An Oath Taken

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An Oath Taken Page 17

by Diana Cosby

  “Please.” She trembled as she took a step toward him. “I must know what you have done with him.”

  He took a drink of wine, swallowed. “He is alive.”

  Her shoulders sagged with relief. “My thanks.”

  “Did you think I had set off in a jealous rage and killed him?”

  The flush on her cheeks confirmed his suspicions, but the reality of his answer stunned him. What would he have done to the man if indeed he had been her lover? He would like to believe that he would have made the prudent decision, but with what Elizabet made him feel, he couldn’t be sure. Never had anyone laid siege to his heart with such fierce abandon.

  His heart?

  Stunned, he stared at her indisbelief. The emotional turmoil of the past weeks, the reason for his confusion, and for his private upheaval became perfectly clear.

  God’s teeth, he loved her.

  No wonder he’d all but gone insane! Under normal circumstances he would have recognized the signs and would have pursued the natural course in courting her. Except, naught had been normal between them from the start.

  And what did she feel for him? From her heated response at the water, she wanted him as well. But did her desire equal love? Needing to know, he set the goblet aside and stepped toward her.

  The intensity of Nicholas’s gaze shook her confidence, and Elizabet took a step back. So caught up in trying to find Giric, she’d nae considered the ramifications of being alone with a man in his chamber.

  Nae just any man, but a man to whom his word was everything, a man whose trust she’d used, and a man whom she loved with all of her heart but could never have.

  Nicholas’s eyes roamed over her body, devouring, igniting need wherever they lingered, then his gaze lifted to hers.

  Heat consumed her. Each breath was a feat unto itself. Elizabet struggled to bring her mutinous emotions in check. Except, how could she love him and push him away? As if considering the circumstance she had another choice? “Giric is—”

  “Not the issue.”

  Nerves shooting through her, she backed up; the sturdy door halted her retreat.

  Nicholas advanced another step. “We are. You—I. No one else.”

  She shuddered, more than aware of that fact, but needing to discover her brother’s whereabouts. “Have you locked him in the dungeon?”

  He closed the distance and placed a hand on the door on either side of her head, trapping her. His warm breath fell across her cheek, slid down her face to caress her lips.

  Tension sizzled between them.

  Heat ignited within. How she wanted him. “Where is he?”

  Nicholas searched her face and his eyes softened. “Terrick and I came to an . . . agreement.” He gave a frustrated sigh. “I had not planned on telling you, and God knows you do not deserve to be let off so easy, but I released him.”

  Giric was free! Elation swept her, then she paused. “And the others imprisoned?”

  “Once they are well enough to travel, they will be released.”

  Relief spiraled through her and she almost wept. “My thanks.”

  His face hovered inches from hers. Steel-gray eyes pulsed with desire.

  With her fears for her brother and people extinguished, the last of her resistance fell away. After everything she’d done, the humiliation she’d subjected him to, then for him to release her brother and men unharmed, how could she nae love him, or want him with her every breath?

  Her father’s constant rejections that she’d endured throughout her life splintered her thoughts. How many years had she tried to win his love, a token of his affection, and her each attempt to please him disappointing him further? And Giric, he loved her. Of that she had no doubt. But how many times throughout the years had she incited her brother’s temper and disappointed him as well?

  Reality smothered her desire. With her headstrong ways, ’twould be a matter of time before she served the same to Nicholas, and she’d already disappointed him enough.

  She refused to hurt him further.

  As if any of this mattered? With the threat for her brother and people over, she must leave.

  Nicholas cupped her chin, startling her from her thoughts. The pad of his thumb skimmed over her lips, rough against soft, tempting against forbidden.

  She gasped at the intimacy, aware she must go.

  “Tell me what you feel. What you want.”

  His whispered words devoured her in a quiet hush, and her heart thrilled. Yet, even her fondest wish would be denied. “Nicholas, I—I canna.”

  His eyes softened as if he could see straight to her soul, and his sultry smile devastated her further. He lowered his head and his mouth grazed over hers in a quiet assault. “Make love with me, Elizabet.”

  Heat slid through her. “You do nae understand.” Mary Mother of God, he thought Giric was her lover!

  His powerful hands joined in the torturous seduction, gliding along her shoulders then down her arms to capture her hands. He lifted her right hand, palm up to his mouth. “Then deny me.” Watching her, he kissed the sensitive skin, then moved to press his lips against the tip of each finger. “Tell me this is a lie.”

  Elizabet opened her mouth to speak, to deny him the intimacy that would join them, yet destroy them in the end. Words failed her.

  Threading his fingers through hers, he clasped them together in a gentle embrace. Lifting her hands, he secured them against the door, palm to palm.

  The air around them pulsed. Her head grew light, her body molten. She struggled to explain, ashamed when she could nae find the words, more so that she would wish that this moment would last forever. She dropped her gaze and shook her head.

  He caught her chin and lifted it until their eyes met. “From the first moment there was something about you, an unexplainable need,” Nicholas rasped. “All I wanted was to protect you. Yet, with each day, I wanted something more. Now, aware you are a woman, I realize I wanted this.” His mouth covered hers, lazily roaming with a predatory grace designed to destroy.

  When her body’s trembling grew, when his kiss deepened until she gave in to her needs and was kissing him back, he broke the kiss.

  Fierce hunger darkened his eyes. “I thought I was going insane.”

  Guilt swept her. “I never meant to confuse you.”

  “I know.” He took her lips, teasing, taking, and seducing her with his every touch. “Open for me.”

  She couldna do this to him. Didna he understand? Had she nae hurt him enough? But with her heart ready to burst, she gave in to her foolish need and welcomed him, gasping with pleasure as his tongue entwined with her own. At some point he’d released her hands, but exactly when she wasna sure. All she knew is that now, with her fingers woven through his hair and drawing him closer, she was kissing him back, and wanted this man with all of her heart.

  As his body tangled with desperate need, and her ragged breaths matched his, Nicholas tried to slow the pace, but as Elizabet writhed beneath his touch, her innocent assault destroyed his every defense. That she wanted him, that he could have her now, here, was obvious. But after everything between them, if they made love, with her an innocent, the choice would be hers.

  Through sheer will, he broke the kiss.

  Confusion glazed her emerald eyes as her lips, swollen from his kisses, parted in silent question.

  He searched her face, fighting to ignore his body’s demands. What mattered now was her. “I—I want to make love with you,” he said on an unsteady breath. “But ‘twill be because you want me, too.”

  In answer, she pressed her body against his. “I want you with my every breath.”

  Humbled by her precious gift, Nicholas swept her into his arms and carried her to his bed. Firelight danced in Elizabet’s eyes as he laid her before him, woman and temptress. “I want to touch you, all of you.”

  With a nervous smile, she lifted her hand and smoothed her fingers along his jaw. “I want to touch you as well.”

  Her throaty words
left him trembling, wanting to please her, to show her with his hands what he felt in his heart. “ ’Tis safest if you let me.”

  Elizabet’s throat worked, then she nodded.

  With reverence he combed his fingers through her raven hair, savoring the silken strands, all the while marveling at the woman before him. “You are beautiful.” The blush sweeping up her cheeks enhanced her erotic appeal, then her eyes darkened and her lips parted in soft invitation. On a groan he knelt over her and caught her mouth in a tender kiss.

  She tasted of wine and need, of gentleness and a desperation that matched his own. His hard-won control slid another inch.

  “Nicholas,” she whispered as she wrapped her fingers around his neck and drew him closer, her kiss urgent.

  On a shaky breath, he removed her tunic followed by her linen shirt. The swell of her breasts curved proudly before him. “You are beautiful.” Eager to taste, he wove lazy circles until his tongue reached the ruby nub.

  With a moan she arched against him.

  Need thrummed through him as he moved with painful slowness, drawing out both their pleasures.

  A light breeze of summer, rich with the scent of flowers, wove around them as he edged down to the flat of her stomach, nibbling a sultry path. Then he knelt and slipped the last of her garments free.

  Golden light from the hearth shimmered across her body as he skimmed his hands over her breasts then down the slender curves of her waist to the wedge of downy curls. He marveled at her innocent pleasure, humbled by the completeness of her giving. How had he believed that he could exist without her? He was a fool. Any doubts Elizabet held about this nae being right, about ever wanting to leave him, he would erase now.

  She gasped as he slid his hand to cup her, then her eyes darkened with pleasure.

  Wanting more, he slid his finger inside her slick warmth and kissed her inner thigh, tasting, teasing as he slowly moved up. Elizabet arched under him, her urgent gasps fueling him as he focused on his erotic task. His body ached, but he would wait for his own pleasure. In this as all things, her needs would come first.

  She arched as his mouth reached her apex, and he dipped his tongue inside to taste.

  A shiver swept over Elizabet, then another. Her body began to convulse. Nicholas slid his tongue deeper, and she fell over the edge. A rainbow of reds, yellows, and whites exploded in her mind as she fought for control.


  Then her body was floating, drifting back to reality. The thrill of her release pulsed through her as Nicholas trailed kisses up her flesh, touching, tasting, as if he could never have enough. Tears filled her eyes at the depth of this man, the beauty of his soul, and this gift he’d given her. How could she have thought to deny him?

  “You are amazing,” he whispered as his lips skimmed over her sweat-slicked body, again stroking the fire inside. When he again took her mouth, she returned his demand, her taste and his melding in a sultry blend.

  A shudder raced through her, then another. “Please,” she begged, empowered by his actions, curious to learn more. She arched against him and his hardness wedged against her slick wetness. She stilled.

  “I will never hurt you,” Nicholas whispered, his eyes dark with promise, his voice filled with tenderness.

  And she understood. With him it would always be her choice. Warmth filled her. “I know.”

  “Elizabet.” Her name came out in a needy sigh, erasing her doubts. He nibbled along her lower lip and pressed his length a degree deeper into her slick warmth. He drew back. On a bold thrust, he slid deep, stilled.

  The expected pain never came.

  Worry darkened his gaze. “Are you feeling well?”

  She gave him a tender smile. “Aye.”

  “This time, ’twill be for us both.”

  With slow strokes he filled her, and her body melted, burned beneath his every drive. She gasped at the rightness of it, the feel. Engulfed by the sensual bliss, she matched his every move. The world raced around her in a violent frenzy. Heaven and earth collided as the first wave of her release wrapped around her in a dizzying assault. She gasped his name as the next rush consumed her.

  Their eyes locked.

  “Elizabet!” He thrust deep.

  Tremors racked her body as his warmth spilled into her, and again her body spun out of control.

  Slowly, ever so slowly, she drifted back. Sated, she watched his breathing become steady, his pupils focus, but beneath it all was love.

  With a tender smile, Nicholas rolled to the side, and drew her into his embrace.

  “I love you.” The words slipped free before she had a chance to recall them.

  His eyes darkened with tenderness.

  And she saw it, the return of her love. Oh God, what had she done? Before he could return the declaration she never should have disclosed, she pressed her mouth against his.

  On a groan he pulled her against him until their bodies merged as one. His tender kiss became urgent, seducing. Thankful to have detoured the catastrophe his pledge would have evoked, she released her inhibitions and savored what fate would deny.

  The first rays of sunlight streamed into the window, gliding across Elizabet’s body like a lover’s touch. She sighed, then became aware of the arm draped possessively over her waist, and the very male hand cupping her breast.

  Throughout the night, the hours they’d made love, the intensity, the tenderness of his passion, stole her breath. Passion, she’d tasted it, would forever hold in her dreams. Lips nuzzled against her neck and a slow smile curved her lips.

  “Mmmmm . . .” He nibbled her ear. “I thought ’twas but a wish, but none could be as enchanting as you.”

  She turned toward him, the love shining in his eyes matching her own. A desperate need seared her, and her hand trembled as she smoothed her fingers across his cheek then along the rough stubble of his jaw. “Make love to me, Nicholas.” On a thick groan, he drew her to him. He pressed soft kisses against her neck as he cupped her breast. “After last night, you will be sore. ’Tis best if we wait.”

  Need, powerful, demanding, ripped through her. “Now, take me, please.”

  “Never would I hurt you.”

  Tenderness filled her. “You willna.”

  In a swift move, he rolled on top of her. His eyes holding hers, he sank deep.

  She arched against him, and his slow strokes drove her insane. On a cry, she climaxed, and he spilled into her, claimed her mouth and swallowed her cries of pleasure.

  Their bodies slicked with sweat, and their breaths ragged from exertion, she let the tremors roll through her. They were one, bonded by the heart, by a forbidden love. Though only one night, she would hold this memory forever. How could she consider more?

  Coldness swept her at the memories of her father’s bitter words of his nae wanting her. How many times had she foolishly tried to earn his praise, only to be curtly dismissed? Hurt couldna begin to describe the torment, the daring to try to earn his love only to be shunned over and again. And her people locked within Ravenmoor Castle’s dungeon. How many had died, including her father, before she could intervene? Then, ’twas Nicholas’s fairness, nae her, that let them live. Giric was right. She should have left. Her being here had changed naught, and she’d failed again.

  Elizabet swallowed hard. However much she loved Nicholas, she was nae worthy of such a man. ’Twas best if she leave. He would find another woman, one who wasna damaged, one who could love him in return as he deserved.

  The bells of Lauds tolled, melding with the call of the birds on this summer morning.

  She wished this moment could last forever, but it was already too late. He had his duties, and her own path lay before her.

  A life without him.

  “I must get up,” Nicholas said without conviction.

  And she must leave. To remain would be the greatest of mistakes.

  He pressed a soft kiss upon her lips, a kiss filled with the promise of many more. Though sated but tender, her body
responded with a fierce urgency.

  Ignorant of her emotional strife, he pulled away and stood with a lazy stretch. Sunlight shimmered across his muscled frame, the body of a highly trained knight, the body of her lover, and the body that had pleasured her many times throughout the night.

  His soft chuckle made her glance up.

  “Do not look at me like that,” he half-growled as he began to harden.

  Sadness filled her at how easy it was to be with Nicholas, at the possibilities ahead of them. What was she thinking? He believed he loved her, but he knew her naught. Making love didna equate to a lifetime of happiness. Time would expose her weaknesses, those her father so readily pointed out. Before that happened, she would be gone. But, she had this night, one she would cherish.

  “Like what?” She gave a provocative stretch, well aware of the lust-filled battle he fought to control, pleased it was she who incited it.

  He strode to the tub. With a grumble he sat in the water, cursed its coolness.

  Loving how comfortable he made her feel to be with him, she moved from the bed and walked to stand behind him. “Let me scrub you.” She reached for the soap, and he caught her hand. The silky lather oozed between their fingers.

  His eyes, already darkening with promise, held hers. Surprise then realization spread over his face. “ ’Twas you that night!”

  “What?” she questioned with exaggerated innocence, aware of the night he referred to. How could she ever forget? ’Twas their first kiss.

  “The night I was drunk. I believed that I had kissed a woman and ’twas—” At her delighted laugh, he drew her to him, his punishment tender and sweet. Water sloshed between them like a velvet caress, the combination of soap and man lethal.

  Enjoying playing the intimacy of this moment, she splayed her fingers over his chest, reveling in the texture, firm against the downy soft hair. She slipped beneath the water’s edge.

  His eyes narrowed as he caught a lock of hair and drew her slowly to him. “Be careful, or I will plunder your body without remorse.”


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