Black Magic: Book 3 of The Black Butterfly Series

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Black Magic: Book 3 of The Black Butterfly Series Page 11

by Nika Michelle

  “I can do even better,” I said quickly. “I can give you millions more than what you planned on getting and give you some pussy willingly. Wouldn’t that be better? I’m a real nympho. You’ve heard about us rich chicks right? I know you heard about how we love to fuck. Shit, we’ll even pay for it. I love thugs too. It’s my fantasy to fuck a man in a mask with a gun. That shit is hot.”

  He still had the gun pointed at me, but his attention was on his boy as he looked over the top of the car. “Shit, she’s gonna give us way more than what that nigga said he was gonna give us. He told me I can’t fuck her and she’s saying that I can!” His excitement had overshadowed the fact that he’d practically let it be known that they didn’t just pick us randomly. The job was planned.

  I was glad that my pocketbook didn’t need to be unzipped. It had a magnetic flap that I simply had to pick up. When he wasn’t looking I grabbed my gun and quickly let off two shots in his stomach. He fell over and shots rang out from his gun as I ducked. I watched as one of the bullets hit his partner in the arm. The impact of the bullet made him drop his weapon. Raheem quickly jumped out of the car and grabbed the gun. He pointed it at the dude.

  “Who the fuck are you working for?” He asked. I crawled back in the car with fear running through my veins as I locked the door. I held on to my gun and waited. Had I just killed a man and if I did it was in self-defense. I had no choice.

  “If you don’t tell me I will put so many bullets in your ass!” Raheem yelled with venom in his menacing eyes. He was mad as hell. Shit, madder than I’d even seen and I’d seen him get pissed.

  The dude was defiant. “I ain’t tellin’ your ass shit! Go ahead and kill me nigga.” Rah shot him in the head and then turned around and checked on his boy, who I’d just shot. I peeked and saw that he was still alive.

  Rah asked him. “Who the fuck are you working

  for?” Dude was whimpering as Rah pulled the mask

  off his face. I could see the tears running down his light brown cheeks.

  “Why should I fuckin’ tell you?”

  “’Cause I’m gonna kill you anyway. All you have to do is tell me who did it. It’s the only revenge you can get for him getting you killed. Take it or leave it. Who the fuck are you working for and what was the fucking plan?” Raheem asked. The animal instinct to protect me was obvious in his demeanor.

  I was crying my eyes out because I had just witnessed the man I love kill someone and he was about to kill someone else. I knew that we didn’t have a choice, but I was still freaking out. I may have been all cool at first, but I had been scared as hell the entire time.

  “It was Dean Monross,” he said. “He paid us to kill you and kidnap her.”

  I closed my eyes because I couldn’t watch. One lone gunshot rang out into the quiet night. Before I could open my eyes, Raheem jumped in the car and pulled off. Why wasn’t I shocked when I heard Dean’s name.

  * * *

  I was so dumb founded by what happened that I couldn’t find my voice until we got inside of Rah’s place. As he paced the floor, I finally spoke up. “What if they match the bullets with my gun? Oh shit Rah. What if somebody saw us? Why didn’t we just report it?”

  He walked over to me and took me into his arms. I could feel his warm hands moving up and down my back as he spoke. “Don’t worry baby okay. I didn’t report it because as of right now you and your family don’t need that kind of media attention. They won’t be able to trace the bullets to your gun because they don’t have your gun to compare the bullets too. As far as we know, nobody saw anything because we were the only ones out there. Those niggas are probably just some common thugs with criminal records and their deaths won’t even be investigated. It was obvious that they were up to no good and they were black. Besides, knowing that Dean would go that far changes the fucking game.” After he pulled away from me, he walked off to put the gun that he had got from old dude in his gun case. “I like that piece too,” he said referring to the chrome and black Desert Eagle.

  What I’d just witnessed made me wonder if Raheem had murdered someone before. Of course I had shot dude twice, but my survival instinct had just kicked in. I was scared as hell, but Rah seemed more angry than afraid. I guess I didn’t blame him. He was a man who lived by the street code and I felt protected. When it was all said and done I was glad his killer instinct had kicked in because it made me feel like he wouldn’t let anyone harm me.

  “What do you plan to do to Dean? You can’t kill him Rah. That would be different as hell than killing those gangster motherfuckers. People know about your beef and you would more than likely be a suspect. I mean, babe, I understand why you would want to. Don’t get me wrong,” I explained.

  He gave me a hard glare as he contemplated it. “Don’t think I haven’t thought about it from all angles already. I have baby and I keep coming up with the same thing. I can do the same thing he did and set that shit up to look like it’s random.”

  I sighed and sat down on the sofa. My nerves were still shot, but knowing that we had survived such a crazy situation made me calm down a little. He sat down beside me and held my hand. “I love you so much Tay and I will do anything to protect you. As a matter of fact, after today you will have bodyguards with you when I can’t be with you. In case you’re wondering. Yes, I have killed before, but only when I had to. I was never that nigga who just wanted to kill somebody to prove something, or for the hell of it. Killing Dean will only guarantee that we will finally be able to be together without his crazy ass interfering. He’s taking that shit too far now. I can imagine what his plotting ass thought was going to happen. They were going to kill me to get me out of the way. After that they were going to kidnap you for ransom and eventually let you go. I guess he thought you were going to just fall into his arms to console you about my death. That psycho ass mufucka is going to get his.”

  As he was talking I was plotting. That time I would make sure that I came through for my man. He had come through for me so many times before. “I love you too Rah and there is no way that I am going to chance losing you for murdering that fool Dean. Although he deserves it, I have a better way to get his ass back.”

  “I’m listening,” Rah said with a skeptical look on his face. He wanted to kill Dean, but I had a plan B and the B stood for brilliant.

  * * *

  I was in a meeting with Camille about my upcoming fashion show when LaTisha called me. It was a few days after the scary shoot out with Dean’s hired guns and I was surprised to hear from her. We had never talked before and I figured she had found my number in Dean’s phone. My plan was to change my number, but for some reason I was waiting for that inevitable phone call from Dean. I needed to know what he was up to next. Rah and I had both talked about going to the cops about Dean, but my plan seemed better. Besides, neither of us wanted the media attention and we had run from the scene of a crime.

  Dean’s girl had called me just in time. Since he wasn’t talking, I could get the information out of her. My plan was brewing, but I didn’t quite know how to put it into motion. I was hoping my impromptu meeting with Dean’s lady would give me some lead way.

  We had agreed to meet at a low key seafood restaurant in South Beach that the paparazzi wouldn’t be lurking at. It was on a quiet pier that didn’t attract many celebrities, because it wasn’t the most expensive place to eat. The spot was perfect for our meeting because neither of us wanted, or needed to be spotted.

  I noticed her sitting outside at a table in the corner. The place was almost empty and only a few locals were seated at the bar. Like I had said before, it was perfect. LaTisha was sporting huge, dark glasses and a straw hat. I had my hair pulled back into a tight bun with a pair of dark glasses as well. Mine weren’t really that big though, they just looked like tinted prescriptions.

  When I sat down I noticed that she had a fruity looking drink in a margarita glass waiting for me. “What’s up?” I asked before taking a sip.

  “Thanks for meeting
me Seantay. I know you’re wondering what this is all about, so I will get straight to the point.”

  I gave her my undivided attention, but kept sipping the tasty drink.

  She continued. “I know about what happened to you and Rah, but he doesn’t know that I know. I overheard a conversation that he was having with someone about it. It had happened in a wealthy neighborhood, so it stayed out of the media. You know how that goes. He’s still not done, so I wanted to warn you. I don’t know what he’s coming up with, but Dean doesn’t give up. On the night that I found out what he had done, I packed my shit and tried to leave. That was only two days ago.” She slid her glasses up slightly so that I could see her black eye and bruised cheek.

  I cringed. “Did he do that to you?” I asked.

  “Yes, he beat me for trying to leave him and that wasn’t the first time. He’s obsessed with you Seantay and I’ve tried to leave him several times. I’m just something to do until he gets you. Well, that’s what he told me. He said he won’t release me until he has you. I am sick of his crazy ass, but I’m afraid of what he is capable of and you should be too.” She put her glasses back over her secret and sipped her own drink.

  “Is this a set up or are you really tired of him? His ass is always scheming. He tried to kill my boyfriend and I am aware of his so called feelings for me. I’m not comfortable knowing that Dean is so close to me and capable of destroying all that I hold dear to me. I have something in mind to get rid of him, but I need your help.”

  She nodded. “This is not a set up. Shit, if I thought I could kill him and get away with it I would. What do you need for me to do?”

  “We can’t talk about it here. I don’t care how empty this place is. You down to take a ride with me?”

  She stood up. “The sooner the better. I don’t know how long I can take this shit.”

  “Me either,” I agreed as I threw a hundred dollar bill on the table. “This should take care of our drinks and a tip,” I said before leading her out of the restaurant.

  Chapter 18


  I was glad that it was the weekend and I wouldn’t have to see Ahmad on the set for a couple days. He had called earlier to let me know that he had been spending most of his time at the hospital with Kristie. I was far from understanding because of what she had put me through. He just didn’t know what was really going through my mind and he didn’t want to.

  Something told me that it was about time that I let him in on what had happened. I wanted him to know that his wife was crazy and had actually put some kind of curse on me. True, the curse had been reversed and she was now suffering, but wasn’t that what the bitch deserved for fucking with me? Maybe being in a relationship with a married man wasn’t the most moralistic thing to do, but his marriage was already over. It had been a mutual agreement and even if it hadn’t, a person wasn’t obligated to stay in an unhappy marriage. I wish the bitch would’ve just signed the fucking papers and kept it moving.

  I was way more normal than I thought I was, because I didn’t think I would be so calm about how Ahmad had chosen his wife over me. Maybe Mintzi and Kristie had both taught me that a man just wasn’t worth the stress. Shit, even Renell was taking the bullshit she’d found out about Ricky in stride. I couldn’t believe that their relationship was the result of some bet that Rick had with her nutty ass ex Nate. At dinner with our father, she revealed her pregnancy. When he asked her about Ricky, she told him that he was out of town on business. Later she explained to me that she didn’t want our father to be mad at Rick.

  “As much as I want to break his neck, I can only imagine what daddy would want to do to him.” She was still wearing her engagement ring to keep up with the façade. She had also called mother later to tell her the news about the baby. Just like father had been, mother was ecstatic.

  I stared at the ring in the box that Ahmad had given me for Christmas. I had finally opened it when we returned to Miami and I loved it. It was a bright, yellow diamond set in a white gold band. I loved the way it sparkled and gleamed in the light. He had told me that it was 7.5 carats and the clarity was amazing. It was still in the box because I needed to not be a victim of disappointment. That ring symbolized a promise that Ahmad had obviously not made to me. I wasn’t his number one, Kristie was.

  I sighed as I stuffed my mouth with Ben and Jerry’s Chunky Monkey Ice Cream. There was a Golden Girls marathon on Lifetime and I was all in for a boring night at home alone. The sound of my phone vibrating on the coffee table immediately got an annoyed reaction from me. I reached over to press ignore, but it was Ahmad calling.

  “Hello,” I answered trying not to sound too anxious to hear from him.

  “Hey. What are you up to?” He asked.

  “Nothing. Just watching some television.” I couldn’t tell him that my fancy ass was at home on a Friday night eating ice cream and watching Golden Girls in a bathrobe.

  “I wanted to know if I could come over. We need to talk.” It didn’t sound like his intended talk was to salvage our dying relationship.

  “What do we need to talk about exactly? Is it the fact that you act as if you didn’t pursue a relationship with me, or is it the way you’re acting all distant? Did you not love me thirty seconds before you got the call about Kristie? I understand that you want to be there for her and you may feel some guilt, but what about me? Where do I stand in all of this?”

  He sighed. “That’s what I want to talk to you about. I will be there in an hour.” He hung up and I was left to sit there staring at the phone.

  * * *

  Ahmad rang the doorbell less than forty five minutes later. I had put the ice cream in the freezer and threw on a sexy see through night gown with nothing underneath. If he wanted to talk about ending our relationship, I was going to show his ass what he was walking away from. Yeah, it was shallow, but in my mind it was necessary.

  I opened the door and he let out a low grunt when he caught a glimpse of me. He stepped inside and then took me into his arms. He kissed my lips and was silent as he stared at me.

  “Enough of the theatrics Ahmad. What is it that you want to talk about?” I asked as I turned my back to him so he could see the ass that he was so mesmerized by. Before I sat down, I bent over to move the throw pillows out of the way. I looked back and noticed how he was staring at me. Okay, so what I was doing was really not called for at a time like that, but I was only human. ‘At least she was alive,’ I thought to myself as I sat down.

  “I do love you Seandra.” He was still standing as he continued. It was as if he couldn’t even look at me. “My wife is sick and I took vows to be there for her in sickness and in health. As hard as it was, I had to make the right decision. The truth is that we aren’t divorced, so that means we’re still married. I don’t expect for you to wait for me forever, so you’re free to…”

  “What?!” I jumped up with tears visible in my eyes. “What are you saying Ahmad? Do you realize what you’re doing? This is what she wants! You’re giving her exactly what she wants!”

  He had tears in his eyes too as he backed up toward the front door. “I’m so sorry Seandra. I just have to make sure that my wife is okay before I completely move on. In the meantime, I don’t know how long that will be. It would be selfish of me to ask you to wait. I have to do what’s right. If you were my wife instead of her, it would be the same way. I’m sorry.” He turned and reached for the doorknob.

  “Ahmad! You can’t be serious!” I called out behind him as he closed the door.

  Tears fell down my cheeks like hot lava and my body shook as I sobbed. Ahmad was going back to his wife and although the curse was supposedly reversed, she had survived to get exactly what she wanted. There I was still alone and left out in the cold. When the tears finally stopped and I took a deep breath, it was all clear to me. Maybe Ahmad wasn’t worth it in the first place. It was all mind over matter and I could get over him. I always got over it. It was time for me to go back to the woman I was working on b
eing before I started dealing with him. Working on the set of the show would be hard and I thought about just giving it all up. Maybe being a sitcom actress wasn’t for me either. I’d been offered a few movie roles and maybe it was time for me to move on to bigger and better things. Fuck Ahmad. Kristie could have him. I planned to walk off the set on Monday just like he had walked out on me.

  Chapter 19


  It had been almost a month since Dean had tried to have me kidnapped and Rah killed. I was still working on bringing his ass down. The reality show that my sisters and I were so excited about before was on the back burner. There was absolutely too much going on in our personal lives to be followed by cameras. I was being accompanied by two buff ass dudes every day because Rah feared for my safety. He had told my father that it was a safety precaution after the email that I had received. Of course my dad agreed that it was a very necessary measure. Dean had been left out of the details and there had been no news coverage on the two men Rah had killed. It was hard to deal with the situation at first, but thanks to my baby it was getting easier.

  It was crazy that Seandra had really quit her show Cinnamon Star, although it was number one on the network. The ratings were the shit, but she didn’t want to have to see Ahmad every day after what he had done to her. She was planning on working on a couple movies that were major productions. Of course Ahmad had begged her to come back to the show, but she had declined.

  Nell was done with Ricky, but he had been trying his best to get through to her. He had even called me a dozen times a day telling me to tell her how sorry he was. It was so pitiful how he was begging, but I actually felt sorry for the guy. He didn’t know the power of the Beauvois women and didn’t bargain for the feelings he had caught. I for one knew that his feeling for Nell were genuine, but I could understand that she was pissed at him.


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