Jimmy's Game (Ruthless)

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Jimmy's Game (Ruthless) Page 36

by Karen Clow

  They were still talking about the car when Maria appeared. Mickey stood up and walked over to her; hugging her and kissing her cheek as he said, “How you feeling sweetheart?” “I’m fine thanks Mickey.” Although he replied, “That’s good babe,” he thought she looked pale. Playfully he said, “Right you sit yourself down princess while I make the tea.” “I’ll do it Mickey, you’re a guest.” “Guest my arse, now sit down that’s an order.”

  Mickey headed off towards the kitchen; Jimmy sat down beside her and kissed her on the lips. He was surprised when he felt her slightly pull away from him. Squeezing her hand he said, “You sure you’re okay babe?” The expression on her face was one of sadness, she looked as though she was about to burst into tears. Putting his arm around her he held her tight and said, “Perhaps it’s not such a good idea for you to go to Gladys’s, maybe it would be better if you stayed here and rested. I’ll ask Shaun to stay with you.” Too tearful to reply she nodded her head.

  Mickey appeared with the tea, passing Maria hers first she sipped it slowly, only stopping to ask what the time was. “Almost midday babe,” said Jimmy, “I left you sleeping when I got up, you looked knackered last night. Do you want something to eat?” When she shook her head, Mickey said, “Why don’t you go back to bed babe, you don’t look too good.” Again she simply nodded. Jimmy stood up and held out his hand as he said, “Come on I’ll tuck you in.”

  In the bedroom he noticed she seemed distant as he spoke to her; he was concerned about her, something wasn’t quite right. Making sure she was comfortable, he kissed her head and said, “I’m only in the next room if you need me babe.” Without replying she just snuggled down under the duvet.

  Back in the lounge the two friends talked, Mickey said, “I think you should ask Doc Daniels to take a look at her. I can take care of business if you want to stay home with her today. I’ll call round later after I’ve spoken to the lads.” “I’d like to have gone to the meeting, but I think you’re right I ought to stay with her. Can I ask another favour Mickey?” “Course what is it?” “Can you call into Baxter’s and buy the Mercedes for me; a new car might cheer her up. If need be I can sort out the paper work over the phone.” “Baxter knows us well enough to know you’re good for the cash, there won’t be a problem.” “Another favour mate, I’ve put our clothes from last night in a bin bag, can you take it and burn it for me?” “Oh I think I could manage that.”

  After Mickey left, he checked on Maria, she was asleep, so taking his friend’s advice he phoned Doc Daniels. Fortunately he had just finished a morning surgery; he told Jimmy he would call round within the hour.

  Jimmy was just about to wake her, when the intercom buzzed; it was the Doc. His first words to Jimmy as he entered the apartment were, “Hello Jimmy, I was surprised when you called me, why do you think Maria needs to see me?” Without giving any real details he replied, “Last night a bloke assaulted her.” “No! Was it a sexual assault?” “Yes, but it was stopped before he raped her.” “Have you reported it to the police?” “No we know who it was, so we’re going to deal with it.” One thing the Doc had learnt over the years was not to ask questions. “Fair enough, shall we go and see her now?” “This way Doc, she’s in the bedroom.” Following him they entered the bedroom. Maria was stirring as she heard Jimmy say, “Babe the Doc’s popped in to see you.” Looking surprised to see the Doc, she smiled as he sat on the bed and said, “Jimmy’s a bit worried about you Maria, how are you feeling?” Before she could reply she burst into tears. Doc held her hand and said, “Don’t get upset, he’s explained to me that a man assaulted you.” Instantly she looked at Jimmy before nodding her head. Aware that she was worried as to how much the Doc knew Jimmy reassured her by saying, “It’s alright babe, I didn’t tell the Doc any details I thought I’d leave that to you.” It was his way of letting her know that the Doc knew nothing about the Jamaicans and Jimmy wanted it to stay that way.

  Doc asked her a few questions and then said, “I’ll leave you some pills they’ll help to calm you down. The bruises on your face don’t appear to have done any serious damage; I’m certain that by the time you walk up the aisle they’ll have disappeared and you’ll be a stunning bride. Now, I suggest you try and go back to sleep.” “I will, thank you,” she said as he headed towards the door.

  Back in the lounge the Doc said, “She’s suffering from stress Jimmy, obviously brought on by the recent trauma. I expected this from her years ago when she lived with Nick; I’m surprised it hasn’t happened sooner.” Jimmy found it hard to understand what the Doc was saying, with a frown he replied, “I could understand that before she moved in here, but she knows she’s safe with me.” “She’s more settled now than at any other time in her life. In a few weeks she’s going to marry the man she loves; weddings are actually very stressful events; she looks to you for her strength Jimmy. I never imagined that after just two years she would be the confident young woman she now is. This attack simply made her realise just how vulnerable she really is, you weren’t there to protect her and her mind is having trouble dealing with it.” “She will get over it, won’t she?” “Of course, but my advice to you would be spend as much time with her as possible, especially over the next few days. Hopefully you’ll see an improvement by then, but you’ll need to be patient.” “Thanks for coming so quickly Doc, I appreciate it.” “No worries Jimmy, any problems just call me, if not I look forward to seeing you at the wedding.”

  Jimmy returned to the bedroom after the Doc left. Maria was still awake, so he lay down on the bed and wrapped her in his arms as he said, “I love you so much. I’m really sorry about what happened babe.” In a quiet quivery voice she replied, “Would you still have love me if I’d been raped?” “I’d love you exactly the same, I always will.” Finding comfort in his words she snuggled her head to his chest.

  Within minutes she’d dropped back off to sleep. Without disturbing her he got up, he wanted to make a couple of calls.

  It was six o’clock that evening when Mickey phoned and said, “I’m on my way over Jimmy. Do you want to pick up something for dinner?” “Yeah that’ll be great. How about good old fish and chips, its Maria’s favourite, only she hasn’t eaten anything all day; hopefully she’ll eat that.” “Ok Jim, see you in about twenty minutes, have the kettle on.”

  Gently waking her; Jimmy said, “Time to get up babe, Mickey’s on his way round with fish and chips.” Opening her eyes and looking at him she replied, “I’m not very hungry.” “But you haven’t eaten since yesterday; you should try to eat something.” She simply nodded.

  Thirty minutes later Mickey arrived, letting himself in just as his friends were just making their way through the lounge. “Grub up,” he said as he made his way to the kitchen. They followed him and sat at the table. Mickey said, “Shall we eat it out of the paper?” “Yeah let’s,” laughed Jimmy. “Like when we were kids hey Jim. I preferred it when fish and chips came wrapped in newspaper. Fucking shame everything has to be politically correct now. I don’t remember anyone catching anything from eating out of the newspaper.” “I agree, the fucking country’s gone mad with all the old bollocks about, you can’t do this, you can’t do that.” Maria just smiled and nodded her head. While the two men tucked into their meal, she just picked at hers. Mickey had been watching her. Smiling he said, “How are you feeling babe?” “A bit better thanks.” “That’s good to hear.”

  After they had eaten they took their tea through to the lounge. Smiling at her Jimmy said, “You don’t have to sit here and listen to us talk business babe, you could always lie in bed and watch a bit of telly or a DVD if you wanted?” “Are you sure you don’t mind, I am feeling tired. Maybe I’ll watch a DVD then if I doze off I can rewind it.” Standing up he held out his hand and said, “Come on then.” Moments later they were heading toward the bedroom. Jimmy called over to Mickey as they entered the room and said, “Pour us a drink Mickey while I settle her down.”

  After putting her chosen DVD in the
player, he handed her the remote control. He was just about to leave when Mickey knocked on the bedroom door. “Come in,” said Jimmy. He entered carrying a hot cup of tea. Placing it down on the dresser he said, “There you go babe, that’ll put the colour back in your cheeks.” Jokingly she replied, “Thanks Mickey, I’ll have to be ill more often, having two such handsome men looking after me.” Jimmy said, “Steady on babe, you’ll ruin our hard men reputations!” She blew Mickey a kiss, as they left the bedroom.

  Things took on a more serious theme, once they were back in the lounge. Mickey said, “The meeting went well. Lenny’s going to bug the offices at each club; we can’t assume Sweet Cheeks will be Samuels’s choice for planting the drugs.” “Good thinking.” “Lenny said he can put a camera in the light fittings, that way we’ll have total surveillance of each office. Once Samuels has planted the drugs we’ll simply remove them.” “Great, anything else I should know?” “Well regarding the Jamaicans and the attack on Maria, everyone’s sticking to the same story that there never were any Jamaicans at the restaurant. Without proof Samuels could never involve us.” Jimmy grinned and said, “Lying bunch of bastards!” They both laughed. Mickey continued, “All the lads have an alibi for last night. Shaun is simply going along with the original arrangement, he picked Maria up from the restaurant around midnight and dropped her back here, came in for coffee before going home. Me and you were at the club ‘til around half one, ok? One last thing Jimmy, regarding the restaurant, Shaun blew a fucking great hole in the ceiling! I’ve sent some builders round; hopefully they can fix it without shutting the place. Fortunately it’s at the back so if anyone asks it was a burst pipe, ok.” Jimmy grinned and replied, “Sounds like you’ve covered everything, what would we do without you?” They continued talking about what happened to Maria. “So what did the Doc say about her then,” said Mickey. Jimmy tried to explain to him the Doc thought she was suffering from. Mickey replied, “I’m sure she’ll be fine, Doc is probably right, what with the wedding, Monica being shot, now this fucking turn out with the Jamaicans, it’s no wonder she’s suffering from stress. Give her a few days Jimmy; I can take care of business. If anyone asks where you are I’ll just tell them you’ve got the flu, I’ll tell the lads just in case Samuels starts poking around.” “Cheers Mick, I’m sure she’ll be ok in a couple of days.”

  Around quarter to eleven Mickey said “I’m off now Jim, I’ll check in on the clubs on his way home.” “Cheers Mick.” Just as Jimmy went to close the door behind him, Mickey turned and said, “Almost forgot, the Mercedes will be ready in a couple of days, one of Andy Baxter’s boys will drop it round for you.” “That’s great Mick; any problems?” “Not one mate, Andy’s a good bloke, even said you can sort out the money when you see him. I offered to pay him; he said no rush he’d wait to see you. Oh and he’s putting a year’s tax on it for you.” “Thanks for sorting it out for me; I’ll see him next week, maybe I’ll give him a bell tomorrow.” Mickey left.

  Jimmy poured himself a drink before settling down to watched a bit of telly. Maria hadn’t stirred all evening; she was still asleep when he turned in around one. He tried not to wake her as he got in the bed, but he was unsuccessful. “Sorry babe, I tried not to disturb you, are you okay?” She just nodded. Putting his arm around her; he kissed her face, but out of character she didn’t respond, normally she would cuddle him, but she just laid there. Running his hand up her arm, he began kissing her neck, he hadn’t intended to initiate sex; but he was becoming aroused. Still unresponsive she just laid there. Slowly he began fondling her breasts, moving over he rolled his tongue over her nipple before taking it into his mouth. Maria could feel his erection against her body, but still she didn’t respond. Realising that she was trembling and her body was becoming more rigid, he stopped.

  Propping himself up on his elbow; he gently stroked her head as he looked down on her, tears were rolling down her face onto the pillow. Kissing her head he said, “It doesn’t matter babe; it’s my fault for wanting you; it’s simply the effect you have on me,” cuddling her he added, “Come on let’s get some sleep.” She rolled over, while he just laid there looking at the ceiling, finally his erection subsiding. It was the first time she hadn’t responded to his sexual advances. Laying there he couldn’t help but wonder if she’d told him everything. His feeling was that something more must have happened with the Jamaicans, he knew his Maria was tougher than this, he remembered how she had suffered with Nick, yet still she stayed strong. In his mind he was convinced there was more to it. He lay awake for hours thinking about it before finally dropping off. When he woke the next morning she was not in the bed. Getting up he headed for the lounge, she was sitting looking out of the window. “Morning gorgeous,” he said. Slowly she turned to look at him, her eyes were red and swollen it was obvious she’d been crying. “Hey what’s wrong babe?” he said as he moved towards her. Putting his arms around her, she fell into him and sobbed. Trying to comfort her he said, “Come on babe, it’s going to be ok.” “I’m so sorry Jimmy; if I’d listened to you in the first place none of this would have happened.” “It’s not your fault babe; it’s Samuels who’s to blame.” “If only I had taken things more seriously, I would never have gone into work. Or at the very least I would have accepted Leon’s offer to wait with me.” Jimmy could see she was near to tears again, so he tried to lighten the mood by saying, “I know just what you need to make you feel better, some of my scrambled eggs!” Trying to smile she replied, “Shall we settle for a bowl of cornflakes?”

  Throughout breakfast she kept looking at him while she ate. Unable to let it go he asked her why. Lovingly she replied, “I don’t understand why you love me so much, or how you put up with me.” “You’re very easy to love and it should be me asking how you put up with me.” Before she could reply she yawned. “Are you tired babe?” Nodding she replied, “I am but I shouldn’t be; all I’ve done is sleep.” “You’ve been through a tough time and the rest is good for you. Why don’t we go back to bed for a couple of hours, it’s only quarter past eight. I promise I’ll behave myself.” “Ok, I do feel tired and it is still early.” Jimmy was in bed first, as she got in he said, “Can I give you a cuddle babe?” Moving closer to him she replied, “You don’t have to ask,” as she laid her head on his chest. Waiting until she was comfortable, he said, “Babe I want to ask you something; but I don’t want you getting upset.” Finding his hand that was wrapped across her and gripping it she replied, “I promise I won’t.” Gently stroking her hair he said, “Babe what else happened with the Jamaicans?” At first she didn’t reply; but he coaxed her by adding, “I know something did.” Sitting up she looked down on him, the tears began rolling down her cheeks, as she blurted out, “They said horrible things to me Jimmy, and they put their hands all over me. I tried to fight them off but if Shaun hadn’t turned up when he did, they would have raped me. I was so scared; I thought they would kill me.” “I know babe, calm down. Now tell me what they said to you.” Trying to talk through her tears she said, “It was horrible, they told me that their boss wants to fuck me and once you’re out of the way there would be no one to stop him. They said after they’d all fucked me, they’d put me to work in one of their brothels in Jamaica.” He noticed as she tried to continue, she was becoming hysterical. Hugging her until she calmed down, finally she carried on, “They taunted me by saying, that every day I would be getting,” she stopped and just sobbed, momentarily unable to talk, she just held him. Desperate to know what had been said to her, he said, “What would you be getting?” Crying she blurted out, “Big black cocks!” Breaking down she sobbed uncontrollably. Holding her tight he said, “They were just trying to frighten you babe; even if I couldn’t protect you, there would be other people that would, Shaun and Mickey to name but two. Anyway you don’t even have to think about it, because it won’t ever happen.” Although he remained calm, inside his anger was raging. Eventually she calmed down and said, “I’m sorry about not wanting sex last night. It was
n’t anything to do with you, but I felt dirty where the Jamaicans had touched me. I’m sorry I couldn’t tell you what was wrong.” “It don’t matter babe, but I’m glad you’ve told me now, for a minute there I thought I’d lost my sexual prowess!” “Behave, you know I’ve always loved it when you touch me; it was just I couldn’t get the Jamaicans out of my head.” “Babe, I don’t have a problem waiting till you feel better.” Their conversation was interrupted by his phone, it was Justin. Not wanting her to hear, he got out of bed and went into the lounge, using the excuse that the reception was poor.

  “Alright Justin, what’s up?” “Just letting you know Jimmy everything’s finished. Shall I drop the keys off to Mickey?” “That’ll be great; I’ll sort you out in a couple of days if that’s ok? Only I haven’t got any wheels at the moment.” “No worries Jim any time. I think you’re lady will love it; mine does, she saw it yesterday and fell in love; so if you decide to sell it in the future; just give me a bell.” “Right you are Justin, thanks again mate, catch you soon.” Whilst talking on the phone he hadn’t heard Maria get up, she was standing in the doorway. Looking confused she said, “What’s happened to the car?” “I had it crushed babe; there was evidence linking us to the Jamaicans.” “What evidence?” Jokingly he replied, “Roughly, about three pints of their blood! We’re getting a Mercedes in a couple of days. If you feel up to it, I’ll take you for a drive.” “Great, who’s Justin?” The look on her face told him that when he replied, “Just a friend;” she was suspicious. Wanting to cheer her up he continued, “I’ve bought you a surprise gift, Justin’s sorting it out for me.” “A gift,” she said curiously. “Yeah a present which I was going to give you on our wedding day, but under the circumstances I think I should give it to you sooner. So I might just consider giving it to you early, but we’ll have to wait until we got the new motor.” Only a few moments had passed when her curiosity got the better of her; unable to stay silent a moment longer she said, “My present, is it something big or small, or something to wear, was it very expensive?” Laughing he replied, “You’ll just have to wait and see.” “Oh Jimmy that’s so unfair.” “If I hadn’t have told you in the first place, you wouldn’t know anything about it.” “But I do and it’s going to drive me crazy!” “I’m not telling you, so you’ll just have to wait.” Slapping him playfully she said, “I can’t wait, you’re so horrible!” “Patience is a virtue, or so I’ve heard?” “Argh, you’re so infuriating!” Jimmy just laughed.


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