Settler's Mine 2: The Lovers

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Settler's Mine 2: The Lovers Page 17

by Mechele Armstrong

  Bren could see the visor go over his eyes to cover the hurt that had been shining through. He wanted to go to Amory. Take him in his arms. But how would Amory react to that? What had happened? “Why did you leave us, Amory?” They had to know the truth behind Amory’s leaving. If Zelda were right, things would happen fast back at the mine.

  Amory glared, but before he could answer, one of the two dads came around the corner. “Amory, how did things go with Tan…Oh, I see our visitors met you as you came in.” Horatio had been welcoming to Zelda and Bren. His fathers were clueless that they were Amory’s mates. That in itself would have set Zelda off into an irritated mood. Combined with where Amory had gone had her pissy. They hadn’t filled either of the dads in on their mating status, but it had been a blow to them thinking that maybe Amory hadn’t left freely. If he’d not left of his own free will, then why hide his mates from his dads?

  “Yeah, I see they have.” Bitterness swam through the words, drowning in the dripping of them from Amory’s tongue.

  Horatio looked back and forth between them, knowing something was going on with his son, but not what. “Maybe I should leave you three alone?”

  Bren liked Amory’s dads right off. Horatio, in particular, was smart. A few moments alone was exactly what they needed.

  Amory shot his father a look. “Could you? For a few minutes? I have some things to talk about with them.”

  Horatio nodded. “I’ll head on in the back with Jardon for a little while. If you need us, just yell.” He turned but then swiveled back to survey them all. “I need to let you know this, though. You had said to book you a shuttle, Amory. It’s done. You’re all set. It leaves in two hours though.” He walked out of the room without a glance back.

  Bren’s throat constricted. A shuttle? Amory had been leaving? Good thing they’d gotten there when they did. What would they have done if he hadn’t been on the planet? He shuddered.

  “Where the fuck are you going?” Zelda’s voice went from blustery to blistery. Her face set in harsh lines.

  Bren wanted to smooth them out. This would all work out. He’d see to their being mates for eternity.

  Amory turned to face Zelda with a look like broken glass. Heat came in waves from his face even more than earlier. Mad heat. He took a breath, but it didn’t seem to calm him. “What do you care? Maybe I’m going to the Pompador system.”

  Her eyes narrowed, and Bren could feel her steaming. “Just answer the question, Amory. Why did you leave? And where are you going when you leave?”

  Bren crossed to Zelda to put his arms around her, standing behind her. The contact of their bodies seemed to ease her temper. “Tell us where you were going. And how you wound up here. We’ll listen.”

  Amory shook his head. “I don’t understand you two. At all. What right do you have to come in and ask me what I’m doing and where I’m going? You have no rights to anything that I do.”

  “We’re your mates.”

  Bren nodded in agreement. “That does give us certain rights about your welfare.” He’d been so relieved to find out Amory was OK when he’d arrived on the planet. Wanted to beat him for worrying both of them, but had reserved that right until after the questions were answered.

  “You have a funny way of showing that.” Amory moved over by the doorway. “A real funny way. Why are you two here? Why’d you come here?” Something fell between the lines in his words.

  Amory hadn’t thought they cared enough to come after him. Bren straightened. How could the man think that? After all, to keep him Zelda had started out chaining him to a bed. A move wholly unlike his mate. Of course ,they’d have come after him when he’d run.

  “To collect you.” Zelda pushed a hand back through her hair. “Did you leave us? Did you run off the mine with a hostage in tow?” Leave it to Zelda to ask the questions that might be hard for them to hear the answers to so directly. She gripped Bren’s arm so tightly, the nails bit into his skin.

  She didn’t want the answer any more than he did. What if the answer wasn’t the one they wanted it to be? What if Amory had left them behind in such a violent fashion?

  Amory’s entire body stiffened. “What?” He lowered his arms by his side. “What did you say? Hostage?”

  Zelda nodded. “That’s what I said. Did you leave the station, armed with a knife and a hostage by your side?”

  “How dare you ask me that. Who the hell told you that I did that?” Amory’s voice shot low, deep timbered. Dangerous. He’d been angry before. This was deeper. This was rage sifting up through the sand like hot water.

  “Several eye witnesses. You were seen taking a man by the name of Swill at knife point and forcing him into your shuttle.”

  Bren stroked his hand along Zelda’s elbow. “We have the reports.” Amory was shocked. Bren could see that emotion bubbling around in him. Which could mean only one thing. Bren and Zelda had been had.

  “Lies. They are lies. I didn’t…take a hostage. Have a knife. I’m not like that.” Amory’s head shook as though he could deny what they’d been told. “I woke up on a shuttle with Swill. I didn’t take him hostage. He was just there. I think I’d been drugged. They said…” He broke off, licking his lips.

  “Said what? Finish the tale.” Zelda leaned forward, bringing Bren with her. Both of them wanted to hear what had happened next. It could mean their futures.

  “They said you wanted me gone. They played an audiotape of Zelda relaying that it hadn’t been working out. That you needed to get rid of me.” Pain choked up Amory’s voice. He seemed to have difficulty swallowing.

  Bren growled. Whoever had done this had hurt both his mates by their actions. Whoever? The culprit was obvious. Gemini. And he would pay for these transgressions. “We never sent you away.”

  Zelda reached over. Drew Amory into the warmth of her body. They melted together like warm goo on metal.

  Bren shuffled around until he was at Amory’s back. All three of them stood like that for several long minutes. Bodies touching. Warmth infusing. Mates regrouping.

  Bren didn’t move his head from atop Amory’s. “You were going back to Settler’s Mine. Weren’t you? That’s where the shuttle your dad ordered would drop you?”

  Amory nodded.

  Bren couldn’t see it, but could feel the motion under his chin.

  “Yes. I was going back to Settler’s Mine. To find you both. To make you take me back on as a mate. Not to Pompador, which they said Zelda had suggested for me.”

  Bren smiled. Such pluck. At least Amory had been coming back to them, instead of going somewhere else. His fists trembled. When he found Gemini, he was going to teach him to fuck with them.

  “You don’t have to make us.” Zelda pulled back. “We were told you’d left us. We came to take you back with us to Settler’s Mine. As our mate.” Her eyes sought out Amory’s. “No matter what you’d said to Tania.”

  Amory cast his eyes down. “Tania and I were done as soon as I found my heartstone. I know that now. I had to come tell her in person, like I told you. But, it’s done now. It’s over.” He didn’t go into the whole story but Bren sensed more had happened with the woman he’d made promises to.

  So many changes for Amory. Bren squeezed him.

  “Good.” Zelda blew out a breath of relief. “I’d hate to have to chain you to my bed again. Although…” She winked. “…next time, you might like it more. You might even ask to be chained.”

  A chuckle started down low in Amory’s throat and moved up to gush out over his lips. “With you two, I bet I will. If I get to chain you. Both of you. And bring you pleasure.” He sobered. “Someone made you think I’d left. And made me think you didn’t want me anymore. Who?”

  Bren and Zelda both said at the same time, “I’ve got a good idea.”

  “In stereo.” Amory pulled away from the close circle, but didn’t pull all the way away. “So, who would that be? Who’d do that to us?”

  Bren waved to Zelda to tell him. “A soon to be ex-se
curity officer, if I had to guess. I think it’s Gemini.

  A throat cleared behind them. “I’m sorry to interrupt you three.” Horatio and Jardon stood there. Horatio continued, speaking to Zelda, “I have an urgent space message for you. You’d forwarded things from your shuttle to here?”

  “Oh,” Zelda said. “Yes. I did do that. But I shouldn’t take a call on your hospitality. I can call them back from the shuttle. Unless it’s an emergency.”

  “Nonsense. You can take it in the kitchen for some privacy. Besides, the man said it’s urgent.”

  “I’d better take this call then. Only a few know my com addresses.” Zelda pulled away from both Bren and Amory. “I’ll be right back.”

  Bren couldn’t keep his eyes away from his mate. Hard to believe a shitting misunderstanding caused deliberately by someone else had almost lost them their relationship. If he’d never found Amory and found out about this…Gemini had best be glad they had found Amory. Otherwise, it would have been worse for him.

  “Son?” Jardon smiled with a knowing look in his eyes. “Is there something you’ve forgotten to share in this whirlwind visit?”

  The first man grinned. “The son comes in, doesn’t spend any time talking to us, went off to see that wench, and then was going to be leaving swiftly again. Until you two showed up.”

  Amory pulled away from Bren slightly. He left one arm about Bren.

  Somehow that show of affection in front of Amory’s parents sent a shooting thrill through all of Bren’s nerve endings. Amory was one of the most reserved people Bren had met. For him to do that was special.

  “I do have something to share. Soon as Zelda gets back, I will tell you all about what’s happened.”

  Bren rubbed his finger along Amory’s warm neck. He could smell Amory’s scent up close like this. Still smell Zelda’s alongside him. The scents invigorated him. Nothing smelled better than his two mates. “Zelda won’t mind.”

  Amory shivered under the touch. His breathing sped up under Bren’s knowing hands. “I…ah…”

  Horatio wrapped an arm around Amory’s other father. “I think I know. I’ve seen that look. But, you could tell us.”

  “Go ahead.” Bren removed his hand.

  “Dad. Father. I already told Tania. She…well, I came back to tell her this. The reasons aren’t important now. But while I was on Settler’s Mine, I not only found my heartstone.” Amory’s hand dropped to wrap his fingers around the orb. “I found both of my mates. Bren and Zelda are my mates.”

  “I knew it.” Horatio hugged Amory with arms that looked like they could embrace the whole planet. “From the time they came in, I knew it.” He pumped Bren’s hands up and down in an iron grip.

  “Yep.” The other, subdued man, who was much like Amory in personality, also pulled Amory in for a hug and shook Bren’s hand. “I’m happy for you three.”

  Bren’s mouth dried. Such acceptance into their lives because of his connection to their son. His parents had accepted Zelda like this. Zelda had told him of her life before the mine and of her family life. Nothing had been easy for his mate back then. So Bren had never been on the receiving end of this arrangement. He found the acceptance comforting.

  “I’m back.” Zelda walked into the room on clacking heels. Her whole face had pinched up with unease.

  “What’s wrong?” Bren moved to Zelda’s side first to give her comfort, followed by Amory. What had happened? What had Gemini done now? By the Gods, he’d kill the smarmy bastard for doing this to Bren’s mates.

  “That was Clyde. Gemini is behind this.” Her voice lowered a hair. “He’s launched a takeover of the mine.”

  Chapter Twelve

  Amory watched Zelda tap her foot on the shuttle's metal floor. Tension radiated from her every pore. Her shoulders rolled back as she stretched. "How close are we?" How many times had she asked that question? Seemed like a million.

  Bren switched the shuttle on autopilot. "Oh, about five minutes closer than the last time you asked." He rubbed a hand over his face. "Did you reach everyone you wanted?" Zelda had spent the whole first leg of the journey on the com, talking in short sentences to people Amory didn't know.

  She nodded. "I did. Layla and her crew are going to come. McTavish is bringing a shuttle full. Dars is sending someone." A look swept across her face. "Everyone I contacted is sending someone to help us." She hadn't wanted to contact anyone. Bren had talked her into the calls. He'd said they couldn't take the mine back by themselves. Not with Gemini entrenched. They'd need assistance. And it looked like they were going to get it.

  Amory's breath caught at his rolling thoughts. They were expecting a war. Had to be to call in that many people. When had things gotten this bad? And Gemini had gotten this far because of him. If he hadn't wanted to leave, Zelda and Bren never would have believed the story they'd been told. His fingers clenched. He owed Gemini for causing discord.

  "How do you think he got all those on his side on the station?" Bren turned his chair to face both of them.

  "I'm not sure they are on his side, or if they want a chance to raise some holy hell. I think he's been approving travelers. In my name." She leaned back, putting her feet in Bren's lap. "Clyde did some checking with some of those loyal to me. I've approved a lot of people to come onboard the mine lately that I don't remember doing."

  "How could he get away with that?"

  Both heads turned to look at Amory. He hadn't said much since they'd started on the journey back to the mine.

  Zelda stretched out her long legs as Bren lay a hand across her calf. "I've been distracted. Didn't pay as much attention to Gemini as I should have. A mistake. A lot of things have been going on in our lives."

  "Me." A puff of air blew through Amory’s nose. If only he could blow this trouble away so easily. "You were distracted by me."

  Zelda scratched an ear. "Ehh. Yes, you."

  "It's my fault."

  "No." She sat up quickly, pulling her legs out of Bren's lap. "Not your fault. It's mine. I should have stayed more on top of things."

  "You should have stayed onboard the mine. Instead of coming to look for me." Amory held himself accountable for this mess. Somehow, he'd help get the mine back in their hands. "If I hadn't been so damn stubborn…honorable." He spat the word out. Now it tasted badly.

  Zelda got out of her seat and crossed the two steps that separated them. Kneeling in front of him, she put one warm hand on each side of his face. "You’re being honorable. Noble. It's a good thing. I may have hated the hold Tania had on you, but I respected you wanting to tell her in person that it was over. That took guts."

  "It could cost you the mine. All because you left to find me."

  "I had to find you. To make sure you were OK.” She stroked along his cheek with her thumb. “To hell with the mine."

  "You don't mean that." He'd seen the way she looked when she'd come back from Clyde's call. The mine was her life.

  "She does." Bren knelt down on the floor by Zelda. "I do, too. You're more important than Settler's."

  "You are my life. Not some mine." She glanced at the man who towered over her. "You are, too." Her focus turned back to Amory as her hands fell from his face. "Nothing is more important than the two of you. I'm not sorry I came to look for you. You had to be found. I’m glad I did, and you’re safe." A haunted look descended upon her pretty face.

  She’d faced down her past demons and conquered them for the moment. They were sure to rear their ugly heads later.

  "But it gave Gemini the opportunity to launch his takeover." Damn the man for doing this. For trying to drive a wedge between mates who’d already had issues.

  "He would have tried, anyway. I don't intend for him to succeed. But, my mates are more important to me than the mine, no matter how much I love it. Something like that will never take the place of either of you."

  "I'll help you take it back." He would. Determination coursed through him. He'd do whatever he had to do.

  She nodded, a
serious look on her face. "I know you will. You'll stand by our side as our mate. In this fight, and in any to come." She reached a hand to both of them. "There's no one else I'd rather have at my back." She patted both of their arms. "Now, enough of this talk. Let's move on to something else." She didn't talk sentimentally often. Not her way. And she had to them.

  Amory's heart pounded. They saw a side of Zelda that the rest of the galaxy didn't ever see.

  "Yes, ma'am." Bren bowed his head as if in supplication. "Or should I say, yes, Mistress."

  She belted out a laugh. "Only if you want to." She continued to stroke Amory's hand with nimble fingers.

  "Have you made all your calls?"


  Bren lifted his head. "Good. Waiting on anyone to call you back?"

  "Only Clyde with more updates, but he was worried about Gemini catching on that he'd been in contact with me, so he didn't want to call too much. Gemini thinks he has Clyde holed up and inactive." She cocked her head to the side as she regarded Bren. "What do you have going on in that devious mind of yours?"

  "Shuttle's on autopilot."

  Amory watched back and forth between them. Surely Bren couldn't have that in mind? Not while they were facing such a loss.

  "Yes. I believe it is." The corner of Zelda's mouth quirked up.

  "Be a few hours still before we arrive."

  Her head bobbed. "Yes. I believe it will be." She raised her head, a knowing look now on her face.

  Would Zelda go along with this? She'd been so tense after they'd found out what was going on at the mine. A brief conversation with his fathers had followed, and they'd taken off with a flurry of activity.

  "We could find a way to pass the time." His hand stroked up Zelda's leg, palming the lower fleshy part with his hand. "A much more fun way than sitting here talking."

  Though the calf was covered by pants, Amory saw the shiver Bren’s touch inflicted upon her.

  "You can't mean to have sex now? While we're in such peril?" Amory leaned back in the seat.


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