Jimmy's Game (Ruthless)

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Jimmy's Game (Ruthless) Page 34

by Karen Clow

  Just as they arrived back at the apartment Jimmy’s phone rang, it was Lenny; “Alright Jimmy, just a quick call to let you know the bug in Max’s flat is working fine. Thought we could meet up tomorrow after Samuels has called round for his money.” “Yeah, sounds good mate, I’ll see you then.” Waiting until Jimmy closed his phone Maria said, “Do you think I should phone Shaun about giving me away.” “Yeah, do it now babe, I’m sure he’ll be chuffed.” Jimmy watched as she spoke to Shaun, he could tell from her face, along with her replies that he’d been right, Shaun was chuffed. The moment the call ended she excitedly said, “Shaun will do it, he was quite overwhelmed that I’d asked, he actually said he’d be honoured!” “There you go; I told you he’d be chuffed.”

  By the time the takeaway arrived Maria was dozing off, having sat through the first godfather DVD, she tried hard to stay awake through the following two films. She was actually quite relieved, when Jimmy woke her up to say the films had finished and that they should turn in for the night. After making love they both slept soundly until eight the following morning.


  It was almost midday when Lenny rang Jimmy, “Alright Len, been expecting your call,” said Jimmy. “Yeah, and you won’t be disappointed, I’ve got some interesting news from the bug at Max’s flat.” “Sounds intriguing, can you meet us at the club in an hour.” “Yeah, that’s fine.” “I’ll bell Mickey and let him know.” “See you in an hour.”

  Jimmy called Mickey and arranged to pick him up; they weren’t surprised to see him ready and waiting as they pulled up outside his place thirty minutes later.

  Lenny’s car was already in the car park when they arrived at the club. Shane, Jacky Boy and Billy were inside. Sitting down with the others Mickey said, “Shane, before we talk to Lenny can you get everyone a drink.” Shane nodded then headed to the bar to grab some glasses and a bottle of scotch. Lenny place a tape recorder on the table and grinning said, “Right here we go then. Hurry up Shane you’ll want to hear this.” Shane placed the glasses and bottle on the table and sat down. Lenny said, “I think you’ll all find the conversation on the tape very interesting.” They all sat quietly as he pressed the play button. Samuels’s voice was instantly recognisable as he said to Max, “Have you got my money?” Sounding nervous Max replied, “Yes, I’ve got four hundred pounds.” They assumed that she’d handed him the money as he said, “That’s good Max, four hundred is ok.” There was a slight pause before Max said, “You don’t have to count it detective, it’s all there.” “I’m sure it is, but you can’t be too careful, which reminds me, the bloke you was with at the restaurant, Shane Bridger, how do you know him?” Trying to sound uninterested, she replied, “I don’t really, my friend’s trying to fix me up with him.” “My advice to you on that score would be, keep away from him; in my opinion he’s bad news.” Replying quickly she said, “Don’t worry I’ve already decided I don’t want to see him again, he wasn’t really my type. I enjoyed the date, but I won’t be seeing him again.” Then Samuels was smutty to her and said, “A wise decision, but if you need a good fuck darling, I’d be only too happy to help you out.” It was obvious from the noises on the tape that he had tried something on with her, especially when she raised her voice and said, “Take your hands off me. Just leave me alone!” Arrogantly he replied, “You should be grateful that I’m allowing you to pay of your debt in instalments.” “It’s not my debt!” “I know that, but as your boyfriend has fucked off, someone’s got to pay. You could pay the debt off quicker, if you were friendlier towards me.” “That’s not going to happen detective; you’ll get your money every week.” “You should think yourself lucky I’m asking if it was up to my friend Damon here, he would just take you.” Damon’s voice cut in and said, “If I fucked you bitch, you’d never want a white man again!” There was the sound of a struggle and Max shouting, “Get off of me!” followed by the sound of someone being hit.” Samuels intervened and said, “Leave her Damon; she’s no good to me dead!” It went quiet for a moment and then Samuels said, “I’m sure I don’t have to remind you Max that I could make your son disappear.” He even laughed as he added, “I may even lead the investigation into his abduction.” Sounding distressed Max was crying as she replied, “I’m begging you, please leave my son alone!” “All the time I get my money your son is safe. I’ll see you again next week, unless of course you change your mind about paying off some of the debt by other means; in which case, I can call round one evening.” “Like I said that won’t be happening, you’ll get your money.” It was just as they were leaving she called him by name, when she said, “Detective Samuels please don’t hurt my son.” Smugly he replied, “I won’t unless you give me cause too.” Lenny pressed the stop button. Shane was the first to speak as he said, “Fucking cheeky bastard talking about me like that, and as for that black mother fucker saying about her never wanting a white man, maybe he can ask her that after she’s had me!” Everyone laughed. Lenny looked at Mickey and said, “I told you it was interesting.” “Yeah good work Lenny, the tape is very incriminating. Trouble is on its own I doubt it would be enough to prosecute him. Samuels is dangerous and in my opinion he’s in over his head with the Jamaicans.” Everyone agreed, before Mickey continued and said, “Shane give Max a bell, check she’s okay. Tell her well done for naming Samuels on the tape, she’s a clever girl.” Maria never said anything, she felt so sorry for Max, knowing exactly how it felt to be so vulnerable. As she’d listened to the tape she had gone quite cold, when she had heard Samuels and Damon threaten to rape her. Often when she lived with Nick the fear of thinking he was going to rape and hurt her was often worse than the real thing. She wanted to help Max; but she decided she would speak to Jimmy about it when they were on their own. Lenny had just put the tape recorder away, when the door to the club opened and in walked Samuels, he was on his own.

  Shane could feel his anger toward him rising through his chest; he so wanted to thump him. Mickey looked at the detective and said, “Can we help you detective?” “I was in the area, so I thought I’d call in to see if anyone has anything new to tell me regarding Monica’s accident.” “I would hardly call what happened to her an accident. Someone tried to kill her. Are you any nearer to catching whoever it was, because I find it unusual that no one saw anything?” “Yes I’m also surprised that nothing significant has come to light, but we’ll continue with the investigation.” Glancing over at Shane; Samuels continued, “Did you enjoy yourself at the restaurant?” Trying to stay calm he replied, “Yeah the food was cushty.” “Quite a coincidence that I knew the woman you were with. Don’t mind me saying, but she’s a bad lot, I would think you could do better.” Shane could not stand eating humble pie regardless of Samuels being a detective, so in a rather arrogant tone he replied, “I’d have to disagree with you detective, I thought Max was a lovely girl, she seems a decent sort. I’m only sorry she didn’t fancy me.” “I wouldn’t have thought you’d be the type to worry about a woman turning you down. I would have assumed working in clubs you could take your pick.” Mickey could sense the tension mounting between the two men, so he decided to intervene before the situation got out of hand and Shane said something they all might regret. Looking at Samuels, Mickey joked and said, “He’s only pissed off because he didn’t get into her knickers!” Everyone laughed especially when he added, “Thank fuck the meal was on the house otherwise he’d have really felt cheated!” Even Shane forced a laugh. Samuels sniggered and said, “He’s lucky to have friends who own restaurants. I’ll be in touch.” Then he turned and walked out.

  The moment he left the building Shane said, “Sorry about that, but I just couldn’t agree with him. I would love to take a fucking swing at him the slimy bastard! It was as much as I could do to control myself!” Mickey grinned as he replied, “Don’t worry Shane, you did ok and it was the right thing to speak up for Max.” “What I said about her was true, she is a decent sort. If Samuels ever touches her I’ll fucking deal with him!” “
You may well get the chance, but until then you can’t let it get personal. Samuels is a tricky bastard, it wouldn’t take too much for him to smell a rat. So under the circumstances it would probably be best if you simply kept out of his way.” Maria waited till they’d finished talking before she looked at Jimmy and said, “Remember I’m working at the restaurant again this evening. I don’t want to be late because Thursday’s always busy.” “Ok babe, we’ll make a move then.” Looking at Mickey he said, “Shall I pick you later to check in on the clubs.” “Yeah that’ll be good Jimmy. Shall we say about half nine?” “Yeah great, I’m taking Maria to work so I’ll grab something to eat at the restaurant; you’d be welcome to join me Mick.” “Thanks but I’ll decline, I’m visiting Monica at the hospital.” “Fair enough, I’ll see you at half nine.” Five minutes later they said goodbye to everyone and left the club. Back at the apartment Maria hurried to get ready, making them a quick sandwich. Even though he was eating at the restaurant he still managed to eat a snack with her.

  Leon greeted them as they arrived at the restaurant. It wasn’t long before Maria was busy working while Jimmy sat eating. From his table Jimmy watched as she greeted the customers, she was very good with them. Gone was the shy timid girl that he had rescued two years earlier. Maria had blossomed into a confident, articulate and bubbly young woman. No woman had ever made him feel insecure, but he wasn’t too happy about the way some of the men looked and talked to her; although the same could be said for the women that they were with, it was obvious they were jealous of her.

  Before leaving the restaurant just after nine to pick Mickey up; Jimmy made a point of kissing her in full view of everyone. Maria was quick to say, “Jimmy stop it, I’m working it’s not very professional in front of the customers.” Sarcastically he replied, “We own the place; so I can do whatever I like.” Knowing it was just his way of letting everyone know she was his, she just grinned, the last thing she wanted was a scene in front of everyone. Before he left, he checked with her again that Shaun was definitely picking her up. Having already told him twice she nodded and said, “Yes, for the third time he’s picking me up about half twelve ok!” Smiling he sarcastically replied, “Good now that’s sorted, I won’t have to worry then.” Then he kissed her again and left.

  Just like Tuesday time at the restaurant seemed to fly by. The staff had been run off their feet all evening. It was quarter to twelve by the time everyone had left and Leon appeared from the kitchen, he looked exhausted. Smiling at him Maria said, “You look shattered Leon, shall I pour you a drink?” The chef nodded and replied, “Thanks, do you need a lift home?” “No I’m fine thanks, Shaun’s picking me up.” “Ok, I’ll stay with you until he arrives.” Knowing how busy they’d been and seeing how tired he looked, she replied, “I’ll be fine, you should go home. I can lock up.” “No I couldn’t do that.” “Of course you can, I’ll be fine Shaun will be here any minute. Now go home, I insist.” “If you’re really sure then, lock the door behind me. I’ve locked up out the back. Thanks again for doing tonight, shame you’re not here every night, you’re a definite hit with the customers.” “I’ve really enjoyed doing it. Now come on, get off home.”

  He had only been gone five minutes when she heard a noise outside, it sounded like glass breaking. Just as she stood up to go and investigate the lights went out. Suddenly she felt panic; her first thought was, she wished Shaun was there. She walked towards the light switch, hoping that the lights would come back on if she pressed it because she noticed the lights in the kitchen were still on, she felt a little reassured that maybe it was simply a fuse or the bulb. Standing there in the alone dark she felt a little scared. Then suddenly someone grabbed her. Terrified she looked up in the darkness and saw a large Jamaican man standing in front of her. Immediately she tried to run, but there was another man blocking her escape. Frantically she tried to get away but as she screamed one of the men punched her in the face, knocking her to the floor. Still dazed he dragged her up and pushed her across a table. When she tried to scream again, he put his hand across her mouth to silence her and said, “If ya boyfriend wasn’t such a dumb fuck, dis wouldn’t be happening!” Grabbing her hair to stop her from getting up he added, “Ya give Jimmy a message, tell him unless he sells us da club something bad will happen!” Desperately she tried to get free, but the others one was holding her down.

  In the half light from the kitchen, although still dazed, she could make out the other man standing over her. Despite her vision being blurred from the punch she’d taken in the face, she became aware that he was undoing his trousers. Desperately she struggled, but they were large men and she was powerless to stop them and unable to scream for help as his hand was still firmly over her mouth. Only seconds had past when she felt someone ripping at her clothes followed instantly by the pressure of the man on top of her. One of them was going to rape her. Removing his hand from her mouth he tried to kiss her, she could taste his stale breath on her lips from where he had been drinking and smoking. Frantically she tried to scream as she kicked out with her legs, but again came another heavy blow to her face from his fist. Trying to stay consciousness she could hear them laughing, she also heard them say Jimmy’s name again. Just as she felt the Jamaican start to penetrate her, there was a loud bang. Suddenly the Jamaican holding her down released his grip; as she felt the other one quickly scramble off of her. Falling from the table onto the floor and still in a daze, she heard the familiar voice of Shaun. From where she was lying she could just make out the figure of the big Irishman, he was holding something. Slowly she began to focus, it was a sawn off shot gun. Her head was spinning as she laid there, she wanted to say something to Shaun but she couldn’t get any words to come out of her mouth. Trying hard to stay conscious, she could hear the two Jamaicans begging him not to shoot, after Shaun had ordered them to lay face down on the floor with their arms out stretched in front of them. On the verge of passing out, she became aware that Shaun was talking to Jimmy on his phone. Moments later Shaun was covering her with his jacket and placing a folded table cloth under her head, he left her lying on the floor; he couldn’t risk the Jamaicans escaping, if he tended to her. Maria then passed out.

  Sometime later she began to come round to the sound of Jimmy’s voice. Reaching out to hold him, she burst into tears. Jimmy knelt down beside her and placed his arm under her neck, his voice was full of concern as he said, “Christ babe are you ok?” Shaking from shock she sobbed, “Oh God Jimmy, did you catch them?” “Yes babe we caught them.” Tenderly he removed Shaun’s jacket; then he pulled her blouse across her chest, the buttons had been ripped off. Comforting her, he gently pulled her skirt down after the Jamaican had hoisted it up to her waist, and then he pulled her panties, which were torn, back up over her. Kissing her forehead he said, “Are you hurt babe, do you need a doctor?” Shaking her head she replied tearfully, “No, I just want to go home.” Lifting her from the floor, she clung to him as he said, “Shaun’s taking you home babe.” In a tearful shaky voice she replied, “I want you to take me Jimmy.” “I know babe, I’ll be there before you know it, but first I’m going to have a chat with those fucking black bastards!” Still shaking she just sobbed as she clung to him, a few moments passed and then she felt Shaun’s arms lifting her up, as he said, “Come on me darling, let’s be getting you home. Jimmy will be back with you in no time.” She felt as safe with him as she did with Jimmy. Too dazed and traumatised to argue, she hung her arms round his neck as he carried her out through the back of the shop. She spotted Mickey as they approached the door, he was holding Shaun’s shotgun. On closer inspection, she could see the two Jamaicans lying face down on the floor; now with their hands tied behind their backs. Unable to bring herself to look at them, she just snuggled her head into Shaun’s chest. Jimmy kissed her head as they left the restaurant. Mickey called out to her and said, “Catch you later babe.” Jimmy called out, “See you soon babe. Thanks Shaun, look after her.” The big Irishman replied, “I will, don’t wor
ry about my lassie here, she’ll be fine. I’ll stay with her until you get back, all night if need be.”

  The moment she was out of sight Jimmy grabbed one of the Jamaicans by his hair and shouted at him, “Fucking get up you black bastard!” The Jamaican began to say something; but Jimmy kicked him in the face. Then he grabbed the other one by his hair, now he had a firm grip on both of them. Mickey was still holding the shotgun on them. Pulling them to their feet, shouting at them Jimmy said, “If either of you mother fuckers says one fucking word, I’ll put you down right here, right now, do you fucking understand me?” “Yah man we understand,” said one of them nervously. Instantly Jimmy smashed his head against the door frame and said, “I fucking told you keep your fucking mouth shut! When I say fucking shut up, I mean fucking shut up, do you understand?” They nodded their heads. “There see, now you’re fucking catching on.” snarled Jimmy.

  They forced them to the car; they were going to drive down to the docks. Looking at the Jamaicans Jimmy said, “There’s a man waiting for you down the docks, he wants to talk to you about his dog!” Hearing him say that, they tried to pull away from him, but he was having none of it. Without hesitation he kicked one of them as hard as he could in the knee. The Jamaican screamed out in pain as Jimmy said, “Shut up you fucking pussy!” They bundled one of them into the car boot, while the other one was made to kneel on the floor in the back. Mickey sat with his foot pressed down on the Jamaicans neck and the shotgun resting on his head as they drove. Jimmy called Reggie as he drove, as Reggie answered the call Jimmy said, “Alright Reg, we’re bringing you a present. Open up the old warehouse down by the pumps, we’ll be there in five minutes.” “Ok,” said Reggie, knowing it wouldn’t be a social call.


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