Escaping Me

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Escaping Me Page 21

by Cat Mason

  Gray looks at him as the guys all walk up flanking Grayson in front of me. “You aren’t getting anywhere near her Landon.” Gray says angrily.

  “We can do this here or somewhere else I don’t care Gray. The choice can be yours but I have shit to say. You really do owe me that much brother.” He snaps back.

  “Daisy doesn’t owe you shit but we’ll humor you for now.” Gray exhales. “You meet us at our hotel in an hour. We can talk then.” Landon nods then walks away. Gray turns toward me, pulling me against him. “That bastard isn’t allowed anywhere near her alone got me?” He asks Henry who nods in agreement. “Let’s go. I want to get back to the hotel and get Daisy settled before he shows up.”

  An hour later after Gray has made me change into pajamas and nearly force fed me a bowl of soup there is a knock at the door. Landon walks in with Henry then sits on the couch as far away from us as possible. Protective badass mode places Henry between us. “Alright brother, you said you had things to say. Get to it. Sooner you say it, sooner you’re gone.” Gray says pulling me against him.

  Landon looks horrible. His face is pale and haunted, like he hasn’t slept in days. “Daisy, I never got to explain or even apologize.”

  “I don’t want you to.” I say sadly making his eyes flit to mine in surprise. “You can’t apologize for this Landon. Even if you did I don’t think you’d mean it. It just wasn’t meant to be for us Landon and that’s okay. I’m fine I promise.” Why would he apologize if he loves Tad? If you look at it honestly I was the other woman. I may not have known it at the time but I was. Which explains why Landon never asked me to move in with him, or why I rarely stayed over at his place, it actually clears up a lot.

  “I didn’t know about the videos until the first day on the bus. Tad and I have been together over three years Daisy. I never thought that he could be so…”

  “Sick?” Gray blurts.

  Landon winces at the suggestion. “He was blackmailing me. Tad said that if I slept with Daisy without him while on the tour and he found out he would post all those videos to the band’s fan page. I couldn’t take that chance. I was trying to protect you baby. Protect what I have with both of you. Believe it or not I do love you Daisy.”

  I can’t speak I just nod. “You don’t have anything with her anymore Landon. I still don’t understand why didn’t you tell her or any of us anything?” Gray’s voice is cold.

  “I love him too Gray. I can’t explain it but I do. I need what he gives me. I’m not gay but I’m not straight either. It’s so confusing being me. I get to be one person with Tad. He lets me give all the control to him. Then with Daisy I had the normal. I want both. With the baby…”

  “The baby is mine, Landon. You don’t even get an opinion on that issue.” Gray snaps, glaring at him.

  “Right now you can’t say for sure can you Daisy?” Landon spits back. “Did you use anything with either of us other than your pills?”

  I shake my head as the tears stream down my face. This is what I wanted to avoid. I’m putting brother against brother. That’s something I can’t do. I won’t. “Landon I sent you texts in Vegas then after you agreed to meet me I walked in on that in the suite. If you love me how could you do that? You didn’t use anything with me either. How do I know …”

  Landon’s eyes widen in shock. “I’ve always been careful Daisy. As for my phone, I haven’t had it since the night Cam broke Tad’s nose. I thought I left it at the ER or on the bus. I looked everywhere for it.” He says yanking a hand through his hair, then he sighs loudly. “Tad must have stolen my phone. I can believe he would do that.”

  “Wow some guy you’ve got there Landon.” I huff. Standing to my feet, I take a breath. “Listen Landon, I’m glad you got to explain all of this. I feel a little better knowing you didn’t intentionally do all of this to try and hurt me. I mean you still took me on as the other woman and lied astronomically but it is what it is. You tell Tad that if he uses those videos I’ll have him locked up. Thanks for comin’ by.” I turn to the hallway to leave but he calls out to me.

  “You remember your list? How’s a baby on a tour bus with an unstable rocker fittin’ in with all of that? I know what you want in life Daisy. I love you and I want you. I’ll give up Tad right fuckin’ now. I’ll do anything to be with you and raise that baby. I’ll give you everything Daisy I promise.”

  “Get the fuck out!” Gray roars slamming Landon into the wall. “You come in here and try to make a play for my fuckin’ wife with me standin’ right here? You gave her up!” Gray screams as Henry gets between them shoving Landon toward the door. “You really never had her in the first place if that story is true.”

  Both Landon and Gray shout my name when I run down the hall into the bedroom as the door slams. “Daisy!” Gray calls again from the hallway. He walks into the bedroom where I sit on the end of the bed. The thoughts swirling in my head are making my stomach roll. I want to crawl into bed and never leave. Just hide from it all. I can’t believe what Landon said. He would really walk away from Tad right now for me? For a baby that may or may not even be his? “Don’t go there Wildflower.” Gray pleads kneeling before me. “Don’t think about what he said. You can’t let your head try to escape what we have. You can’t let yourself run back to your old life and that goddamn list just because you’re scared baby.” I shake my head, my tears falling onto his hands as they rest on my still flat belly. “Have you for one minute doubted being with me? Marrying me?”

  I shake my head. “No. I love you Grayson.”

  “Do you know why I hate secrets? One of the very people who kept the truth from me is the one I’ve had to watch hurt you over and over again. I forgave him for what he did to me because we were just kids. But fuck baby what he’s done to you? I can’t just let that go.”

  I look at him in shock. “What do you mean, Landon? He kept the truth from you? About what?”

  “I spent the first ten years of my life thinking that Landon’s father was mine. Our mother was married to him but had an affair with my dad. They all lied and covered it up, even made Landon go along with it. Landon’s father, Greg treated me like shit as long as I can remember. He always called me a bastard then finally one night Greg got drunk and told me everything. He was sick of me. Told me he couldn’t even look at me the bastard hated me that much. So he packed my shit sending me away from everyone I’d ever known to my father who I’d never met. Pops got a note along with a kid he didn’t fuckin’ know existed. That’s also the reason why I don’t give a shit about DNA. This kid is mine because I say so. I fuckin’ love you Daisy. I love this kid more than Landon ever would. Don’t let him fuck with your head. Forget the lists and all the plans you made, it’s time to make our own.”

  I nod then brush my lips over his. “I love you too.” I whisper.

  Lying back on the bed I pull him to me. Gray angles his body so that he isn’t pressing down on my stomach. Trailing kisses down my neck as his hand pushes my shirt up. Gray presses his lips against my stomach, pulling my pants down my legs quickly followed by my panties. Slowly he kisses every inch of my body as he finishes undressing me. Standing, Gray quickly strips his clothes off his body then moves between my trembling legs. His hands gliding up to my hips, those rough fingertips brushing my tattoo. “I’ve got you. I always do.” He whispers as he enters me.

  My arms wrap around his neck pulling him down to meet my lips. Our mouths move together, his tongue mimicing his thrusts as he moves inside me. I wrap my legs around his hips, arching my back to feel every piercing on his ladder run against my inner walls. I can’t believe I even thought for one second I could just walk away from this. I would make the biggest mistake of my life leaving Gray for Landon. Gray was right. Landon never really had me if he was keeping so much from me. I never doubted what I had with Gray once since I let go of my plan and let it happen. I didn’t over think my feelings for him it just felt right.

  Gray’s eyes watching mine as he rolls his hips into me taking m
e over the edge. I cry out his name as I dive head first into my orgasm. My body writhing against his as I ride it out. Gray’s lips brush over mine as he pumps into me, my hand sliding to his chest so that I can feel his heartbeat. He buries his face in my neck. “Fuck you’re the only piece of Heaven I’ll ever need.” He shouts finding his release.

  “Look at me Daisy.” Gray says sweetly. “I don’t deserve you. Nothing about me deserves to have this with you, but I’ll fight like hell to keep you. You are all I want and I’ll never fuckin’ give you up. I can’t go back to life without you now that I’ve had a taste of how it feels to be with you.”

  “I love you too. I’m not going anywhere.” I whisper softly then head into the bathroom to clean up. Once I’ve put on a pair of shorts and a tank top, I brush my teeth then climb into bed and curl up against Gray. Finally letting the weight of the day take me under, I fall asleep in Gray’s arms my hand firmly on his chest.

  BANG BANG BANG “What the hell?” I groan as I sit up in the bed. BANG BANG BANG I turn to see Gray still sleeping beside me. I run up the hallway, fling the door open then burst into tears.

  “Stop with the waterworks pregger I’m here.” Cam says hugging me. I pull her into the room as I begin to tell her everything that happened since Chase hung up on her. “Sweets do you think the baby is Landon’s?” She asks after I finish the whole story.

  “I don’t know. I guess time will tell but I’m not leaving Gray. I can’t do that to either of us.”

  “How’s Aiden?” She asks nervously.

  “He’s fine. Across the hall actually.” I say with a grin.

  Just then there is another knock on the door. I look at Cam who is now wringing her hands in her lap nervously. Standing to my feet, I walk over and open the door. “Hey sorry, I’m looking for Cam.” He says making my jaw drop.

  “Luke?” I ask but I already know the answer. “You came with Cam?”

  He nods. “Yep can’t let my girl fly alone.” Sweetly he looks at Camaron who looks like she is about to faint as she walks over to us. Luke wraps an arm around her kissing her hair as I glare daggers at my friend.

  “Your girl? I hadn’t heard about this.” I say with a laugh just as the door opens across the hall. Oh fuck could this get any worse? Chase walks out into the hall with Hunter arguing about getting pizza followed by Henry.

  “Luke?” Chase says running over to us. “What are you doing here?” She asks arching a brow.

  I watch in slow motion as Aiden walks out of the door looking up from his phone with a blonde alongside him. Cam’s eyes go wide as she shoves out from under Luke’s arm. “What the fuck is this?” Aiden asks his mouth pressing into a hard line. “Is that why you were so worried about me movin’ on Cam, huh? You had to get me settled so you could ease your fuckin’ guilt?” He roars.

  “I…” Cam stutters but nothing comes out when her lips move.

  “Well, let me tell you something you heart tramplin’ bitch! I wasted months of my life thinkin’ you were the one. I’m glad we got this chance to clear the air. You runnin’ from me in Vegas was the best goddamn thing that could’ve ever happened. I can’t wait to fuck you outta my system.” Tears are streaming down Cam’s face as Aiden turns to Hunter. His hand sliding around to grab his new ‘friend’s’ ass. “I think I’ll pass on pizza bro. I’ll eat something here.” Aiden says smiling at Cam then shoves the giggling skank into the suite slamming the door behind him.

  “Twinkies down the fuckin’ hallways Aiden you stupid son of a bitch!” I scream, running over pounding on the door with my fists. “You’re screwing everything up for a groupie bitch’s twat and your damn pride!”

  “We’ll order pizza in.” Henry says. “There’s shit to tend to.” He nods toward our open suite door.

  Cam is sobbing into Luke’s chest as he helps her inside the door to our room. “Luke, why don’t you take her down to the other bedroom? Chase won’t be using it. You two can get some sleep.”

  He nods. “I’ll set her up in there. I have my own room down a couple floors. When I said she was my girl I didn’t mean we were fuckin’ Daisy. She’s been helpin’ me at the shop. With Chase gone so much lately I needed the help with the office shit. I’ve seen her shatter like a damn glass over and over again just at the mention of his name. Don’t even get me started on when Shaft comes on the radio. I came with her hoping that Aiden would put her back together. I was afraid she would chicken out of talkin’ to him. He obviously doesn’t deserve her though.”

  “I can’t go into everything with you Luke but it’s more of a misunderstanding than anything. I just hope that they can come back from this.” I explain. He just nods then lifts Cam into his arms passing Gray in the hallway.

  “Couple questions… One, why the fuck is that tattoo artist guy, Luke, carryin’ Cam down the hall? Two, will someone please tell me why the fuck everyone is partyin’ in my hotel room at two am?” Gray asks looking around the room. “And three, where the hell is Aiden?”

  Chapter Twenty Six


  “So you’re tellin’ me that Aiden is across the hall right now with groupie pussy?” Gray asks slumping down beside me on the sofa.

  “Yes, he freaked when he saw Cam and Luke together. He jumped to conclusions. Cam was so shocked to see him with that chick that she couldn’t speak to set him straight.” Turning, I glare at Hunter. “Who the fuck let that bitch into your room anyway?” I ask.

  “Just a fan.” He shrugs. “She didn’t even try to get anywhere with him. She was hittin’ on Henry.”

  I look over at Henry who just nods. “Big motherfuckin’ misunderstandin’ you called it Daisy. I just hope Aiden doesn’t do something stupid.” He says as Luke walks back up the hallway.

  “I’m gonna go crash. Tell her I’ll be back in the morning. She wants to head home. I gotta book a flight.” He says then walks out the door without waiting for a response.

  “This is bad.” I blurt as I jump up and pace the rug. “This is really bad.”

  “Well how do you suggest we fix it then our sweet pregnant ring leader?” Hunter says with a wicked grin. “I mean you handle your shit so well. Have a go at all of us.”

  “Watch it Cunter.” Gray warns.

  “Well, she doesn’t know who she’s pregnant by. She married you before Landon’s condom dried out. OH wait he didn’t wear one!” Hunter shouts. “Really this is a monumental disaster. Aiden is goin’ to get drunk then wring out that bitch just to hurt Cam. When he sobers up he’ll feel like shit about it. He will fuckin’ spiral worse than we’ve ever seen before! No one is looking at the bigger picture here! I’m goin’ over there.” He says then stomps out the door.

  Running after Hunter I catch him just as he slides the key in the door, flinging it open. “Come on Aiden kiss me.” I hear the chick whine.

  I follow Hunter through the door to see the tacky bitch straddling Aiden on the couch. Aiden turns his face away from her advances. “I’m not puttin’ my mouth on you whore. Get the fuck out.” He says sounding defeated.

  Hunter walks over to the sofa, grabbing her around the waist then shoves her out the door. “He’s not interested, scram.”

  “Aiden…” I whisper.

  Aiden doesn’t meet my eyes he just looks at his phone. He’s staring at a photo he has set as his home screen. A photo of Camaron snuggled up with him in his bunk on the bus. They’re curled together smiling, completely happy. Sitting on the couch beside him, I curl my legs underneath me. “She isn’t with Luke. He just came here because he wanted to make sure she fixed things with you.”

  His eyes jerk to mine. “What?” Jumping up Aiden grabs my hand running past Hunter into the hall. He flies into the suite passing everyone without a word dragging me behind him. “Where?” He asks commandingly and all I can do is point to the closed door. Turning he kisses my cheek then releases my hand. “Thank you.”

  Aiden opens the door but all you can see is the outline of Cam’s trembling body on
the mattress in the moonlight. “Sit up Camaron.” His voice oozing control. Without another word, Aiden closes the door shutting out the entire world.

  Aiden doesn’t come back out before everyone leaves. Gray and I go to bed just as the sun comes up hoping for them to come out and give us some answers or peace of mind. I hear muffled voices and sobbing coming from the room but nothing that lets me know either way if they are getting anywhere. “Sleep baby. It’ll work out.” Gray soothes.

  Hunter’s outburst rings in my ears. I have to figure out how to deal with Landon. If it is his child he has every right to be a part of its life. I can’t deny him that even if I wanted to. What worries me though is if Landon does stay with Tad. Do I want my baby anywhere near someone that malicious? Someone who takes whatever he wants without any feeling for those he hurts in the process. That’s no life for the baby. “Gray?” I call out in the dark. “I need to go to the doctor find out how far along that I am. Maybe we can figure it out then.”

  “I said before it doesn’t matter Wildflower.”

  “Landon isn’t going to give up.” I whisper.

  “He doesn’t have a choice baby, he’s already lost.” He says ending the conversation as I snuggle deeper against him then fall asleep.

  The rolling of my stomach wakes me sometime later. Stumbling from bed, I barely make it into the bathroom before throwing up. “Listen kid, we seriously gotta discuss the fun you’re having with my upchuck button.” I groan leaning my head against the wall. Seriously this sucks ass. It’s like having a stomach bug one minute then being totally fine the next. I’m lying against the wall feeling sorry for myself when I feel him. “You’re watching me.” I mumble not bothering to open my eyes.

  Gray chuckles, his feet padding across the tile getting closer with every step. His hands lifting me to my feet. “Baby.” I open my eyes meeting my gorgeous Sex and Sin head on. Fully naked, pouting out his bottom lip at me. I want nothing more than to bite that bottom lip then run my tongue along it followed by every single inch of him. “Damn.” He groans closing his eyes. “You really need to stop thinking like that. Those thoughts goin’ on in your head are filthy. I want nothing more than to act out every single one of them line by line in vivid detail but we have to check out soon.”


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