Jimmy's Game (Ruthless)

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Jimmy's Game (Ruthless) Page 42

by Karen Clow

  They had only been there two hours when to their surprise George Davage walked in; he was accompanied by a very pretty young woman, she was blonde in her early twenties. After he introduced her as his sister Rubie; he asked if he could talk to them in private. They asked Kevin to look after Rubie; adding her drinks were on the house. Kevin was only too happy to oblige, because he liked the look of her and he quite fancied getting to know her.

  The three men went into the office; George was off duty so he readily accepted the offer of a drink; before telling them the reason why he was there. Looking quite smug he said, “Thought you might like to know this very afternoon Samuels was arrested; internal affairs are now looking at him.” Laughing he added, “Samuels protested his innocence; until I told him about the tape I had in my possession, but even then he tried to convince me he’d been set up.” Mickey replied, “Can you make the charges stick?” “Absolutely, all the evidence points to Samuels being corrupt. There’s also the fact that the Jamaicans appear to have returned to the Caribbean; so there’s no one to collaborate his story.” “Really, must have been the Jamaicans who took the drugs from the office then?” Mickey grinned at Jimmy when George said,” No doubt about it.” They both noticed that the off duty detective had a sort of a smug grin on his face when he’d said that. They were both thinking, was he indicating to them that he thought there was something dodgy about it, but letting them know he didn’t give a shit? George continued, “Things will move quickly once internal affairs have collected all the evidence; the powers that be will want the case dealt with as soon as possible. Nobody likes to hear about dirty cops, especially high ranking officers like Samuels, it makes everyone look bad. Oh there’s one more thing, thought you might like to know Samuels has engaged the legal services of Alistair Fulton Monroe, I’m surprised he can afford him on a detective’s salary.” “I agree,” said Mickey, “It would cost a small fortune to have him; he’s probably one of the best barristers in London. I dare say it’s probably Samuels’s ill-gotten gains from drug dealing that will pay his bill. Just out of curiosity do you know whose representing the people?” “Virginia Hollingsworth I believe.” “Yeah I can understand that, she’s very high profile, she takes on some of the most difficult cases.” Jimmy interrupted and said, “So George do you think Samuels will be found guilty and if so is he likely to serve any real time?” Without hesitation George replied, “With the evidence we have against him; they can’t find him anything but guilty, as for the sentence that will depend on the judge.” Jimmy smiled and said, “Well let’s just hope we get a decent one then.” Mickey grinned at his friend before looking back at George and saying, “Thanks for coming over to tell us George, we appreciate it. We’d like you and your sister to enjoy the rest of the night as our guests.” “Thanks, will you two be joining me and Rubie in the club.” “Of course,” said Mickey. They talked about Rubie after George said, “She’s my half sister from my dad’s second marriage. That’s why there’s a large age gap between us, my dad’s second wife is younger than him.”

  Back inside the club they chatted about Monica and the wedding, they knew she had invited George. Jimmy smiled at Rubie before he looked at George and said, “Will you be bringing Rubie along to the wedding.” “Unfortunately I’m on duty that day, but I did tell Monica I’d try and drop in at the reception later in the evening.” Kevin interrupted and said, “If Rubie wants to go to the wedding, I’d be happy to take her as my guest.” Before George had time to answer, Rubie replied, “Thanks Kev, I’d love to.” It was obvious to her brother that they liked each other, so George replied, “I’ve no objections to her going she’s old enough to decide for herself.”

  It was around midnight, when Mickey said, “We ought to be thinking about getting back to the girls Jimmy.” Then he looked at George and added, “Please stay, Kev and the lads will look after you.” “Thanks all the same, but I’ll be going soon I’ve got work the in the morning.” Rubie piped in and said, “I’d like to stay.” Immediately Kevin said, “I can take her home later George.” “Thanks Kev I’d appreciate that and I’m sure I don’t have to remind you that I’m a copper, so I’ll expect you to drive her straight home when the club shuts.” They all laughed as Rubie said, “Listen to him, anyone would think he’s my dad to hear him talk!”

  Five minutes later the three men left. Mickey and Jimmy shook hands with George before they parted company.

  Arriving back at the apartment they entered quietly. Maria was half asleep on the sofa only waking when Jimmy said, “It’s only us babe, where’s Monica?” Rallying her senses she replied, “She went to bed about eleven, she felt very tired, but she left a message for you Mickey, if she was asleep when you got back she would see you tomorrow.” “Cheers babe. Well as she’s asleep I’ll push off home. I’ll see you all tomorrow.” “Come and join us for breakfast around eight,” said Maria. “I’ll do that if you’re sure?” “I’m positive.” “See you at eight then. Don’t get up I’ll see myself out.” After making her and Jimmy a coffee, Maria said, “So how were things at the club?” Just after he began telling her about George, she interrupted and said, “Perhaps you should wait ‘til the morning, so Monica can hear all about it?” “Ok babe, so are you taking me to bed now?” With a sexy grin she replied, “Oh I think I could be tempted.”


  The days since Monica’s discharge from hospital seemed to pass quickly, she had been at Maria’s a week. All the girls had done was go over the wedding arrangements, the two would be grooms had gone out at every opportunity. That day being no exception, Jimmy had taken Mickey to look at a pub that was up for sale. They had thought about buying a pub in the past, but just never seemed to get round to it. This one was different, within walking distance of Mickey’s apartment; it did a good regular trade with not too much trouble. They had decided to find out for themselves what the lunch time trade was like, they knew it did a good regular evening trade, but lunch times could be the making or breaking of whether or not they bought it. They decided to drink there every day for the next week, which didn’t exactly please the girls; but they knew it was business.

  Monica was getting about quite easily now, although it would be a couple of weeks before she could drive, so every trip into town meant a cab.

  That lunch time after the men left for the pub, Maria said to Monica, “I think it would be a good idea to arrange a dress rehearsal for the bridesmaids, just to make sure everything fits.” “Great idea, I’m dying to see their dresses.” They were just about to phone Ann to arrange it, when the intercom buzzed, it was Father Thomas. Maria opened the front door to greet him, kissing his cheek as he entered, “This is a very welcome surprise,” she said with a smile. “I know I should have phoned, but I was in this area. I thought I’d take pot luck on you being in, because I wanted to tell you I’ve arranged a rehearsal for you all this coming Thursday.” Knowing Jimmy would be reluctant to go, he sarcastically added, “I hope everyone will make the effort to attend.” Monica was quick to say, “My parents won’t be arriving until two days before the wedding.” “That’s not a problem, I’m sure someone can stand in for your dad at the rehearsal. Can I ask who the best men will be, only I know originally Mickey was to be Jimmy’s, but now he’s a groom himself I assume that’s changed?” Maria replied, “It has indeed, Tony has stepped in to be Jimmy’s and Mickey’s brother-in-law Richard will to be his, although he won’t be arriving from America until a few days before the wedding.” “Well it sounds like everything is sorted then.”

  Eventually Father Thomas left, calling to them as he entered the lift, “I’ll see you at three o’clock on Thursday.” “We’ll be there,” called Maria.

  They decided to leave the dress rehearsal as it was getting late and they needed to think about preparing the evening meal. Monica was excited, because while staying there she had been taking cookery lessons. Maria was actually very impressed with how quickly she had picked things up; in fact that evening was to be her d
ebut. They hadn’t told the men it was to be a surprise.

  Under the watchful eye of Maria, Monica had cooked duck with orange sauce, served with a selection of fresh vegetables. Dessert was to be profiteroles with fresh cream and chocolate sauce. The two women had devised a plan to keep the men out until seven. Maria had phone them and said that they were having a dress rehearsal of the wedding dresses, which was taking longer than anticipated, so they would have to stay out later. They knew that neither man would complain about having to stay in the pub.

  Just before seven, Maria set the table while Monica added the finishing touches to the meal.

  “Something smells good,” said Jimmy as they entered the apartment. Maria grinned and said, “Congratulations you’re on time!” “Would I dare be late,” joked Jimmy. “Yes you would, in fact you usually are. Actually your timing is perfect, the dinner’s ready, go and sit down while we bring it through.” A few minutes later the two girls brought the dishes through. “Ah duck,” said Mickey, “one of my favourites and as always it looks delicious babe.” They all tucked in to the glorious meal.

  Mickey ate the last mouthful, placing his knife and fork on the plate he said, “My complements to the chef, yet another wonderful meal.” Grinning she replied, “I didn’t cook it, Monica did.” “Really, it was amazing are you sure she cooked it babe.” Before Maria could reply, Monica said, “Yes she’s sure you cheeky git! Maria’s been teaching me while I’ve been here.” “I’m impressed babe it was fantastic!”

  Everyone congratulated her on her success; even Jimmy said, “Mickey’s right babe, it was delicious.” With both men obviously in a good mood; Maria mentioned to them about the rehearsal at the church on Thursday. Jimmy looked less than thrilled but said, “Ok I suppose I should go.” “Thanks darling. So tell us what do you think about buying the pub?” Nodding his head he replied, “Yeah we think it could be a good investment, especially if we can get a license to have live music, which in our case wouldn’t be too difficult, we’ve got a few council officials on our books and Mickey’s not shy when it comes to bribery?” Monica piped in and laughing said, “I’ll pretend I didn’t hear that!” Mickey was quick to say, “He’s only joking babe, they’re my friends.” Then in an effort to change the topic he added, “You’ll have to come over and see the pub.” “What’s it called again?” “The Jolly Roger,’ great name isn’t it, really appealed to our sense of humours.” “I don’t doubt that!” They all laughed.

  The friends sat chatting, Monica said, “If it’s ok with Jimmy and Maria why don’t you stay over tonight Mickey, it’s late and you’ve drunk quite a lot, I worry about you driving home.” Maria was quick to say, “Of course it’s alright, you’d be more than welcome and Monica’s right you shouldn’t drive.” “Stay Mick, but just because the guest room has a double bed, I don’t want you getting up to any hanky panky,” said Jimmy laughing. Monica giggled and said, “No chance, I’m saving myself for our wedding night, doctor’s orders!” Laughing Mickey said, “In that case I might as well fuck off home!” “Although the doctor was only referring to actual intercourse,” she added with a smile. Instantly a huge grin appeared on his face as he said “Maybe I should stay. Monica’s right, I have been drinking!” They all laughed.

  Mickey and Monica were up first the following morning. As their friends appeared Monica offered to cook the breakfast. Considering the gourmet meal she had cooked the previous evening; they all thought it was a great idea.

  They had just finished eating when Mickey’s mobile rang, it was his secretary Jan, she told him that Virginia Hollingsworth’s office had been trying to contact him. Thanking her, he said he would contact them. Mickey was just telling the others; when Jimmy’s home phone rang, Maria answered it and said, “Jimmy it’s for you, its Virginia Hollingsworth’s office, her secretary wants to make you an appointment to discuss the Samuels case.” Passing him the phone he spoke into it, “Hello Jimmy Dixon here.” Then the secretary said something and he replied, “Michael Mann is here actually, so you can make the appointment for both of us.” The others listened as he made the arrangements before ending the call. Jimmy closed his phone and said to Mickey, “We’ve got an appointment tomorrow at half eleven, that Virginia bird wants to talk to us about Samuels.” When the two men finished talking, Maria said, “What have you two got planned for today, only I’d like to take Monica and Mickey to see the house if possible?” “All we planned to do was call into The Jolly Roger sometime during the afternoon; why don’t you come with us, we can stop at the house on the way there or the way back,” said Jimmy. “That’s a great idea, but can we call into the pub on the way back, so we don’t have to rush?” “Yeah whatever babe, makes no difference to us.”

  They all got ready to see the house, within the hour they were parking in the drive. Monica’s first reaction was, “Oh Maria it’s absolutely gorgeous. If we do ever adopt, this is exactly the type of house I’d like.” Mickey grimaced and jokingly said, “If I’d have known you’d say that I would have declined the offer to see the house, actually there’s some lovely little two up two down cottages just being built down near the railway station.” They all laughed when Monica replied, “Cheap skate.”

  Excitedly Maria showed them around the house. It was clear to the others that she loved it and couldn’t wait to move in.

  Driving back toward the pub all the girls talked about was the house, even at the pub it was their main topic of conversation. Spotting a fruit machine at the far end of the bar Jimmy grinned at Mickey and said, “Fancy trying your luck?” “Too right, anything to get away from weddings, houses and babies!” Even the ladies laughed. Once at the machine they talked about the pub, they didn’t notice a group of blokes come in, two black and two white. Monica had noticed them, also that the landlord looked a bit intimidated as they went up to the bar. Watching them she saw the landlord give one of them an envelope; also a round of drinks but no money changed hands. Maria said, “Who are you looking at Monica?” In true detective style she replied, “I think something dodgy is going on between the landlord and the blokes who just came in.” Before she could say anything else, she noticed one of them looking at her. Immediately she looked away and made it look as though she was chatting with Maria. One of the black guys looked over at them; then nudged the big white guy standing next to him. Within seconds the four of them were walking towards them. Monica saw them and quickly said, “They’re heading this way Maria.” Without asking the four men sat down at the girls table and one of the white guys said, “Can we buy you lovely ladies a drink?” Monica replied, “No thanks we’re with someone.” Cockily the guy replied, “I don’t see anyone, are you sure you just don’t think you’re too good to have a drink with us?” Maria felt uneasy, especially when one of the black guys put his arm around the back of her chair and said, “What about you sexy, are you with someone?” Nervously she nodded her head. Sarcastically he said, “If I had such a lovely lady, I certainly wouldn’t leave her alone in a pub. Now can I buy you a drink gorgeous?” Politely she replied, “No thank you, my fiancé will be back any minute. Despite what she said he just wouldn’t take no for an answer. Then things changed for the worse when he ran his finger seductively up her arm. Monica could see Maria was intimidated; so in the hope of getting them to go she politely said, “We are with our partners, so can you please just leave.” One of the white guy replied, “Leave sexy, we’re only just getting to know you.” Then he placed his hand on her knee and squeezed it under the table. Trying to pull his hand away she abruptly said, “Take your hand off me!” Before she could say another word, a familiar voice said, “You heard the lady, now take your fucking hand off her!” It was Mickey looking very aggressive. Jimmy had been less polite with the black guy when he said aggressively, “Get the fuck away from my girlfriend!”

  Within seconds a fight had broken out. Monica put a call straight through to her department, where her friend Jenny who answered the call said someone would be there within minute
s. Maria was petrified, she watched as Jimmy punched the guy several times in the face, before one of the others held Jimmy so the guy could hit him back. Maria was screaming for them to let him go, but she was aware that Jimmy didn’t seem to take much notice of the blows he was taking; it was as much as the other guy could do to hold him. The landlord rushed over to try and stop it, by then Jimmy was free and hailing blows down on both men; much the same could be said for Mickey. Suddenly three police officers entered the pub; Monica recognised them and complemented them on their quick arrival. They quickly dealt with the situation, then talking to Monica one of the officers said, “You’ll have to call into the station sometime today Monica with your friends, you’ll all have to make a statement.” Another officer jokingly piped in and said, “Judging by the state of their faces, they picked on the wrong guys Monica!” As the officers took the four trouble makers away Mickey said to the landlord, “Sorry about that, we’ll pay for any damages.” The landlord replied, “That won’t be necessary it wasn’t down to you and the damage appears to be minimal. Can I offer you a fresh round of drinks?” “Yeah thanks, but it should be us buying you one.” “After getting those four arrested, it’s the least I can do.” “Ok then, but it’s on the condition you join us.” Without hesitation the landlord called over to the barman to bring them over a round of drinks; then holding out his hand he said, “I’m Larry Watson.” Jimmy shook hands with him then introduced the others.


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