Settler's Mine 2: The Lovers

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Settler's Mine 2: The Lovers Page 10

by Mechele Armstrong

  No wonder they were so distracted, which worked out well for him. Having another mate would mean they were too busy with them to pay enough attention to the mine. “Congratulations. I’m surprised you left him at all.” He stood up to shake both their hands. “Let me know on the job.”

  “I will.” Zelda stalked out through the door, with Bren in pursuit.

  Gemini rubbed a hand across his mouth as he watched them leave. They’d find nothing in Gemini’s files that would indicate he was a risk of anything. He’d have the job by the morning. And the real fun would start.

  Chapter Seven

  Bren watched Amory stare at Zelda’s back. She deftly typed on the computer, where she’d gone the instant they’d come back, with one hand, as she pulled her hair down with the other. She’d worn it up for some unusual reason today. Couple of times, he’d almost yanked her hair down because he liked to see it hanging loose. His body grew hotter the more hair she pulled free.

  Amory shifted nervously. He’d been cagey since they’d come back from dinner. Probably expected them to attack him any minute now.

  Bren hadn’t dispelled the notion that their seduction would begin soon. Truth was most of seduction was in the mind. Anticipation. Maybe it would help Amory realize where his future lay. He had to, for all their sakes. Not just theirs, but his as well. Those who didn’t choose their mates over other things were unhappy and miserable. Bren had seen enough to know.

  Zelda blew out a breath, bringing his attention back to her.

  “Find anything?”

  “It hasn’t changed from when I checked it while approving his boarding application. He’s a stellar Zenon being. No priors. No arrests. Great record. Over qualified for the job of security officer at Settler’s Mine.”

  “That’s good. Only, you don’t seem thrilled.” Bren noticed she seemed skeptical. Gemini did seem overeager. Something about him seemed “off.” Nothing Bren could put any stock in, nor enough to call up too many questions.

  “It’s…too manufactured. I don’t trust him. I don’t trust this.” She waved a hand at the computer screen. “It’s too clean. Especially for a man traveling with those two nimrods, trying to help him find his heartstone. This record doesn’t track with Two-Dick Wonder and Blisters. And they were too clean for the type they are.”

  “Something about him seems off.” Bren walked over and kneaded her shoulders. “But what? Your contacts should be able to pull up anything that wasn’t clicking on him. Shouldn’t they?”

  “They should.” Her tight shoulders loosened under his massaging fingers. She leaned back into his touch as he kneaded harder. “I don’t seem to be able to access as much about Gemini as I should. But nothing here leads me to anything untoward.”

  “Why so tense, Z? Why so doubting about his references? And are we going to hire him?” His finger found a knob on her neck and wiggled back and forth around the bone. “We could use another hand. But, if he seems off to both of us, maybe we shouldn’t.”

  Her head drooped. Her voice sounded relaxed. “I don’t know why he strikes me as ‘off.’ Your description about him works about as well as any I could say. Yeah, I’m going to hire him. Keep tabs on the dirty bastard. You know what they say.”

  “Yeah, keep your enemies close.” Keep those you worry about tighter than your friends had always been Z’s motto. “But we don’t know he’s an enemy.”

  “We don’t know he’s not, either. I intend to find out though.” Her shoulder tensed under his fingers before relaxing.

  True. And sometimes Zelda required proof of friendship before she kept someone as a friend.

  He kept massaging her shoulders and back, rubbing his hands across her back in wide ever ranging circles, stroking and kneading. Her skin slipped under his fingers like a fine silk, so soft was its surface. “Why don’t you come to bed?”

  She purred in answer, arching back against him like a cat. Zelda could go from zero to highly-aroused in minutes. Always had.

  Bren couldn’t wait to sink into her satiny depths. Find his own pleasure within her willing body. The things she could do with her mouth. With her legs. He blew out a small breath as they turned to the bed.

  Where Amory sat, grimly staring at them.

  Oh, yeah. In the heat of the moment, he’d almost forgotten the other man. Only Zelda could do that to him. She could make him forget his own name in her arms.

  Amory shifted his weight under their scrutiny. “Now that you both are off the computer, I’d like to talk to you about something.”

  Bren raised an eyebrow.

  “What is it, Amory?” Zelda’s voice sounded tired, as if carrying the weight of galaxies on her shoulders.

  Bren kept his arm on her. She took much on herself. Too much sometimes. He eased her burdens when he could, but she didn’t allow him too much headway anywhere other than the bedroom.

  “I want to…be let go. I…” Amory squared his shoulders. Something had changed in him after Bren had gone to dinner. The heartstone was working its will on the young man. Or maybe Bren had gotten through to him with what he’d revealed about Zelda. Zelda would slice Bren into pieces if she ever found out. She didn’t talk about her time before the mine. Not ever.

  “We’ve been through this.”

  Amory bent down on one knee. “I pledge to you upon all the ancestors I call my own, set me free. I will not leave your side for a week.” He humbly bowed his head.

  Bren looked over at Zelda, who had a stoic expression. Bren had never seen anything like this. Well, except maybe in books he’d been read as a child about noble warriors.

  Zelda walked over to lift his head. “I accept your pledge.” She kissed his forehead and rubbed a circle around the kiss mark.

  Amory’s eyes opened wide. “You know of Etruscan vows?”

  She let loose a low chuckle. “There’s not much in the galaxy I don’t know about.”

  He spoke quickly. “I’m not agreeing to have sex with you. Only to stay. To see what being mates is about. Only for a week.”

  Amory had bound himself to them with words. Meant they didn’t have to keep him tied. But tied he was just the same. Only he’d done that and not them.

  She looked at him seriously. “I make my own pledge to you. Nothing will happen to you here that you don’t want to.” She nodded her head down in reverence.

  Amory nodded as if he’d accepted her terms.

  Bren quickly chimed in. “I second Z’s vow. Nothing will happen to you that you don’t want to happen. But, I will have fun convincing you that you want it to happen.” He waggled brows at them both. “I like a challenge.”

  Z rolled her eyes.

  Amory jingled the chain. “Can I get out of these now?”

  “Sure.” Zelda took the key from the necklace around her neck, where it sat close to her heartstone, and unlocked him. “Remember your vow.”

  “Oh, I will.”

  “Was your vow to that woman…” Bren waved a hand around in the air. “…that kind of vow?”

  Amory nodded. “It was. It’s why…”

  “…you have to go back.” Zelda and Bren spoke at the same instant. Bren smiled at his mate.

  “Yeah. I have to break my vow in person.” Both of them frowned as Amory rubbed his wrist where the tether had been. “Thank you for trusting me.”

  Amory’s wanting to go home to deal with Tania was logical for that kind of vow. It just wouldn’t go over well. Especially with Gemini on the station. Zelda wasn’t going to want to go, and she wouldn’t let Amory go by himself, or even with Bren.

  Zelda reached over to rub up and down his lower arm, her fingers lingering over the skin. “Don’t let me down.”

  Her dark fingers against Amory’s skin set off something in Bren as he watched. Was Amory’s skin as soft as it looked?

  She leaned down to press a kiss where the clasp had rubbed.

  Amory and Bren both blew out a breath at the contact of her mouth. Bren had experienced her touch many ti
mes. Amory was new to the sensations.

  Amory pulled his hand away. “I better go.”

  “To where?” Zelda moved back to the computer. “You don’t have quarters anymore. Besides, you said you wouldn’t leave our side. You vowed that. For a week.”

  Amory’s mouth opened.

  Bren had to chuckle at his expression. Zelda had him. Amory had gone up against a consummate negotiator and lost. Better men than him had tried and failed. Shit, she could outmaneuver Bren most of the time. Bren’s feelings boiled over for his mate. He’d never wanted her more than he did at that moment. She’d not lost her head over their mate’s issues. And she’d played with Amory on her own terms. So many would have forced him to their will in most unpleasant ways in these circumstances. Shackling him and giving him time to think had been the best way they could have handled the situation.

  “I didn’t mean. I mean…” Amory backed up a step. “So I did. I did vow that. And I will honor my vow.”

  “Which means you stay in these quarters.” Zelda pointed to the floor. “No matter what. Until the end of the week.”

  “Fine. Though that’s technically not your side. But I’ll agree to that. Now where do I sleep?”

  “There.” Zelda moved closer toward the bed, unsnapping her leather pants as she walked. “You sleep right there.”

  Bren chuckled at the expression on Amory’s face, which was a cross between desire, annoyance, and horror.

  “Oh, no…” Amory folded his arms across his chest. “You are not screwing each other in the bed with me there.”

  “Now wait a minute…” Bren stepped around the bed. “No one said we were fuc ‑‑”

  “No, I saw the two of you when she got off the computer. And you’re not doing that. I’m not doing anything with anyone for now. I said I’d stay, not screw.”

  “Who agreed we weren’t fucking? That’s not in the deal.” They would have to wait for Amory to be ready for them. But, Bren couldn’t resist making Amory think about the two of them in bed with him. Amory wanted them. He didn’t know how bad he wanted them. Before this was over, he’d understand how his heart worked. Bren would show him.

  Zelda arched a brow. “Who put you in charge?” She pulled down her pants over dark, creamy thighs and off her long legs.

  “Of this bed? You did. When you tied me to it. And you’ve made me agree to stay here. That puts me in charge of what happens there. And I’m…not now. Neither are you.”

  Amory had been hit with a lot in a day. No wonder he wasn’t ready to be with his mates yet. He needed time. Bren could concede the point even as he became captivated by Zelda’s legs. He wanted to run his tongue up them. Reach the center and lick. Start over at the base and repeat. A dozen or more times. But not tonight.

  “Fair enough, for tonight. But tomorrow, everything is up for grabs. Remember our vow to you.”

  Zelda and Amory had a staring contest. Amory broke first. He lowered his gaze. “Fine. I guess we all sleep together tonight, then. And deal with tomorrow when it dawns. But I’m not just having a screw. I won’t give in to sex just to have sex.”

  Amory was hung up with sex being the only part of being mates. A lot of those new to being mated had that impression. It wasn’t. The first part, yes, but not the sum total of the whole bonding experience.

  Bren’s gaze swept to Zelda. She was so much more than a fuckbuddy to him. He’d never met anyone else he’d lay down his life for. He’d give it all for Zelda. That was what being mates meant. That was what they had to show to Amory. Amory had to feel that way about them, and they about him. The Fates had decreed it would happen.

  “When you understand being mates, you’ll understand how wrong that statement is.” Her firm breasts jiggled as she stalked over to the bed. “And once we’ve convinced you of your future, we’ll take you together. As mates. Not just fucking.”

  “Why are you undressing?” Amory’s voice sounded as clipped as the wings of a bird of prey. He averted his gaze from her naked body. Something Bren couldn’t bring himself to do. Shit on Etruscan prudery.

  “I sleep in the nude. You best get used to nakedness. Bren and I don’t have a problem walking around without clothes.” She blinked dark eyes at Amory. “I’m only going to bed. To sleep. Tonight. Tomorrow is a different story.” She turned toward Amory. Her high breasts perked right out of her body with rigid nipples.

  Bren’s gaze followed down the line of her body to her full hips and ass.

  It was going to be a long time, waiting on Amory. Dammit.

  * * * * *

  Zelda sat up as gently as she could in the bed. Good thing she’d invested in the super-size piece of furniture.

  Amory was a bed hog. He kicked out his leg as he slipped under the blanket.

  He’d protested them all sleeping in the bed for maybe two seconds. But he hadn’t gotten out of bed to sleep on the floor, telling her much more than Amory would himself. Then, he’d shut his mouth, curled into his own ball, and gone to sleep, trying hard not to touch either of them. Of course, in sleep, bodies don’t notice any of that. She’d woken up to his body pressed against her back.

  Bren snuggled into the pillow, his mouth open as he snored slightly. He’d taken his usual position at her front.

  Would she wake Amory when she got out of bed?

  Bren could sleep through a war and often had. The best way to wake him up was to grab his cock in one hand. Or wrap your mouth around his balls.

  Amory was an unknown in so much. Just like with a mine though, the fun was in the exploration.

  She slipped the sheet down to her feet and slid down the middle of the mattress. Neither of them moved or even noticed her movement.

  Amory must be like Bren in the sleeping department, or he’d be alert right now. How did he like to be awakened? She had a few ideas she’d love to try. But not this morning. She had a few things around the mine to see to.

  She took a quick look back at her men.

  Her men.

  Both big and beautiful in their own right.

  Few things in life made her feel sappy. Seeing her two men curled up in bed together made her want to toss off her clothes, close up the mine, and secure them away from the busy world for a while. If only she could shut them all away. Just her and her two mates finding out about each other.

  Amory wasn’t hers yet. Technically. But he would be soon enough.

  However, the world wouldn’t wait for anyone, not even her, and she had things to do. So she quietly dressed and left the men sleeping in the big bed.

  She found Gemini talking animatedly with Two-Dick Wonder and Blisters in a dead-end shaft of the mine.

  He broke off when he looked up to see her approaching. A mark against him. What had they been talking about? Yes, she would keep this one close by. “Gemini.”

  “Zelda. I was just telling my workers that they needed to be more conscientious of the rules.” He shook his head as if disgusted with the two men standing next to him, who looked unrepentant.

  Sure, you were. She didn’t buy that, hadn’t fallen off the transport ship yesterday. “That’s good to hear. Especially as you’re the new security chief.” She narrowed her eyes at all three men. “If they misbehave, I will expect you to haul them in. Your workers, or not.” If he didn’t, she’d have reason to bust his balls. And maybe she’d find out what he was up to in the process.

  With a wide grin, Gemini stepped closer to her. He took her hand to pump it up and down. “You won’t regret your decision.” That remained to be seen. “I will keep these two in line or throw them in the brig with my own two hands.”

  “You’d better.”

  Blisters said, “You’re t’e new security c’eif?” He looked uncomfortable.

  “Yes, Swill.”

  Why hadn’t the man seen the doctor? His mouth had to be one flaming mass of pain. Probably being stupid, trying to show how much of a man he was. If he lost his lips to infection, it wouldn’t prove his manliness.

sp; Gemini turned but not before Zelda saw the look he gave to Swill. A look that said “don’t talk.” Interesting. “Zelda and I need to get set up. Don’t we? I mean, as security chief I’ll need access to some things.”

  “Yes. Yes, you will. If now suits you, come with me.”

  “It does.”

  They walked away from the two pitiful minions.

  The man seemed eager to get the job started. Not too overeager or distressed about anything, but his earnestness almost crossed over into being too much. There was something that made her pause about his actions. Zelda still couldn’t be sure what it was. Why wasn’t her government access showing more about the man? Why did he have such a stellar record and hang around with clowns like Swill and Two-Dick Wonder? “I expect daily reports of any goings on at the mine. Daily. No less.”

  “I appreciate you giving me the opportunity to work here at Settler’s Mine.”

  “How come you want this job?” Being upfront sometimes netted more answers than quibbling around the shuttlecraft.

  Gemini stopped and looked at her. His expression was unreadable. And wholly familiar.

  For a second, Zelda had déjà vu. She stopped to match his stance. She didn’t know him, but yet with that look, it was if she’d seen him before. Where? He seemed familiar. Why would a man she’d never met look familiar with an expression?

  “Why wouldn’t I want it?”

  “You’re overqualified. And, you kept saying you didn’t want to work. But it was obvious that you were jockeying to get this job from the moment you sat down at dinner. And, I want to know why.”

  “Because I want to work at Settler’s Mine. I knew the job was open when I came here.” He started walking again.

  “Why Settler’s Mine?”

  “Because it’s the biggest heartstone mine in the Union Alliance territory.” He didn’t stop, but slowed down until she moved. “I don’t have my stone. I wanted to work here because I…I just do.”

  Some men who hadn’t found their stone became obsessed with the mines that produced them. “So why snow me?” She walked at her own pace until he slowed down. “Why not approach me the instant you came onboard?”


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