Bound: Mason's Alphas

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Bound: Mason's Alphas Page 9

by D. J. Heart

  It felt like he could stand there and watch Mason sleep for hours, and he wouldn’t get bored.

  Moving forward, knowing he needed to get some rest, Chris shut off the lights and got under the covers on the free side of the bed. He didn’t try to move closer to Mason, even though he wanted to.

  Closing his eyes, Chris let his mind wander until he drifted off to sleep.


  Chapter 15

  Mick got out of his car and stretched his legs, looking up at Chris’s building with a frown.

  After that disastrous night in the parking lot bar, Mick had decided to give Chris some time to come to grips with his feelings. It was obvious that there was something between them, but Chris had resisted like it scared the crap out of him.

  Mick hadn’t wanted to push, and then when Chris had finally made a move, he’d fucked it up. He just hadn’t wanted to take advantage of Chris when he was drunk off his ass. That Chris would turn tail and run away for a year and a half had never even entered his mind.

  Because Chris had run away, no matter what he told himself. There was no way he didn’t know that Mick and the rest of the team would have helped him go after the people who took his brother if he’d just asked, and he should have asked. With their combined resources, they would have shut the whole thing down within a month—including the fat-cats who bankrolled the operation.

  That Chris had tried to go it alone just showed how fucked he was in the head about the whole gay thing.

  Mick took a deep breath, regret making his mouth pull down. It was a moot point now. Chris had found himself an omega, and whatever might have been between them was over.

  It hurt, but there was nothing Mick could do but accept it.

  Walking up to the door, Mick was about to hit the buzzer for Chris’s apartment when a man pushed the door open and walked outside. Mick slipped in after him, taking the stairs at the end of the hall and heading up to Chris’s floor.

  Once he was standing outside Chris’s apartment, he hesitated before knocking. Once he saw Chris—once he smelled the scent of omega clinging to him like a mark of ownership—it would be over for real.

  Taking a deep breath, he knocked on the door. When there was no answer, he knocked again, a little louder this time.

  He heard someone walking toward him on the other side of the door, and a second later Chris was standing there in nothing but his briefs. His hair was sticking up and he looked tired, and Mick’s mouth went dry at the sight of him.

  Chris froze, his eyes wide like he was surprised to see him.

  “You’re here,” Chris said, swallowing.

  “Said I would be,” Mick said, breathing in the familiar scent of his best friend mixed with a lighter note of pure omega. He wanted to hate it, but he couldn’t deny that the two scents fit together perfectly.

  “Thanks. I’m… are we good?” Chris asked. He looked nervous, and Mick smiled bitterly. The thing that was lost between them was left unsaid.

  “We’re good,” he answered, stepping forward and wrapping his arm over Chris’s shoulder and pulling him in for a hug. He clapped Chris on the back, letting go before it could get awkward.

  “So you got an omega?” he said, stepping into the room. He wished Chris would put on some clothes. His powerful body was making Mick’s cock harden in his pants.

  Chris blushed, and he looked uncomfortable.

  “He’s still sleeping. We just bonded last night.”

  Mick licked his lips, surprised. That was more recent than he’d expected.

  “How did you meet?” He moved into the kitchen, sitting down at the table while Chris started making coffee.

  “He was brought into the brothel, but the heat shots weren’t working. My boss asked me to knot him to kick-start his heat, but then I ended up bonding with him instead.” Chris had his back turned to Mick as he spoke, and Mick stared at him with open-mouthed shock.

  He’d known that Chris had gotten a job at the brothel in an ill-advised attempt to find out who bankrolled the place, but that he’d actually fucked an omega that had been taken there against his will?

  That was not the Chris he knew.

  Chris turned around, and the expression on Mick’s face must have telegraphed his thoughts. Chris crossed his arms defensively.

  “It was the first time I fucked one of the omegas. I was backed into a corner, okay? It’s not like I felt good about it.”

  Mick believed him. And anyway, Chris was stuck with the omega now. That seemed like an appropriate punishment.

  “You shouldn’t have done this on your own,” Mick said, tilting his head and giving Chris a searching look. It needed to be said. “The team would have helped you. We’ll still help you.”

  “You’ll help me kill everyone who was involved? From the criminals to the cops to the politicians? Really?”

  Mick shrugged. The rest of the team might balk at mass slaughter, but he didn’t think so. They had each other’s backs.

  “You have a list?” he asked. When Chris frowned he elaborated. “Do you have a list of targets?”

  Chris snorted. “More like a book.”

  “Send it to me,” Mick demanded. “I’ll send it out to the rest of the guys with an explanation, and they can get started.”

  Chris just shook his head. “I can’t ask them to do that.”

  “You should. When they find out you went solo because you didn’t think they’d have your back they’re going to be pissed. They all think command has you on some secret mission. If you’re coming back to the team, you need to show us that you trust us to have your back.”

  “By killing omega traffickers.” Chris’s voice was deadpan.

  “Yes.” Mick looked him right in the eye.

  “I need to get dressed,” Chris said, leaving the room. Running away, Mick thought uncharitably.

  He got up and grabbed a mug from the cupboard, pouring himself a cup of coffee and drinking deeply.

  When Chris came back he was dressed, and he’d combed his hair into submission. He hadn’t shaved, and Mick stared at his scruff and wondered what it would feel like rubbing against his chest.

  “If the team wants to help, I’d appreciate it.” The words were almost angry.

  “So you’re coming back?” Mick asked. He hadn’t realized before asking the question just how worried he was that the answer would be no.

  Chris nodded. “If I can. Brandon said you’ve got a new guy.”

  Mick snorted. Livingston was a nice kid, but he had a long way to go before he could replace Chris.

  “Just say the word. Command was pretty clear that they expected you to come back after you dealt with your personal issues.”

  Chris licked his lips and nodded, looking tired and overwhelmed. Mick wished he knew how to talk to him, but the easy camaraderie they’d always had was nowhere in sight.

  “I’m going to go get some breakfast,” Chris said, running his hand through his hair. “I’ll be back in a couple of minutes.”

  Before Mick could offer to go instead, Chris was out the door. Mick watched him leave, resisting the urge to go after him.

  Chris obviously needed a minute to himself. Taking another sip of his coffee, he settled down to wait.


  Chapter 16

  Mason woke up in an empty bed. He was groggy and his body felt sore, but not necessarily in a bad way. Getting out of bed, he rummaged through Chris’s dresser and put on an oversized T-shirt. He tried to find underwear or some shorts that would fit too, but everything was way too big. Since the T-shirt came down well past his thighs, he decided he could do without for now.

  After a quick trip to the toilet, the tiles on the bathroom floor chilly on the soles of his feet, he headed out in search of his alpha. He walked into the kitchen, and though there was an alpha sitting at the table, it wasn’t Chris.

  Mason stared at the strange alpha, wondering who he was and where Chris had gone. The man was about Chris’s height, with the same m
uscular build, his jaw cast in the same lantern-shaped mold. He was blond, with piercing blue eyes, and his mouth was set in a grim line. He looked like a cowboy, was Mason’s first thought. His light denim jeans, flannel shirt rolled up over his forearms, and pointy-toed boots were like something out of an alpha stripper show.

  Not that Mason had much experience with those.

  When he saw Mason, the alpha forced an uneasy smile and rose out of his chair. Mason shifted from foot to foot, watching him apprehensively and wondering who he was. Chris wouldn’t have let him into his home if he were a threat, he told himself.

  “You must be Mason,” the alpha said. He hooked his thumbs in his pockets, standing there awkwardly without moving. “I’m Mick. Chris is just out getting some breakfast. He thought you’d sleep a little longer.”

  Mick had a deep voice, and a hint of an accent that Mason couldn’t place.

  “Hello,” Mason said. He hung back in the doorway, feeling nervous.

  Mick sat back down, his body language radiating discomfort.

  “Why don’t you come sit,” Mick said, nodding at the chair across from him. Mason licked his lips, moving cautiously into the room and sitting down.

  He pushed his chair closer to the table, his foot knocking into Mick’s boot under the table. The feel of the rough leather on his toe made him jerk away, and he pushed his legs under his chair and blushed furiously.

  Mick pulled his own feet back, looking uncomfortable.

  “So how do you know Chris?” Mason asked, flustered by the silence and the way Mick avoided looking at him. Mick scratched his chin, his eyes on the counter next to the table.

  “We work together at the CIA,” he said. “Before that we served in the Army together. I haven’t talked to him much the past year, though.”

  Mason was suddenly more intimidated. Army alphas had a reputation for being both tough and traditional, and if they’d gone on to the CIA, Mick and Chris had to be tougher than most.

  Before Mason could ask any more questions he heard the front door open, and a second later Chris walked into the kitchen. Mason’s breath caught at the sight of him. He didn’t really know Chris, but he was his alpha and Mason felt instinctively safe with him.

  “You’re up,” Chris said, sounding surprised and a little panicked. “And you’ve met Mick.”

  Chris looked between them, and Mason shifted uncomfortably. Was he not supposed to have talked to Mick without Chris present?

  “He was curious how we knew each other,” Mick said, the look in his eyes confusing Mason.

  Who was this guy?

  “We’re friends,” Chris said, walking into the room. He sat down at the table and put the paper bag he had with him down in front of him. “I bought bagels. Do you want cream cheese or jam?”

  Mason asked for cream cheese, and Chris handed it to him. The bagel was toasted, and after eating nothing but gruel, plain chicken with cooked rice, and broccoli for the past week, it tasted delicious. Mason bit into it, unable to hold back his moan of enjoyment. When he looked up, both alphas were watching him.

  Chris’s eyes were dark, and the expression on Mick’s face was pained. When Chris looked over at his friend, the heat faded from his eyes and he looked resigned.

  Mason wondered if they were lovers. It wouldn’t be the first time that a one-night stand between an alpha and omega had broken up a couple, though Mason hadn’t met many alphas who liked other alphas before.

  “Sorry,” he mumbled, feeling awkward. Chris took a sharp breath and started eating, Mick copying him.

  “I actually have to talk to you about something,” Chris said, looking at Mason. He fiddled with the empty paper bag in front of him, and Mason frowned. There was nothing good that could come after an announcement like that.

  “Okay…” he said, putting down the rest of his bagel and waiting. He was thirsty, but he didn’t want to get anything to drink until he’d heard what Chris had to say.

  “I’m sort of in the middle of a job right now,” Chris said. He looked at Mick. “And then I’m heading to a cabin up north in a few days. I can’t really have you with me on the job, so Mick is going to take you to the cabin and wait with you there until I’m done.”

  Mason looked between the two alphas, his heart suddenly racing. Was this some sort of trick? He racked his brain, trying to remember if there was any way to break a bond right after it had been formed, but he couldn’t think of any.

  Was Chris really just going to foist him off on his friend—or lover—the day after they mated?

  It didn’t seem right.

  “I… can’t you take some time off?” Mason asked.

  “No,” Chris said, his tone very final. “I’ve been planning this for over a year, and I’m this close to being done.”

  Chris’s body language was tense and aggressive, and Mason didn’t say anything.

  “You haven’t told him anything?” Mick asked, leaning back in his chair and looking between Chris and Mason. He sounded very judgmental.

  “We haven’t really had much time to talk,” Chris gritted out.

  Mick shook his head. “You’re hopeless, Chris.” He turned to Mason. “Chris is working on taking down the people behind the omega trafficking in this area. He’s got two leads he’s following up on today, and once he’s finished that he’ll join us. Sound good?”

  Mason blinked, his mind spinning as he tried to process everything Mick was saying.

  Chris was working to take down the people behind the brothel? It sounded almost too good to be true. Like the kind of thing you’d say to the omega you just bonded with from said brothel.

  “So what were you doing last night?” he asked, not intending it to come out quite as an accusation. Chris winced.

  “I backed myself into a corner with the boss. If I hadn’t agreed to fuck you, it would have blown my cover. I figured… I don’t know. I’m sorry.”

  Mason frowned and tilted his head. His boss? What was Chris talking about.

  “What do you mean your boss?” he asked.

  “At Rover,” Chris explained. “I’ve been working there trying to figure out who runs the place. Or owns it, I guess.”

  Mason was shocked. He’d thought Chris was a client.

  He didn’t know what to think.

  “You want Chris to shut down that place, don’t you?” Mick asked. The look on his face said that he knew exactly what Mason was thinking.

  Mason nodded.

  “Then let him go off and do his thing while you and I get out of his hair.” He turned to Chris. “I want that list. Mason and I will head out after you send it to me.”

  Chris wrinkled his nose, but he got off his chair and marched out of the room without a word. A few minutes later Mick’s phone beeped, and when he took it out to check it he gave himself a satisfied little nod.

  “Were you two together?” Mason asked, making Mick choke on his coffee.

  “What?” Mick asked, wiping his chin with the back of his hand.

  “Did I break you up?” Mason asked.

  Mick watched him, his eyebrows raised, and barked out a laugh. “You’re a ballsy little fucker, aren’t you? No, we weren’t together.”

  “Did you want to be?” Mason barreled on. He wanted to know if he was getting between them.

  Mick sighed. “We had some tension, but nothing ever happened. Besides, he likes omegas. I’m sure the two of you will be very happy together.”

  Mason looked down at the last piece of his bagel, not quite able to picture what that “happy together” would look like. He lifted the bagel into his mouth, and he was halfway done chewing it when it occurred to him that he wasn’t a prisoner anymore.

  He could call his mom.

  Without a word to Mick, Mason shot out of his seat and went to find Chris. He wanted Chris’s phone and his permission to call home. He didn’t think Chris would deny him, and the request would serve as the first test of what kind of alpha Chris was.

  “Chris?” h
e called out, looking in the bedroom and not finding his alpha. The room next to the bedroom was an office, and Mason found Chris sitting behind the desk and looking up at the ceiling with his mouth turned down in a frown.

  “I want to call my mom,” Mason said, stopping in the doorway when Chris jerked like he’d been startled. Chris watched him, eyes unfocused for a second, but then he nodded.

  “Of course. You can use the phone in here. I’ll… leave you alone.”


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