly heaving up the dinner I fought to keep down during a two hour tattoo session. There is Landon, on his knees stroking himself all while Tad is fucking his mouth. Tad’s eyes snap to mine as a smile spreads across his face. “You wanna ask her to join us now Landon? Go on then pet. Just ask her.” Tad hisses as he thrusts his hips nearly choking Landon in the process.

  Opening my mouth, I try to say something, anything. There is nothing but shock. Landon doesn’t move. It’s like he doesn’t care.

  Chapter Twelve

  Spooners and Forkers

  “What the ever lovin’ fuck is this?” Cam’s screams echo through the bus from behind me.

  Slamming into Tad, she knocks him into the wall. “You son of a bitch! You don’t care who you hurt do you?” Cam shouts as her fist connects with his nose. Tad screams as blood pours from his nose. Grabbing Cam by her shoulders Landon shoves her to the couch.

  “Get the fuck off of him.” Landon’s voice is volatile, in a way I’ve never heard before. Landon has never been one to jump into a fight, at least not for me. I stand there watching while Landon defends Tad in ways he would never have done for me. The realization shocks my system, making me see yet another thing I thought I had that I truly didn’t. I didn’t have him at my side like Tad obviously does. Just another thing that should break my heart, I wait for it to shatter but no cracks. Nothing but anger at the shit going on behind my back just hours after Landon crying begging for me to take him back.

  Aiden roars grabbing Landon by his throat. “You never touch my woman motherfucker!” Landon is gasping for breath as he claws at Aiden’s hands. Without a second thought, Aiden shoves him out the door of the bus. Landon stumbles backwards down the steps crumbling to the pavement.

  “You stupid bitch!” Tad growls, “You broke my goddamn nose. I should call the cops.”

  I grab a wad of napkins from Aiden’s fast food bag, shoving them into his hand. “Boo-fuckin’-hoo! What exactly happened?” I ask tapping my temple with my finger. “Did anyone witness this attack?” Aiden and Gray chuckle, shaking their heads.

  “I ran into the side of Tad’s face. It really was the damnedest thing. Landon can take him to the E.R. Maybe they will give a shit about how I may have broken his nose.” Cam whines. “Bastard’s lucky his dick is still attached.”

  Laughter bubbles out of my chest causing me to double over. The complete clusterfuck that has been the last week of my life, none of which is really funny at all but I’m laughing. I slide to the wall as the tears stream down my face, blurring my vision. “This is too much.” I hiss out clutching my side. The adrenaline is wearing off. Now I am feeling the burn in my side again. Tad stuffs himself back in his pants then stomps off of the bus.

  “Come on Landon.” Tad shouts. Like the little puppet Landon is, he stands and follows behind to the SUV Henry is helping Hunter out of. They exchange some words then I watch as they drive off without another word. That’s right, not a damn word. The man I’ve spent the last year with, the man I was planning the
rest of my life around, left without saying one word to me. No explanations, no excuses, not even a fucking ‘see ya later’. He just left me after walking in on that goddamn nightmare.

  “Babe you have blood all over you.” Aiden says looking Cam over. Turning to face Gray, he declares, “That bastard is gone. Fuckin’ gone Gray! I don’t give two shits if he’s your brother or the goddamn head of Sony Music. G-O-N-E!” He growls.

  Gray nods as he pulls at my shirt to check my bandage. “It’s fine. No one touched me.” I say shooing his hands.

  Cam’s squeals interrupt my explanation as she shoves Gray out of the way. “You sneaky whore! You didn’t tell me anything about getting a tattoo.” She yanks my hand pulling me toward her to get a close look. “Lemme see! Lemme see!” She delights, pulling at the bandage. It makes me smile that Cam seems to bounce back so quickly. She just broke Tad’s nose then Landon pounces on her but yet here she is excited over my ink.

  “Right? Because there was a tattoo viewing portion of the orgy that turned MMA match?” I snap teasingly. Of course Cam just glares at me, arching her brow. “Okay. Okay. Let me do it!” I say shoving her hands away to get the bandage off then pull her down the aisle toward the bunks.

  “It rocks! Holy shit!” She says bouncing on her heels. “In Vegas we’re shopping! You can’t cover that up ever!”

  “OH Henry why?” We both turn to see Henry helping Hunter up the steps.

  Hunter looks wrecked. His shirt is ripped, his face is pale and he’s covered in puke. “Because you’re a stupid cocky bastard.”

  “That hurts big man. Like right here.” Hunter says pushing his hand against his chest. “It hurts right here.” Walking carefully around us, Henry helps Hunter into the bathroom, cutting the cold water on full blast then shoves Hunter into the shower stall still fully clothed. “Fuck! That’s cold!” He screams. Hunter’s brown eyes roam over to mine as his smile spreads. “Wanna help me scrub up?” Hunter slurs eyeing Cam and I leaning against the bedroom door.

  Henry rolls his eyes then slams the door making us laugh “Fine you bitches are spooners anyway. I need a forker!” Hunter shouts through the door.

  “Just wash your forkin’ ass!” Henry shouts slapping the door. “Don’t mind him ladies. A chick tonight didn’t know who he was. Deflated Cunter’s poor ego. He got trashed so now he’s covered in his own self-pity.”

  “Is that what self-pity smells like?” Cam shrieks, holding her nose. “Fuck, someone needs to put that man out of his misery!”

  “I’m in misery without someone to fork baby!” Hunter sings from the shower. “I wanna, wanna fork you long time.”

  “Oh my god! Aiden, I need to go to bed.” Cam groans, shaking her head.

  “You got this?” Aiden asks looking at Henry as Hunter starts another chorus of ‘fork you baby’.

  “I’ve got him man. No one else can handle him when he gets like this.” I hear Henry reply as I head into the bedroom with Gray hot on my heels.

  Closing the door behind him Gray’s eyes meet mine. Pulling me against him, his thumb traces my bottom lip slowly undoing me. “Interesting night… Cam beat the hell outta Tad. Landon freaked out on her. Not to mention Aiden nearly rippin’ his head off for touchin’ Camaron.” He says shakin’ his head. “Landon isn’t worried about who he hurts. I’m firing them once they come back. Aiden agrees and well, Hunter is too fucked in his own head tonight but he will be on board too. They’re gone, but you…” He says brushing his lips over mine.

  “I can’t just…” I start but Gray silences me with a kiss. His tongue parts my lips, diving into my mouth. Melting against him has become instinct and he knows it too. Gray grins against my lips as he pulls us to the bed, settling me on top of him. Our lips fused together, my hands tugging his hair. Loving every minute of his hands running along my body, I lose myself in him, in us. I don’t want to think about the fact that everything is falling apart around us. I don’t want to think that this is temporary even though my subconscious knows it is.

  “We have something here Wildflower. You can’t deny it. Your name is signed on the contract as an assistant to the band. Extra pair of hands, remember? I want you here. Stay. Tell me you won’t leave.” He pleads, as I pull my shirt over my head. Rolling me beneath him, Gray trails kisses along my chest. His lips moving along the edge of my tattoo so carefully, so gentle that it almost unhinges me.

  “I don’t wanna think about it Gray, not now.” Leaning back I pop the clasp on my bra, tossing it to the floor. Gray runs his tongue around my nipple, sucking it into his mouth. Straddling his thighs I roll my hips against him making his eyes close. He releases my nipple with a pop. Though amazing eyes of his snapping up to mine, hooded and dark waiting to claim me again.

  “You. Naked. Now.” He groans.

  The door flies open making me jump. Hunter walks in as Gray wraps his arms around me. My chest smashed against his, keeping me covered. “What the fuck are you doing in my room Cunter?” Ignoring Gray, Hunter flops on the bed beside us, completely naked, still dripping wet from his shower.

  “I wrote a song.” He slurs, wrapping an arm around Gray’s neck. My eyes drift down Hunter’s body. His colorful bands aren’t the only tattoos he has. He has music notes along his chest and lyrics that I can’t read from this angle. “Do you wanna hear it?”

  “Get out asshole.” Gray says as I roll my eyes.

  Hunter grins at me, pinching my cheek. “This one’s for you Daisy. I loooooove you. You little spooner.”

  “Get the fuck on with it then.” Gray growls as I giggle against him. This is the most fucked up night ever. I think I am hallucinating.

  Hunter leans over on his side, his dick nearly brushing against us. “Keep that over there. I don’t know where it’s been.” Gray bites out.

  “In your mother, bitch.” Hunter tosses out then groans covering his face. “I take that back man. Your mom needs some work.”

  “Get the hell on with it today Cunter.” I say, trying to be sweet so that Gray doesn’t kill him.

  Hunter leans back against the pillows as he starts singing. “There’s some skeeter in my peeter, beat it off. There’s some skeeter in my peeter, suck it off. There’s some skeeter in my peeter…” Gray shoves him to the floor making him groan. “Damn man. I was bringin’ it home.”

  “Not in here you aren’t.” Henry says as he wraps a towel around him. “You dumb fucker. Get in there and put some clothes on.”

  “I love you Henry.” Hunter slurs.

  “Not even if you were rich with a great rack you sloshed out bastard.” With a chuckle Henry shoves Hunter out of the room closing the door behind them.

  I bite my lip to keep from laughing out loud but I am shaking so hard Gray glares at me. “This has been the craziest night of my life.” He says scrubbing a hand over his face.

  “By far.” I reply. Losing my fight with the giggles, curling to my un-tattooed side I slide my jeans off.

  “The sun is coming up we better get some sleep.” He whispers stroking my hair. I nod as I feel him kick off his boots then he curls against me. “Goodnight Wildflower.” He breathes then covers us with the quilt.

  “Good morning, Gray.” I mutter into the pillow making him chuckle.

  “Good morning, smart ass.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Diners and Dipshits

  “Wake up you wild naked freaks.” Cam teases from the cracked door making me jump. “Coffee’s ready.”

  As she closes the door I lean up to slide from the bed. Gray’s arms close around my waist, tugging me back against him. “You don’t get to leave me in bed without saying good morning first.” He pulls me over his chest. My arms instantly wrapping around his neck.

  “Just want coffee. The door isn’t locked, anyone can just walk right in here Gray.” I purr against his lips.

  “Well it’s a good thing that I’m firing them today then isn’t it? I’m not hiding us anymore from anyone.” Gray grumbles as he slams his mouth
to mine quickly. “Come on then, let’s go get coffee. The bus is moving so I guess everyone made it back in one piece.” He says swatting my ass as I jump from the bed.

  The bus is quiet as I stumble up the aisle to the living area. Cam is waiting for me at the table with Aiden. “Thanks.” I mumble in my cup as I sip.

  “I figured you may need it.” She winks.

  I scoot into the seat across from them, “It’s not like that. We aren’t a couple of horn dogs that just go at each other until we need food and sleep. We spent the entire night at a diner then a tattoo shop. It was…”

  “Fun.” Gray says flopping down next to me. “It was unplanned fun. Daisy say it.”

  “It was fun.” I mutter elbowing him in the ribs.

  “So why didn’t anyone wake us when Tad and Landon got back? The bus wasn’t supposed to leave with them on it.” Gray asks. His eyes drifting back toward the bunks.

  “They didn’t come back on the bus Gray.” Aiden murmurs into his mug as he sips.

  “What the hell do you mean they didn’t come back Aiden?” I ask as if he just told me the world was flat. “Where else would they go?”

  “Landon called Henry a few hours ago. He said they were going to just drive up to Vegas, grab a hotel or whatever. That they would see us in a couple days.”

  Sliding around Gray, I head straight for the bedroom to grab my phone. I dial Landon’s number which goes straight to voicemail, as if I expected him to answer for me anyway. I listen as his voicemail asks to ‘please leave a message and have a great day’. Then when the beep goes off so do I. “Landon you complete chicken shit! You pull a stunt like that knowing that I would see it. You aren’t as stupid as you want me to believe! You want to punish me for giving your ring back to you then you do that asshole. See you in a couple days. I for one can’t wait.” Hanging up, I toss the phone to the bed.


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