Adams, Cara - Calling Doctor Wolf [Shape-Shifter Clinic 1]

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Adams, Cara - Calling Doctor Wolf [Shape-Shifter Clinic 1] Page 11

by Cara Adams

  Then he blinked again. That was the second time tonight he’d talked to himself about them staying together. He knew that’s what Danny wanted, but when had he decided he wanted it, too? And what about Ambrielle? Shouldn’t they talk to her first? Not tonight. Tonight was all about just being together. But soon. What if she just wanted a bit of fun? What if she would only stay a few months then move on? How can we make her see we three belong together? She has to see it. I can’t wait much longer to be with her all the time. I know I haven’t been spending the time I ought with her and Danny. I haven’t been a very good Dom lately, but I will be better. I’ll get everything sorted out and devote the proper time and attention to this relationship. They both mean too much to me to stuff it up.

  We’ll convince Ambrielle to stay. Danny and I are the Doms and we’ll make the decisions.

  * * * *

  Ambrielle snuggled deeper into the bed, loving the feeling of being surrounded by hard male backs and chests. Damn, she was one lucky woman to have two men fucking her. And oh, how they’d fucked her. She’d thought the top would blow off her head she’d come so hard. And that whipping, flogging thing they did together. That’d aroused her so high she’d thought she might come just from being whipped. It was amazing the way the nerve endings in her shoulders, back, and butt seemed to be pulling the strings in her cunt, making her hotter and more needy by the second.

  Then Danny had taken the nipple clips off her breasts and her nipples had been hotter and harder than hell. When he’d sucked the painful tips she’d almost orgasmed again.

  Ambrielle leaned back against Danny. It was amazing that already she knew instinctively who was touching her. Danny’s hands were rougher. Not just his skin from the manual work he did, but his touch itself. He was also longer all over. Longer legs, longer fingers, and a longer cock, too. Even his hair was longer. Oscar’s hair was short and curly and his shoulders were broader. He was very muscular for a person who worked indoors all the time.

  Anyway there was a mighty fine cock pressing into her ass and it seemed a real pity to waste it. She slid down the bed and planted her mouth over his cock, sucking the head inside and sucking hard on it.

  Danny’s hips pushed up into her face, telling her more clearly than words that he liked what she was doing. She licked all around him then scraped her teeth over his cockhead before sucking him again and thrusting her tongue into the little ridge where the head and shaft joined.

  But there were two men here. Two juicy cocks. It seemed a shame only to play with one. “Lie on your backs side by side as close as possible together,” she said.

  “Little Miss Bossy may get her ass paddled,” grumbled Oscar.

  She giggled. She’d enjoyed that already, but her ass was a bit tender right now. “Maybe next week,” she promised, moving back to give them space to lie beside each other.

  When they were how she wanted them she climbed over their legs and settled herself where she could play with both the cocks together. Now she licked Oscar’s cock and sucked his cockhead. They tasted quite different. She’d wondered if, because they were both wolves, they’d taste similar. But they didn’t.

  Oscar was quite spicy whereas Danny was salty. Well, that was interesting.

  She sucked them again, playing with first one, then the other, rolling their balls, licking their shafts, biting the skin at the side of their cocks, and pressing her fingers into the long veins throbbing down their shafts.

  Soon both men’s cocks glistened with pre-cum and she moved faster, her mouth flying from one man to the next, her cheeks hollowing with effort as she sucked first one cock, then the other, both hands working independently to tease shafts and balls.

  But it was too much. She wasn’t going to be able to bring them both off together with her hands and mouth and she didn’t want to concentrate on one then the other. She wanted it to be simultaneous.

  “Bitten off more than you can chew, Miss Bossy?” asked Oscar, reaching under the pillow and handing her a condom. But he was grinning, so she knew he wasn’t really complaining.

  She rolled the condom over his cock and slid down onto him, sitting up tall and dragging Danny’s hips where she wanted them. Then she concentrated on sucking Danny while she rose up and down over Oscar’s cock. This was much better. She hadn’t realized how needy she was herself until her cunt had been filled and she was able to grip Oscar with it while her mouth played with Danny.

  Now she focused on bringing them to the point together. She could taste Danny and knew how close he was getting, so teased him some while she fucked Oscar more deliberately. When she thought they were both quite close, she timed her pumping up and down on Oscar’s cock with her sucking of Danny’s.

  It wasn’t perfect, but Danny only exploded into her mouth a matter of half a dozen strokes before Oscar came inside her cunt. The excitement of having pleasured them both was enough to tip her over the edge. She tightened her inner muscles on Oscar and allowed the orgasm to flow through her, trying to remember to sheathe her teeth and keep swallowing Danny’s essence.

  Then she sank back down onto the bed. “That was fun,” she murmured.

  “Hell yes,” agreed Danny.

  The two men petted her, stroking her skin and pressing kisses to her shoulders and face. Oscar untied her braid and pulled the long hair through his fingers. “You have lovely hair,” he whispered.

  What a nice compliment.

  Danny’s hands teased her breasts. “You have nice breasts, too,” he said.

  She relaxed into their touch, content to just enjoy this time together with them.

  It couldn’t last, wouldn’t last, but she was sure enjoying it right now.

  * * * *

  Barely more than a week later, Oscar, in his best suit, crisp white shirt, tasteful blue necktie, and polished black dress shoes, was waiting outside court with Sierra. She was accompanied by her legal clerk, a gangling young man of about twenty-one or twenty-two, hauling a wheeled cart with enough files of papers to start a bookshop.

  “Keep your mouth shut and don’t offer any extra information. As far as possible, answer with a simple yes or no. Do not volunteer any additional information at all. Understand?”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  He’d heard her perfectly the first time, but in the interests of obeying his attorney at law, he gave the one-word answer she’d demanded. Hell, who’s the fucking sub in the dungeon now? Ambrielle would be laughing at me.

  “This is just a preliminary hearing to see if there are grounds to continue the case. I don’t expect it to take very long. The judge will listen to me and to the other attorney and then set a court date some months in the future.” Sierra lifted an eyebrow at him and Oscar nodded. She’d told him that already, too. Likely this was her way of dealing with precourt nerves. Not that she appeared nervous. She was looking very smart in a midcalf, black pencil skirt and black blazer. Her flashing amber eyes screamed her intelligence, though. No one who looked directly into her face could have a moment’s doubt about the enormous power she had leashed just below the surface of her calm demeanor.

  The security guard at the door lifted his walkie-talkie to his ear. “Ms. Bond, the judge is ready for you now.” He opened the door and Sierra marched in, trailed by her clerk with the wheeled cart and then by Oscar. Oscar wanted to thank the man for holding the door, but having been told several times to say nothing he decided just to smile instead.

  His first impression was that the man with the other attorney couldn’t possibly be George. He looked older, fatter, almost tired. The doctor inside Oscar came to the fore as he scanned as much of his cousin as he could see. There were no telltale signs of jaundiced or gray skin, no smell of chemicals on his breath, or of breath mints to mask such a scent.

  Of course anyone could put on weight, and anyone could have insomnia, but looking at George critically Oscar didn’t think they were the problems. If this man had been his patient he’d have been asking questions about his home lif
e. Sometimes children who were spoiled rotten by doting parents were called “little princesses” or “little Buddhas.” To him, George had every sign of being a “not so little Buddha.”

  Then Oscar felt guilty again. Who am I to judge the man? I haven’t spoken to him since my grandmother’s funeral. I have no idea whether or not his life since then has been filled with trials and disappointments.

  The judge asked a question of George’s attorney. The man leaned back on his heels and gripped the lapels of his suit coat with both hands, thrusting his chest forward, and started speaking. Oscar could understand maybe one word in ten of what he said. The only thing he was sure of was that he was speaking English, just not the kind of English Oscar knew. Just like his letter. I had to read that half a dozen times to understand it, too.

  Once again he reminded himself that had he been talking to a medical colleague about a patient, it was likely a bystander might not understand the conversation either. Don’t be so critical and judgmental. Where’s your heart? he chastised himself.

  The judge turned to Sierra and asked her a question. This time he understood every word as her crystal-clear diction and equally clear message could have easily been heard and comprehended at the back of the room. “Also, Your Honor, I subpoenaed George Thorne’s financial records and they have not been sent to me,” she concluded.

  “They would appear to be highly pertinent to this case. Why haven’t they been supplied, Thorne?” asked the judge, looking directly at George.

  The other attorney whispered in George’s ear. George looked mulish. The attorney whispered even more vigorously and George turned on his heel, looked at Oscar, and said, “You haven’t heard the end of this. That house is mine. You may have won this battle but the war is far from over. If you give me the house now you’ll save yourself a lot of future pain. I have more power over your life than you could ever imagine. Sign over the house and land to my attorney right now or prepare to suffer,” and walked out of the room.

  His attorney said, “I’m sorry, Your Honor. Mr. George Thorne withdraws his case.”

  The judge glared at the attorney. “Case dismissed. Court costs are awarded against Mr. George Thorne.”

  Oscar blinked, kept his mouth tightly closed as instructed, and followed Sierra and her clerk out of the courtroom.

  Outside he would have spoken, but she glared at him so he kept walking down to the basement parking lot and over to her car. “Wait outside,” she said to the clerk. “Get in,” she said to Oscar.

  Oscar grinned and climbed into her car, a luxury model in candy-apple red. He turned to look at Sierra, but she wasn’t smiling. “You’re going to have major trouble with that man, your cousin. The first thing you need to do is find out why he hates you. Then you need to discover what he’s hiding about his financial situation. Either he’s into crime or something borderline illegal, or he’s filthy rich. Either of those possibilities is really bad news for you because they both mean he can afford the best of help to take the house from you, and he’s made it very plain he wants that property and isn’t all that fussy about how he gets it.”

  “Shit!” Oscar hadn’t thought of that. As if he didn’t have enough to worry about he now had a cousin who hated him. “But why does he hate me?”

  “I just told you to find that out. That’s the key. If you can address whatever issue is making him angry you’re well on the way to solving the problem. His attorney…”

  “Fuck. Don’t tell me he works for all the major criminals in town?”

  “No. I won’t tell you that. I don’t know much about him. I can find out for you though, discreetly.”

  “Please do. Can you recommend a private detective to me as well?”

  “Of course. I’ll e-mail you later today.”

  “Thank you, Sierra. I appreciate all you’ve done for me. Asking for those financial records was obviously a stroke of genius.”

  “Well, it opened a can of worms, anyway.”

  Sierra nodded to him and Oscar climbed out of her car. He thanked the clerk, who was already loading the files into the trunk of the car, then walked to his truck. Well, fucking hell. What am I supposed to do now?

  * * * *

  “Mr. Thorne, it was most regrettably ill-advised of you to say those things in front of his honor the judge. I did request you consider—”

  “Fuck your requests. Pull your finger out of your ass and find me a lever to get that property back. That house is mine and I want it now. I’m paying you to get it for me so use whatever method you need to give me my property!”

  The attorney went to speak but George Thorne was already walking away from him. He had no alternative. He’d have to find what his client wanted.

  Chapter Seven

  Ambrielle wasn’t working. Oh, a whole bunch of different spreadsheets were open on her computer but her unfocussed gaze wasn’t on the neat rows of figures in their color-coded columns.

  Oscar was still all tied up in knots about his cousin’s hatred of him. He’d told her about the court visit, how Sierra’s brilliant idea had won them the case and how George had spat vile hatred of Oscar in front of the judge.

  George was not going to leave them alone and that was killing Oscar from the inside. Ambrielle was hurting because Oscar was hurting and that was a whole new feeling for her.

  Ambrielle had to face a few facts of her own, too.

  She didn’t just enjoy being with Danny and Oscar. She wouldn’t just be sad if the relationship ended.

  She loved them and she’d be devastated if they didn’t want her anymore.

  Danny was so much fun to be around. Lighthearted and joking, brightening up everyone’s lives, yet underneath it hardworking and genuinely caring for everyone, patients, staff, anyone he met up with.

  Oscar was so devoted to his patients and the clinic. Both of the men combined to make her days and nights the stuff that dreams were made of. The type of dreams she wanted to live every day in the future.

  Ambrielle wasn’t sure when it had happened. When she’d progressed from wanting to sort out the paperwork, to wanting to help with everything to do with the clinic, to wanting to be with the men, totally involved in their lives, forever. But it had happened. She knew now that if she had to leave the clinic she wouldn’t just be mourning a job she liked and coworkers she’d been friends with. She’d be mourning for the future she’d wanted as well.

  They do like me. They do want to be with me. They’ve even asked me to stay with them, to move into the apartment with them. I’ll just have to tell them I’ve changed my mind and want to move in with them now.

  And what if they’ve changed their minds and don’t want me anymore?

  I’ll just have to re-change their minds right back again!

  * * * *

  The moment Danny saw Oscar’s face he knew everything hadn’t been solved with the court appearance. However, the patients needed Oscar and Oscar needed the routine of healing people, writing up their charts, and all the boring, run-of-the mill tasks a doctor had to take care of. The problem was Danny was desperate to move their romance on to the next level. He knew Ambrielle was just perfect for both of them. He also knew Ambrielle had not yet accepted this and that Oscar’s mind was still all over the place with setting up the clinic and dealing with Cousin George.

  So, once again it was up to him to take the lead. It was just as well he was a Dom and found solving personal problems very fulfilling, because it seemed Oscar’s Dom side was fully occupied trying to sort out the clinic and his brain had no time left to work on their romance.

  Ambrielle. How he loved her and wanted her. And he knew that love was returned. He’d seen the half-hidden glances, the looks filled with lust, the secret smiles. He’d heard the gentle tone she used only with him and Oscar. Yes, Ambrielle loved them, even if she didn’t know it yet, or possibly hadn’t admitted it to herself yet.

  Well, the first step was to feed them. The picnic they’d shared together out by the lake had
been successful, so he could build on that idea.

  Danny went to Ambrielle’s office. “I’m going into town to pick up some stuff.”

  She didn’t question it. He often had to collect lumber and supplies. However this time he went to a deli where he knew he could choose items to turn into a picnic. He began with cold cooked chicken breasts, added a tub of coleslaw, and a tub of potato salad. His next purchase was three cobs of corn and some sauce to dip them into. A small box of blueberries was added to his purchases and he was done.

  He stopped at another store to add a chilled bottle of dry white wine to his shopping, and spent the drive home working out what to say to make his partners realize the time for procrastination was over. They all needed to admit they cared for each other and commit to moving in together and giving their relationship a genuine chance to become permanent.

  Danny put the wine and picnic food in a cooler carrier. One thing about working in a clinic, there were all kinds of odds and ends available whenever he wanted them. He added plates, glasses, and cutlery and a picnic rug, and he was ready. It was already after five o’clock. He’d just finished in time.

  “Ambrielle, I’ve planned a picnic for this evening. Is that good with you?” he asked.

  “It sounds a lot more exciting than the pot of yogurt sitting at home in my refrigerator,” she said.

  “Good. Is Oscar in?”

  She nodded, her eyes hooding themselves a little. He missed the bright sparkle of her dark brown eyes. Dammit, he needed to straighten Oscar out right now.

  “Is he fussing over the clinic again?”

  “I don’t know, but perhaps. It means everything to him.”


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