Entrusting Cade (Wildcat Graduates Book 4)

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Entrusting Cade (Wildcat Graduates Book 4) Page 8

by Xana Jordan

  We’ve decided to save hiking for today, our last day in this breathtaking place, and I can’t wait to get started. I’ve come to discover that Mr. Matthews and I are more alike than originally thought. Apparently, neither of us like to be late on our schedules, much to Michelle and Cade’s dismay. I knew I’ve always needed to be early for things, but I didn’t realize I was quite this bad How does Cade put up with me like he does?

  “Come on, people, let’s get moving,” I find myself calling out to Cade and Michelle as I walk into the camper. They’re finishing getting their shoes on, where I’ve been dressed for over thirty minutes.

  “Cade, shut your girlfriend up before I do it permanently,” she grumbles when I close the door, with him simply laughing in response.

  “Good luck with that,” he says, tying his last shoe and pulling me into his lap so he can place a kiss on my cheek. Giggling, I lean into him.

  “Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning,” I tease, just to get a reaction out of her. She’s definitely not a morning person and it’s bloody hilarious.

  “Shut up,” she warns, “you’re supposed to be on my side this week, you traitor.” She goes about putting on her last sock and shoe, glaring at me the entire time.

  “Hey, I have been, cranky ass. It’s not my fault you’re a terrible morning person. Leaving any later would make it too hot to go hiking, and I know how much more you’d hate that.”


  I can feel Cade grinning behind me, making me smile even more. He turns to kiss behind my ear, nearly driving me past my limit on self-control. Being with him everyday for the past week has been amazing and, except for one night, I’ve slept like a baby, no bad dreams to torment me in the night.

  “You two are way too cheery, Get a room already,” she complains, tying her last lace into a bow.

  “Awe, sounds like someone needs to get laid,” Cade teases over my shoulder, only to get a salt shaker thrown at him, which hits me instead.

  “Holy shit, hooker, that hurt! Next time, wait until I’m not shielding his dumb ass,” I scowl at her, rubbing the screaming area the shaker left in its wake. “Maybe she does need to get laid,” I mutter quietly, turning toward Cade, making him laugh loudly while pulling me in to inspect my sore spot. Instantly, his laughter ceases when he pulls my shirt away from my shoulder. His brows furrow and the scariest frown-turned-glare crosses his face, turning him into pissed off Noel’s twin.

  “What the hell, Michelle?” he roars, flicking his gaze to hers, making me flinch at the hint of real anger in his voice, and leaving her very wary of how exactly to answer him. “How hard did you throw that? It left a damn indention in her skin!”

  “Cade, it’s…” I begin before being cut off by her response.

  “I was trying to hit you, you jerk!” She stands, turning to face me before taking a few steps in my direction, when I feel him tense behind me.

  “I’m fine, Cade. It wasn’t intentional, so just calm the hell down, alright?” I plead, my eyes begging him to let it go. He exhales deeply, his forehead on mine. Holding my hands between us, I smooth them along his firm pecs and abs. Shaking his head slightly on mine, he sighs before looking at her. “Sorry, I overreacted. It just happened,” he apologizes, and she laughs lightly.

  “I get it, but you seriously need to relax.” She ruffles his hair and, upon hearing their dad calling for us to go, sighs harshly. “And so it begins,” she remarks, rolling her eyes as she ushers us to move for the door. These two get along much better than Mike and Xana do, I muse to myself while walking out of the RV ahead of them.

  Before I can take a step outside, my sister lays her hand on my arm, stopping me in my tracks. Even though she’s older than me by about six years, she’s several inches shorter than my six feet one, and doesn’t look like she’s out of high school yet, much less a college graduate. If she ever gives one a chance, some guy is going to either go all caveman protective over her, or be completely at her mercy. I don’t pity him one bit, but I’m more than okay with kicking his ass if needed.

  “What?” I ask, wondering why she’s stopped my leaving.

  Her eyes search my face, her crinkled brows gradually fading to leave a smile at the corners of her lips. “I know you’ve been together for a few years and I haven’t been around for most of it, but you two really are committed, aren’t you?” she whispers so low I barely hear her myself. Unnerved by her observation, I look down at her hand on my body then back to her questioning eyes.

  “Completely. But we’re not worried about how long it’s been. We’re just happy being where we are,” I breathe slowly before stepping out of her grasp, exiting the camper to leave her staring after me, speechless and partially smiling.

  My pace is slow as I make my way to the Suburban, thinking about my declaration to Michelle. Of course, I love Stacy Collins. She’s quick-witted, smart, funny, caring, loyal to a fault, and strong beyond my imagination. Yet, she’s also reserved and innocent, shy and sweet, and more vulnerable than she’d ever admit to or let anyone but me, and sometimes Xana, see. That’s what I love about her - her complexity - why I’d wade through Hell itself for her; to carry her when she can’t walk on her own, while cheering her on when she shines brightest.

  Some of the guys wonder what I get out of our relationship with as much of a handful as she is, not knowing I’m the truly lucky one, and there’s only one word that clearly answers their questions.


  Hiking up Hot Springs Mountain on one of the nature trails is new for us all. This one leads up to a natural waterfall that has made a deep pool beneath it, wearing away at the rocks at its end. There are already several tourists, easily identified by the cameras around their necks, when we arrive.

  We’ve been hiking for an hour, taking our time to explore along the trail as we made our way up the gently inclined path up the mountain. Mom insisted Dad go in front of the rest of us on our climb in order to rid our path of unwelcomed eight-legged monsters as she refers to them, always proclaiming they are trying to eat her, her being their most sought after snack. If there’s even one hanging peacefully in its own web far off to the side of the trail, he has to block her from them by putting himself in between her body and the occupied web before she’ll move forward one step. The way Dad does it without even being asked has me smiling to myself. He would do anything possible to make her look at him like he’s her knight in shining armor, the way a father would.

  Fortunately for me, Stace is the opposite. She doesn’t like them, but refuses to let those spiders get in her way, knocking them away, or killing them altogether herself. Seeing her on about her way as if she never saw them does strange things to me. Be it pride or attraction, I can’t tell which, I welcome it. She’s my very own Wonder Woman.

  The pool at the bottom of the waterfall is fairly large - more than enough room to accommodate at least two dozen people comfortably - and the girls, Mom included, waste no time making their way over to its edge. Before I can say anything, they have their shoes and socks off and are perched on the outer rock barrier, their legs submerged into the cool, rippling water halfway up their legs.

  “Aaaah, this water feels so good,” my girl groans, relieved from the heat the humidity is causing, leaning back on her hands. Her head hanging backward, eyes closed to the sky above, makes my cock have no choice but to respond, not with the way her chest is thrust upward with her arched spine. It’s hard to control the overwhelming urge I feel to have my hands all over her body while I lick the sweat away from her neck down to her plentiful cleavage. Damn. Why do we have to be surrounded by family and a bunch of spectators right now?

  A few of the other hikers have jumped into the dark waters, enjoying its refreshing, brisk temperature, when Mom signals for me and Dad to join them, like we really needed an invitation in the first place.

  “There you are,” Stace smiles at me when I sit down beside her on the same slick boulder.

,” I say, leaning over to kiss her shoulder, “Enjoying yourself?”

  “Yep. I’m not ready to leave here and go back home. Being with your family, and you, this week has been...well, perfect.” Her eyes look across the pool to the falling water and I can sense her zoning out, deep in thought about something. I haven’t seen that look on her face the entire week, and I don’t like it showing up now, not one bit.

  “Look at me,” I demand, to snap her out of wherever it is she’s gone to.

  Snapping her face to mine, a faint blush spreads up her neck to her cheeks. “Sorry,” she needlessly apologizes, causing my hand to cup her face.

  “Don’t let whatever it is upset our vacation,” I console her, “or let it get to you. I didn’t bring you all the way here just to have you frowning.” I slide my hand across her cheek to tuck a stray strand of hair, fallen from her ponytail, behind her ear.

  She leans into my touch as I cup her face once more. “I was just thinking about the rest of the summer.”

  “What about it? Is something wrong, babe?” I try to decipher the look on her face, but find myself caught up in the way the sunlight illuminates her golden hair, making her face glow.

  “It’s just...I know working at the hospital, even if it’s only the lobby reception desk, will be a great experience and a really good addition for my resumé, but a big part of me doesn’t want to leave you.” She closes her eyes, uncomfortable with being so open with her emotions, and I pull her into my side, leaving a brief kiss on her temple.

  “I don’t have to stay in Magnolia the entire summer. There will be lots of downtime between little league games, ball clinics and camps.” Sighing, she rests her head on my shoulder.

  “I know, but it isn’t going to he the same.” She plays with the hem of my shorts instead of looking at me directly.

  “Here, come walk with me.” I pull her up with me from the rock we are occupying, taking her hand in mine to lead her along a path I noticed when we arrived that goes to the waterfall’s top.

  Once we reach the opening in the trail that reveals where the water cascades over the edge of the cliff, I pull her back to my front so I can wrap my arms around her tiny waist. Resting my head on top of hers, her arms gripping mine, we look out at the scene before us in quiet contentment and sheer awe at what we see. Standing together, I can slowly feel her body relaxing, melting into mine as her head falls back against my chest.

  “Don’t worry about the summer just yet, baby. Things will work out, I promise,” I say next to her ear.

  “You can’t promise,” she tries to argue, but I cut her off before she can continue.

  “Yes, I can. Together, we’ll figure everything out. I’ll always be with you.” I rest my chin on her shoulder, this time cheek to cheek with her.

  “You and your sweet words, Matthews.”

  “They aren’t just words, and you know it,” I correct, squeezing her body closer to mine. She tightens her hands on my arms, nodding just enough that I know she understands my meaning.

  “Thank you for such a great week camping,” I tell Cade as he sets my luggage down on my bed to take me in his arms. His warmth sinks into me allowing me to feel as if I’m the safest I’ll ever be. He has that effect on me, and I need it more than I’ll admit to him, although I have a feeling he already knows.

  “I’m glad you enjoyed it. My parents were thrilled that you were finally able to go. I’m glad you came.” He rests his chin on my forehead while he breathes deeply into my hair.

  We stand in silence, arms embracing each other, neither of us wanting to separate just yet. Spending a week together, twenty-four hours a day hasn’t been enough, and I can’t seem to convince myself to let him go. I don’t know how to explain it, but being away from him for the summer seems like a really bad idea, like something terrible is going to happen.

  Releasing a deep breath and closing my eyes, I squeeze him more firmly to my chest. Sensing a change in my demeanor, Cade lifts my face away from his body to look into my eyes. “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing,” I deny, “Just wondering how long we were gonna get to stand here before Granny bursts in to do a hand check.” This makes him chuckle and shake his head.

  “She’s done it so many times before, there’s no reason to stop now.” He places a kiss right between my eyes at the top of my nose like he always does, sliding his hands into mine. “It’s getting late anyway. I know Dad will have me up early in the morning to clean out the camper and prep it for next time.” He releases one hand and begins walking us toward the living room and front door.

  “He always jumps right on that, doesn’t he? I guess it’s good for you that we got back so late tonight or he’d have you out there right now working on it,” I laugh as we reach the door.

  Cade groans, “You have no idea.” Stepping out onto the porch, he leans down to rub my nose with his before tasting my lips once more. “You get some sleep and I’ll talk to you tomorrow, okay?”

  Nodding my agreement isn’t enough for him though, and his brows arch as he frowns down at me. Knowing he wants my words, I waste no time is giving them. “Okay, I’m sure I’ll pass out as soon as my head hits the pillow,” I reassure him, standing up on tiptoes to cover his lips with mine in one last kiss before he has to walk away.

  “I hope so. Bye, Short Stuff.” He tightens his hold on my hands one last time then walks to his truck to leave me standing on the top step watching him drive away.

  I end up staying right where he left me, keeping my eyes on his truck’s taillights as they reach the end of my street and turn out of view. It’s after ten and, even though I really should head inside to shower and go to sleep, I sit on the porch steps instead, elbows on knees and chin in my hands, thinking about everything, yet nothing, at the same time. Thoughts of Cade and his family, as well as my own, what little there is, pass through my mind, mixing with those about my nursing classes in the fall semester and all of the fun I’ve had with my friends. Unfortunately, I can’t seem to focus on anything specific. I feel like my mind is running a race with itself, no end in sight. Maybe I’m more tired than I thought I was.

  “Come on inside before the mosquitos eat you alive,” Papaw says standing in the doorway behind me. “It’s getting too late to sit out here with it as hot and humid as it still is.” Bringing myself from the steps, I walk inside, stopping to wrap him in a huge hug as I pass by.

  “I love you,” I say, surprising him.

  “I love you, too.” He runs his steady hands over my hair and pats my back. “You go on now, and get ready for bed, ya hear?” Stepping back, I smile and nod in return. “Maybe I can talk your Granny into making those strawberry muffins you love so much for breakfast, how’s that?”

  “Sounds like heaven.” Before he locks up, I give him a quick hug and head back to my room more than ready for a long, hot shower and bed.

  Crawling into bed, I pick up my phone to send Cade a text before calling it a night.

  ME: Going to sleep now. I miss you. :(

  It takes no time before I hear the ting of an incoming reply.

  HOT STUFF: Stop texting and sleep. >:(

  ME: Don’t try that mad face on me, mister!

  HOT STUFF: Already did. Miss you, too.

  ME: Goodnight, Jensen.

  HOT STUFF Goodnight, Scarlett.

  Sighing with a smile, I plug the phone into the charger and turn off my lamp. Snuggling down into the covers, I can finally feel my body starting to relax, and am thankful when I realize falling asleep will come easily tonight.

  It’s almost noon when I wake up, the sun shining brightly into the window facing my bed no longer allowing me to stay asleep. I’m honestly surprised I haven’t been woken up by now, especially considering how late it is. My grandparents are always up at the crack of dawn, sometimes before the birds are even awake, and they don’t usually try to remain quiet after nine in the morning, so I’m never able to sleep any later than that on a normal basis. Papaw must have con
vinced her to let me sleep in after I told him goodnight. God bless his soul

  After taking care of business in the bathroom, wrestling my hair into some semblance of order, I grab the phone from the charger to check messages, and find one from Cade.

  HOT STUFF: Mornin’, Short Stuff. Have a good day.

  My guy and his pretty, swoon-worthy words.

  ME: You, too, Hot Stuff. Day made. <3

  Grinning from ear to ear, I make my way into the kitchen where a plate of muffins with a note sits on the counter. They always leave notes for me for anything they can think of, saying technology has made young people today forget how to communicate the normal way.

  Your papaw and I are going the store before running a few errands. Love, Granny

  I fix myself a drink and carry the plate of muffins to the living room where I flip through the channels until I decide on some birthing show on the Discovery Health channel. Papaw refuses to watch this on television, claiming he’d already seen his fair share of babies being born, and wasn’t in need of a refresher course. He really is a hoot when he’s on a roll like that.

  Watching couples go through the delivery process has come to fascinate me more over the last few years, and I’m fairly certain that’s where I want to focus my training. It might honestly be the main reason I decided to become a nurse, much to Xana’s disbelief. Her own experiences with hospitals and doctors not ones she wants to have again. Can’t say I blame her, though, especially with what she’s having to go through now with her Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome.

  After catching up on a few episodes, my grandparents return with groceries and a few other bags, so I make my way to the garage to help unload them. “You two go on back inside and relax. I’ll get this unloaded.” Taking the bag from Granny, I shoo them into the house, grabbing another sack of groceries before following behind them.


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