Settler's Mine 2: The Lovers

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Settler's Mine 2: The Lovers Page 7

by Mechele Armstrong

  How many times had he heard the stories?

  His eyes quickly scanned up to Zelda and Bren’s faces, but were waylaid by their chests. Or rather what hung around their necks.

  Zelda and Bren’s heartstones both throbbed in a brilliant blue. The shade matched that of his. The pulsing matched that of his.

  Zelda’s hand came up to clutch hers tightly. Her knuckles whitened as her hand fisted around it.

  Amory’s cock hardened with his second erection as he looked at them. The hardness had finally gone down just before they showed up. His eyes shot wide open. “No. No. This can’t be.”

  Zelda’s tongue snuck out to lick her lips. “It did, and it is. You see the proof right in front of you.”

  “No. I have…a woman at home.”

  Bren rocked back on his heels. “Not anymore. You have one here.” He hesitated. “And a man.”

  “There’s been a mistake. No.” Amory’s breath caught in his throat. This couldn’t be happening. He couldn’t be mated to a couple that already had been together for so long. There’d been a trick, some mistake played on him. Someone had pulled one to fool him. He had to go back to Tania. She had to be his mate. They’d pledged to each other.

  “No mistake, Amory.” Zelda’s hand continued to clutch her heartstone. “You are my heartmate. Mine and Bren’s.”

  Chapter Five

  Amory threw down the bag he’d been packing. “It can’t be.” His face contorted with shock. He kept denying what sat right in front of him.

  Zelda straightened, pulling to her full height on boots that gave her even more. “It’s hard to believe. For all of us. But this is how things have worked out. Look, Amory.” She approached him, letting the heartstones’ signals touch. “Look at it.” When he wouldn’t move his head, she cupped his face in her hand, making him. He had to accept the inevitable. For him not to do so, would cause nothing but heartbreak for them all. “See how your heartstone’s glow strengthens next to mine? How they are shaded the same? How they pulse in time to the other? And to Bren’s?” She motioned Bren over.

  While approaching, Bren held up his own heartstone. “Mine matches both of yours.” The stunned looks had started to fade on their faces as they dealt with what they’d been given. Even Amory’s denial was a way of dealing with the problem.

  Being mates explained so much. So much they hadn’t understood with their reactions to each other. No wonder she and Bren had been so fascinated by him. Now that she had her verification, Zelda stopped running from the truth as it had been revealed.

  Amory was their mate and nothing could change that.

  “No.” Amory shook his head violently, so hard his neck cracked. “I can’t be mated to you. Tania…”

  “Is not your mate.” Zelda released his chin. “Fuck.” She reined herself in. Only fools refused to deal with what life tossed them. And she didn’t suffer fools well. But Amory was their mate. He had to see reason beyond some vow he’d made. This had been a shock but he had to accept them. “There can never be a you and Tania now.”

  “No. There has been a mistake.” Amory’s eyes looked wild. Like he was in the middle of a flight or fight reaction. “Tania and I will be together.” Amory shook his head again. “There’s been a mistake. I cannot be mated to you. Tania’s at home. Waiting for me. She’s the one I feel something for.”

  “She’ll be waiting a long time, then.” Stupid man. He didn’t understand that the stone conjured feelings and desires in the owner that went way beyond any crush one might have had before finding the stone. Or especially a mate. The Fates had no interest in vows. He’d learn in time. Zelda would see to it.

  “No mistake.” Bren put a hand on Amory’s arm, which he promptly shook off. Bren held up his hands, backing off.

  “Don’t touch me. I…it can’t be.”

  Why the protesting? Was he trying to deny the facts to them? Or to himself? He protested way too much. The shock of being mates couldn’t be making him this wary. Or could it? He already knew the truth in his heart, but he was having trouble letting go of the past promises he’d made out loud and in his heart.

  Amory was noble. Most Etruscans were. Romantic. That’s why he had such trouble accepting the mercurial relationship Bren and Zelda had to the mine. A wonderful quality to have in a mate, but this was misplacing his loyalties.

  Zelda came closer without touching Amory. “Why are you so hard?” She looked pointedly down to his pants. “If you’re not excited about the idea of being with Bren and me? If you don’t want us? If you want Tania? Why the boner? We are the only ones around here.”

  “That has nothing to do with anything.” His arms folded against his chest.

  “It does.” Zelda ran a hand down her cleavage. And enjoyed watching Amory’s eyes follow her fingers before he realized what he was doing and jerked his gaze away. “Your desire for us has everything to do with the bond.” First, came the sexual attraction for mates. Then, the emotional bonding would begin. That took time and wasn’t always easy. Fate didn’t make mistakes, but some unions were easier to condense than others.

  “I found my heartstone. I can get an erection now. Just because I have one means nothing about whether I’m mated to you. Men get hard-ons over anything or anyone once they get their heartstone.” He sniffed with his nose firmly in the air. “I learned that before I came here.”

  “True.” Zelda folded her hands in front of her. Men did have easy to set off cocks. She didn’t bring up that his experience with the ability had been short lived. “Men are more aroused by their mates than others, though. And, doesn’t look like yours is going away anytime soon. No matter how distasteful you find us.”

  Bren allowed a cockeyed smile to grace his lips. “Now the mate part I can attest to.” He looked Zelda up and down, his eyes scorching her with the gleam in his eyes. “Nothing turns me on more than her.” His gaze shifted to Amory. “Although, you are going to run about equal with her, I think. If you stop being a mouthy asshole.”

  Zelda’s breath quickened at the passionate gaze from Bren, though she frowned at his name-calling. They didn’t need to get into a roaring argument with Amory. That wouldn’t solve anything. “Nothing until now has turned me on more than Bren. You’ve done that. The idea of you being with us has turned me on more than anything ever has, Amory.”

  Amory turned his head so he wouldn’t look at either of them. “I’m not turned on by you. It’s…a gutter reaction. I’m new to this, and I can’t control the damn thing.”

  “Bullshit.” Both Bren and Zelda spoke at the same time. Neither of them looked at each other.

  Bren clamped his mouth shut.

  Zelda shook her head. Her hair cascaded, tickling her neck. She reached back to run a hand across her sweaty neck. Arguing always raised her temperature. A product of her race’s mix. One reason she tried to stay composed in any situation; otherwise she alerted everyone to how she was feeling. “You’re a piece of work. You lie with every word you say, denying the two people who complete you.”

  “Tania…she’s waiting for me. We were meant to be together. We made promises before I left.”

  “And you two can never be. Ever. Nothing you have with her can compare to what you will have with Bren and I.” Amory might be stubborn but he couldn’t deny the Fates forever. Zelda and Bren would convince him of his destiny.

  She moved closer to Amory. “Don’t you feel the pulse between us? The pulse of heartstones. Of our hearts. The need between our bodies.” She touched his arm with a gentle hand. “The currents racing around us. Don’t you want to know what that feel likes?”

  Longing rolled across his face like summer thunder with a storm on Getley Bay. He wanted them more than he’d admit. “I made a vow.”

  She leaned in, whispering against him as she inhaled his intoxicating scent. “Don’t you want me? Don’t you want to put that erection to good use inside me?” Her tongue swiped across the side of his neck.

  Too much, too fast. He pulle
d away from her so fast, he chanced getting whiplash. “I have nothing with you two.”

  “Keep saying it. You might believe the words eventually.” Bren leaned back against the stone wall.

  “Dammit, I do believe it. It’s the truth. I cannot be mated to the two of you. It’s impossible. How many times do I have to say it?”

  Bren started back in, but Zelda held up a hand. Amory could say the words infinity times, and they’d never believe them. Unfortunately, Amory wasn’t listening right now. She had to make him, but this wasn’t the place for the drastic measure she’d need to take. That would take preparation. “This is getting us nowhere.”

  “I’m glad you see that.” Amory picked up a couple of his bags. “I need to be packing. If you’ll excuse me.” He picked up a couple of more things. “I have to go back to Tania.” He looked as though he expected them to stop him.

  Zelda’s eyes narrowed as she watched him clean up his site with furtive looks back at them. “You need to settle up with us.” Time she took control of the situation. The only way she knew how. She would not lose anyone else to the wild galaxy out there. Never again.

  “Oh. Yeah. I will do that.” Amory fumbled with his pockets, bags weighting down his arms as he tried to get to his platinum.


  Zelda shook her head at Bren. “Not right here and now.” Turning her attention back to Amory, she said, “Come by our quarters after you get your things packed up.”

  Amory’s long lashes came down to hide his eyes. “You don’t allow…”

  “You’ve already been in there once. What’s the harm? Besides, you are our mate.” Zelda watched a myriad of expressions move across his face, from denial to pining. He hadn’t expected her to say she’d let him leave. Did she also see disappointment that she was allowing him to go? Good. That would make what she was about to do easier on him. She’d always done what had to be done, no matter how hard on her or anybody else it was. This was no exception. Her action would be for Amory’s own good.

  “You’re going to let me leave?” Amory tugged a pack further up on his arm. “Just like that?”

  “Just like that.” She was allowing him to leave this spot so it wasn’t an untruth. “I could stop you.” As owner of the mine, she could do a lot of things. And she would. She had to prevent Amory from making the biggest mistake of all their lives. “Come by our quarters, after you’ve gotten everything together and rented passage home. To settle up.”

  Amory smiled. “Thank you.” He took two steps toward the other corridor, hefting his supplies with him.


  He turned back to face Zelda. “Yes?”

  “You can’t take off without the mine’s permission. I would have to give the order to let your ship loose from the couplings. I won’t until you settle up with us.” She didn’t want him to run, thinking he could get away. One way or another, this would get resolved. She’d have his rented ship put on standby. He’d rip the ship apart before he could get away from the mine.

  “Understood. I give you my word I’ll settle up with you in person before I try to disembark the station.” He stalked off in the direction of his quarters. Before he turned a corner, he looked back. He still possessed a look that spoke what he was feeling. He couldn’t believe Zelda was letting him go. And for all his talk, he didn’t like it. He rounded the corner, out of sight.

  “What are you doing, Z? He’s going to walk away.”

  She turned her body to face an angry Bren. “No. He won’t walk away from this mating. I won’t let him.”

  Bren tilted his head as he surveyed her. Slowly, the furious features smoothed out. “You have a plan.”

  Bren knew her too well. Amory would begin his education about Zelda and what she was made of soon enough.

  * * * * *

  “You busted our balls for t’at bitc’.” Swill glared at Gemini. A festering blister oozed on his lips.

  “Ayep. You did.” Tenack glared at him.

  They had gone to a deserted part of the mine. The Wolfton bartender heard too well to discuss their further plans sitting at the bar as they used to. Stupid bastard, Tenack had caused that. Now they had to seek out more remote places to meet.

  Gemini sighed, looking at his two irritated minions. What he wouldn’t give for good help. “That’s part of the plan, dumbasses.”

  Both of their eyes blinked at him. Uncomprehending.

  “The plan I hired you for? That was part of executing…er, making it run.” Gemini rubbed a hand over his face.

  “Well, you s’ouldn’t ’ave done t’at to us. Taken ’er side like t’at.” Swill tossed back his drink. “’Ow’s t’at part of it anyway?”

  “Because I’m trying to make Zelda trust me. Remember?”

  “Ayep.” Tenack spit into a corner. “Then, we get women.” He grinned, showing his lack of dental hygiene.

  “Yeah. Women.” Gemini nodded. Whatever worked for their understanding of what he did, so he didn’t have to repeat himself. First thing he’d do after this was hire better minions. “You two need to raise a little more havoc around the station.”

  “’Ow’s ’er trusting you going to ’elp?”

  Swill asked too many asinine questions. “It doesn’t matter. What matters is that I need you two to cause havoc on her station.” She’d come to trust Gemini. Move him into security chief. Then, his plans would hit high gear.

  “It matters to me. I’d like to know w’at you ’ave planned.”

  Even when Gemini told him, the plan didn’t stick in his memory. “I didn’t pay you to know. I paid you to do. I need more havoc. All around.” Better they not know the ultimate goal of his plans. He’d let that be a surprise.

  “We can do that all right, ayep.” Tenack’s eyes glittered at the thought of causing trouble. Tenack didn’t care about the plan. He wanted women and trouble. Not necessarily in that order. So much easier to deal with Tenack than Swill. Only Tenack tended to get in too much trouble on his own whereas Swill behaved better.

  Gemini wanted the perfect minion working for him. One that didn’t question him. Or get them noticed.

  “I’m just saying to know t’e plan would make it easier.”

  Instead, he had these two idiots. “Look, just do what I ask.”

  “OK, OK, I’ll do it.” Swill frowned. His tongue lifted to touch one of his scabs. He winced with the lick.

  Gemini grimaced. So unsanitary and unsightly. “Do whatever it takes to get Zelda’s attention.”

  “What if ’er man comes running again?”

  “He’s supposed to. It will keep them off balance. And cause friction about Bren always running to her rescue. I know Zelda won’t tolerate that. And Bren will believe she keeps calling him.” He grinned in spite of himself. He was brilliant.

  “’E’s a big one.”

  “I can take him.” Tenack slammed a fist into his other palm several times with a thwack sound echoing in the caverns.

  “Not until this is done. When I have the mine, I’ll give him to you.” Another promise that would keep his goons in line with what he had to do. He had no plans for Bren, so that would work out well. Zelda would be his. She’d pay for the sins of her past.

  “Good.” Tenack let out a rare smile. No telling what was on his mind about being given Bren.

  Gemini didn’t want to know.

  “T’e bartender asked me somet’ing about you.”

  Gemini stiffened. “What?” If the Wolfton had heard anything, he’d be on his way out before morning. Damn the canine species to hell.

  “’ad you been ’ere before? And did you ’ave your ’eartstone already?”

  Gemini clenched his hands together until his knuckles ached. “Did he now? Those two questions?”


  “I’d forgotten he asked until just now. What s’ould I tell ’im? If ’e asks again? ’Cause ’e might.”

  “Tell him I was here a long time ago.” More time ago than Gemini thought
about most of the time. Let the Wolfton tell Zelda he’d been there before. She’d find nothing that could link who he was now to the man he’d been back so long ago.

  “And about your ’eartstone? Tell ’im that you ’ave it?” Swill looked pointedly around Gemini’s neck. “Or t’at you don’t need one?”

  “Why should I have my heartstone? I’ve never told you that I did. It’s none of his business or yours.” Gemini’s hands wadded up into fists. Bitterness waged a war inside. Best not to say too much about the heartstone. Or he might get into a ranting rage. He needed both minions to do his bidding right now. Killing one wouldn’t help him.

  “You’re Quatarian, aren’t you?” Tenack asked.

  The double-dicker was smarter than he acted most of the time. Smarter than Swill, too. “I am. But not all of Quatar descent have a heartstone.”

  They both looked dubiously at him.

  “People survive very well without it. You don’t die if you don’t have one.” The way some went on, it was like not finding the stone was a death sentence. Horrible when Gemini gave it any thought. Which was why he needed to act. The traditions had gone on way too long and were antiquated. Time for a new era.

  They continued to stare at him. Swill’s mouth came unhinged to the point flies might decide to take up residence.

  “This doesn’t matter. Get going, why don’t you?”

  “You don’t ’ave your ’eartstone?”

  “I never said I didn’t have it. I said some people do very well without it. I’ve never said I did have it. It’s none of your business or anyone else’s.”

  “I know you must ’ave it. You’re too…been too long alive not to.” Swill cocked his head to the side. “But w’y don’t you wear it like most of t’em do?”

  Gemini gritted his teeth, hands clenched so he wouldn’t slam them into Swill’s head. “Go!”

  With a frown, Swill lumbered off, followed by Tenack.

  Gemini rubbed his chin as he watched them stalk away.

  Too long alive not to.

  That he was. He’d been in the galaxy too long to live with not having the missing piece of himself that defined his soul and love. Too long without experiencing the cutting bite of desire. Or even a chance to find someone to love and be loved in return. Without that piece of himself, he’d been lost.


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