A is for Amazon - Claiming Sydney

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by Serenity King

  A is for Amazon - Claiming Sydney

  Claiming Sydney


  Serenity King

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  Claiming Sydney Copyright© 2011 Serenity King

  Cover Artist: Shara Azod

  Editor: Lacynda Hill

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews. This is a work of fiction. All references to real places, people, or events are coincidental, and if not coincidental, are used fictitiously. All trademarks, service marks, registered trademarks, and registered service marks are the property of their respective owners and are used herein for identification purposes only. eBooks are NOT transferable. Re-selling, sharing or giving eBooks is a copyright infringement.

  A is for Amazon - Claiming Sydney

  Chapter One

  Sydney Green stepped off the plane at the Caracas airport and passed through customs. Good thing her passport was current, or her longtime friend, Gabriella Acosta-Garcia, would’ve been shit-out-of-luck. Why she’d let Gabriella talk her into flying out for a visit was beyond her. Sydney snickered, of course she knew, she could never begrudge Gabriella anything. Besides it wasn’t every day that one turned thirty. Apparently, a thirtieth birthday party warranted the presence of her best friend.

  She and Gabriella had owned Hearts Desires, an event coordination business, before Sydney had brought Gabriella out a year ago when Gabriella had been reacquainted with her childhood sweetheart, and then had gotten married and moved to South America, to a place right outside of Venezuela.

  The last time Sydney was here it had been for Gabriella’s wedding; an elaborate event with well over three hundred and fifty family and friends in attendance.

  “Welcome back, Señorita Green.”

  Sydney was startled out of her reminiscing by the sexy familiar voice. Whipping her head around, she was face-to-face with the one person she’d hoped to avoid as much as possible during her short stay, Fabian Acosta, Gabriella’s brother. Oh my damn. He was still fine as hell. Her nipples instantly hardened at the sight of him.

  “Fabian,” she whispered breathlessly.

  He nodded, causing a thick lock of his hair to fall forward across his brow.

  “Sí,” he replied, in a thick accent that made her body tingle all over. “I see you have not forgotten my name. No?”

  Sydney frowned up at him, meeting his blue-eyed stare. “Of course I remember your name. Why wouldn’t I?” she asked.

  With a shrug of his broad shoulders, he replied. “You tell me.”

  Sydney’s eyes narrowed into slits. Fabian had a knack for talking in circles. She knew that part of it was the language barrier and part was that he was just arrogant as hell.

  Nos vamos a hablar más tarde, Sydney.” he replied in rapid Spanish. “Be sure of that. Gabriella awaits her friend. Come.”

  Sydney’s breath caught in her chest. “We shall talk later,” he’d said. Sydney spoke Spanish, but not as fluently as the Natives. Nevertheless, she could hold her own in a conversation.

  “Is this the only luggage you have?” he asked, retrieving her suitcase and her carryall from her.

  “Yes,” she replied.

  “The heli is waiting. I am piloting today. If you’re ready, we shall get on the way,” he said in broken English, turning to walk towards the helicopter.

  Sydney watched his back as he walked away. Long, wavy black hair fell down to his neck, almost reaching his shoulders. God, she remembered running her fingers through the silken mane; his dark head between her thighs as she rode his face. Her body shivered involuntarily just thinking about the many times he’d brought her pleasure—in so many different ways. Her last stay had been for three weeks as she and Gabriella prepared for her wedding. Two out of those three weeks she’d been in Fabian’s bed. A one-time fling she’d believed. She’d thought of him often. Now, being this close to him, she knew that she was still very much attracted to him.

  Sydney was so far gone in her thoughts of Fabian she hadn’t realized they’d reached the helicopter.

  Fabian helped her board then stowed away her luggage and strapped her in her seat. Sydney held her breath as his hand slightly skimmed across her breast causing her nipples to harden more as she inhaled the scent of his cologne. Oh my damn. She was in a world of trouble.

  “I know how much you hate small planes Sydney. I promise to get you to the Villa safe and sound, Mi Amor,” he said, as he placed a kiss on her brow. He then returned to the front of the small plane to take the pilot’s seat

  Sydney’s lips parted in shock. Had he just called her “my love?” She watched as he buckled-up, put on an ear-piece, and click a few buttons, and the next thing she heard was the sound of the helicopter’s propellers preparing for take-off.

  Sydney’s body stiffened at the first sign of take-off. Something she’d often done when riding in a small aircraft. Once they were in the sky she’d relax a little.

  “Relax, Sydney. I promise to arrive safely,” she heard him say from the cockpit, which wasn’t far from her.

  Instead of answering, Sydney turned her head to look out the window. She loved looking at the greenery of the Island. Taking a deep breath she briefly closed her eyes to relax. The ride to the private property would be short, only about fifteen to twenty minutes in length.

  “I am surprised you come back, no,” Fabian said.

  Still, Sydney said nothing. She preferred not to go there with Fabian today. She knew she’d played the coward when she’d left and not returned any of his calls. Sydney thought it best to make a clean break. Long distance relationships never worked. As she’d said to him before, her family, friends, and business were in the states. She’d worked too hard to build her business just to leave it. Besides, although she loved South America, she couldn’t envision herself living here all year long.

  “You prefer giving me the silent treatment, Mí Sydney,” He said in his sexy voice that always made her pussy throb and gush cream. She closed her legs tightly together as if to stop the flow of her arousal and was rewarded with a chuckle from Fabian. The arrogant ass knew she was aroused. He’d always known when her body was aroused. Wasn’t too hard to guess, since her body responded to his whenever they were in the same vicinity. Lust, that’s what it was; pure unadulterated lust.

  Sydney knew she’d better say something or he’d go on and on. She needed to catch her bearings before dealing with him and that required at least a two-hour nap. She’d had an event last night and hadn’t gotten to bed until two o’clock in the morning and had to be up at six for her flight.

  “Not now, Fabian. I’m too tired to get into this with you,” she said softly.

  “You will rest and then we will talk. Sí?” he said in a barely controlled voice.

  Although his words were phrased as a question, Sydney knew that they were a promise. She’d picked up on the edge in his voice and knew that he was angry. “Oh, well, his problem, not hers,” she murmured as she continued to gaze out the window admiring the view.

  A is for Amazon - Claiming Sydney

  Chapter Two

  Fabian fought hard to bring his overactive libido under control. Seeing her again evoked all kinds of emotions within him. He’d been happy, angry, and aroused all at once. Sydney was the only woman that’d had that kind of effect on him—both then, and now. He ima
gined that she always would.

  After Sydney had left, he’d tried contacting her through her business only to be told constantly that she wasn’t around. After a while, he’d given up. Family business and pressures had kept him from going after her. If he was true to himself he would have to admit that his pride had also been bruised. He’d never chased a woman in his life. They’d always flocked around him. Prestige, power, and money afforded one great things materially. Anything else was a toss-up.

  From the time he’d first met her…he’d been instantly attracted to her. At the time he thought her too young. He was twenty-five, she was only eighteen and in university. That’s where she and Gabriella had met—at the university. Gabriella had insisted on being educated in the states and not some fancy college either, as she’d put it. No, she wanted to lead a normal life. Much to his papa’s dismay, he’d eventually caved in and let her go.

  The next time he’d seen Sydney was three years later when he’d gone to the states on business. As before, his pulse sped up at the sight of her bright smile and dark eyes. Unfortunately, at that time she was involved with someone. Fabian had disliked the young man at first glance. But what could he do? Nothing. He was at least six years her senior and at the time the age gap seemed wide. Now, he didn’t care, he was claiming her as his and to hell with anyone who disagreed.

  Fabian had worked himself ragged to put his business affairs in order so that he could go after her. This birthday celebration was initiated by him and Gabriella’s husband Rafael. He’d spoken to Rafael about what he’d wanted to do and had sworn him to secrecy with Gabriella and other family members. Having business acquisitions in the states, Rafael had put him in contact with all of the right people and resources available to him. Of course, he could have done it himself, but then his brothers and other family members would have known what he was up to. Everything was in place. He’d just needed this opportunity to see if she was still attracted to him in any way. Confirming that she was…she was his.

  Fabian prepared the plane for landing. A few minutes later, he landed on his private landing strip. Sydney didn’t know it yet, but the villa she’d be staying at was his. She would know soon enough. Cutting the engine, he got up and made his way towards Sydney. She’d fallen asleep just that quickly. Knowing that his men would be there to take care of the copter and the luggage, he quietly unbuckled her seatbelt and lifted her in his arms. He was tall so he’d had to bend a little. She stirred as he lifted her.

  “Wh—where are we?” Sydney asked disoriented.

  “Relax, Mí Amor, we are taking the car to the villa,” he whispered as he descended the plane.

  Sydney lifted her head from his chest and looked around. “Oh,” she said and tucked her head beneath his chin, relaxing against him.

  “Hola, Señor,” Pablo said smiling and, at the same time, opening the door of the jeep.

  “Hola, Pablo. The lady is tired,” he said, placing Sydney in the backseat and strapping the seatbelt around her. “I will sit in back with her.”

  “Sí, Señor.”

  More awake now than before, Sydney was embarrassed that Pablo had seen Fabian carrying her. She blushed when she caught the small smile that played around his mouth.

  “You blush beautifully, Sydney,” Fabian whispered for her ears only. “Do not be embarrassed. Pablo is discreet. He will not tell I carried you. Although I do not care who knows, I am aware that you are a very private person.”

  Sydney made the mistake of looking into his deep blue eyes, covered by long thick lashes and was lost.

  “Keep looking at me like that Mí Amor and I will not be held responsible for what I will do,” he said huskily.

  She quickly turned her head away from him, which garnered a chuckle from Fabian. Oh, brother this was going to be the longest-shortest trip she’d ever taken. Sydney sighed, folded her hands in her lap, and looked out of the window. She wished he’d stop calling her his love. The endearment was for long-time lovers or people in love, of which they were neither.

  She noticed that the road started off kind of bumpy, but after a while it smoothed out. There seemed to be no one else on this stretch of road other than them. She frowned, thinking that the last time she was here there was more traffic. Come to think of it she didn’t remember this scenery either. Granted she hadn’t been here in a year’s time, but she doubted things had changed that much.

  “Are we going to the villa?” she asked.

  “Sí,” he responded.

  “Funny, I don’t remember taking this route the last time I was here,” she commented.

  “Gabriella was not married then. You stayed at my parents’ home on your last visit.”

  “Oh, yeah. I can’t wait to see Gabby or her new home. The last time I was here it was being built.”

  “I am sure she will be happy to see you too,” he murmured.

  Neither said anything more until they pulled onto a road that led to the most beautiful house that Sydney had ever envisioned.

  “Oh, wow, this is absolutely gorgeous,” she said in awe, taking in all the greenery, the body of water surrounding the property, and a house that looked as though it belonged on the cover of Better Homes and Gardens magazine. She couldn’t wait to see the inside.

  As soon as the jeep came to a stop, she unbuckled, pushed the door open, and stood beside the jeep. She shaded her eyes with her hands as she stood motionless admiring the view.

  “I take it you like,” he asked her, clearly amused by her show of excitement.

  “Of course I do. Who wouldn’t? Gabriella did well,” she commented. “I’m so jealous,” giggled. “This isn’t a home. It’s a small island—a beautiful island.”

  “Don’t be. Come, let’s go inside,” he said, taking her by the hand and leading her inside.

  A is for Amazon - Claiming Sydney

  Chapter Three

  Sydney had no choice but to trail behind him and Pablo as they lead the way. She found it strange that her friend was not there to meet her. As excited as Gabriella was about seeing her, she was very surprised she wasn’t around to greet her and was even more astonished when Fabien reached in his pocket, extracted a key, and opened the door. Well, stunned would have been a better word.

  “Come Mí Amor,” he said, then turned to Pablo, relieving him of her bags. “Gracias, Pablo I will take it from here.”

  “Sí,” he responded and turned and left.

  “Fabian, where’s Gabriella?” she asked reluctantly. She had a sneaky suspicion that this was not her friend’s home.

  “I would imagine her to be home with her husband,” he smirked. “Would you prefer to survey the grounds now or would you like a nap first?”

  “Survey grounds? A nap? Fabian whose home is this?” she asked, knowing the answer before she asked. She hoped she was wrong.

  “It is my home. Whose home did you think it was?” he asked arrogantly. He knew damn well she’d thought she was going to Gabriella’s place.

  “Why am I not at Gabriella’s? Why did you bring me here?” she stormed.

  “You are not at Gabriella’s because you are here, and you are here because this is where I want you to be,” he said with a wave of his hand.

  “You pompous ass, how dare you bring me here without my consent and then act all nonchalant about it,” she cried. “Gabriella awaits her friend,” she mimicked.

  He was looking at her as if he hadn’t understood a word she’d said. So she repeated herself in Spanish only with a bit more colorful phrases, which only caused him to double over with laughter.

  “Come on, Mí Amor, you are not as angry as youappear to be,” he said in Spanish, closing the small distance between them and tweaking her nipple through her very thin blouse. “These give you away. Come let me show you where you will sleep, and you can change into something more comfortable. I want to show you something.”

  She made to protest, but he covered her lips with his finger. “Not now, Mí Amor, we will discuss later, Sí,
” he said, replacing his finger with his lips.

  His lips took hers in a searing kiss. Her arms automatically reached up and wound around his neck. Her fingers combed through his hair as she felt his hands grasp her by the hips and pull her more firmly into him, eliciting a moan from deep within her. He extracted his lips from hers, leaving her gasping for air.

  “Not now Mí Amor. Soon. I need to show you something first or I won’t be able to later. Trust me, when I finally get back inside of you neither one of us will be going anywhere for a very long time,” he breathed against her lip, then turning to pick up her cases, “Come, let me show you where you can change. Put on something very light. You might consider a swimsuit as it will be humid where I am taking you.”

  He led her to a room that, from the mere size of it and the furniture in it, she had no doubt was his. She felt his arm wrap around her from behind.

  “Sí, Mí Amor you will share my room and my bed,” he whispered against her neck. “There is a dressing room off to the right. Everything you need is in here. I will leave you now to acclimate yourself to your surroundings and change. I’ll give you a few moments alone, then, ready or not, I am coming for you.” With that, he turned and left the room, closing the door behind him.

  She picked up her cases from where Fabian had left them and made quick work of taking out her swim suit, removing her clothes, and changing into the suit. She’d have time to admire the beauty of the room later. Now, she needed to get dressed before Fabian walked in and found her naked or she wouldn’t be seeing anything today but the ceiling in this room.

  A is for Amazon - Claiming Sydney

  Chapter Four

  Like clockwork, Fabian was back to collect her ten minutes later. He’d changed into a pair of loose fitting draw-string pants with nothing underneath and no shirt. What the hell was the point of putting on pants if all of his stuff was showing anyway? she asked herself. Knowing him as she did, he’d probably done it for the merely to see her flustered, and flustered she was. She’d had a hard time keeping her eyes from straying to his very prominent cock.


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