GOLDIE: Night Rebels Motorcycle Club (Night Rebels MC Romance Book 4)

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GOLDIE: Night Rebels Motorcycle Club (Night Rebels MC Romance Book 4) Page 27

by Chiah Wilder

  When he entered the room, he saw Hailey sitting rigidly, her smile tight and her eyes pleading with him. He had no idea what they were pleading for until the man sitting with his back to Goldie turned around. Ryan. Fuck!

  Ryan leapt up, his eyes darting from Hailey to Goldie. He scanned over Goldie’s bare chest and feet, then Hailey’s short robe, realization spreading across his face. “You bastard! You’re screwing my sister?”

  “Ryan, it’s not what it seems,” Goldie said as he took a couple of steps toward Ryan.

  “There are a ton of women to fuck and you chose Hailey? You asshole!” Ryan swung and belted Goldie in the jaw.

  “Ryan! Stop!” Hailey cried.

  Goldie stepped back. When Ryan came for another punch, Goldie caught his fist. “I deserved the first one.” Ryan slammed his other fist into Goldie’s side. “Fuckin’ stop, bro, or we’re gonna do shit to each other we’ll regret.”

  “I’m not going to regret anything. I’m going to beat your ass for touching Hailey.” Ryan went for another punch, but that time Goldie blocked it.

  Hailey ran over and tried to pull her brother away. “Ryan, stop it. Please. Stop. Goldie didn’t do anything I didn’t want.”

  Ryan stopped and turned to her. “You don’t know what you want. He took advantage of you. I’m not blaming you. He should’ve known better.”

  “I’m not a child anymore. I hate when you treat me like one. How do you know what I want? You’ve been away for the last four years. Give me some credit for making my own decisions.”

  “I warned you to stay away from him. He fucks anyone with boobs. Do you really think you’re special to him? There are women at the clubhouse who are only there to service the men. Is that the type of guy you want? Is that how Mom and Dad raised you? What do you think they’d say?”

  “That they’re happy for me. I told them when I went home for a visit last week. They were cool with it. You’re overreacting.”

  Goldie came over to Hailey and grasped her hand. “I didn’t mean for this to happen. I fought it for a while, and so did Hailey, but what we have is too strong. I’ll treat Hailey right. I love her.”

  “Love?” Ryan laughed dryly. “You don’t even know what that means. I know you. Don’t forget that.”

  “I love him too,” Hailey said.

  A strained silence stretched between the three of them. Ryan went to the door. “You’re still my sister, and I love you, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to accept this. And you,” he said, pointing at Goldie, “are dead to me.” Then he marched out of the house, slamming the door behind him.

  Goldie and Hailey stared at the closed door, and then he pulled her to him and kissed her. “Fuck, I’m sorry I messed up your relationship with Ryan.”

  “Don’t take the blame for this, and don’t run away from me.” Tears rolled down her sun-kissed cheeks.

  Wiping the wet streaks with his thumb, he shook his head. “I’d never run away from you. I’m sorry I didn’t keep my ass upstairs, but it was a matter of time before something like this happened. I should’ve told him. This will be hard for you, but I’m staying for the long haul. I’ve never told a woman I loved her.”

  “It’ll be okay between Ryan and me. He’s just really pissed. I hope he comes around with you. I didn’t want to break up your friendship.”

  “You didn’t. We both knew what we were doing, and we wanted it. I don’t have any regrets except that we didn’t handle it right from the get-go. But that’s in the past and we can’t change it. I hope you’re strong enough to see this through.”

  She squeezed him hard. “Of course I am. I’m not leaving you. I’ve wanted you my whole life, and I’m not walking away from that. Finding a person who fits with you, gets you, loves you, and a million other things is rare. We were meant to be together.”

  “Then let’s do it. You should spend some time with Ryan. I’ll hang at the clubhouse for a few days. You need to be good with him before he goes back to Afghanistan.”

  She nodded and glanced down at her phone. “I got a text. I didn’t hear it.” She read the message and grimaced.

  “Who’s it from?”

  “My aunt Patty. She sent it twenty minutes before Ryan came, telling me Ryan’s in town and wanted to surprise me.”

  “He fuckin’ did that,” Goldie said.

  “No shit. She wanted to give me a heads-up in case you were with me.”

  “Would’ve helped if we hadn’t slept through the text.”

  “Yeah. I guess it was just meant to be. I’m going to see my aunt. I want to find out where Ryan’s staying. I’m sure he was expecting to stay here.”

  “Let him. We can meet somewhere else.”

  Hailey smiled. “You’re the best. Are you going back to the rally?”

  He nodded. “I’ll text you later. If you need something, let me know.”

  “I love you, Goldie.”

  “And I fuckin’ love you, Hailey.” They kissed, then went upstairs to get ready for the day.

  As Goldie rode to the rally, his gut was all twisted in knots. He and Ryan had been friends for almost twenty-five years. The man was like a brother to him, and when Ryan told him their friendship was over, it had stabbed him in the gut. He acted cool about it because of Hailey, but he hoped that once Ryan cooled off and saw that he was sincere with Hailey, his anger would dissipate. If it didn’t, then it was over. But one thing he was certain of: he’d never leave Hailey.

  She was his heart, his blood, his bones. She was his life.

  Chapter Thirty-Eight

  The flower shop was bustling with people when Hailey rushed in with an iced chai in one hand and a bag of ribbons in the other. Her hectic life hadn’t let up for one moment, even with Ryan back in Afghanistan. He’d been in the States for a ten-day leave, and she was happy that they had mended things before he left. Of course, he hadn’t come around all of a sudden and embraced her and Goldie’s relationship—that was the stuff of romance movies. Basically they just ignored the whole thing. She went along with it because his time at home was too short, and if something happened to him overseas, she’d die from guilt and grief.

  Unfortunately, he didn’t reach out to Goldie, and even though Goldie told her it was the way life went, she knew he was hurt by the loss of the friendship. The only hope she had was that, in time, Ryan would see what a wonderful boyfriend Goldie was and that he’d changed. Only time would tell.

  “Hailey, I’m glad you’re here. We’re slammed. And we’re out of the rose-patterned tea cups. Some lady wants six dozen for a charity luncheon she’s chairing.”

  “Okay. Did you write all of that down, because I probably won’t remember that by the end of the day.”

  “Yes. Is your brother still in town?”

  “He left a few days ago. I miss him already. He said he’s going to take the rest of his leave at Christmas. I hope it works out. The last few years it’s been canceled.”

  As Hailey waited on customers, Sheriff Wexler walked in. He smiled and nodded at her and she waved at him.

  “Carol, can you finish with this customer, please?” Hailey asked as she made her way over to the lawman. “What brings you into the shop?”

  “I need some flowers for a dinner party,” he replied.

  “Is it a formal or informal dinner party?”

  “Actually it’s just me and this lady friend of mine. I wanted to bring a nice arrangement to her.” Wexler gave a half smile.

  “Is this someone you’re very interested in? The beginning of something, perhaps, or just a friend? And before you think I’m being nosy, all of that matters when picking the right flowers.”

  He shuffled his feet a bit. “I didn’t realize it was that complicated.”

  “Flowers hold messages. The wrong flower, the wrong message. Like if you gave red roses to a woman you only liked as a friend. Wrong message.”

  Nodding, he looked inside the case of premade floral arrangements. “I’d say it’s someone I want to
get to know a lot better.”

  “Perfect. First date?”


  “Great. We’ll start with what flowers she has in her garden and what her favorite color is. By getting something specific, you’ll show her that you remember things about her, and she’ll love the flowers since she has them in her own garden. Providing she has one, of course.”

  “Sounds good. I know purple is her favorite color, and she loves tulips and hydrangeas.”

  “Excellent. Do you know how many men don’t know that about the women they’re with?” She laughed and went to the cooler to gather the flowers and some greens. As she started putting flowers into a vase, she said, “The paper’s been printing that Dan Krutcher is also the serial rapist. I can’t believe I was in the same room with him all those times. You never know what goes on in a person’s mind.”

  “That’s the truth. We’ve officially charged him with the murders at Cherry Vale and, once the DNA results come back, probably the rapes as well.”

  “I wonder what his poor wife is going through. Can you imagine finding that out about your husband?”

  “I heard she’s taking the kids and moving back to her hometown in Illinois.”

  “I just can’t imagine it.” She added one last sprig of greenery and turned the arrangement to face the sheriff. “How do you like it?” The vase contained a beautiful and colorful assortment of flowers, greens, and ribbons.

  A wide smile spread over Wexler’s face. “She’ll like that a lot. It’s very nice.”

  After she rang him up and gave him his change, she said, “When you have a chance, pop in and let me know how she liked it.”

  “Will do.”

  The rest of the day was a blur as Hailey and the other employees worked relentlessly. When six o’clock came, Ellie quickly flipped the “Open” sign to “Closed” and pulled down the shades. “My feet are killing me,” she said as she came behind the counter.

  “I never thought the day would end,” Carol added.

  “I can’t believe how busy we were. It was too crazy. Let’s hope tomorrow isn’t as bad,” Hailey said.

  “Aren’t you taking off?” Ellie asked as Hailey settled on the stool in front of the computer.

  “Not yet. I didn’t have any time today to order all the stuff we’re out of, including the tea cups for Mrs. Spencer’s charity luncheon. And I have to go through dozens of e-mails and sift out the urgent ones from the not-so-urgent.”

  “Do you need any help?” Ellie asked in a small voice.

  Hailey smiled; she knew Ellie would be crushed if she said yes. “Go. I’m good.”

  The two women left and Hailey began punching in the inventory numbers. When she was halfway through, her phone pinged. When she saw Goldie’s name, her stomach fluttered. I hope I’ll always be this excited when I see or hear from him.

  Goldie: Let’s get dinner.

  Hailey: I can go @ 10.

  Goldie: WTF? U still at shop?

  Hailey: Ya. Crazy day. Have 2 finish some work. Maybe 9:30?

  Goldie: 9:30’s better. U want me 2 pick u up?

  Hailey: Ur sweet, but I’m good. Feel like Mexican. Alfonso’s?

  Goldie: It closes @ 9. Leroy’s the best bet.

  Hailey: K. See u @ 9:30. ♥ u.

  Goldie: Me too.

  Happy that she’d see Goldie in a couple of hours, she rubbed her shoulders, stretched out her neck, and returned to the computer.

  * * *

  Goldie washed up, glad his last appointment of the day was over. He shook out his hands and clenched and unclenched his fingers many times. I need a good workout. Sitting for hours at a time, hunched over while tattooing someone made his muscles stiffer than a board. He normally worked out five to six times a week, but he’d gotten off his schedule since he started seeing Hailey. Deciding he had to get back to his routine, he chose to go to the clubhouse before meeting up with her for dinner.

  The clubhouse had a full gym in the basement, including a small boxing rink. Most of the brothers took advantage of it, and sometimes they would stage fights between themselves. He loved getting into the rink and punching a worthy opponent, especially after a stress-filled day.

  Ryan had left without a word to him. He hadn’t seen him since that fateful day when his friend found out about his relationship with Hailey. Goldie had hoped that at least they could’ve talked, but Ryan never returned his texts or his phone calls. He’d let it go, but the sting of Ryan giving up their friendship started to anger him. Ryan acted like Goldie wasn’t good enough for Hailey, like he was a piece of shit. He supposed that’s what hurt the most, the way Ryan abhorred the idea of Hailey with him. Fuck it. As long as he and Hailey were good with each other, nothing else mattered.

  Walking into the clubhouse, he shook his head at Patches, who had started filling a shot glass. Then he went downstairs and began his workout.

  An hour later, he came out of the shower and put on a clean T-shirt and pair of jeans. He glanced at his phone to check if he missed any texts from Hailey. Seeing that he had a little bit of time before he met up with her, he went to the main room and took the shot Patches poured for him. The smokiness of the smooth whiskey tasted good, and it warmed his belly. He motioned for another.

  “We’re getting a poker game together. You in?” Brutus asked.

  “No, I’m meeting Hailey soon. Another time.”

  “You’re never around here, dude,” Skull said.

  Goldie smirked. “Do you miss me?

  Skull punched his arm and sat on one of the barstools.

  “We miss you,” Ruby said from the couch. “All of you.” She placed her finger in her mouth and pushed it in and out.

  Goldie laughed. “You got plenty of that with the brothers. One less cock doesn’t mean that much.”

  “It does when it’s yours,” Fina said as she pressed her breasts together and bent down low.

  “Fuck!” Brutus said as the brothers in the main room whistled.

  “Give us a dance and show us your big tits, sweet butt.” Army said as he laid down his pool cue and came over to Goldie and the others.

  In a flash, the TV was muted and the jukebox blared out “Pour Some Sugar On Me” as Fina started moving seductively. Not to be outshined, Ruby jumped up and joined her, and the men hooted and whistled. Goldie watched as the women ran their hands over their bodies. From the corner of his eye, he saw Diablo come in. The sergeant-at-arms glanced over at the women, then back at Goldie as he came over to the bar.

  “I got the list of names from Dog. You wanna see them?”

  Goldie looked away from Fina and Ruby playing with their tits. “For the eagle ornament?” Diablo nodded. “Yeah. Let’s go to the church room.”

  Inside the meeting room, Diablo handed him ten pages. “I looked through them, but I’m not sure what I’m looking for.”

  “Any name we recognize, the vehicle, and whatever shit they have in their records. That chick Army’s fucking at the sheriff’s office said they hardly have any evidence in the rape cases. They know it’s that fuckin’ Krutcher, but they don’t have much to convict him. She said his car matched a witness’s description, but they didn’t find any hood ornament.”

  “He probably took it off,” Diablo said.

  “That’s what I’m thinking. If we can get proof he bought one, it’ll help put him away without any shit about being a nutcase. I just want to nail his ass any way I can.”

  “I can see that. Helping the badges with their case isn’t like you.”

  “If the fucker wasn’t in custody, he’d already be in a grave.” Goldie picked up the document and started going through the names. On the last page, he paused.

  “See something?”

  Unblinking, he nodded slowly. Fuck! “I gotta go, and I need you, Army, Skull, Brutus, and Eagle with me. Fuck!”

  “I’m in. I’ll go round up the others.”

  Goldie called Hailey, but it went straight to voice mail. “Shit!” He sent
her a text but nothing came back. Then he called the floral shop, but once again voice mail picked up. Cursing under his breath, he ran out to the main room and saw his brothers waiting. A gamut of feelings flashed through him as he saw the five brothers staring at him, in their cuts and packing their Glocks staring at him. This is why I fuckin’ love the brotherhood. Jerking his chin at them, Diablo opened the door and they all went outside.

  Soon the Night Rebels were flying out of the parking lot. I gotta make sure she’s safe. I got a bad feeling. Shit! I let my damn guard down. As the wind stung his eyes, he pressed on, all his thoughts on Hailey.

  He couldn’t lose her.

  Chapter Thirty-Nine

  Hailey stretched her arms and turned off the computer, having called it quits when black spots floated on her screen. Glancing at the clock, she knew she’d be a little early for dinner, so she’d take the time to stretch out her legs and stare idly at nothing until Goldie came. She looked at her dark screen and cursed her stupidity at forgetting to bring her charger. Maybe it’s a good thing. That damn phone’s attached to my hip. I need the break. Her brain was mush. All she wanted was to relax, talk to Goldie, then snuggle next to him and sleep. She was so exhausted.

  After she locked the shop, she walked over to her car that was near the park. She laughed as she remembered how freaked out she was that night when she saw that man coming out of the bushes. I’m positive it was Dan. I still can’t believe what a psycho he turned out to be. I’m so glad Goldie caught him.

  She opened the trunk of her car and put her briefcase in it. When she shut the trunk, she thought she saw something.

  A dark shadow disappearing behind the trees.

  Silly. She had to stop parking by the park.

  Shaking her head, she went to her car door.


  Something made her uneasy, and waves of cold washed over her. She pushed on the remote and her door unlocked, her headlights beaming.


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