Hot Fudge Fraud

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Hot Fudge Fraud Page 4

by Anisa Claire West

  Ideas flooded Melanie’s mind as she contemplated the possibility of saying yes. She didn’t want Keith to feel stupid for initiating such a grand gesture. And she didn’t want to pass up the golden opportunity. True, her ice cream parlor hadn’t even opened a year ago. But the whole reason she started her own business was to have more freedom. A grueling decade waitressing at various eateries had taken its toll, and she wanted to control her own destiny. Now that Hot Fudge Fancy was a reality, she didn’t want to be shackled to the place. Too many entrepreneurs seemed to fall into that trap. No, she wanted a flexible lifestyle and, more than that, she wanted a trip to Ireland with Keith.

  “Wait a second, Keith. Let me just think for a minute,” she said softly, looking down at the loyal dog curled up at her feet.

  “Is that a yes? Don’t play with me,” he said only half jokingly.

  “I’m not playing with you. I’m thinking maybe I could get my dad to take over the ice cream shop while we’re away. I mean, it’s only for a week, right?” She asked rhetorically, glancing down at the tickets. “Right, so even though the only thing he knows how to do with ice cream is eat it, maybe he could manage for a week. And Sunny knows him so well. My dad could do a little dog sitting too,” she worked out the details, thinking how perfect it was that her father had just retired.

  “Now we’re talkin’!” Keith shouted, unable to contain his excitement. Whipping the door open, he said, “Come on, let’s call your dad and get your suitcase packed before you change your mind!”

  Chapter 4

  Giggling nervously, Melanie ran into her bedroom with Keith and Sunny sprinting behind her.

  “What is all this commotion goin’ on here?” Chloe asked angrily as Lynne still stood in the hall with her arms crossed over her chest.

  “I’m going to Ireland!” Melanie announced breathlessly, dragging a suitcase out of her closet. It wasn’t even fully unpacked yet, she realized, tossing in a few more garments.

  “What?!” Lynne demanded.

  “You heard me, girls,” Melanie replied. “And Sunny will be out of your hair for a week, so no worries about nasty dog food cans and shedding!”

  Both young women stood fuming in the hallway, and Melanie knew they were burning with envy. But she couldn’t worry about the immature post-adolescents right now.

  Keith smiled at her as she packed her suitcase full before frantically searching for her virgin passport. “This thing’s finally gonna get a stamp!” She marveled, locating the official booklet inside a folder labeled ‘Important Documents.’

  “I can’t believe you said yes,” Keith marveled, shaking his head.

  “Neither can I! This is definitely the craziest thing I’ve ever done!”

  “You sure you’re not gonna change your mind?” He asked gravely.

  “I’m not changing my mind!” she said firmly, scanning the room for her cell phone. “There it is,” she mumbled, picking the phone off the windowsill and speed dialing her father. Frowning, she cancelled the call before it connected. “I was going to call my dad and tell him we’re on our way over with Sunny, but I think it’s better to tell him in person.”

  “It’s up to you,” Keith said without taking a breath. “Is he still living up in North Charleston?”

  “Yup. Same house I grew up in,” Melanie confirmed, zipping her suitcase shut with unsteady fingers.

  “Perfect. Because his house is on the way to the airport,” Keith said.

  “Don’t I know it!” Melanie laughed. “Our house is so close to the airport I prayed every night growing up that a plane wouldn’t fly into my bedroom! Sometimes it sounded like they were about to land in our backyard.”

  Keith looked at her compassionately. He had grown up just half a mile away, but his neighborhood wasn’t quite as gritty as hers. “Got everything?” He asked, placing a tender hand on her shoulder.

  “I think so,” she said in a trembling voice. “This feels surreal.”

  “I know,” was all Keith said. In truth, he was nervous about spending a week abroad with Melanie. He wanted this to be the trip she had always dreamed of but never dared to take. And he especially wanted her to find some closure regarding her mother’s death.

  “I just need to change my clothes. Could you turn your back for a minute?”

  “Of course.” He turned around as she yanked out a pair of jeans and button down sweater from her nightstand. She didn’t know exactly what type of weather to expect in Ireland in June, but she was certain it would be cooler than Charleston. And it rained buckets in northern Europe, so the itchy sweater would come in handy once they were on the Emerald Isle.

  “You can turn around now. Well alright, let’s go,” Melanie said tentatively.

  Keith opened the door, appalled to see that Lynne and Chloe were still hovering in the hallway. “Nice meeting you ladies,” he said with forced politeness.

  “You shoulda told us you have a wild lifestyle before you moved in,” Lynne said accusingly.

  Brushing off the cynical comment, Melanie shrugged and retorted, “My lifestyle wasn’t wild until tonight!”

  “Aren’t you even going to introduce us to your boyfriend?” Lynne asked sulkily.

  Keith spoke up and extended his hand for curt shakes with both young women. “Keith McBrennan. Pleased to make your acquaintance.”

  “Keith McBrennan?” Lynne echoed, astonished. Through stunned vision, she ogled him.

  “Yes, that’s my name,” he drawled impatiently. “Have we met?” Keith inquired.

  “No,” Lynne replied honestly. “But I’ve heard of you. I’ve, uh, read a lot about your real estate ventures in the newspaper,” she said in a tone that made Keith suspicious.

  “Is that right?” He muttered. “Well, ladies, we have a plane to catch. Good night.”

  Awkwardly, Melanie and Keith filed out of the house with Sunny. All the while they felt Lynne’s eyes stabbing them from behind.


  Mr. Bradley answered the door in a checkered pair of pajamas. Shocked to see his daughter at this hour of the night, he exclaimed, “Melanie! You nearly sent me into cardiac arrest! What in the world are you doing here so late? Is everything okay?”

  From the shadows, Keith emerged and offered his hand for a shake. “Good evening, Mr. Bradley. Not sure if you remember me…”

  Scott Bradley stared hard and long at the young man. Something about his friendly face and periwinkle eyes was reminiscent of bygone days. “You do look familiar. Who are you?”

  “Keith McBrennan, sir. Nice to see you again after all these years.”

  Mr. Bradley’s lips upturned in a slight smile. “Well I’ll be darned! Keith McBrennan! I’d ask you how your parents are doing, but I still have no idea why you two are here! Would you mind explainin’?”

  Melanie took a deep breath and conveyed the story of how she had run into Keith on the street in Isle of Palms. She detailed him on the extravagant first date as the older man listened, nodding his approval. But when she got to the part about their pending flight to Ireland, he froze.

  “You’re telling me that you’re leaving for Ireland tonight?!” Mr. Bradley asked incredulously.

  “Yes,” she said cautiously as the idea still sounded outrageous to her own ears.

  “You can trust Melanie with me, sir. I will take good care of her. I’ve done a good deal of travelin’ for my career, and I won’t let her out of my sight,” Keith interjected as Melanie shot him an indignant look.

  “Excuse me? Let me out of your sight? I’m not an infant, Keith!” Her defensive response was a reflex. She wasn’t used to being taken care of, and the idea made her bristle.

  Mr. Bradley chuckled and said, “I like the way you operate, Keith. And I’m gonna hold you to your word! Melanie has never been out of the country before.”

  “Yes, I know, sir,” Keith said as solemnly as though he were addressing a military commander.

  “So anyway,” Melanie said with a nuance of impatience,
“would it be okay if Sunny stays with you?”

  “Of course!” Mr. Bradley said heartily.

  “And,” Melanie added, “if you manage the ice cream parlor for a week?”

  Mr. Bradley shook his head wryly and mused, “I didn’t retire more than 20 minutes ago and already I’m running a business! It’s unbelievable. But, you know, I was wondering what I was gonna do with all this time on my hands. Now that won’t be a problem.”

  Melanie’s face shone as she embraced her father. “Thank you so much, Dad!” Into his ear, she whispered, “I think Mom would be really happy that I’m taking this trip.”

  “I do too, darlin’,” he whispered back.

  Kissing Sunny on the forehead, she handed the dog to her father and said, “Now, don’t forget to take Sunny to the store with you every day! He’s a big attraction with the customers.”

  “I wouldn’t dream of leaving Sunny home alone all day. Go on, you two. Y’all have a flight to catch!” Mr. Bradley feigned more enthusiasm than he felt inside. Keith McBrennan was a fine young man, but Mr. Bradley didn’t like the idea of his daughter traveling across the world with him after just one date. But she was a grown woman, and he knew that any sign of disapproval on his part would only alienate her.

  “Really good to see you again,” Keith emphasized, shaking the older man’s hand vigorously. “And I will take excellent care of her!”

  “I know you will, McBrennan. Now go on and have a safe flight,” Mr. Bradley said gruffly, fighting back tears.

  Melanie recognized the emotion in her father’s tone and gave him another hug before accepting Keith’s hand and heading to the car.


  Melanie’s first impression of Charleston International Airport was that it resembled a bus station. “Is this really an airport?” She murmured in disbelief. “It’s so small!”

  Keith rolled his eyes humorously. “I know. And calling it Charleston International Airport is a joke. They don’t have any international flights departing from here. That’s why we’ve got to pick up a connection at Washington-Dulles.”

  “You mean we’re going on two airplanes?” Melanie asked as her nervous energy bubbled into full blown fear.

  “Yes, but don’t worry. The flight to Washington lasts less than an hour. Once we’re there, our layover is pretty quick and then we’ll be on our way to Dublin. Smooth sailing,” he said confidently.

  “I hope you’re right. It looks like it’s starting to rain. Is the pilot still going to fly if it’s raining?” Melanie inquired innocently.

  “Of course! A little rain doesn’t stop a flight from taking off. Now quit worrying! Flying on a plane is safer than driving a car. Let’s go get checked in. The flight leaves exactly at midnight and they’re sticklers for making sure everyone checks in early,” Keith pressed, holding her hand as they wheeled their suitcases into the shoebox airport.

  Melanie felt exhilarated as she contemplated a flight departing at midnight. How intriguing, she thought. My first time ever on a plane and we’re jetting out of South Carolina at the witching hour. The airport was all but empty, and the pair breezed through security without a hitch. Waiting at the gate for their flight to board, Melanie sat down next to Keith and folded her hands in her lap.

  “Your hands are trembling,” he observed, stroking her hair.

  “I know. I’m just excited. So many things are going through my mind right now,” she said, electrified by his heated touch.

  “Melanie, I’m excited too,” he said intimately as she gazed up in surprise at the intensity of his voice. “This is like a dream come true for me.”

  “What are you talking about?” She asked, perplexed. “You said you’ve done lots of traveling.”

  “I have. But not with someone I really care about,” he admitted, suddenly feeling self-conscious and staring out the enormous glass window at the plane that awaited them.

  Melanie wasn’t sure how to respond. How could he claim to care about her after only one date? Unless the crush he had on her back in their school days had been more than just puppy love. Or maybe it was just as a friend that he cared about her. Shooing the questions out of her fidgety mind, she tried to focus on the voyage ahead.

  Uncomfortably vulnerable, Keith clammed up and simply caressed her hair as they waited for the boarding call. She didn’t press the issue and remained content just to be at his side. Finally, a flight attendant announced boarding for their rows. Melanie shot to her feet, trembling anew at the prospect of getting onto the plane.

  “This is it, Melanie,” Keith said with a boyish grin. “3-2-1 blastoff!”

  She poked him in the shoulder and said, “Stop! You make it sound like we’re boarding a rocket!”

  “Well, it does feel a little like a rocket during take off. You’ll see,” he previewed, squeezing her hand as a chill traveled up her spine. “And if you thought the airport was small, wait till you see the inside of this plane!”

  He indicated for her to walk ahead of him. She smiled wanly at the crew as she walked onto the plane. The air was stale and thin, and the seating area looked painfully tight. Keith grinned knowingly at her as she passed through First Class en route to cramped Coach.

  “Where do you think you’re going?” He asked conspiratorially.

  “Huh? To sit over there. What row are we in?”

  “Right here,” he said happily, patting a roomy leather chair in the First Class cabin. “You didn’t think I’d let you fly Coach for your first flight, did you?”

  “Keith! First Class tickets are very expensive. I can’t afford that,” she said uneasily.

  He frowned and replied, “No one’s asking you to afford it. This is our second date, Melanie. What kind of cad would I be if I expected you to pay even one penny on our second date?”

  Lightheartedly, she protested, “But our second date can’t last an entire week! You’re going to at least let me pay for some meals!”

  “Nope. Can’t do that. Now just sit back and enjoy the ride,” he whispered as their arms brushed together.

  She planted a quick kiss on his lips, amazed by how much her skin tingled from the subtle touch. He looked at her fiercely as his eyes roved to appraise her body for the first time since they had run into each other. Keith clearly enjoyed the view as his eyes smoldered taking a tour of her snug red sweater and form fitting jeans. Chemistry was definitely sparking between them, and Melanie wondered what kind of hotel arrangements he had made. It seemed preposterous that they would share a room without becoming lovers.

  Nervously looking away, Melanie picked up an emergency pamphlet and started flipping through it. “Here, read a magazine instead,” he advised, retrieving a copy of Vogue from the slot in his chair. “All that emergency info will only freak you out.”

  She happily complied, accepting the fashion magazine with a smile and trying to banish any lingering fears about the flight. The Coach section quickly filled up, and she noticed how several passengers shot her sour expressions that looked an awful lot like envy.

  “This is so weird,” she whispered to Keith. “I feel like I should be in Coach class with everyone else.”

  “Not at all. You are a first class lady, Melanie Bradley,” he replied, refusing to let her feel guilty about enjoying the luxury cabin. “Ah, here’s the beverage cart. Would you like a glass of champagne?”

  “Champagne?” She echoed. “I heard that planes only serve little baggies of peanuts these days. And maybe a soft drink watered down with a bucket of ice.”

  “Not in First Class,” Keith said, cordially nodding at the stewardess as she poured them two flutes of champagne.

  Melanie wrapped her hands around the stem and marveled, “These glasses were pre-chilled!”

  “That’s right,” he said casually, raising his glass in a silent toast.

  As she sipped the champagne, her nerves turned to putty and she eagerly looked out the window as the plane started to taxi. “I wish it weren’t so dark outside. I’d love
to see how Charleston looks from the sky,” she commented.

  “Well, it will be broad daylight when we land in Dublin, so you’ll be able to get a bird’s eye view of Ireland,” he promised.

  The force of the plane’s ascent rattled Melanie, even with the champagne numbing her fears. She latched on to Keith’s hand and interlaced their fingers. He winked encouragingly at her as the wheels lifted off the ground. Hastily shutting the window, she leaned back in her seat and braced herself. The plane felt alarmingly unsteady and heavy.

  “It doesn’t seem natural for this huge hunk of metal to be soaring through the sky!” She hissed as the champagne reached a plateau in her system.

  “It’s not natural. It’s technology,” Keith quipped. “Just hold on tight, darlin’. You’re gonna be just fine.”

  “That’s what my father always says. Just fine,” Melanie mused, comforted by the familiar line.

  She settled back in the seat a little less stiffly, indicating for the stewardess to refill her glass. The plane swayed back and forth in the sky and the muffled voices of the crew floated near the cockpit. Keith sipped his champagne nonchalantly, trying not to panic about the turbulence that was rocking the plane. But in his gut, he felt that something was wrong with the plane. Ignoring this impression, he kept his hand clasped over Melanie’s and tried to fall asleep. His eyes blinked open when the voice of the pilot streamed through the cabin.

  “Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. This is your captain speaking. Please remain calm as I issue the following announcement. We have detected a mechanical issue with the aircraft and will need to make an emergency landing in Myrtle Beach. Please remain seated with your seatbelts fastened.”

  “Emergency landing?! Mechanical issue?! Is that what he just said?” Melanie demanded, unable to contain her panic.

  “Yes, but don’t worry. I’ve been on flights where this has happened before,” Keith said without any compelling certainty.


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