Dragon King (The Bride Hunt Book 3)

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Dragon King (The Bride Hunt Book 3) Page 10

by Charlene Hartnady

  “Blaze came by,” she paused. “He asked to speak to Coal alone. By the way, he’s really looking like shit.”

  “Okay so scraggly beard and overgrown hair is not his normal style then?”

  “No, definitely not. He’s freaked out about you,” Julie smiled for a few seconds but quickly grew serious.

  “Why?” She could only pray that Julie confided in her. “Please tell me what’s going on. I really need to know. I deserve to know.”

  “I really shouldn’t,” Julie licked her lips. “Coal told me a couple of things after Blaze left. Shit.” She scratched her forehead and looked at the floor for a few moments. “I shouldn’t tell you.”

  Roxy could see the other woman wrestling with the decision of whether or not to confide in her. “Please just tell me what’s going on. I beg you.”

  Julie lifted her eyes to meet Roxy’s. She sighed. “Okay, but I’m probably going to regret this,” she mumbled to herself. “Blaze is worried about hurting you.”

  Roxy could feel herself frown. “Why would he be worried about hurting me?”

  “Dragon shifters are big and strong. Like super powerful. Blaze told you that he hasn’t had sex in a really long time. To put it bluntly, you make him so horny that he’s worried he might hurt you during sex. He does have a point since you are a human. We are breakable.”

  Roxy was trying to process this information. So that’s where the ticking time bomb analogy came in. He was afraid, literally, of hurting her or possibly killing her. Roxy swallowed hard, suddenly feeling a little nervous.

  “This is where things get a little hairy,” Julie scratched the back of her neck and looked back down at the floor for a few moments. “Don’t freak out when I tell you this.”

  After about a half a minute of silence Roxy finally grew impatient. “Tell me already.”

  “He’s thinking of having sex with one of the dragon shifter women.”

  Roxy’s mouth fell open in an all-out gape. At first it felt like the blood was rushing from her face. If she looked in the mirror, she would probably be as white as a ghost. It didn’t take long however for her blood to really start pumping as anger coursed through her veins. Pale was quickly replaced by blood red. “What the hell! You can’t be serious?”

  “It might be safer if you let him…”

  “Are you serious? Are you telling me that I should be okay with it if he has sex with some other woman?”

  “You’ve only just met him, it’s not like—”

  “That’s bullshit!” Roxy yelled. “I’m here to date him. To possibly marry the asshole. He’s made it very clear that he’s not going to share me, so why the hell should I share him?” The more she spoke, the angrier she became. “How would you have felt if Coal had won you during the hunt and then proceeded to screw the brains out of another woman?”

  Julie’s eyes narrowed.

  “How would you feel if he had hopped out of one of their beds and into yours?”

  “I would’ve told him to go to hell,” Julie blurted. She sucked in a deep breath. “You’re right. Blaze would be making a mistake. He really thinks you’re in danger though. He made it clear that he doesn’t want to have sex with one of them,” her eyes widened. “I shouldn’t be telling you this either but according to Coal, Blaze has never had sex with a dragon woman before.”

  So, Blaze was just going to go behind her back and have sex with another woman? It felt wrong even though he hadn’t made any promises to her. They weren’t really together, but it still felt really wrong.

  “He’s thinking it over right now. He told Coal that he was going to his office. I think if he’s going to go through with it, it’s going to be soon. Do you want me to go and talk to him? Maybe I can talk him out of it.”

  Roxy shook her head. Stuff that! “I’m going to give that asshole a piece of my mind.”

  Julie’s mouth fell open. “What do you…?”

  Roxy didn’t wait to hear the rest of what Julie had to say. She raced to the door and tugged it open. Blaze always went to the right just before he shut the door, so it made sense that, that was the direction of his office. At least she hoped it was. Heaven help any shifter male that tried to come near her, she’d break his shins and crack his balls. It didn’t take long before she passed one of them.

  His eyes widened. “Are you lost?”

  “Where is Blaze’s office?” she tried to stay calm.

  He frowned, looking really confused. His nostrils flared. “You shouldn’t be walking around like this. I can scent that my king has not fully claimed you yet. Another male might try and claim you for himself,” he pulled a face. “That could end up in disaster. Go back to my lord’s chamber. Go quickly.”

  “Listen, buddy, I need to find Blaze and I need to find him right now.”

  Julie came running up behind them. “What are you doing? You need to go back.”

  “That’s what I was just telling her,” the big shifter said.

  Julie looked worried. “Don’t you dare touch her or…”

  The shifter held up his hands. “Don’t you worry about that. I happen to like my balls. I’d also like to keep breathing.”

  Roxy wasn’t sure what he was on about. “I get that you’re both afraid of what might happen with me running around the castle. I know it’s not safe.” A shiver of fear raced through her but she pushed it down. She needed to see Blaze and right now. “Take me to him. Do it now! Otherwise I’m going to have to try and find his office on my own and that would probably mean running into a whole lot of shifters.”

  “I should never have told you,” Julie moaned. “I’m such an idiot. You’ve made up your mind haven’t you?”

  Roxy nodded. “Please help me, before he does something stupid. Call me a complete idiot but there’s something about him...” It was that whole gut instinct thing again. A little voice inside her that told her that Blaze might just be the one. It was probably just her being overly romantic and looking for the sunshine and rainbows where there weren’t any. Looking for a happy ending where there probably wasn’t one. Roxy was just being an idiot but she couldn’t help it.

  Julie’s whole demeanor softened. “I think you’re just what he needs. A human capable of whipping him into shape,” she smiled. “I’m going to get into such shit for this, but come on.”

  The three of them ran, much to the astonishment of those they passed. Thank god none of the shifter men tried to approach her or tried any funny business. They were probably too shocked, judging by the expressions on their faces.

  Less than two minutes later, they stood outside Blaze’s office.

  “Thank you,” Roxy whispered.

  “You should go in now, you’re in danger,” the shifter looked worried, he kept looking up and down the hallway.

  “You should get out of here,” Julie looked at the dragon shifter. “You’re the one who’s in danger,” she whispered. “If Blaze catches you anywhere near his female…”

  He nodded and left. “Thanks again,” Roxy said to his retreating back.

  “Good luck,” Julie whispered. “Don’t be too hard on him.”

  Roxy had to fight not to roll her eyes. She nodded, took a deep breath, squared her shoulders and walked in.

  Blaze’s back was to her. It looked like he was staring at the view. His whole stance immediately stiffened. “Who the…” he growled as he turned, then his eyes locked with hers and they widened before narrowing. “How did you get here?” he went on before she could answer. “Do you have any idea how much risk you put yourself in to come here?”

  Roxy slammed the door behind her. “Do you know what a gigantic asshole you are?”

  “So you keep telling me.”

  “No really! Did you think you could go off and screw some other person and think that I would never find out? God!” She pinched the bridge of her nose for a second. “Why am I even here? I think it’s unacceptable. You can’t bring me here to get to know me with the intention of marrying me… maybe…
and then go and sleep with another woman. It’s just not right. It’s not how humans do things. If that’s how shifters go about relationships, then I made a mistake coming here.”

  If he was shocked or upset, he didn’t show it. “It’s not how we do things either.”

  “Why then? I know we don’t know each other and that you don’t owe me anything but I think it’s in bad taste and… I think you at least owe me an explanation.”

  He didn’t answer her.

  “You know what, forget it. I don’t want to try and start something with you anyway. Not if this is your attitude. You don’t want me messing around with other guys but you will quite happily sleep with another woman.”

  He growled, his hands curled into fists. “You are mine.”

  What an asshole. “See!” she pointed at him, “my point exactly. You said that I was yours earlier as well. You keep laying claim to me like I’m some kind of possession yet you’ll go and quite happily fuck someone else. That’s not cool.”

  “It wouldn’t be happily,” he growled, looking pissed – nothing had changed there. “I can’t see any other way around it,” he sounded anguished. “The things I want to do to you,” his throat worked. “I don’t have much control. I could hurt you so easily. I will hurt you.” His eyes had this pleading look. “I don’t want another female, but I’m not sure I have a choice. I’m not sure that we have a choice.” It was the first time he’d referred to them together. His words warmed her, gave her hope. She was an idiot!

  Blaze was huge and imposing. Raw power radiated off of him. She had to suppress a shiver.

  “You’re afraid. I can scent it. You should be afraid of me.” He flexed his muscles and his pecs did that bounce thing.

  Roxy nodded. “I am afraid,” she whispered. “But, I’m not a coward and neither are you. We’re attracted to one another in a big way.” She walked towards him. “I, for one, really want to see where this leads. If you feel the same, then we need to get through this together. Come up with a plan together.”

  Blaze shook his head. “I can’t think of anything. I’ve been wracking my brain, but… I meant it when I said I don’t want anyone else. For what it’s worth, I had already decided not to go down that road.”

  Something eased in her. She tried not to show her relief.

  “The only reason I would’ve done it is to protect you. You need to understand that,” his eyes shone with sincerity. Roxy believed him.

  “The only other option is to send you home. This,” he motioned between them, “is a ticking time bomb. I don’t know how much longer I can keep my hands off of you.”

  Holy hell! Hearing him say that made her want him more. “I’m not going anywhere.” There was only one thing to do in a situation like this. Not that she’d ever been in a situation like this. She dropped to her knees in front of him. “You have to promise to talk to me in the future instead of running off on your own.”

  “What are you doing?” Blaze half-whispered. His hands clenched at his sides, to keep from touching her maybe?

  Her eyes focused on his erection. Shit! He was big. The loose, cotton pants tented.

  “Female,” it was a low growl. “I’m not sure…” he sucked in a breath as Roxy pulled down his pants. His dick sprang free. It strained from his body.

  She made a squeaking noise. “Holy mother of… they weren’t lying when they said you guys were well hung. It was an understatement.” Blaze’s… member was thick as well as being a good length. Definitely an understatement.

  “You’re playing with fire. You…” he hissed as her hand closed around him.

  He was as hard as nails, yet, his skin was silky smooth. The area was hairless, which made him look even bigger. A drop of pre-cum beaded on the head and his dick throbbed in her hand. His heavy sacs were drawn up against his body. “There’s only one way to deal with this. I’m going to blow you,” she licked her lips. “Relieve some of your tension.”

  He choked out a strangled laugh. “Even if you made me come five times with that pretty mouth of yours, it wouldn’t help. My cock wants inside your pussy and nothing else is going to ease this raging inferno inside of me,” his voice was a smoky rasp.

  She’d never had a guy talk dirty to her before. Not like this. Although, Blaze wasn’t technically talking dirty. He was just saying it like it was, which somehow was even hotter. Roxy felt her nipples tighten, her clit pretty much went onto both knees and begged for attention.

  Blaze sniffed. “You like the thought of my cock inside you,” he frowned deeply. “Even though I could hurt you? I could kill you, Roxy.” He probably didn’t realize it but Blaze gave a small circling, thrust of the hips pushing his cock further into her fist.

  She looked at his head longingly. “Just for the record, I don’t normally offer to blow guys I hardly know.” Roxy wanted his manhood in her mouth but today was not the day.

  She let go of him and got back up onto shaky legs. She couldn’t believe she was about to say this. “You won’t hurt me. I trust you, Blaze. Let’s just get this out of the way so that we can move on. I have a feeling we’re going to get along just fine.” Gut instinct – she felt like giving herself a hit upside the head, yet she couldn’t shake the feeling that she was right. “That is, if you don’t try to pull one of your dick moves again. By dick move I mean leaving me locked up, having sex with another woman or just being plain pissy.”

  He frowned. “Males don’t get pissy.”

  “Fine, bad tempered then.”

  Blaze’s mouth twitched. “I have been a bit bad tempered.”

  “Big time. I shouldn’t even want to have sex with you, but for some reason I do.”

  “Fuck,” he whispered as he ran a hand through his mop of hair. “I don’t know, I…”

  “Look, either we have sex or we end this now.”

  “You’re right, I’m an asshole,” he scrubbed a hand over his half-grown beard. “I can’t let you go. I really fucking should but I can’t. I might kill you.” His eyes were heated. A whole lot of need reflected in their depths. They were mesmerizing. He took a step towards her and then another one.

  “You won’t hurt me. Don’t ask me how I know, I just do.”

  He squeezed his eyes shut for a second. “You need to do everything I tell you.”

  She nodded. “Okay.”

  Blaze picked her up. “Every single thing. No arguments.” His breath was coming hard and fast. He kept walking, her feet dangled off the ground. His eyes were trained on something over her shoulder. Blaze put her down and leaned past her. There was the sound of clattering followed by a loud bang.

  In one quick move, he turned her around, coming to stand flush behind her. His erection dug into her back. Oh shit! At this point, she was breathing heavily as well. He crouched a little so that his mouth was next to her ear. “Are you sure about this? Be very sure, Roxy.”

  “Yes,” it came out sounding like a half moan. “I’m very sure,” she added when he didn’t make a move. It was nuts, but she’d never been more sure about anything in her life.

  “Once I’m inside of you there’ll be no stopping,” his husky voice caused shivers to race up and down her spine. It was such a cliché but she found herself squeezing her thighs together to stop the ache that was building there. “I’m going to fuck you hard. It might even hurt but you can’t fight me. Do you understand that?”

  “Yes,” a breathless moan.

  He leaned down and grabbed the bottom hem of her dress. There was a loud tearing noise as he ripped her garment to somewhere above her ass.

  There’s something so sexy about a man ripping your clothes off. Roxy loved this dress yet she couldn’t muster any other reaction other than excitement. There was a hard tug and another rip and her panties, or what was left of them landed around one of her ankles.

  Using his knee, he shoved her legs open. “I’ve wanted you from the moment I first saw you,” he rasped, as both of his hands closed over her hips. “Lying just on the othe
r side of that fire the first night was like torture. Seeing you on my bed yesterday…” He made a groaning noise.

  Oh god! So that’s why he had looked so angry. “That’s why you ran away.”

  She felt him nod his head. The one hand on her hip slid around and between her legs, zoning in on her clit. With just the tip of his finger, he circled her clit a few times. Roxy threw her head back and moaned. That’s when she realized that Blaze was shaking, his whole body vibrated. “I’m barely holding it together.” He slipped a finger inside her and pumped. “So wet for me,” he moaned.

  “Yes.” It came out sounding strangled. Her own legs shook a little as he used his thumb to stroke her clit while plunging his finger in deeper. Her breathing turned a little ragged and her nerve-endings caught alight. She wasn’t going to last long. It had been so damned long since someone had touched her like this.

  “I’m going to bend you over this table and fuck you.”

  She moaned, so on the verge of coming it was scary. She rocked her hips in time with his finger.

  “I’ll probably cage you in with my body.” His finger slid in and out of her. That thumb of his had to be magic. “I might bite you, don’t fight me please. Stay still and stay calm.” There was an edge of worry to his voice.

  “Bite me?” Her voice was husky and she sounded out of breath. She couldn’t be blamed since he was still finger fucking the hell out of her. Had someone turned up the heat in there? Where had all the oxygen gone? Holy… hell… holy… she moaned.

  “I’ll try not to hurt you,” he sounded pained. It wasn’t much of a consolation.

  The only response she could give was to groan in utter bliss. What was wrong with her? She should be running away and as fast as her legs would carry her. Instead, she was bouncing on his hand, about to come.

  Blaze took a shuffling step forward until her thighs hit the mostly cleared desk. She looked down, noticing that there were still a couple of papers and a thin folder on the desk but otherwise everything was strewn across the floor along with an upside down laptop computer.


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