Destiny 1: Life Choices: From the Evei Lattimore Collection

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Destiny 1: Life Choices: From the Evei Lattimore Collection Page 8

by Blue Saffire

  “It’s okay. I mean it’s new so we are learning to get along with each other.”

  “Well, you can always come home.”

  “Yeah, I know I just may come home,” I murmured.

  “I’m sorry ma-me, don’t leave,” Victor whispered in my ear.

  “How is school?” My mother quizzed.

  “Good, I had an exam today.”

  “Please stay,” Victor whispered and kissed my cheek.

  I looked up at him and he looked stressed. I could see the look of a scared little boy in his eyes. I couldn’t be mad at him seeing that in his eyes. He was really afraid of me leaving him. He wiped the tears from my eyes and kissed me.

  “Mom, can I call you back?”

  “Yes, honey, I just wanted to check on you.”

  “Okay. I love you.”

  “Love you too, Liyah.”

  I hung up the phone and dropped my bag on the floor. I wrapped my arms around Victor’s neck and hugged him. He squeezed me tight and kissed me. I pulled away from him and picked up my bag and walked back into the bedroom.

  “Yo, put her bags next to the room so she can unpack them,” Victor called to Alex and Juan who were still standing and watching the whole thing.

  As they brought my bags over, I started to drag them in the room. Once they had everything in the apartment, and I had pulled it all in the room, I closed the door to be by myself. I needed to think.

  I knew I should have gotten out while I had the chance. Only thing was, I needed Victor as much as he needed me. He was growing on me.

  Once I had all my things put away, I sat on the floor to think. What was I really doing here? I looked down at the ring on my finger and I wondered what it really meant to Victor.

  I saw the look in his eyes when he picked it. I didn’t miss the way his face beamed when he put it on my hand. It clearly meant more to him then he was saying.

  My stomach started to interfere with my thoughts. I was hungry and needed to get something to eat. I got up from the floor and went into the living room. They were watching TV and laughing. I walked over to Victor and pushed him with my hip.

  “I’m hungry.”

  “We ordered pizza. It will be here soon.” He looked up at me and kissed the hip I bumped him with. He still didn’t look like he was sure I wasn’t going to leave.

  “Fine, let me know when it comes.”

  I went back in the room and threw myself on the bed. I needed to rest some, my head was starting to hurt. I still had class in the morning. I wasn’t sure if Victor was going to want to be entertained tonight. I think I got in a thirty-minute nap before Victor came in to tell me the pizza came. I didn’t want them to eat it all, so I got up and went out to get a couple of slices.

  Victor was back to the way he was while we were shopping. I had a hard time being mad at that side of him. I spent a couple of hours with him, before I went in the room to call it a night. I was glad when Victor came in the room and just wrapped around me while I fell asleep. I wasn’t in the mood for anything else. I was trying to figure out how to keep this Victor around and eighty-six the other one.

  chapter seven

  His Wants

  Victor was gone early again the next morning. Alex gave me a ride to school before he went to class. I was surprised that Victor was letting him be alone with me again.

  Juan was the one to pick me up from school. He took me to the salon so I could get my hair done. I had called Victor to tell him I wanted to go. I could tell he wanted to say no because Queeny works there, but he was trying not to make me mad at him.

  Queeny made a big deal about my new gifts from Victor. She was checking out the clothes and my bag when I walked in, but once I flipped my hair and she saw the earrings and the ring she was squealing and freaking out.

  Victor would get what he wanted. If he wanted everyone to know about the ring and that I was his, Queeny was going to get the news out. I was sure of that.

  I was having a good time with Queeny until she pushed a little too far into my business. “Okay, so what’s it like being with Victor?” Queeny quizzed.

  “What do you mean?” I asked, as I sat in the chair while she wrapped my hair.

  “I mean you haven’t told me what it was like. Is it good? You like it? Is he little, is that why he is so controlling?”

  I was a little offended. I didn’t feel it was any of her business. It certainly was not the business of any of the other girls that were leaning in, pretending not to be listening.

  “What I do with Victor is none of your business,” I said curtly. “I don’t ask you about Sisqo or whoever you’re with.”

  “Mama, why you being like that? Fine, you don’t have to tell me, I heard he is good anyway, I just wanted to know if it was true.”

  “Heard from who? You know what forget that, why do you need to know if it’s true?” I was very defensive now. Which caught me off guard, but Victor was my boyfriend and I did have a right to be upset.

  “Chill, I don’t want him. I just wanted to know if they were exaggerating, but if you don’t want to talk about it, fine.”

  I was annoyed now and it was all over my face. I didn’t see why she felt the need to ask me something so personal in front of so many people. Queeny is never whispering the way she thinks she is. Besides, I was really mad she cared what being with Victor was like.

  It made me think about how much he can’t stand her. If it were anyone other than Queeny it would have turned into a fight, I was so heated. I didn’t think I would feel that way about Victor.

  “Mama, you really mad at me?” Queeny asked. “Oh, my gosh, you really feeling Victor, ain’t you?”

  “Once again, none of your business,” I grumbled.

  “Don’t be like that, Tali. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have asked about that other stuff, but we girls. You can tell me if you like him.” She leaned down to squeeze my shoulders.

  “I’m his girlfriend, so what do you think?”

  “Fine Tali, I hate when you get like this,” Queeny frowned and ceased from asking me any more questions.

  Alex came to pick me up after I text Victor to tell him I was done. Alex and I had fun laughing and talking on the way back to the apartment. He seemed to have cheered up since the other night with Victor’s little episode. I like hanging with him, Alex is really funny. We have a lot in common.

  When we got to the apartment, Victor was in the living room with Juan and Sisqo. They were watching videos with these half naked, big booty chicks. I rolled my eyes at Victor when we walked in. He laughed at me as he dragged on the blunt in his hand.

  I rushed into the kitchen to see if there was food in the refrigerator yet. It was still empty. I slammed the door and sighed. I had been here for three days and hadn’t seen them even think about putting food in this place.

  “Have you ever heard of a grocery store or groceries before?” I grumbled as I walked pass the living room toward the bedroom.

  “You not gonna say hi?” Victor laughed reaching for me to come to him.

  “I hate that stuff,” I said pointing to his blunt. “I’m hungry. Why is there never food here?”

  “You want to go to the store? Alex can take you,” he said as he blew out the smoke. “Come here, I missed you.”

  “No, that’s giving me a headache.” I didn’t want to be anywhere near him and that smoke. He was going to stink up my fresh hair do. The place already smelled like they were smoking all day.

  “You for real Ma-me? Tali, come here.”

  “No. Alex, let me know when you’re ready. I need to get some food.” I was swatting Victor’s arms away from me. I was getting more annoyed by the minute. I can be very grumpy when I’m hungry.

  “We can go now,” Alex offered.

  “Yo B, pick up some air freshener. She all sensitive,” Victor laughed. “A little trees is good for you.”

  “Yeah, right. Tell that to your brain cells.” I frowned at him and shook my head. I bet he really believed
that crap.

  Alex and I went to the supermarket. I bought everything that should be in the refrigerator and the cabinets. Alex said they eat out most the time because nobody really knows how to cook.

  I was not about to live like that. If Victor liked this body the way it was he sure didn’t want me to start living like that. We had to stop at a home goods store to pick up some pots and pans too.

  It’s insane the amounts of money these guys circulate without even blinking. I picked out everything I needed to stock a full kitchen, things for baking and cooking. Alex made sure to tell me not to get the cheap stuff.

  When we got back the guys came downstairs to help get the things to the apartment. I went straight in the kitchen to start making something to eat, while throwing down a fruit cup to hold me for a little while. Victor, Juan, and Sisqo were so high they were digging through the bags, pulling out the snacks I got and scarfing them down. At the rate they were going, I would need to go shopping again before the week is out.

  Alex was putting the things away because the others weren’t any help. I had food on the stove and I started to make a chocolate cake because I had a craving for it. Alex stayed in the kitchen to help out after the groceries were away. We were laughing and talking while I cooked.

  I caught Victor watching us a few times. We were just being friends, nothing he needed to worry about. Alex was making sure not to get too close to me or to seem over friendly. I had a feeling he knew Victor was watching us as well.

  When the food was finished, I took a plate over to Victor. I sat on the floor next to him with my own plate. I had made enough food for what I thought would be two nights, but they destroyed it.

  Everyone was going back for seconds. I wasn’t sure if it was because they were high or because it tasted that good. When I saw Alex sneak into the kitchen for a third plate, I figured it must have tasted good.

  “Tali, where you been all my life?” Juan crooned. “That was mad good.”

  “Word, I don’t even want nobody else’s chicken after that,” Sisqo said with a huge grin as he rubbed his stomach.


  “Ma-me, I give you anything you want,” Victor crooned.

  “Victor, you were doing that before I cooked,” I laughed.

  “True.” He leaned over to kiss the top of my head. He really was trying to be on his best behavior since our fight. He knows I hate the way he talks to me when he is being a jerk.

  I got up to take the dishes in the kitchen and Victor followed me this time. I had a feeling he didn’t want to give Alex a chance to help out this time. Victor wasn’t much help though. He was just hanging all over me while I washed the dishes. He was trying to start a conversation asking me about my day.

  “Your hair looks pretty,” he crooned in my ear.

  “Thank you.”

  “Did you miss me?”

  “Yes.” I was telling the truth. I really did, even when I was with Alex.

  “I missed you too.”

  “You did, so why didn’t you come get me?”

  “I didn’t want you to have to wait, Alex was closer. Besides, you safer with Alex, I don’t want you riding around with me too much.” My stomach turned a little as he said that. I never thought about the danger I put myself in every time I’m with Victor.

  “Baby, are you sure it’s okay that everyone knows I’m with you?” I was starting to get a little worried. It was dawning on me that Victor always had someone come to get me and watch over me when I went to the neighborhood. I noticed Richie by the hair salon the whole time I was there.

  “I not gonna let anything happen to you. That’s why it’s important you listen. Some things I tell you for your own good.”

  “Okay. I’ll listen just say it right.” I had no problem with Victor trying to keep me safe. I just didn’t like when he got all bossy and mean about it. He has a way of talking to everyone like they’re his kids or like their stupid or something.

  “Why you so sensitive?” I didn’t think I was being sensitive at all. He needed to know how to talk to me like a person, like he was doing now. He was using a really soft and sweet tone with me.

  “Why you so mean?” I teased back.

  “I not mean,” he whispered in my ear as he slid his hand under my shirt. “You just make me crazy, cause you don’t listen when I want you to.”

  “You always get what you want, Victor?” I asked the question as sarcastically as I could.

  “No, but I’m used to taking what I want. It’s different with you though, you make me ask, I like that.” He was being really honest, I could tell.

  “You’re not asking right now,” I moaned as he caressed my breasts under my shirt.

  “Taliyah, can I have you?” he whispered in my ear and kissed my neck.

  “Yes,” I answered and turned off the sink.

  “Go in the room and put on something nice for me.”


  He released me and I went in the room like he asked. I could smell the weed smoke and knew he was getting in one more blunt in before he came to bed. I really don’t think I’m going to get used to that. I climbed on the bed to wait for him, but he was taking too long. I fell asleep hugging his pillow.

  When Victor did come to bed he made sure to wake me up. I may have changed my mind, but he didn’t. I was so out of it. I wasn’t sure if he used a condom like he promised or not. I just remember giving him what he wanted and going back to sleep.

  chapter Eight

  Hanging Out

  I woke up the next morning and I knew Alex was the one that was going to be staying with me. I was bored. Victor had left after I made him and Juan breakfast. I left Alex something to eat for when he got up. I was sure he ate because when I went out of the room for some water his food was gone and his dish was washed.

  I left my door open so I would hear him the next time he came out of his room. I didn’t want to bother him. I wasn’t sure if he was studying. I really was trying not to be a pain.

  I had waited about an hour for him to come out of his room and still didn’t see him go by. I was going to start painting the walls if I didn’t find something to do soon. I decided if Alex was going to be the babysitter he was going to have to be my entertainment as well.

  I got up off the bed and walked into the living room that was so quiet you could hear a pin drop. I peeked down the hall for Alex’s room door and it was half opened. I figured he must have been doing what I was, waiting for me to move around before he came out.

  “Alex,” I yelled, “I’m bored.” I watched his door to see if he would come out.

  Alex came walking out of his bedroom in sweats and a t-shirt. I started reminding myself right away that I live here with his best friend. His best friend that I’m dating and happen to like. I was hoping this was going to get easier.

  Alex had a big smile on his face as he came up the hallway and placed an arm around my shoulder. “So what you want to do?” he asked as he chuckled at the face I was making. It was my officially bored to tears face.

  “What’s on the warden’s list of things Tali can do?” I teased.

  “Well, there’s TV, TV, and more TV,” he laughed. I love his accent and the smooth velvet tone of his voice only made it that much more attractive.

  “Ugh,” I sighed and crashed down on the couch. Alex was right behind me, sitting next to me. He grabbed a remote and started flipping through channels. “Why is Victor torturing me, torturing us?”

  “Mama, Victor, is not torturing me,” Alex laughed. “I like hanging with you.” He was grinning and giving me a shy look.

  “I think you’re cool too.” I smiled at him. I was trying not to flirt with him. I wanted to remain friends.

  “So, then it’s not torture. We just need to find something to watch and maybe we better stock up on movies around here that you can watch.” He was chuckling as we both looked at the porn DVDs stacked on the table and by the DVD player.

  “You’re right
about that,” I grumbled. It was not easy living with a bunch of guys. My mother would have a fit if she knew who my roommates were.

  “So how do you like it here so far, besides the lack of entertainment?” Alex is really cool. He would start a conversation to keep me occupied.

  “It’s cool, I guess. Victor is getting better, I guess. I haven’t had to pack my bags,” I shrugged as Alex laughed at me.

  “Victor really is cool, Mama. You just have to be patient with him. I didn’t think he would change for you, but he is trying. I think it’s a good thing.”

  “Why do you think that is? I mean what makes me so special?” Victor told me it was because I said no to him. I wanted to see if he told Alex something else.

  “He really likes you. Which is not hard,” Alex smiled as he said that. “I think he wants to be with someone and be happy. I can tell he is happy with you.”

  “Is that right? I think Juan does a good job making him happy,” I teased.

  “Funny, Tali. No, seriously, this life gets lonely. I think we all like having you here. Someone not a part of it all, someone we don’t have to watch our backs around. At least, it’s that way for me.” I stopped to think about that for a minute. I didn’t realize how much Alex liked babysitting me.

  “I like being here too. You guys have been going out of your way to make me happy.”

  “It’s the least we can do,” Alex smiled. “This is the best I’ve eaten in a long time.” He was laughing and put his arm around my shoulder to pull me closer to him. “You’re cool, Tali.”

  “Sure, it’s the cooking, you just said so.” We both laughed.

  “Victor is lucky,” he sighed. The way he said it made me feel awkward. I decided to change the subject.

  We hung out on the couch talking for hours. Alex sat in the kitchen with me while I cooked to talk some more. After I was done, we went right back to the couch.

  I had fallen asleep with my head on Alex’s lap. Alex was asleep too with his head back against the couch. I felt a pair of hands wrap around me, and lips pressing to mine waking me up.


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