To Me I Wed

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To Me I Wed Page 19

by K. M. Jackson

  Lily was up and dressed early on the day before the graduation party to do one final walk through with Tori to be sure they had all they needed in terms of decorations, favors, and food. Lily and Tori were sitting at a table on Canela’s patio, where most of the party’s action would be happening. Their table was littered with charts and boards, as well as tablets and a laptop. Around them were boxes of new string lights in colors that would go with Lily’s multicolor scheme, as well as a few extra palm trees she had brought in to green up the space.

  Vin walked out with a tray of tapas for them and frowned when he couldn’t find a place to set them. “It looks like you two are planning to go to war,” he said.

  Lily nodded and cleared some space. “Getting a party to run smoothly, especially when teens are involved, hey, you’re not far off.”

  “Well, eat and keep up your strength.” Vin put the tray down and Lily looked up, giving him a warm smile. He leaned down and kissed her easily on the top of her head. Tori raised a brow and gave her a smile. Lily gave her a tight look in return and pushed down a blush. They hadn’t been particularly hiding their relationship. Not that they even tagged it as a relationship, but they also hadn’t been flaunting it in front of anyone either. She came to his place most nights and left in the morning after a passionate night and maybe a lesson or two on the water. Vin was a masterful teacher of all things.

  “You don’t have to worry about the food,” Vin said, pulling her back from her thoughts. “Remember, that’s my department and I’ve got it covered.”

  “Just be sure you do,” Lily replied. “Oh, and remind the staff that most of these guests will be eighteen and nineteen, so that means no alcohol. It’s our signature alcohol-free drink for everyone unless there is a special order. Tori will be checking IDs and doing wristbands at the door. Rich teens are notorious for getting one over.”

  Vin nodded. “Oh yeah, I know that. I may be from the projects, but you don’t run a place on the beach without seeing your fair share of tricks. Hell, you met Carter and Aidan. Those two were always hell on wheels.”

  Lily raised a brow. She was shocked that Vin would mention his upbringing so casually in this setting when he’d not raised his past or his mother with her since she mentioned the picture. She pushed it aside, knowing that the right place to discuss this was not in front of Tori. “Yeah,” she said with a half laugh, “and I’m sure you were a choir boy.”

  He gave her a wink. “Actually I was. But that’s a story for another day.” Vin grinned at her and stepped back, in the process tripping backward over one of the boxes and coming down hard on a planter, hitting his head.

  Both Lily and Tori jumped up as Lily screamed his name. “Vin! Oh my God, are you all right?”

  They both ran to his side as Manny and two waitstaff guys came out to see what the crash and commotion was all about. “Oh shit, boss, what the hell happened?” Manny said, rushing to pick Vin up.

  Vin opened his eyes and shook his head, reaching to touch back behind his ear. When his hand came back with blood, Lily gasped. “Don’t move him! Get a towel.”

  Vin looked at her and gave her a weak smile. “It’s fine, love, don’t worry yourself about it.” He lifted his other hand and gave his wrist a twist, wincing.

  “That too?” Lily said. “Oh God, you’re going to the hospital.”

  He looked her straight in the eyes and then started to push himself up. “No. I’m not.” His voice was steady and firm as Manny and Felix lifted him from under his shoulders.

  They let him go and he was slightly unsteady. “I don’t know, boss,” Felix said with worried eyes. “Maybe she’s right and you should go and get checked out right quick.”

  Vin shot Felix a look that had him swallowing hard. “How about you just help clear up this mess and let me worry about me. I said, I’m fine.”

  It was Lily’s turn to give Vin a sharp look. Why was he being such a jerk? They were all looking out for him. She grabbed a towel from Manny’s apron, flipped it to the clean side, and put it to Vin’s head. The gash didn’t look too bad, but who knew with something like a concussion. She turned and looked at him. “Everyone is concerned about you. What if your wrist is sprained? What if you have a concussion and don’t even know it? You need to be looked at and make sure all is well.”

  He looked her hard in the eyes, ignoring everyone around her. “What I need is for you to stop hovering and to listen for once. I’m not going to the hospital. I don’t do them. End of story. Now, why don’t you take care of your business and let me take care of mine. That’s the arrangement, right?”

  Lily blinked and counted backward in her head. There was no freaking way she’d tear up in front of him. If he wanted to be a jerk, then he’d do it without the payoff of her emotional toil. She nodded before moving out of his space. “Yep, that was the arrangement.” Letting out a deep breath she turned to Felix as if Vin weren’t still standing there and gave him a professional smile, as best she could. “Do you mind please moving these boxes to the corner until you and Punchy have time to string up the lights?”

  Felix nodded and started to move the boxes. Manny gave her a look of pity and Vin one of contempt before heading back to the kitchen. Vin opened his mouth to speak, but Lily held up a hand. “Don’t. Like you reminded me, I have work to do and it’s about time I concentrated on getting it done.”

  Vin stared at her for a beat or two longer, then looked over at Tori with soft eyes before walking back into the restaurant. Lily sat back down and looked at Tori. “Where were we?”

  Tori frowned. “Are you all right? That was a little intense.”

  Lily nodded. “I’m fine, and that was nothing. Besides, he was right. We need to work. This party isn’t going to put on itself, and if it did we’d both be out of a job. So let’s just focus.”

  But as she tried to focus, Lily could feel herself already pulling away. She had to. This was just the beginning. She knew how these things went. She and Vin had a good run where they were happy and easy with each other, but they could fall to the other side way too easily, and this proved it. She couldn’t be with someone like that. Someone who could light her fuse like that, and she knew neither could he. Inevitably he’d be out the door. It was better to start the move toward letting go sooner rather than later.

  Chapter 19

  Vin knew he was wrong, but he also knew he couldn’t help himself. Slamming the stainless steel saucepan down in the sink just felt right. It also felt petty as hell, but he wasn’t about to admit that. He didn’t have to. The hard, silent side eye he got from Manny was more than enough. He also knew the look wasn’t about the saucepan. No, it was about the way he had talked to Lily. It was totally uncalled for, and he knew it. If he’d heard it from anyone else he’d be all about kicking that ass, so the fact that the nastiness came from him made the guilt that much worse.

  He leaned his hands against the sink and winced in pain, only to hear a snort from Manny’s side of the kitchen.

  “I heard that,” Vin growled.

  “I meant for you to.”

  “Fuck,” Vin said, turning around. “Leave it to me to be the guy with the mouthiest employees.”

  But Manny just looked at him. “You know that was wrong, boss, so you don’t need me telling you so.” Manny tilted his chin toward him. “I won’t ask about the head because, unlike Lily, I know just how hard it is, but how’s the wrist? You need me to wrap it, get you some ice?”

  Vin frowned and tilted his wrist back and forth. The pain was definitely there but not unbearable. It was his left hand, so it may slow him down a little but wouldn’t prevent him from working. He looked over at Manny. “I’ll get the ice and put it on and off for a few minutes. If you don’t mind helping with a wrap, I would take it.”

  Manny nodded but kept any comments he may have had to himself as he turned to retrieve the first aid kit from the back of the pantry. After coming back, he quickly pulled out the ace bandage and got to wrapping.

nbsp; Vin frowned. “Not too tight.”

  Manny laughed. “Oh, don’t get all wimpish on me now when you had all that lip before.”

  “What’s this all about? Don’t tell me my star player is getting sidelined?”

  “Oh, hell. This day just gets better and better.” Vin turned and looked at Carter. “What brings you out here today? Don’t you have a studio to run? Some life to ruin with one of your not-so-real reality TV shows?”

  Carter stepped back and feigned that he was affronted. “Great. So I see the emperor is in rare form.” He tilted his chin at Manny. “Hey, Man. How goes it?”

  “Oh, it goes,” Manny said. “You?”

  “I’m cool. Thought I’d come and check on my investment, and it’s a good thing I did.” He laughed. “Hell, I may have to show my skills in the kitchen tonight.”

  Manny finished wrapping his wrist, and Vin stood, giving Carter a hard look. “Don’t even think about stepping behind my stove.”

  Carter shook his head. “Still the same old territorial Vin.”

  “Yeah. About everything.”

  Carter chuckled as Manny shook his head. “So am I to assume this little tantrum had everything to do with that pretty planner sitting out on the patio?”

  Manny snorted from the pantry, where he was pulling ingredients for the night’s prep.

  “All right. Enough out of you. I’m done with this,” Vin said.

  It was on that note and with impeccable timing that Lily appeared. Of course she’d heard him say he was done. Why would she not have with the loudness of his voice?

  “Tori and I are out. Felix and Paunchy can handle the lights. We’ll be back tomorrow about two hours before the party. Maybe less.” Her tone was clipped and left no room for any opening for conversation. She stepped forward, and for a moment Vin stupidly hoped she’d actually reach up and kiss him good-bye, or better yet change her mind and go upstairs to meet him and let him make up for his assholery properly. But no, she just handed him a typed-up preparty checklist complete with a food outline and the timing on when each item should be brought out.

  “I think everything you may need is here.”

  Vin looked from the list back to her. “I doubt that.”

  Lily stayed deadpan. “Well, I don’t.”

  Once again Manny snorted, and this time Carter added his own snort to the mix. Good. Now Vin had legitimate places to land his anger. When she was gone, heads would roll. He gave Lily a half smile. “Till tomorrow.”

  “Till tomorrow.”

  * * *

  Shit, tomorrow had come and Lily was dreading it. Freaking Vincent Caro. She shouldn’t be thinking this way. It was an event day. Her game day. And normally on her game day she was pumped up, not waking up feeling drained and dejected. This was exactly why she was so careful to not let go of her tight reigns of control.

  To say waking in her apartment alone after waking up with Vin most days in the last few weeks was a bummer was an understatement. The only part of it that kept her fueled up was the fact that she was still extremely mad at him. True, thanks to Tori and then after talking with Bobbi, her anger had reduced to a simmer, but she knew that it would take only the tiniest raise of her flame for it to boil right back over.

  Tori had expressed that Vin’s reaction seemed pretty out of character, but then there goes Bobbi. Her friend pointed out that though she and Vin were getting closer, he was the one doing most of the heavy lifting. That she still kept pushing the fact that there was no commitment between them and the sobering reality that they were at most friends with really good benefits.

  Not that she really could see anything wrong with that, and if she didn’t then why should he? Still, though they shouldn’t, Bobbi’s sobering words stung. Lily’s phone pinged with a message, and she reached over to her nightstand to check it.

  I’m sorry. V.

  Lily stared at the short message for a long time. Longer than she probably should have. Why did he do this? Couldn’t he maybe be a little more verbal with it? Give her something more to go on? Rail against? This short, no-nonsense apology was so annoying and so like him that all it did was send her around the bend. Lily sucked in a breath and imagined him next to her. Those dark eyes as they raked along her skin, burning each part of her body they gazed upon. His big hands, so large but so gentle and expressive, taking her to heights that only he dared take her. Yeah, he’d show her just how sorry he was. But then what? How long would it last before she’d ask for too much? Before she’d demand more of him than just sexual satisfaction, a true sharing of not just his body but his mind and soul. His vulnerabilities.

  No, he wouldn’t be able to do that, and he wouldn’t be able to take it from her either. It would be like his irrational hospital meltdown and close off all over again. Lily knew she couldn’t handle a relationship in which she was constantly walking on eggshells to keep the peace and the guy was going into it wearing a mask hiding his true self behind a façade of perfection, keeping his real feelings, needs, fears, and desires hidden. She’d watched that drama play out with her parents. There was no need to live it all over again.

  Lily thought then of their many intimate nights together and how fulfilling they had been. So packed with sexual acrobatics that there was no room for anything else. And whenever the space became empty and there was any attempt to fill it with actual meaningful talk, they both closed off.

  Maybe Bobbi was right. Maybe it wasn’t just him blocking things but her too. Frustrated, Lily put the phone aside and went to take a shower. She didn’t answer him, because she had no words. At least not ones she was prepared to say out loud.

  Chapter 20

  It was getting on dusk, and Lily had successfully made it to party time without getting stuck alone with Vin once. Sure, there was some awkwardness between them and the staff after the incident the day before and from her not answering his text that morning, but to his credit and maturity he sailed right past it after she’d told him it was not the day to discuss it.

  Vin just nodded and got back to work preparing the tapas for the celebration. The back patio had been transformed into a tropical oasis with the palm trees, rented teak tables, and new multicolored lights. Lily had also rented a free-standing bar where Manny, with his sparkling personality, would serve “The Christie,” the special nonalcoholic fruit drink that looked like white sangria but, sadly for Lily, since she could have used it, packed none of the punch. She thought about indulging in one of the alcoholic red ones, but her policy was never to drink while on the job, so she didn’t.

  Chelsea Carlyle and her husband, Brandon, were the first to arrive and make sure everything was in shape for the party, Christie having opted to come in on the rented party bus with her friends.

  Lily put on her best face when coaxing Vin out from the kitchen to come smile at the Carlyles.

  “It’s nice to meet you,” he said, shaking both their hands quickly.

  But Chelsea—all done up in shades of white from her designer jeans, to her silk blouse, right to the tips of her freshly bleached hair—made sure to let hers linger in his a beat longer as she licked her top lip and flipped her hair over her shoulder. She didn’t give one whit about her husband, Mr. Bonded in Holy Matrimony, not to mention the bill footer, standing right next to her. But to his credit, or not, Brandon seemed not to notice, as his eyes were already wandering to some of the temp waitresses who had been hired for the event.

  “I’ve been looking forward to meeting you, Mr. Caro. I have to say that when Lily approached me proposing your establishment as a venue I was not really into the idea, but upon researching you, I couldn’t help being impressed. You’ve come from such humble beginnings and made such a name for yourself,” she said, looking at him as if he were a sad charity case from an orphanage and at the same time were hot cornbread coming out of the oven when she was trying to do Atkins. “You’re truly astounding.”

  Vin frowned as he slid his hand from hers. “Am I, now?” he asked innocent

  Chelsea nodded, all the while looking down at the crotch of his pants.

  “I really don’t think so, since I screwed my way to get all that I have.”

  Lily gasped and Chelsea blinked quickly, looking up from Vin’s crotch to his eyes. It was then that Brandon turned around from checking out a waitresses rack, and not of lamb, to get back in the conversation. Vin laughed, turning his comment into one big joke. The Carlyles laughed awkwardly with him, then took an alcoholic sangria that Manny offered from the tray he was carrying around for adult guests. Lily took the opportunity to give Vin a hard pinch in his side.

  He turned to her and quirked a brow. They stood for a few seconds and stared at each other before Lily spoke up. “If you all don’t mind, I’m just going to check on some final details with Vin for a moment.”

  Toni walked up and led the Carlyles out to the patio. As soon as they were out of earshot, Lily let loose through clenched teeth. “What the hell was that about?”

  Vin threw up his hands and went to the kitchen. Lily followed. “That was me getting her eyes off my dick and back where they belonged. Would have been nice if you noticed.”

  Lily frowned. “Of course I noticed, but how is your dick my responsibility?” she whispered.

  Vin’s eyes went wide. “How is it not? Seems you’ve been taking care of it pretty well these past few weeks. I kind of thought you cared about it.”

  “Of course I care about your dick, but it’s yours, not mine to rule over.”

  “What?” Vin said. “Just like your”—he looked down to the V of her white jeans, then back up to her eyes—“is not mine to rule over. Now, to cherish is another story.” Lily opened her mouth in shock, and suddenly she wanted to cross her legs. She was hot and tingling all over. She wanted to tell him that, but wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of knowing he’d gotten to her.


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