GOLDIE: Night Rebels Motorcycle Club (Night Rebels MC Romance Book 4)

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GOLDIE: Night Rebels Motorcycle Club (Night Rebels MC Romance Book 4) Page 4

by Chiah Wilder

  Again she slowed in front of the shop. That time she saw a man with a muscular build, blond hair, full inked sleeves, and several facial piercings, but it wasn’t the blond she was dying to see. She pursed her lips; she couldn’t go by again. Shaking her head, she turned off Saguro and made her way to her aunt’s house.

  Her aunt lived in a three-bedroom, two-bath Victorian in the historic district of Alina. She’d always loved Patty’s house when she and Ryan used to come over after school. Her aunt always had fresh-baked cookies or cheese and apple slices waiting for them when they arrived. But what she’d loved most about the house was all the nooks and crannies: a small room under the stairs, corner cupboards, many bay windows, and a hidden staircase behind the wall in the library.

  Since coming back to Alina, she’d stayed with her aunt, and now that Patty was in the rehab center, Hailey lived in the wonderful house all alone. She smiled when she entered the sitting room and saw prisms of light from the beveled glass windows dancing on the mosaic-tiled floor. As a child, she’d been fascinated by the small chunky rainbows. She slumped down on one of the cushy chairs and thumbed through the mail.

  I hope tonight turns out well. The last blind date she had several months before was a disaster. One of the customers at the floral shop had insisted that Hailey go out on a date with her nephew. When she’d finally relented, she’d found herself fighting him off most of the night.

  I wonder if the tattoo guy was at the shop working on someone. I bet he sees a lot of pretty women. Her cheeks heated when she recalled his hands on her butt. She still couldn’t believe she let him see her ass. Why do I keep thinking about him? Even if he were interested in me, he’d turn out to be an asshole. I just know it. Most men are, and you take his good looks and raw sexiness, and he just spells trouble.

  Her phone pinged. She looked at the screen. Rory. Why did I think it might have been him? I don’t even know his name. Crazy.

  Rory: I think ur white skirt is better than ur black. U always wear black. U don’t want Brent to think u’re goth.

  Hailey shook her head.

  Hailey: If he thinks I’m goth just bc I wear black, he’s an idiot. See u soon. :)

  She slipped her phone into her pocket and went to get ready for her night out.

  * * *

  With its window boxes of trailing sweet potato vines, orange and yellow marigolds, and red miniature roses, Chianti’s had a homey feel to it. Spread around the front patio were wrought iron tables and chairs under earth-toned umbrellas. Inside, the eatery’s walls were covered by watercolors of Italy. The bar had fancy bottles housing liqueurs and brandies from around the world.

  There was always a crowd at Chianti’s, as the family-owned restaurant boasted some of the best Italian food in the county. Hailey, Brent, Rory, and Troy sat at one of the outside tables.

  “Isn’t it nice out here?” Rory asked.

  “I think it’s too hot. We should sit inside,” Troy replied.

  “I’m okay. It’s cold most of the year, so when I can sit out and eat, I enjoy it.” Rory tossed her hair over her shoulder.

  “I think it’s perfect,” Hailey said as she reached for the glass of water the busser placed in front of her.

  “Works for me.” Brent smiled broadly at Hailey.

  “I guess the majority wins on this one.” Hailey chuckled when Troy stared sourly at her.

  After they placed their orders, they chatted about the restaurant and the upcoming summer; there was an excitement in the town since the winter had been so bitterly cold.

  “It’ll probably rain and ruin most of the summer,” Troy said as he placed a generous portion of the antipasto on his plate.

  Rory’s face fell. “Oh don’t say that. It has to be a perfect summer. I was so cold all winter that the only thing that kept me going was knowing summer was coming.”

  “Just saying. You know how it goes around here. Remember a few summers ago when it rained and hailed most of the time?”

  Changing the subject, Hailey interjected, “Rory and I are planning to have a pool party.”

  “You have a pool?” Brent asked.

  “My aunt does. I’m staying at her house while she rehabs.”

  “If it’s lightning, we may all fry in your pool,” Troy said.

  “Troy!” Rory poked his arm.

  “If we go swimming while it’s lightning, then we deserve to be torched,” Hailey said. Brent guffawed and Troy glared at her.

  Halfway through her pasta carbonara, Hailey excused herself to go to the ladies’ room. The truth was she had to take a break from the doomsayer. Troy was driving her crazy. She fluffed her hair and reapplied her apricot lipstick. Rory always saw the world through rose-colored glasses, so how she put up with Mr. Downer was beyond Hailey’s comprehension. She knew her snippy remarks to Troy’s doom and gloom were starting to irritate him big-time. Rory had thrown her “the look” several times, and she was trying to be good, but Troy was grating on her nerves big time.

  The way Brent was playing the peacemaker was also picking at her. She had to admit that, other than his conciliatory gestures, he was an okay date. He was considerate, attentive, and agreeable—in other words, vapid as hell. He didn’t excite her one iota.

  Cringing when she anticipated Rory’s chagrin over her assessment of Brent, Hailey pulled down her black skirt and headed to the door. Brent seems like Rory’s type. I’m surprised they’re not going out.

  She stepped into the hallway and slammed right into someone. “I’m so sorry,” she gushed as she stepped back.

  “That’s okay. How are you?”

  That voice. I know it. She looked up into the eyes of the tattoo artist. Her stomach turned over, her pulse raced, and the hallway became a lot smaller. “It’s you.”

  His smile revealed white, straight teeth, making him more handsome. “Yeah. It’s me.”

  “Are you here with a date?” The minute the question spilled out of her mouth she wanted to take it back. Why the fuck did I ask that? I sound like a desperate moron.

  “No. Are you?” He leaned in to her as a woman came down the hall.

  “I am. Blind date.” Her lips twitched and she looked away. The scent of soap, leather, and fine whiskey looped around her, making her light-headed. Heat radiated from him as he pressed closer to her. She leaned against the wall and he placed his hand on it, his toned arm inches from her. Glancing sideways, she saw his tattoos curling and twisting around his magnificent bicep. Tempted to run her tongue over his taut skin, she bit on the inside of her bottom lip.

  “And how’s that going?” His tone was low, velvety in its richness. It slid over her, landing right between her legs.

  She shifted to her position. “Okay.”

  “That’s good. How’s your tattoo doing?” His warm breath fanned over her face.


  For a few seconds, their gazes locked with each other’s; then he turned his head and bent down further. Parting her lips, she raised her head slightly. Her heart beat wildly and everything around her disappeared except for him. Raw, male sex exuded from him and, without thinking, she placed her hand on his hip. He came closer and she felt her lips sparking in anticipation of his kiss.

  “What’re you doing, Hay?” Rory’s voice came crashing in, shattering the moment.

  He pulled away and stepped back, and she groaned in frustration. He threw her a half smile and winked at her, then sauntered away.

  “Wasn’t that the guy who gave you the tattoo? What were you doing with him?” Hailey watched as he disappeared around the corner. “Brent was wondering what was taking you so long, so I came to find you. You do know you’re on a date with Brent, right?”

  Hailey focused her attention on Rory. “Don’t lecture me, okay? I just bumped into him, literally, when I came out of the bathroom. No big deal. Let’s go back to the table.”

  “It looked like you guys were going to kiss.” Rory walked behind her.

  “Well, looks can be de
ceiving.” Hailey made her way through the restaurant, her gaze darting around, but she didn’t see him.

  For the rest of the night, she couldn’t rid him from her mind. Every time Brent would brush against her or place his hand over hers, she wished he were the tattoo artist. The blond-haired man with the drool-worthy body tempted her, teased her, and made her want him. She’d never had a reaction to a man like she had with him. She wanted to rip his clothes off, kiss and touch every inch of him, climb on top of him and ride him to ecstasy. She wanted his lips on her skin, licking her and making her come over and over. Hailey crossed her legs and shifted in the chair; just thinking about him aroused her.

  After paying their bill, Rory suggested they go to a bar to continue the evening. Brent readily agreed, while Troy grumbled about it, and Hailey wished she could go home.

  “Let’s go to Rocky Top. They always have great drink specials,” Brent suggested.

  “That’s a good idea,” Rory said as she grasped Troy’s arm and snuggled next to him.

  “We can’t stay too late because I have an early morning meeting,” Troy said with a frown.

  Rory smiled. “It’s still early. We’ll only have a couple of drinks.”

  The quartet walked down the block and entered the bar. It wasn’t very crowded and they found a booth by the window. Pop songs played overhead as they placed their order with the waitress.

  After a few minutes, Brent scooted closer to Hailey and put his arm around her. “You doing good? You’ve been quiet ever since you came back from the ladies’ room,” Brent said.

  Rory threw her a warning stare. Hailey stirred her drink. “I guess I’m just tired. The shop’s been so busy.”

  Taking her hand in his, he squeezed it. “I know how that goes.”

  “And it’s the damn heat. You probably got overheated at the restaurant, and now it’s freezing cold in this bar. It’s not good for your body to go from one drastic temperature change to the next.” Troy brought his bourbon and seven to his lips.

  “I don’t think that’s it. Hailey’s been running the floral shop and going back and forth to the rehab center to see her aunt. That can be exhausting. And she’s at the shop six days a week,” Rory said.

  Hailey nodded, but her mind wasn’t on the conversation—it was on the sexy guy’s mouth sucking her nipples while his fingers dove into her. “Oh.” The small moan escaped through her lips, and heat rose up her neck as all three of them stared at her. If she wasn’t so mortified, she’d have busted out laughing over Rory’s tight-assed expression. She gulped her vodka tonic, then picked up her purse.

  “Ladies’ room?” Rory said tensely.

  She shook her head. “Home. I’m really tired, and I have to open the shop in the morning.” She pushed her chair back. “I had a really nice time. Thanks.” Smiling at Brent, she stood up.

  He jumped to his feet. “Are you sure you don’t want to stay out a little longer?”

  “I’m sure. Thanks for dinner.”

  “I’ll walk you to your car.”

  Ignoring Rory’s disapproving look, she walked out of the bar with Brent at her heels. When she got to her car, he gently turned her around. Staring into her eyes, he said, “I had a great time. I’d like to see you again.”

  Dread weaved up her spine. I hate this part. He’s a nice-enough guy. “I’m so busy right now.”

  “Lunch, coffee, a quick drink. We can even agree that we’ll only go out for an hour. I’m pretty flexible. I just want to see you again.”

  Shit. “Okay. Give me a call and I can see what my schedule looks like.” Chicken.

  Brent’s eyes lit up. “Great. I will.” He leaned in for a kiss, but she turned away and his lips landed on her cheek.

  She pulled away and opened her door. “I’ve gotta go. Thanks again.”

  “I’ll call you,” he said as she pulled away, and she didn’t doubt for a minute that he would.

  On the way home, she took a detour past the tattoo shop. As she approached the parlor, she saw three men standing outside. Slowing down, her breath caught when she saw him. Without thinking, she pulled into a parking space and shut off the engine. Gripping the steering wheel, she took several deep breaths. This is insane. I need to go home. Right now. Looking in her rearview mirror, she saw him talking with two other buffed men who were dressed similarly in jeans and leather vests. He took a drag on what she thought was a joint and exhaled, wisps of smoke floating around him. As if sensing something, he turned in her direction.

  With her insides quivering, she switched on the ignition and drove away.

  By the time she arrived at her house, she’d calmed down. Grateful that she hadn’t made an ass of herself, she parked in the garage off the alley and walked through the yard. Inside, she changed into her cotton nightshirt, poured a glass of wine, and curled up in one of the cushy chairs in the sun-room.

  There was a full, bright moon, and glimmering stars freckled the ebony sky. As she sipped her wine, images of him played out in her mind. She knew she wouldn’t get much sleep that night, her mind too active with thoughts of him. I should stop all this nonsense and try to find someone best suited for me. Brent wasn’t her type, but she figured there must be someone in Alina who was and wouldn’t be a heartbreaker.

  Maybe I need to just forget all this and concentrate on the shop and Aunt Patty. If someone is meant for me, we’ll find each other. She laughed. Now I’m beginning to sound like Rory.

  The truth was things didn’t turn out like the storybooks. Many jerks had confirmed that for her.

  She took another sip of wine.

  Yeah. It was going to be a long night.

  Chapter Five

  Sitting in his pickup truck a couple houses down from where Hailey lived, Goldie lit a joint and took a long drag. He’d been parked watching her house for the past half hour. It pissed him off to no end that he was doing it, yet he was still there. What he hoped to see was beyond him. I’m nothing but a damn stalker wanting a glimpse of Hailey. This is so fucked.

  Ever since the previous night when he’d almost kissed her in the hallway at Chianti’s, he’d been obsessing over her. She hadn’t made it easy on him when she drove by his shop and parked nearby. He’d thought for sure she was going to change her mind as he watched her sitting in her Buick, but when she’d pulled away, he regretted not going over to her. He wanted just one taste of her lips, then he’d move on and forget about her. He could do that. He’d done it with all the women in his life. Some of the chicks made an impression on him, but not enough for him to stick around too long. Leaving women didn’t even make him break out in a sweat, so he had no doubt he could forget Hailey in the sweet embrace of another chick with chestnut brown hair.

  Scrubbing a hand down his face, he dragged his fingers to the back of his neck and rubbed it hard. I’m done with this shit. He sat up straight and grabbed the key in the ignition. Just before he turned it, Hailey walked down the porch stairs, beyond sexy in her shorts and halter top. Staring at the way her hips swayed while she walked across the grass, he readjusted his jeans and leaned his head back against the head rest.

  Hailey bent over and her shorts rode up a bit, showing the crease right below her butt cheeks. How well I know your ass. Straightening up, Goldie saw a bunch of weeds clutched in her hand. She walked over to the sidewalk and picked up the newspaper, then went back into the house.

  He’d sat out in his truck for forty minutes in the hot sun for a five-minute glimpse of her. The brothers would be all over me about this. And they’d be right. I’m acting like a goddamn pussy. This shit stops now. Turning the key in the ignition, the blue pickup growled as Goldie pulled away from the curb, heading back to the clubhouse.

  When he walked inside, a blast of cool air hit him. He went straight to the bar where a frothy glass of beer waited for him. Tilting his head back, he guzzled it down.

  “Damn hot out there,” Army said as he wiped the sweat dripping down his face. The prospect behind the bar placed
a mug of beer in front of him.

  “Damn straight. What’s going on at Lust?”

  “Not much. Good crowds on the weekends. Lately we’ve been getting the suit-and-tie rush around four on Wednesdays and Thursdays. Guess all the suits want to get their stripper fix before they go home to their wives.”

  “Does Fiona still work there?”

  “Yeah. She was asking about you. What happened? You had a major boner for her, but I haven’t seen you around for a while.”

  “I’ve been busy. Steel had me helping out at Skid Marks for a while, which was a major pain in the ass. I was busting my ass between the bike shop and the tattoo parlor. Glad that shit’s done.” Goldie picked up the new beer Ruger put in front of him.

  “Maybe you can come by this weekend. We got a few new strippers who are real hot. Fiona’s working on Saturday.”

  “Saturday’s a bitch at Get Inked. Besides, we can’t fuck the help. Steel and Paco remind us of that at least once a month.”

  “Looking’s good too. Fiona has a new number that’s driving all the guys crazy. How’re the women who come into the shop to get inked? Any hot ones you’ve hooked up with?”

  “I don’t really look at them that way. If I did, I’d fuck up their ink.”

  “Bullshit. You’re always checking out women. You’re giving me a load of shit, which probably means you’ve either fucked a customer or are getting ready to do it.”

  “Neither, dude. I don’t like to mix business with pleasure. So, how’d the double date turn out with your squeeze and her roommate? Did the chick go for Chains?”


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