Not Just Another Cowboy (Silhouette Special Edition)

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Not Just Another Cowboy (Silhouette Special Edition) Page 17

by Finch, Carol

  The full impact of Chance’s hellish hangover hit him somewhere over Oklahoma City. It was a doozy, but it didn’t slow him down. He refused to let it. He figured he was getting what he deserved for trying to drown his frustrations in a bottle. That had been his father’s way, but it wasn’t Chance’s way—at least it hadn’t been until the turmoil of leaving Rocking T left him looking for consolation in the bottom of a whiskey bottle.

  Chance intended to grab the bull by the horns. If even one member of the Tipton family objected, that was too damned bad! None of this would have happened if Chance had remained on the ranch, despite Alexa’s insistence that he leave. He was never going to forgive himself for not being there when she needed him!

  “Hold it right there, mister. You may look like a walking greenhouse, but you aren’t getting past this nurses’ station. Hospital visiting hours are over.”

  Chance poked his head around the monstrous flower arrangement he had ordered in Dallas and had waiting for him to pick up at Willowvale Airport. A sturdy, grufflooking nurse stood as a human barricade, bearing down on him with the evil eye.

  Chance mustered his most disarming smile for the nurse—who he was sure must have worked as a prison warden or drill sergeant in another life. She stood with hands on broad hips, feet askance, blocking the hallway.

  “I flew back into town the minute I heard about Alexa Tipton’s accident,” he explained.

  “Alexa?” The nurse’s dark eyes widened and she glanced right, then left. “Are you that nice cowboy Chester told me about?”

  “Are you Mildred?” Chance questioned the question.

  A smile spread across the woman’s face, altering her stern appearance. “That’s me. Chester Whitmier is my husband.”

  “I’ve come a long way on a bad leg,” Chance said as he gestured his head toward his brace. “I dropped what I was doing in Fort Worth as soon as Alexa’s sister called me. I can’t rest or relax until I see Alexa.”

  His hopeful expression must have done the trick, for Mildred contemplated bending her strict rules.

  “All right, cowboy,” she murmured, motioning for him to follow her down the hall. “But if you spread word around town that I’m a pushover, I’ll come after you with a scalpel and hypodermic needle.”

  “Mum’s the word, ma’am,” Chance promised.

  On the way down the hall, Mildred shook her Brillo pad head and sighed. “That poor girl. Talk about bad timing for an accident. Alexa has been racing all over town, making arrangements for publicity and promotion for the bed-and-breakfast. Then this happened. I told Chester to get his butt out to the ranch and put the finishing touches on that construction project for her. And he better not charge her a red cent for doing it, or he’ll hear plenty from me on the subject. I hope to smile that you returned to manage the ranch while Howard is laid up...uh-oh...”

  Chance glanced around the oversize flower arrangement and then blinked in astonishment. Kurt Stevenson, M.D., had taken on a westernized image since Chance last saw him. The preppy doctor was decked out in Mercedes boots, Riata dress jeans and a colorful Western shirt.

  “Chance Butler? Is that you behind that wall of flowers?” Kurt questioned.

  “Yep.” Chance levered the vase against his hip and outstretched his hand. “I approve of the change in appearance, Harvard,” he said as he shook Kurt’s hand.

  “I gave Mr. Butler permission to drop off the flowers,” Mildred was quick to explain. “You can take it from here, Dr. Stevenson. I need to get back to the desk.”

  Chance winked and smiled at the hefty nurse.

  “Thanks, Mildred, you’re a sweetheart.”

  Mildred harrumphed as she wheeled around and marched off. “You won’t think sweetheart if you try bending my rules on a regular basis, cowboy.”

  Chance’s grin melted as he fixed his concerned gaze on the physician. “How’s Alexa doing?”

  “All things considered—”

  Chance cringed apprehensively. He didn’t like the sound of that opening statement.

  “—she’s doing all right. We think Alexa was standing on top of the ladder trying to reach the sixteen-foot ceiling,” Kurt continued as he ambled down the hall

  Chance grimaced at the vision of Alexa teetering atop the stepladder, which carried a warning label stating, in plain English, that the top rung was not to be used as a step. No doubt, Alexa had taken quite a spill from that height.

  “The electrical jolt that went through Alexa burned her hands and exited through her elbow, leaving an open wound.”

  Chance squeezed his eyes shut, speculating on how much pain she’d suffered.

  “If Debra hadn’t heard the commotion and dashed upstairs to give Alexa mouth-to-mouth resuscitation she might not be here now.”

  Chance’s heart missed several beats. His breath clogged in his chest. Damn, things were worse than he thought.

  “When Alexa fell, she hit her chin on the top of the ladder, splitting the skin. The arm she landed on is broken in two places, but I can’t cast it until the wound heals properly. She also received a concussion, and I have her on an IV and antibiotic.”

  “Is that it?” Chance asked grimly.

  “Except for the twisted ankle, a nasty bruise on her hip and the guilt-trip express train she’s been riding on since she learned of Howard’s heart attack, that’s it. She was very lucky.”

  Chance smirked. “Don’t try to convince her of that. I doubt she’ll buy it.”

  Kurt halted in front of the closed door. “Alexa looks every bit as bad as she feels. I hope seeing you will lift her spirits. Heaven knows she needs that.”

  Chance mentally prepared himself for the encounter. If ever he needed to look—and sound—cheerful this was the time. “Thanks for taking care of her, Harvard.”

  Kurt nodded and smiled. “Find a way to cheer her up, Country. I’ll take care of her physical recuperation.”

  “Still seeing Deb?” Chance asked.

  Kurt nodded. His smile widened considerably. “Although it came at Alexa’s expense, Debra and I have been seeing a great deal of each other. She likes my country look. Says I’m not so intimidating since I gave up my preppy wardrobe.”

  Chance stared at the closed door. “I’m spending the night here. Can you clear it with Mildred?”

  “Mildred has a special place in her by-the-rules heart for Alexa. Our head nurse has run her legs off checking on her favorite patient. There won’t be a problem with you staying overnight.”

  When the physician strode off to complete his rounds, Chance drew himself up to full stature, then inhaled a deep breath. No matter how bad Alexa looked he vowed not to show the slightest reaction to her battered appearance. Whatever Alexa needed, however she needed it, Chance promised himself she would have it.

  He just hoped Alexa didn’t get even more bent out of shape than she already was when he walked back into her life—and took over....

  Chapter Twelve

  When Chance stepped into the hospital room to see Alexa hooked up to the IV, looking fragile and vulnerable, his stomach clenched. She looked every bit as bad as Chance had imagined—worse maybe. Her left arm was bandaged, she had bums on her hands, a black eye, and her long auburn hair fanned out in a mass of tangles.

  Never in his life had Chance wished for the ability to take someone’s agony and bear it as his own. He was prepared to do that for Alexa, right here, right now, from then on.

  A less noble part of him wanted to rail at her for climbing up that damn ladder, for not hiring a certified electrician to hang those blasted ceiling fans. But he figured that lecturing Alexa wouldn’t do any good since she was sleeping—or heavily sedated, Chance didn’t know which.

  Chance set the huge flower arrangement on the nightstand, then hovered beside the bed for several minutes. Then he bent to brush his lips over her unresponsive mouth.

  Damn, he could imagine Zack’s reaction to seeing his mother lying here battered and mangled. The poor kid had already lo
st his father—and came close to losing his mother and grandfather. Chance hadn’t asked about Howard’s condition, but he suspected the old man was suffering—which only intensified Zack’s stress.

  Uncomfortable though the vinyl chair looked to be, Chance sank down to keep the vigil. The hangover that had followed him all the way from Texas was beginning to subside, replaced by his gnawing concern for Alexa. It was going to be weeks before she could function normally, he predicted. He wondered how well an active, independent woman like Alexa would cope with her immobility—and Chance’s announcement that he had returned to run her business for her.

  That should set well, Chance mused, smiling for the first time in a week. But Alexa wasn’t getting rid of him so easily this time. The B-and-B was important to her, and he was here to see that the establishment opened on schedule, to ensure that the horseback-riding trail through the panoramic Oklahoma Hills was laid out and the mounts were trained to take a leisurely walk over hill and dale.

  Chance vowed to stay as long as he was needed, even if Howard objected. The old man needed him, too, whether Howard would swallow his obstinate pride and admit it or not.

  On that grim thought, Chance laid back his head, stretched out his gimpy leg, reached over to take Alexa’s limp hand in his, then fell asleep.

  It was the first time he’d relaxed since he walked away from Rocking T four days earlier.

  It seemed more like a year....

  Alexa moaned as she tried to squirm to a different position in her hospital bed. She had been drifting in and out so much since the accident that it took several minutes to orient herself. Then she suffered through several anxious moments when she remembered she couldn’t afford to be laid up in the hospital. This accident was costing her time and money. If the B-and-B wasn’t open for business soon, she wouldn’t be able to pay the interest on the loan. She would be bankrupt before she had the chance to make a success of her business.

  And Howard would never let her hear the end of that, she mused. As if he didn’t have enough to hold over her already.

  She vaguely remembered Zack coming to visit, and she had tried to put up a cheerful front when she saw the fear and concern in his eyes. Trouble was, she had been so groggy and uncomfortable that she wasn’t sure she had reassured her son.

  The poor child’s world had fallen apart a second time. Thank goodness Deb was around to ride herd over Zack....

  Alexa frowned when she realized something strong and warm encased her bandaged hand. Squinting, she stared at the gigantic flower arrangement beside her bed, then focused her fuzzy gaze on the masculine arm that was swallowed up by roses, baby’s breath and carnations.

  A jolt of surprise riveted her when Chance’s hazy image appeared from a sea of flowers.

  “Hi, gorgeous, ’bout time you woke up.”

  Alexa’s mouth dropped open. “Chance? What are you doing here?”

  “You need me so I’m here,” he said matter-of-factly.

  “But what about Fort Worth? What day is this? Did you compete—”

  He flung up his free hand to halt her rapid-fire questions. “I was leading the calf roping and holding down third in bulldogging when Deb called to inform me that you took another fall from Grace. Not smart, Al,” he muttered darkly.

  Alexa blinked. “You came back because of me?”

  Never during her years of marriage had Dan dropped what he was doing in a family crisis. He hadn’t even returned the night she called to tell him she was on her way to deliver Zack. Alexa had to drive herself to the hospital, because Howard was at his poker party. Dan showed up a week later to see his son.

  Chance rose stiffly from the chair and leaned over to drop a kiss to her lips. “What’s one rodeo when you have a B-and-B to open?”

  “I don’t expect you to—”

  “I know.” He smiled tenderly at her. “And you’ll probably be cursing me before I leave Rocking T, but here’s the deal, Al. I’m putting myself in charge. I’m handling all the arrangements while you recuperate. Zack and I will be staying at the ranch. That’s his home and he’ll feel more comfortable there. I’m not the world’s greatest cook, I’ll admit, but Zack and I can rough it.”

  Alexa’s jaw was still scraping her chest when he finished speaking. She wasn’t accustomed to having someone fill in for her, assume her responsibilities or tell her what to do. She wasn’t sure she was comfortable with the feeling.

  Chance braced his arms on either side of her shoulders and leaned down to stare her squarely in the eye. “If you have a problem with me running your affairs then you’ll just have to get over it, because that’s exactly what’s going to happen. My way may not be your way, but things will get done on time.”

  “But what about the circuit?”

  He grinned wryly. “The electric circuit? I’ll switch off the breaker before I finish hanging the fans.”

  “No, the rodeo circuit,” she said, her lips pursing in response to Chance’s infectious grin.

  He shrugged lackadaisically. “No big deal, Al. The good thing about the circuit is that you can pay your entry fees and be back in action in a couple of weeks.”

  “I really can’t let you do this,” she insisted.

  “No? How do you plan to stop me?”

  “I don’t know, but I’ll feel worse than I already do if I let you sacrifice your contention for national finals.”

  “Well, you don’t have a choice in the matter. Since you aren’t physically able to kick me out of town, you’re stuck with me.”

  Alexa blinked away the mist of tears that clouded her already blurred vision. “I don’t know how to repay you for this.”

  “All you have to do is get well. That’s all the payment I want.”

  “But Howard—”

  Her breath hitched, and the tears she tried to hold in check came dribbling down her cheeks. “I’ve already upset him twice and your reappearance might—”

  “Let me handle Howard,” Chance interrupted as he leaned over to retrieve a tissue to blot her cheek. “Let me do my thing while you concentrate on getting back on your feet.”

  “Chance! You’re back!”

  Zack’s excited voice barely beat him across the room. He charged directly toward Chance, and Chance scooped the kid off the floor to ruffle his hair.

  “Hey, rookie, good to see you.”

  Chance returned the zealous hug bestowed on him. Before he knew it, Zack buried his head on Chance’s shoulder and clung to him as if he were a life preserver.

  “Mom doesn’t look too good, does she?” Zack mumbled against Chance’s neck.

  “People get knocked down and bumped around sometimes,” Chance whispered. “But Dr. Stevenson told me he was taking extra special care of your mom.” He glanced over Zack’s ruffled head and smiled a greeting at Deb, who sagged in relief at the sight of him.

  “If it’s okay with you, kid, we’ll be staying at the ranch. We’ll make sure things run smoothly until your mom comes home.”

  Zack lifted his head, then nodded vigorously. “I’ll help with the chores.”

  “I was hoping I could count on you.” Chance set Zack on the edge of the bed. “Give your mom a kiss before you head off to school. I’ll be waiting for you when you get off the bus tonight.”

  Zack leaned down and carefully kissed Alexa. She felt another wave of tears flood her eyes. She knew Chance’s return was a mixed blessing. It was going to be even more difficult for Zack when Chance left Rocking T once again.

  And it would be difficult for her, too. Even now, she found herself wishing Chance could be a permanent resident. But she quickly reminded herself that Chance had returned out of a sense of duty, obligation and concern. She had to be careful not to read more into the situation than was actually there.

  “Come on, Zack, I don’t want you to be late for school,” Deb insisted. “We gotta go.”

  “Don’t worry, Mom, Chance and I will take care of things,” Zack promised as he eased off the bed.
r />   When Deb and Zack exited, Alexa stared at the haggard cowboy, who was badly in need of a shave and a good night’s sleep—in a bed, not an uncomfortable chair. But just seeing Chance diminished her aches and pains. Not only was he a good and decent man, but his smile had the power to heal.

  Alexa admitted that he had made a marked difference in her life. Yet she knew she could never be satisfied with the kind of long-distance relationship she’d had with Dan. She had to keep in mind that the love she felt for Chance wouldn’t evolve into a lasting relationship. She had to withhold a part of her heart or she would be devastated when he left again.

  When Chance dipped his head to feather a kiss across her lips Alexa reminded herself that Chance had come because of his strong sense of honor and duty. And he probably experienced the same feelings of guilt that hounded her after Howard collapsed. She couldn’t let herself misinterpret Chance’s motives for being here, no matter how much she would like to think he had sacrificed his time and earnings on the circuit because he cared so deeply for her.

  “I hate to kiss and run, doll face, but I’ve got things to do,” Chance murmured. “Zack and I will be back to see you tonight.”

  With a cheery smile he limped away, leaving Alexa to choke down the bland meal delivered two minutes later.

  “Oh, God,” she muttered as she chewed on the dry toast. “How am I going to cook at the B-and-B while wearing a cast and limping around on crutches?”

  Wouldn’t that be loads of fun!

  Well, she would simply have to find a way, she told herself determinedly. She would manage the feat—somehow.

  Chance stepped from the hospital room to see the physician making his morning rounds. “Yo, Harvard, I need to ask a favor.”

  Kurt pivoted and raised a blond brow. “What’s the problem?”

  Chance halted directly in front of Kurt. “The problem is Howard Tipton. How stable is his condition? Can he tolerate a visit from his least favorite person?”


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