The Pike_Evermore

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The Pike_Evermore Page 12

by Erik Schubach

  I lowered my head to speak in her ear as I slid my cell back into my pocket, “Devon.”

  She looked up at me with wide eyes, and I shrugged and explained, “I'm being the person they expect me to be since they took you away from me.” I shrugged. “I got Devon doing pointless tasks night and day until he begs for a transfer.”

  She looked at me gape jawed and shocked, incredulity on her face. Then she showed her feisty side and grinned and said, “You're an evil, evil woman, Nala Dupree.”

  I inclined my head in imperial thanks then chuckled as she squeed and giggled when I spun her onto the dance floor near the stage, and then started dancing with the girl who was occupying all my thoughts lately. I found I was sad that this wasn't a slow song, where I could hold her near and let her know through my actions, the words I couldn't get the balls to say.

  But as fate would have it, the song was full of energy and joy and excitement like most of Amber LaLanie's songs, this one, Potatoes, was no different and was one of my favorites. I was lost in the sight of Karmin dancing in front of me. Her moves were so smooth and provocative and innocent all at the same instant. Fuckin' space llamas on a paper plate, was I getting turned on.

  By the end of the song, I was having more fun than I have had in my life, dancing, laughing and singing with a pixie who didn't seem to have a care in the world. How I envied that. And I swear it was a thousand degrees in there as we tried to outdo each other with seductive dance moves.

  We only returned to our table to rest when we got winded every few songs, and we shut that fuckin' place down. Sorry, a little Na Na slipped through there. We had barely spoken a word the whole night as I kept Karmin smiling as much as I could. Dancing made her smile and made that same popular, and confident girl I remembered from school shine through... so I danced her ass off so her smile would never leave.

  I made sure to misdirect Devon a time or two when we sat to catch our breath and wet our whistles.

  Kar held me captive with her hazel eyes the entire night. She looked like she was on the verge of asking something but never voiced it.

  When last call was announced near two, the last song started up... a slow song. Karmin sighed and laid her head on my chest as I just sort of rocked, laying my head on hers, taking in her subtle scent. I smiled at Megan as she caught our attention from nearby on the dance floor.

  She gave us a thumbs up as she danced slowly with Tammy and Rhonda snuggled into either shoulder. I inclined my head at her as I internally cocked an eyebrow. Was she poly? Rhonda looked like she was in heaven, and that made me smile.

  Then I moved my head back a bit as Karmin looked up at me, her eyes questing and her smile gone. My heart stuttered. Had I done something wrong? When I'm not the sarcastic headstrong version of myself, I was pretty socially inept according to Maddie.

  Then my heart started beating again as she almost whispered over the soft music, “Nala? Is this a... date?”

  Yes, no, I don't know. Good lord, I was a mess, and all I wanted to do was scream at the top of my lungs, “Yes!” But with her I was the awkward girl in the lunchroom, drinking her grape juice while I studied so that I could live out my mother's dreams.

  Fuck that shit, I was also my own creation, I was Na Na fuckin' Evermore. I pulled on her confidence, and I looked down at the woman who was rapidly becoming my whole universe that night and said with a slight smirk, “You've got something on your lips.”

  She furrowed her brow at my apparent redirection, and she looked disappointed when she asked, “What?”

  I leaned down and said, “That would be my lips...” as I gave her a whispering kiss, barely brushing our lips. It was thrilling, terrifying, and electric. I held my breath as I pulled back slightly. Her eyes were glassy and her smile almost drunken as she leaned up to recapture my lips.

  Every cell in my body was on fire with want, longing, and need as I kissed back greedily. Humpty Dumpty in a frying pan, I was kissing Kitty K-Hue! The girl I wished I could be in school. My toes curled in my boots as I smiled into her kiss.

  I never wanted the moment to end after we ended the kiss and she laid her head back on my chest. She murmured, “Kuso. All you had to do was say 'yes,'” as the song ended, and I tipped my head back and laughed in a mirth I haven't felt since I was young.

  I looked down at her, biting my tongue as I said, “And she's funny too.”

  She blushed then I showed mercy and dragged her to our table to retrieve our things and don our leather jackets. The club was already half empty as people had started bailing like rats abandoning a sinking ship, hoping to beat the mad tangle the exodus would surely be making of the parking lot.

  I had to dampen my libido as I glanced at the object of my affection, who was biting her lower lip as she looked at me with a touch of wonder in her eyes. The same wonder I'm sure was reflected in mine.

  I offered a hand and was quite pleased when she took it and laced out fingers. Then I froze when she reached up with her other hand and gently extracted my tail from under my shirt and let it fall back down along my back, to my waist.

  Then she looked far too cute, bashful, and innocent as she looked at her feet. Ok, I could let my hair down for her. That was almost unfair, I could almost imagine cat ears on her she was being so mischievous and adorable.

  I hugged her to me, and we left the club, waving at Minnie as we went past. There was only a lone cameraman at the far corner of the lot aiming his lens toward us. The others had called it a night. Then I slowed to a stop, causing Karin to look up. “What is it?”

  I grinned down at her, wiggling my brows and admitted, “I just realized I sent my posse packing. I have no way home.”

  Then I grinned like a predator and said, “Unless I call Devon to get me.”

  She giggled and slapped my arm. “You are incorrigible and far too evil at times. I almost feel sorry for the boy.”

  I winged an eyebrow at the 'almost.'

  Then she rolled her eyes at me and said, “I have a car you know. I think we can manage.”

  She admitted then with a bashful blush and shrug of her shoulders as she looked at our clasped hands. “Besides, it would give us time to talk.”

  Why was my mohawk bobbing in my vision? Oh, it was because I was nodding dumbly. Anything to be in her company just one moment longer. I dreaded when the night ended, and I turned back into a pumpkin, consumed by the renovation and work.

  I let her drag me across the street to an almost abandoned lot at the Spartan and up to her car. Ok, it wasn't a tiny convertible, or pastel clown car, like my evil imagination conjured, it was a smaller sport SUV. Though I couldn't hide my grin when I saw a JiJi cat bobblehead on the dash through the windshield.

  She saw my notice and just gave me a toothy grin. Then we hopped in, and we were on our way. I rested a hand on the console between the chairs with a little hope in my heart. I was rewarded when one of her hands drifted down from the wheel to clasp mine. She had that same hopeful fear on her face as she refused to look at me until I started stroking the side of her hand with my thumb.

  It is like the entire vehicle sighed in relief and our smiles came back, full force, as we started talking about our lives with each other.

  Again I reflected upon the fact that I never wanted the night to end.

  Chapter 11 – Sacked

  I spun around, hugging myself, trying to wipe the silly smile off my face. I glanced in the mirror and tried to will the smile away, but it was impossible. I heard Nala on the other side of the bathroom wall in her sleeping area, getting ready for the day.

  I should be beyond tired, we had talked on her sofa until after four AM. Well mostly talking between makeout sessions that were far more tender than I thought Nala could be with her Na Na persona coloring her actions so much. Instead, I felt energized.

  I fell asleep on her sofa while we talked about how different our childhoods were, and how our parents had influenced each of our decisions. I realized that she never really had a ch
ance to live her own life until the day she broke and defied her mother and took the art scholarship.

  I sighed. She turned out pretty darn good, rebuilding her own life afterward. And she was a good kisser. I've never felt so turned on in my life than when her lips were on mine. I suppressed a giggle, as I imagined I could still feel and taste them on my own lips. Oh be quiet, so maybe I hadn't outgrown that crush I had on her. Now shush.

  I awoke on the sofa, under a couple blankets with the fluffiest pillow ever under my head. She had taken my coat off for me, and it was folded neatly on the oversize coffee table. All of that was perhaps more heartwarming and intimate than all our time talking. The fact that she took care of me while I slept.

  I felt a little self-conscious that I didn't have time to go home to change, as I had offered to drive her to work. I'd have to wear my Major outfit in the mail room. At least it isn't what I was wearing in the office yesterday.

  I tapped the back door of the freestanding bathroom, and she grunted a welcome, so I stepped out into her sleeping area in the awesome open space of her loft. She shot a smile at me over the dressing screen she was behind as she pulled a pair of leather pants she had draped over the screen to her.

  I blushed then bit my lower lip in want when I realized she was standing there naked, with only a wood framed, black paper-paneled screen dividing us. I absently wondered who actually had a changing screen in their bedroom? Well, she really didn't have a bedroom, so maybe it was understandable.

  I caught the aroma of baby powder, the main component in her personal scent that drove me crazy. It was such an odd choice for someone who played at being hard as nails and twice as intimidating.

  I asked, “Baby powder?”

  She stopped moving then her head poked back up over the screen. She looked a little sheepish and looked around like she was making sure nobody was listening. Then she held up a little bottle of baby powder and her leather pants. “Makes it easier to pull on the leather.”

  Then she blushed a little and admitted, “I could use the unscented, but... I kind of like it.”

  I nodded and admitted, “Me too.”

  She cocked an eyebrow at me, letting her alter ego's smugness out to play as I felt my cheeks warm in a blush.

  She said in a silly, suggestive voice, “Oh reaaaaaly?”

  I stuck out my tongue and pulled down my lower eyelid and said, “Be-da!” I had to bite the tip of my tongue as I grinned at her answering chuckle.

  She teased, “You really are a living anime character aren't you?”

  I explained in a logical tone, “You do realize it is imprudent to tease the one offering you transportation?”

  I enjoyed the spirited bout of banter that followed until we were downstairs and heading out the lobby doors. She got all my references, and had a quick wit, though it was heavy on the f-word, the s-word, and references to improbable combinations of animals and food. The girl I liked was so weird, and that was more than alright with me.

  She asked as she opened the door for me, “Ummm... dinner tonight?”

  I was a little distracted by the gorgeous mane of hair hanging down from her mohawk, had she left it out for me? I really loved it.

  My distraction vanished into razor sharp focus at the question. I pursed my lips into a thin line trying not to explode into glitter and rainbows like she was expecting by the look on her face. Instead, I schooled my voice and asked, so I could be certain this time, “A date? Are we dating?”

  She exhaled. “If you have to ask then maybe I should call Megan or...”

  My hand was covering her mouth then as I gave her a warning look. Well, I'm sure it was as intimidating as a fluffy squirrel staring down a kitten, but it was enough. She licked my hand to make me pull it back, then softened and said, “Duh, I'd like to date you, I thought my desperation was plainly ovbi...”

  She trailed off as a camera flashed and we stopped. I noticed some of her posse leaning against the wall. Oh...

  She said in embarrassment to the people gathered there, “Umm... hi.” Then she looked a bit sheepish and nudged a thumb toward me. “I uhh... have a ride today.”

  The people all looked at each other then at her with thoroughly amused looks on their faces. She actually growled at them. I kind of liked some aspects of Na Na, and that was sort of sexy. Then she grinned and waved them off as she took my hand and placed it in the crook of her arm as she told them, “See you at the Empire?”

  They made affirmative sounds and gestures. Well, most were polite gestures at least, then chuckling, they headed to the line of vehicles parked in front of the building. The handsome preppy guy with the slightly hardcore but spendy looking clothes saluted as Nala dragged me past, her chin raised imperiously.

  I whispered, “One day your face is going to stick like that.”

  This got a giggling chuckle from her as she said out the side of her mouth, “Shut up, I'm trying to be fuckin' badass here.”

  I exhaled and tried not to smile.

  Then she said, “Hard enough to do with a cartoon on my arm.”

  Hey! I narrowed my eyes at her. “Hey!”

  Her face was threatening to break out in a grin, I could tell by the way her lips were quivering. She looked strained like it was taking a herculean effort to keep herself looking, as she had said, badass.

  I pouted. “Just get in, buckle up, and shut up.”

  She saluted as she opened her door and slid into the passenger seat, “Yes Major.”

  Ok fine, she's funny.

  I noted the other vehicles all pulled away from the curb behind us, and it was like I was the head of a dragon with the others flowing behind us. It felt sort of... different to me. Nala did this every day? I absently wondered if she had any privacy at all if her posse was always in tow.

  Then I got it. I understood her place. None of them was there. From what I gathered, she had only let her two best friends, Madelyn and Dani into her loft. It was the one place she had her privacy, the one place closed off from her Na Na Evermore persona, where she could be herself. Where she could be Nala Dupree.

  I felt a little bad that I had intruded upon her safe place. What was it Superman and Supergirl had? A Fortress of Solitude? I felt bad I had intruded in her Fortress of Solitude that first night. But now I felt special that she had invited me up at all. She was such a complex woman, and I was enjoying peeling back all the layers.

  Oh, and there was that great kisser thing too.

  I caught myself grinning wistfully as I drove. I asked, “So tell me more about the Empire.”

  She nodded and then asked, “If you have a minute when we get there, why don't I take you on the penny tour?”

  I nodded back. “I'd like that.”

  We pulled into an unkempt parking lot. The asphalt was cracked, and weeds were growing up through the cracks. The structure itself had a classic art deco-ish gothic feel of theaters of a bygone era, and the facade was weather beaten, and in disrepair at first glance, water stained brownstone flutes, and surface columns accented the old dilapidated brick structure, giving the entire thing the feel of some dystopian fantasy novel. It left me wondering when the zombie horde was going to shuffle out in search of our brainz.

  Don't take me wrong, I loved all that about it! This building had character. And knowing it is an old theater just adds to the ambiance. I did a quick time check before we got out. I had about fifteen minutes before I had to go to get to work on time.

  She held up a finger and pulled out her cell before we approached the building. A few seconds later she was grinning as she yelled into the phone, “God damn it, Devon. I'm standing here looking at my hand, where a guava-melon smoothie should be. And do you know what I see, Devon?”

  She squinted her eyes as she shook, suppressing a laugh, then nodded and said like she was speaking to an ill-behaved teen, “That's right, I see nothing in my fuckin' hand. What? The music? I don’t need that anymore, the moment has passed. But I will need an autographed copy of
Anabella Harris-West's autobiography, Unstoppable Force, on my desk in an hour. I promised it to someone.”

  She covered her mouth and composed herself while I stared at her gape jawed, she could be positively evil with a capital Diva from Blood. The poor boy was going to quit if she... kept... this... oh kuso, I got it. She really was evil, that was her plan. If nobody else would work with her, then they'd have to reassign me back to her if she insisted that the contract stated she would be assigned a PA.

  She gave me a grin that was all predatory teeth when she saw my realization, then she asked him, “No, why the hell would I want a guava-melon smoothie? Bring my fuckin' breakfast and the book.” Then she hung up and made an ushering motion to the playhouse like nothing had happened.

  I shook my head and mouthed, “Evil.”

  She countered by simply holding her hand out as we walked, my hand found hers, and she laced our fingers, and I may have let out a contented sigh. It felt as if her hand was made specifically for mine, it felt so natural, so... right.

  Then she rose the middle finger of her other hand over her shoulder at the chorus of, “Awww,” which came from behind us as her crew dismounted from their vehicles.

  She called back, “There's a fresh helping of 'fuck you' in the Crib for you losers.”

  One of the girls who was wearing an outfit which must have cost two months salary for me, started singing sweetly, “Na Na's got a girlfriend.”

  Nala rolled her eyes and complained in resignation to the sky, “Oh, for fuck's sake.” But the smile on her face belied her exasperated words. She gave my hand a little squeeze and then typed in a code on the surprisingly modern electronic lock at the back door.

  I narrowed my eyes and did a quick reappraisal of the building as she ushered me through the door. Looks could be deceiving I knew, and I caught the things I hadn't from a distance. Yes, while most of the structure looked to be in disrepair, the roof flashing visible at the parapet looked new, just like the seals on the few high windows in the back of the building. The frame of the steel security door we stepped through looked brand new and the door was immaculate on the inside instead of water rust stained like the outside.


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